PAGE EIGHT THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, June 15, 1Q20 IjOCAL xews items Frank Glasscock was in from JOightmilo Tuesday. D. O. Hall wks? la Heppner from Newberg early last Track. Mat Hcaly started hi.i ohecp to the mountains a few days ago. Tom Matlock was down from his Hinton creek ranch Wednesday. J. I). Brown of Portland was a visitor here during the week. Mrs. A. C, Smith, of Portland, is the house guest of Mrs. Emmett Cochran this week. Ed Neill, well known sheepman of ISutter creek was in town during the week on business. Wilbur Browning of Toppenish, "Washington, was a visitor here last week. Ralph Adkins, wheatgrower of the Butter creek country was a visitor here the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Chapman of Ijmg creek were in town last week with a load of wool. Charles Jones, Heppncr Flat farm er was In town Friday attending the funeral of Mrs. Emmett Jones. WANTED 2 or 3 nicely furnished housekeeping rooms by refined couple (no children). Address ' ML Hoehmer, care of Herald ofllce Art Finley was in from Sand Hol low during the week and was look ing mighty cheerful over the crop prospect In Iub neighborhood. John Curran, well known sheen- man of Sand country, was here dur ing the week getting ready for the mountains. H. M. Cummings, who was form erly cashier of the Bank of lone, now engaged in the Insurance business, was a visitor hero Thursday. I! j I Calling your Attention to 8 "BEAU BRUMMEL" SHIRTS 1 1 III! srt fTfcl l YOU MAY ill! A marriage license was Issued on Suturduy to Mr. Hay M. Taylor and Miss I,oa E. Ilrlggs, both of this city. Petersen & McCtilly, of Eugene, liave iiotillcd the Commercial club that they are In the commercial air plane business and solicit a contract with llippncr for a visit to this city. Mrs. Herman Drlscoll, who ncent ly underwent an operation for a:pen incltls at the Mooie hospital, is re i revering ruplilly and will won In1 utile to I clu; n to hei home. Mrs. V. Nal left Monday for her home ill (Ink land, Oregon, hnvim; been called here by the serious Ill ness of her father, A. II. McFcrrin who Ik now improving nlowly. of Mrs. Chan. Soiber, of Wanhoiigal. Wellington, and Mm. J. E. Uiwii'iicc Portland, mother and sister of Mrw. Gay Anderson arrived Thurs day for a k ' visit with the An demon fuiully. .Mir. Kay Moore has roeovrtvi from an operation to which she re rilitly HUbnuttcd and In Hgilln In charge of attaint at the Moore hort pltal. lulling her lllm-K Mis. Whit t'U i Inti i'iled the hospital work. I'.il Aill.nii, who l operating 11 worn! i.tmp on upper Willow en i k In All lilult to ! apply Heppner people Willi lone inwii furl. Miys the re rent liev i.ims have will nu ll iiuole thi en ;n! iit.u; Pi p.ii--..lde lor lirwy hauling 'llnoo ttl'n M.llod I lie I'll, lilt. l'lllu 1j t tv.lin: -peak III li'fln'l tetlllK lit thr I'll I e I ,' i II ttl I'll I lltl.oileil iv II ki Guidon. Impel senator uud the It'iH .m li .lb' illal tel to. The i ll ti i'i" i in all promise to be ut blrli mi ' it il H in it the i l k. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED OUR NEW SPRING AND SUMMER DRESS SHIRTS AND ARE SHOWING AN ASSORTMENT OF PRETTY PATTERNS THAT IS CER TAINLY WORTH YOUR INSPECTION. . SHOWN IN SILKS, SILK STRIPES, MADRAS AND PERCALE You have good reason for wearing "BEAU BRUMMEL" SHIRTS They fit : The shoulders are rightly proportioned the sleeves and cuffs are tailored for Style and Comfort in fact it is a nru oiiidt van nrai a ivlRl oiiiru run hcal m HAVE THEM PLAIN, FANCY, OR EXTRA FANCY COME AND SEE MINORCaCO. Heppner, Ore. merrlal club regarding the pre posed drive for a promotion fund of $4jIUi0 the Mate chamber propose to raise In Oregon within the neit settled In an apartmnt they will be Joined by Mr. Clark and Majory and the family will have an their gueiiui during Shrine week Mr. Clark'i thrive brother w ho reside In Canada. Dun Stnlter, president and general manager of the Mayflower Mine. In II. il." Mil' was III lull 1 V' .1 . a fill IrlU'i ts ttl fmily la lu'il lite IIIMir.Ulre pleipt Mr. and Mm. C. I.. Wooilard and Utile Hon Hun. and Mis. Win. Tracy, left Monday morning for their home In ShoKhotie, Wyoming. II. W. Gaunt aci oinp.inli d the party an far an Spo. i couple of month" kune on his way to Montana for the ! sheeting ne.iMin. ! Pi ter Curran, foreman on the John Shrtldan eiitute ranch, of which W. t:i ilioily saya that whi n the t'. Mahimcy la administrator, left jrin- th Greenhorn disttlrt, has gone to John lay piojecl la nil under li rig.i- ' let day for the summer range with the mine for the aummer and r iioii il.e wheat bill of the comity, not the Sheiidan sheep He will upend j pecta to have a large amount f de an, lit liiiLation will ret mote mln- thc Siii.iiinr near Whitney, linker vrlopment of done duilng the i iiutit. : nummer. i tie tunnel la now in more I than Boo feet and the In'entlon In to ! moke an effort to block out the work John Kilkenny waa In town rrl-',h . deten.iln.. Ju-t how day trying to dimmer the difference mut.h of nt afr hr h(l B(lW , between receipt nnd rlpetidlturea j in tin' sheep business. Itn Mentally Juhii tnii.t for Hi Jnhn n becnuln. ii ii nd con-eumtitly bl,ter ciops. uie. Just notice the rffiit Hie in I'.iniiiliini of the dlstilct and! one cmiil sized picnic In having on the coiiiitty tlis e:.r. fornla but after reaching nouthein Oregon decldi-d that ou account of the gasoline shortage they would rut out that part of their trip until an (.(her aeanon. lllli i ll'USTI ( III P.( II Mini X In t ttie 1 I ft li.tsl'.W Ii I, ill I'l.MI'l in I : in il, II f. . .l.i .t. .... I ...H .!. ..I. , iwhu have been upending the winter i n ir.ianu nionni i:,im nme in noiilliein California, trim tied In " ' lleppllel Thllisil.iv I'Vellltll! Ch.llb'S HalU li !. : l tot t.i i . .l thi . Sunday, w In 1 .' 1! i Mlei t'le s. wiik l .r il a liM.k in in any liame if that Is tumid. P k I .il fie .' ! I nn, T' i : i.ii.i i in t r. t. I' i, 1 n i I . M. I' ' ! i..n i To -. M r a p. i i i..-t it p. ' i!.n al a law . i e II' ; 're v. . i'Ii i r ,n i i ! Ii li In lens f i ' it il. in Win .! l -t e h 1 I . I I .1 I I i I in il del In li'.iaiv yur at l' j i!l t'i'tii Oie niin.iuer i ,:u. M and Mi V ' I: I I I' T M..ui.!er. npiiMiiting He 'tale Cluii Her if Conm t ire, was In 'II''"'" 1 ' i'-'l i ettninii nrftr- f,' Willi a run. nutter of tti Com- V tl- 1 sl.l' lit ' t ii." Mi ,ii. t - a ' " -r .! J I ! a ' f ' v .1 to f..,., I '' i up I" 1 e s-.T-le . 4.' . a C-.a-l . I Mr. and Mrs, Joe kiUun and daiirhtif weii In tuwn V.nln-.,iy looming on a nlmppint dip trying out a new rar Mr r.Vi-l"ti ren-ntly piri-hd. Mr and Mrs. KskiNott teeently retntnitl luen Taeuna. Vhmttn. wi-.eie te e!,. r.;;:,4 wtils ai'o Ii) tlits' ims iil hfs an l tl ..i h ! ! - t ',.- J W 1" M . !! i" . a ' t ? M ! k ' n. ' l.Jed w :t'i t. -.1 pp..! k II i n i C e '!' '! n w I'l ".en, Sunday. Jun Irt, li:o I!. tile school at 10 o'clor a. m. Co iinienlon ervlr and pleaching at !l o'rloik; the tnnrnlng talk will lor.Mit of a rcpott of 1he niitrlrt C'ltvtntion being held at Teuilli tun thin we. k. Christian Endeavor merlin M 7 p. in. find preaching at 1 p. ni. Thm addrrsi will embody Dr. MeMurtry'i HOHSi:s ASTHAY. IH WAIU). Kftrayed from near Poardman, Oregon. 1 black gelding, three year old with one wh.te hind foot and oue black mare with one front and on hind white foot. I'.oth branded with hatchet on right ntifle. Ki ward. No tify J. A. Howell. Ilourdtnan. Oie "- I sHI() Alll.K Ii:K.snMAKI.U ItenindellDC and Laille Ta.lorlng. Mm. Curren. Church atreet. J Ttl One rrgliterei! perrheroo (tallloD. For full Information lniulr of or psali.t. matter of Intense titeit riu l Walter Hood, Heppner, Ore- i tn every lllhle student. Kvere one j Is roti,;iy I in 1 1 i'i to attend til of (till"" IV'.ieil, a H'l'l at Welrone a- iViaiU ' U i W. O I.iv;rj''..ii, Mo -r win r tiiimii too i r. .1 a i on mi i: One i;.fno M' Cut tnli k Header la loud condition. Two good dmpem 'r v,i !,,., ( r,.,p,.n,. '.lie ( Ulties. A. '.V. G A MM ILL. r 'f I.'A'ni ton rg oft ' In Sit I Ms l.egilr C.e j!i ! tap t , ; I .,! !e had a , a liMff tri.Mi .r il.n.M t. j-t ' ei ! i i.u .'.:. .i.i. ' p An. . i . si. w i il'i n e' K ; i h i Tallr. sj n that ph and S-et h is. M I' rla k ni-1 ii.iiiiihter. ,. ie ain a Be lup The An. Muy t'Utk, w. rt to I'mllartl , driven' left here a wt k i" for Mr l i- i'iv h- t,iy tn spend j Anders.. n' nil hei..e In .. t D- i i, i ,il snU f ii a nine mu! a'tet kuta. for a momha visit with his j I'm jfl.iini'.' ii tmg After ettiB I tent. They titrtrd to go l Call- .' I 1. Co .1 n , ) i'Ii ! .. r !.') - .1 ! , ! t is i , I r,i to !!. ro roml r.d he Is w -t. ty'iie tf'4t st;.r.s 'irip. fur tin ri. .r t! ( ihf.' t''k-'iwy Il it ht'e a fell. to do J,.r a?k. '"i ne lite in a nunt? wfi.te the !ti.,n r! at niy t "ace at s. ; is a foil. i;e c It in in that jtrinc. ANo Jm. Mt. hrlt liiiMii'i'M n a in t n ti e a f.'t t.f lot. oie V J'.'.ii I'.iy Ii,.ip a No. a l,.t .rk s:,i. I i:.i"',..m Ait'i!f.-i.iie K-dak. lit. .1 si.. s.i fal tvl jdef n..! ry W, o. K n.-. U..(lr.lmal, i. "itl the fen r tn Of gun. and Iw.vr finaid Ttf i J:-pj loll Ml I iKer ng binder fi ac tually nrwr, for further iti.'orma- Pouth wag m. C!II.I-T JI'.il-IINKi: