PAGE SIX THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, June 15, 1920 NEED OF SPECIAL TRAINING 1 t i Bread LiKe Mother Used to MaKe You can have it if you use our famous White Star Flour For Your Baking We have just received a car load of Spring Beardless Barley for Seed We pay highest cash prices for Hides, Pelts and Furs Heppner Farmers Elevator Co. When your Plumbing goes Wrong Phone Us nriinip tzJM MA We make a specialty of quick repair work, keep ing always ready tlie materials and men for im inflliate service. If you have new work that you wish us to figure 011 we will he very glad to suhmit prices. ( hir work is guarantied to give you perfect satis faction and if you are not pleased in every partic ular we will spare neither time nor money to make it right. Peoples Hardware Company The Moral Risk , ! . II I he dm,. in. t.i .... k rn.'.it. A Hill W lint Hal ...( AO. will .1 m H.WK. 'I '. 1 1 while I I I ml I ! . a .I I .1 1 uni' In. VI ni" rin'! iiW '1 .11. hi 1. ,i 111.11 I .' H,a' l r of i. 1 .1 Ml ill .; A 1 l at 1 1 I 1 1 tl.l II V . ( if (. I .V,. Mm: ,1. n. , . i t' ., ui whi.h j, 111 ' t .' tfCUHl. f I l l'n MtttOUttt IUI ' . I.I lip . .11 'I'll I , I I ' . in: 'I'!,. n ,!, i.-1..i, ! ill -I .ii.t ), .1 i: I..-1. .i . ..i !; t..,n:,. F arnTs Stcckgrowcrs IV.. iv DuU r. .I'i'N;;::. oukgow A VOCATION By ELIZABETH R.GREENE. Youth Starting In Life Must Remenv ber That This Is an Age of Specialists. (Copyright, l'Jlitl, Western .Newapayer L'uion.) Cyrillti stood at the window listless ly watching the whirling snow-Hakes. In the room below her three aunts were gathered in Molemn council and the girl frowned to herself at the knowledge. "Why don't they let me alone?" she thought, wistfully. "If everyone litis a special work, as Aunt l'hyllis says why don't they let me lind mine for myself?" As there seemed no answer to these troublesome questions Cyril la turned. While she still stood Irresolute Aunt Deborah's voice called to her, and with smoldering rebellion in her dark eyes Cyrilla went obediently down. As .she entered the somber library two pairs of spectacled eyes regarded her fresh young beauty accusingly. "Cyrilln," said Aunt Deborah, who was the oldest of the aunts, and the Indomitable leader, "have you decided yet what vocation you will pursue?" "No, Aunt Deborah." 'Well, Cyrilla, as you seem so unable to decide for yourself, and it's time you were Accomplishing something, your aunts and I have concluded to make a choice for you." She paused expectantly, but the girl listening re spectfully made no effort to speak. "We think It best for you to take up dressmaking you seem such a home body" she added in a tone that, set tied the matter. . "What right have you folks gut to plan out my life?" she demanded pas sionately. "I'.ecause I've always obeyed you, you think you can flrive me now into a work I detest. You won't give me time to decide fop my self, you won't trust me. It's it's not playing fair!" Cyrilla's voice broke in a defiant sob. The council of three was properlv shocked, hut it was gentle Aunt j'hyl- us wno spone. "The child is right," she said softly. "We ought to trust her and let her find her own path " Deborah Meade shot her youngest sister a withering glance, In the refuge of her room Cyrilla sobbed despairingly. "Hut I won't lie a dressmaker. 1 won't I won't!" Robbed Cyrilla rebel Ilously. Slipping softly downstairs for her wrnps Cyrilla, passing the library door, caught the sound of a forbidden nnrne her mother's mime on Aunt l'hyllis' lips. She paused eagerly; she knew so little of the mother of whom she had been bereft when a child. "It doesn't pay to be too hard, Deb orah," Aunt Phyllis was saying. "You know how It worked with with Clce ly," she added bravely. So once, long ago, her mother had rebelled at Aunt Deborah's rigid reign ! That was why, then, they nev er spoke of her. Absorbed In her thoughts, she had reached the crowded thoroughfares of the city before she realized how far she bud gone. She would get nn olllce Job, Any tiling was better than being Aunt Deb ornh's dreisuiaking pupil. Then It happened. When sin. opened her eye Cyrilln found lier-elf In n little white hospital bed, with u nurse smiling down at her. "Where inn IV" linked Cyrilla, bewil dered. "You fell, dear, crossing the street don't ou remember?" "You've sprained your arm, but to morrow we're going to send .you home," sinlle.l the nurse. "We found your name and address In your hand ling nn. I have untitled your folk. Now go to sl.-ep, tlelllle." When she nwnUo, n huge hunch of j dewv peliille.l violets was mi the stand by Uer hiilM.le. Cyrilln' ry lllled ulth etilit, t.iira. S.i the nun! did tare fur h. r a little, iifier nil ! "Am nl.e, dear?" Crl"a. ng the Inlets, had l.nt heard Hie nurse enter, "Ar.-ii I il.ev l.n V l e cried, In iieni!ii.' the I'.m.'r. "I didn't know lllV lllllits rilled f.r IrC 1.'. in !,'... I, 1 1-,. ,.)!,. v. Mi ., I II .u -M ' e. : I." "U hi'I ).( I ' .. tt. IT I'l 11 III ';" .I I' ,;, I li i . ii. ii l I nr :i i .i'Ii r I'll"' ': I M ;! ' . 1, IT' fill' I ' !- I if V. .t I'M l ruhi- ' - I'. Tin i.n ft .! iih'l u I.i"t fnl'nw i d II il lull I e'il ' We are living today In the age of specialists in almost all lines and un- -ss the young miu who goes out to arn his own living is definitely train ed in some one line, his chances of ad vancement are negligible. It is true that he can earn good wages at the outset and can hope for a few ad- nncemeuts, but unless he (its himself by training, experience and study for something bigger he will soon find ho is in a blind alley job. A boy does not always realize this". school life becomes humdrum to the lad bubbling over with fun and energy, and for him to sit on a bench with a hook in his hands, studying what seems to be uninteresting facts, im presses him as a real hardship when he longs to be out In the world taking place among comrades who have proved themselves independent. This Is the place where the guiding hand of the parent is necessary. The boy must be made to understand that the training he is receiving now is sharpening him for future opportun ities, lie is likely to be reasonable If his parents have retained his con fidence, and if they can show him Unit In dollars and cents he will be the gainer by continuing In school. Em ma Gary Wallace, in Christian Herald. A!fa!fa Ranch For Sale With hay selling readily in the stack at from $16 to $30 per ton in this great permanent stock country, and three and four large crops each year, an all'alia ranch is a sure winner. Here it is: 1 60 Acres on Lower Willow Creek 120 acres under the ditch and worlds of free irrigating water. About 75 acres of growing alfalfa and more ground already prepared for seed. Fair improvements. In the best alfalfa region of Morrow county. Get this quick and raise your own feed or help supply the hay market. E. M. SHUTT The Real Estate Man Up-stairs in Court House Y Coastal Defense of China. The government of Peking, it is said, has a complete coastal defense plan for China, according to which the whole Chinese const will be divided into four sections, 1. e., the Gulf of Chihill, the coast of Kiang-su and Che klang, the coast of Fuklen and the coast of Kwantung. A coast defense commissioner will be appointed for each section, and he will be held re sponsible for the maintenance of peace ami order in his own section. lie will also control all ships entering his sec tion. . The first, the second and the train ing squadrons will retain their pres ent status, under the direct control of the navy department. The navy min istry contemplates appointing Admiral I.i Ting-hsing as commissioner for the Gulf of Chihill. Admiral I .an Chlen-shu for the Kiang-su and Che-klang sec tion and Admiral Liu Kuan-lislng for I'uklen. As to Kwang-tung, the com missioner will be appointed after the north and south have been reunified. East and West News. Choice Cuts of the Best Meats One Day Late. The women's club of the little town where I worked In a grocery store near the depot had arranged for a well known speaker to give nn address In our theater one evening. The evening arrived, the hall was crowded, but no speaker appeared, and everyone was disappointed. The following evening Just afler the train enme in a stranger appeared in the store and asked where Mr. was to speak that night. I replied ibat he was to have spoken the night before, but added. "The big booh didn't coine." Just then one of t he leading women of the town came In and recognized the man as the speaker who had been expected the night before. Needless to say. I soon found work In the back of the store which needed Immediate nttei.tion. that," !. :-eilH.V. iik the glv I .nine to Terrible Effect of Prohibition. The wives of two Muncle factory workmen were discussing the effect of prohibition on their husbands. "When John comes home on Satur day noons nowadays with blx pay en velope and turt.s It over to nie," mild or.e, "I always deal him out fifty cents for siH-ndln' money and be upends It for hliii'Milf." "And what did be do In the old (iil.Hin dny?" riked the other. "In them terrible day," said the first, "when John turned over to me his pay envelope on Saturday imoiis. I used to give him fifty renin for little Muilln' money for httimelf, and noon he'd be buck with tt growler of beer for the tun of ll. bless bit heart." Indianapolis News. rortbind. Ore., Jure 10 Wtlh no bmu-er nn i cnne for being Idle, Mnn :irrh I. mi her I'otupnny rcHiitned op eration 'n M.iy alter hmlnv Ix-en clim.'il down for tvo e,-ir. It cum ;:, r, ,. jr ,Ay EVERY HOUSEWIFE WANTS TO SERVE THE best in Meats to her family. . She can be assured she is doing so if she buys her Meats at this shvp which is conducted in conformity with modern methods of sanitary marketing. Central Market McNAMER & SORENSON, Props. each and all of said animals to the highest and best bidder for cash In hand, for "the purpose of paying the cost3 of taking up,, holding and Bel ting said animals, together with rea sonable damages for the injury caused by said animals running at large on my premises. Dated and first published this 8th day of June, 1920. 6-7 M. C. MAUSHALL NOTICE Notice Is hereby given to all own ers of cattle and horses now running at large on lands owned or leased by me, In Morrow County, Oregon, that If such cattle and horses are not taken off my property within two weelcs from the date of this notice, that I wnll take up all such stock and prooeedd to sell same accordnng to law. Dated at Lexington, Oregon, June 8, 1920. 6-8pd JAMES CARTY. NOTICE TO CT.EDITOUS re depart, hid renlly il Nntl.e ii f notici: Is hen by g'v. n thai, I. tic lid. I'H'.or the l;m of the ! :..ti li!.i t.iken up the I i. r . Mj I V V , l.,..l. I, . tb.l I M . I'n ,. M . I'll ' I ep i animal Im ri ls.i: t.-t ib-. rlln d while .liHir limning at lati'e rt trv ri mlM'it nsir ntTiM. iC.intli. r.u.k. Ort i- in tumlf 1 ron Ftull'i n. 2 yean old. bobtail lth white fare. ! and tail, Stirt p.uin.1". Spnl. r bmnd on tlKht tumbler. I lien rrar mare If n.) pnund, rj.l- Notlce Is hereby given thnt John McCartan has been duly appointed I administrator rf the estate of Krank McCnit;;ti. d-ciased. by the County Court of Morrow county, Oregon. All i persons having claims against paid 'cr-tiite are notified to prevent the , utile to nie lit the o.flce of my attor ney, K. A. V.-Menamln, In Heppner, ,i:e;:nn. with'n six months from the i date of the fiit publication of thlf not'ee, with vomher duly verified Dated and flint published thlf th da;- of June. A. I). l?:o. JOHN MiCAllTAN. ' Ad u'tn imtur of the i-ntate of Erar.k stripe on face, white left hind foot. 1 gray gelding, about 1000 pounds, spider brand on right shoulder. 1 blue roan stallion, about 1000 pounds, Spider brand on right shoul der. brown mare wiht spod dO-d $r04 1 brown mare with sucking colt. about 1000 pounds, SI on left hip. 1 roan mare, about 1000 pounds. spider brand on right shoulder, suck ing coalt with white face. 1 bay gelding, about 1100 pounds spider brand on right shoulder. 1 bay yearling no brand. That I will, on THI RSDAY, THE 17 DAY OF JCNB 1920, at the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon, of said day, unless the same shall have been redeemed, at what is known as Marshall's cor- ralls, about 4 miles west of Castle Uock, in said county sell each and all of said animals to the highest and best bidder, for cash In hand, for purpose or paying the costs of takin in ll..llln .. .1 ...III IJ i - ..... pii.iu). na. u auilll together with reasonable damages me injury caused by said anima running at large on said premises. M. C. MARSHALL. Dated and first published this 1st day of June, 1920. ill Hltll II i.f ymr ule." r iv. "Mi Mi'Caitt.m, deceed. -10 NOTICE nf : hi tid on i' I .! u tt te n I, -p' !-r ! if 1 .,:!. -I ,.. -.1 I I t. r-.l . ! t niiM.-r. . a - ling, hub Hi'1 t If'uU! r l..,l,i i I. ml I.. 'I ' i . 'I ! e.if-i Tt i Nut In- l her' by even that I. the ' un '.ei!i.fii . under the laws of the State i f IT. in. lave taken up th ri.'i .In ' ."IM"i: dir: I !.',. nihil n- ;.! I..- i-e n tr y i'ihi;ih n- .f '.i-t:.. !'., ' . i ' n. t"- t I bl . k .ii". 1 1 ". in .p. ! m.; i .1 m: !! i u ! .n :te!it h"'i'. ;. : I !.! t : ' i -. ."it p"t;n.; i i 1 1 ..'! 1 ti . . : '. !' 1 l"i:;r : , i. j j . , , .. , , i ., i : ' .: : 1 t i. . : i i t. i ! . i. ( t r f. . - ;-:'!: i I V ,1 , J b -. f. ' .t- - : , p - I I r r. : .:.,:.. i i NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is fcenniy nvon that C. M. rii' . sidmini.tratrlx of the -tafe of O. K. Katnt wotth, deceased, fibd her account of her uiiir.iliutatlun of f.ibl estate with the County Court of the State of Olefin for Morrow County, end that n.ii.l court has fixed Monday, the Sth day of July, laid, at the hour of lo;0ti o'clock In the forenoon of said day as the time, and the Cou-N I'.oirt room, fct the Court House. II' ppner. In Morrow County, Oreg.iA as the pUrtt fur hearing objection to .iiil final aeruunt and the final n'tt-leaii-nt of raid ent.ite, and all per "' ''.nitig object ..r.s to nald fint.l .linutlt mn h.riby te.jilnMl to file t'. i.Pi.e ,i!i i , 1 cijrt on or be '"i" 'ii" 'l.tte f.x.-d f.,r the hearing t ' . ; e i'.t. I t' . f,-pt day i.f June. '.;o, '. M. r.r.svnl;Tii. " .i!:nir,!..!u.t: ix. 'iiii r, Vy i'..-j ,i.,c V.'i. tr, ii,i;r,e I ' ' " ' 1 ; ' I !.,( 1. a I ft.. r :r ' v "''"1 ' .it i'. Ant I" ' i a-y .!' 'n r . : i t . .1 ill. m-it::. ' t'-'-'il' (iini.n, J itf 1. i r: . V,i I j 1 ' i in i. l i I t .. i ..-- t'..'..t ' .it. ! I ii; n t , ' t ; . u'..ii n I