Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, June 15, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    Tuesday, June 15, 1920.
1 l 1
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The Rev. J. W. Howard, pastor of
the churches of Irrigon and Board
man preached his initial sermon last
Sunday.using tor his theme the boun
dless love of God from which noth
ing can separate us. With the com
ing of a regular minister, the wor"k
of the church should receive a great
impetus in this growing and vigor
ous community.
Haying has begun in the Board-
man section. Much of the first crop
is already down and the rest is on
the way. The rain of Monday night
did little damage. While the labor
is rather scarce it is being met by
co-operation among the farmers who
exchange work. Much of the ma
chinery of the community Is used and
owned in common, several neigh
bors going in togetaer to purchase
an outfit.
It has finally become possible to
get water for irrigation to the school
grounds and they are being plowed
and levelled in preparation for seed
ing and landscape development. A
lawn 100x300 feet in front of the
building will be the first attempt.
The Murchie building on Main
street is rapidly Bearing completion.
It is of modern design in reinforced
concrete and sts a pattern for fu
ture construction. One room 25x80
will be occupied by the J. C. BaU
linger Hardware Co. There will be
a bank in the corner room, and a
grocery In the remaining room. W.
A. Goodwin is directing the work.
Leo Root is excavating for a build
ing on Main street to be occupied by
the Post Office and Telephone Ex
change. This with the new construc
tion work of the Boardman Lumber
Co. In rebuilding their recently
burned office and lumber warehouse
makes a decided improvement in the
looks of the town and with the con
struction ot cement sidewalks it will
be easier to get somewhere.
The Highway construction work at
this point has been completed and
now S. H. Boardman, who has been
engineer, as well as John Day bar-
becure manager, is a man of leisure.
L. H. Allen who has had charge of
the concrete work for the highway
is leaving with his family for Salem.
Plans are developing for the con
struction of a cement water tank
on the lot donated to the city by
P. M. Smith, for supplying the needs
of the city for water.
Maud E. Lamson, returned to Cove
Oregon, where she will spend ttye
summer. Miss Lamson will have
charge of the home economics work
in the schools' next year, and was
looking over the situation in prepa
ration for her work.
Mrs. Ada Morrison, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Warner, is leav
ing soon for Yreka, California, where
she will visit her sister.
W. H. Gilbreath, of The Dalles,
has purchased the homestead of S.
Shell in Juniper Canyon, and has
taken possession of the same. The
consideration was $3200. Mr. Shell
made the change on account of
The Community church is receiv
ing a coat of paint, which materially
adds to its appearance. When fin
ished it will be the little white
church on the corner.
Notices for the annual school
meeting June 21st are posted. There
will be the election of a dirctor, a
clerk, and consideration of the 1921
22 budget.
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
4 4
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Pat McEntire of "Killarney" was a
business man In Cecil on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hynd of "But
terly Flats" spent Thursday amongst
their Arlington friends.
Haymaking is in full swing on Wil
low Creek and Alfalfa is cutting off
good as far as we can hear.
Miss Georgia Summers of "The
Last Camp" and cousin Marcellus
Dan Schirach left on the local for
Arlington on Saturday.
Alarming !
The I'onl ait tint Ion In the United Ktatra Unlay U
becoming alarming. It I lmialble to aeciire mine
labor. The rar nituitllnn In beginning, acute and rf
nut lm wide lu-ofx with no Immediate relief In eight.
Due to III long. hard -Inter, roal atorka of Ixrfh com
mercial roiiautni-ra ami ImliMriul lisrra arc depleted.
The altiiatlnn l rnet ununial."
Freight rate advance mum.
MJne rate are advancing.
Only 11HI Coaling daya N'fnre t1irltnw.
Place Your Order NOW!
Lumber Company
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Misner were
callers at Cecil on their way-to Ar
lington on Monday,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Krebs of "The
Last Camp" spend Saturday and Sun
day visiting friends in, Heppner.
Henry Springer of "TheBungalcw"
made a trip to Heppner for the week
J. H. Streeter of Four Mile and
Bert Palmateer of Morgan were cal
lers in Cecil on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Everrett Logan of
"Hanview" were doing business in
Arlington, on Tuesday.
Mjr. and Mrs. A.E. Ross, and family
of "The Lookout" left on, the local
for Heppner on Wednesday.
Charlie Sperry and son of lone
were doing business around Cecil on
Miss Winters and niece Miss Hazel
Winters of "Shady Dell" spent Thurs
day afternoon at "The Last Camp."
"The Mayor" and J. H. Lowe of
Cecil autored to Heppner on Tues
day returning home Wednesday.
J. H. Franklin of Erving, who
has been visiting in Eugene for some
time returned home Friday.
Miss Malinda May of "The Lone
Star" ranch visited with Mrs. Geo
Krebs of "The Last Camp" on Wed
Mr. A. Hemiksen and son Clifford
of "Willow Creek" ranch left for
their Hamilton ranch on Saturday
Galen Falkner returned to Cecil
on Saturday and left on Sunday for
the Lundell ranch at Rhea, where
he intends to worTc for the hay
Roy Scott, camp tender or one of
the lands of sheep from "Butterly
Flats" left on Saturday with his pack
for the Hynd Bros, ranch at Freeze
out. Peter Bauernfrlend left on Thurs
day for his annuel vacation which
he will spend at Ritter Springs. Pete
declares there is no place to equal the
Hitter Springs.
Mrs. Frqna Balhm who has been
upending her vacation in Heppner re
turned to her duties at "Butterly
Flats" on Friday.
A large bouquet of beautiful roses,
eight varieties of different colors, are
to be seen In Cecil store. These ros
es have been given by Mrs. W. G.
Palmateer of "Wlndynook" ranch
near Cecil,
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Nash and
daughter accompanied by Mr. and
Mrs. Elma WilUnt and Ron, left on
Monday morning for a tour through
Waithlngton before returning to Cecil.
Hen Ilarnen of "Poplar Grove" wan
In lone on Saturday consulting Dr.
Walker about aome trouble on hln
face. We are glad to lean XT. Ilar
nea la feeling much better since his
face was lanred.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Hcnrlkaon of
"Willow Creek" ranch who hav
been In Portland for a few t'aya, re
turned home on Monday driving a
new Jordan car which they had pur-
rhawd while In Poitland.
Miaa Sarah A. May arrived In Cecil
m Sunday from War to. where he
ha been teaching arhnol and will
r.pcnd her vacation with her patent
at "The Lone Star" ranch.
Mr. ami Mia. Geo, lcnrlken titur
n'd home on Monday from andy
(M. Where they have been dialling
(or a few ilay. They were anoni
panted by their daughter Mildred
and liter M.. llernlre Ili'iwiQ r.f
.. .. .j. .j. .j. .;.
: 4 v 4 4 4- 4- 4 4 4- 4
R, N. Wade lor at Will diil!r and
h i wife and children I'M Hund-i
uornlng. Wade anl vn ln r.y
auto fot Idaho I'alla her they will
l"k up a suitable home and Mr
Wade and ttlfe daustllera Will i11
a abort lime at Woodtmrn with re.
Uur before Joining her riiharid
rid "H Mr Wad and family I e
' - tie their home In lone for evf
r-art and during tbtr tr l
After the
Chautauqua Entertainment
Refresh Yourself
with a glass of our
and not a headache nor a cross word in a barrel
of It.
Our two clerks, LEONARD and MIKE will take
pleasure In serving you and will smile while doing so.
Dealers 4a
Soft Drinks, Cigars
Confections and Fruits
made many friends who regret to
ave them leave. We Join In wishing
them success In their new location.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. McNamer are
enjoying a visit from Mrs. McNamer's
parents Mr. and Mrs. John Rodger
of Bnndon and her brother1 Roy and
family of Presoott, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Olden of Rhea
Creek left Saturday morning for Port
and where they will enjoy a few
days visit with relatives.
Wayne Sperry motored to Heppner
Friday accompanied by Mr. llanna of
Portland who Imil some IiuhIiichk
matters to attend to. Mr. liana left
the following morning for Portland.
Mrs. Ed. Miller and daughter
Geneva left Friday evening for llcpp.
ner to upend a few daya villi the
formers daughter Mrs. Aelbrt Men
nig and to attend the Farmers' picnic
that Is to be held Saturday.
Mini Deulah Mlner youngest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight
M Inner of the F.lla neighborhood, re
turned home Monday from Nevuda
Mo., where she has been attending
school fur the pKt year. Mias Mia
ner flnlnlied her Sophomore year
and waa very inurh plcnaed with the
arhool. Sl.e b accompanied home
by her aunt Mra. Ida May Ilea of
liny (.'ity. Michigan, who In a guext
at the Ml ner home. Mra. M inner
and her aixtcr Mra. Ilea expert tn
l me In a few dnya by auto for nn
tend"d ttlp thru Southern Oregon
and Ih'Ioim returning ulll go to the
coast for a abort tlni".
Mra. George M'lntwh came Tuen
evening and will llt for a few il.i
at the home of Iter dam-lit" r Mis
Fred Griffin.
Mr and Mta lloy Holme. ! ft on
1), ii "lay for Ktet'eriwin.W '-ti , aheie
they lll ltll telatlvea.
Mr Ali'e W eatt.i rfoid of f)! I
noted a f daya lt with h
W Mia Mary IU! f tM nty
Mr anl Mr I'errr llpkina left
Tu'-'lay f'r a brief bu.ini.a trip to
t'r'f ! ! "f rl ,arnde nt'i'Mn
t-.otne f'ridar rrilng
M-a John fiehran left thuinda
for H'llltl't h"f "I " HI lehd
few days with her sister Mrs. Walter
Cason and while there will have soma
ental work done.
C.B. Sperry, local grain dealer, left
Sunday for Portland whero he will
spend a few days on a business and
pleasure trip. Mr. Snerry was bc-
ompanied by his wit"
Mrs. E. J. Keller and three sons
rrlved Sunday from Milwaukee to
oln her htlHband who Imtr been hern
for aevetnl weekw. Mr. Keller and
family expect to make their homo
in lone.
Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Sheinwell who
uvo been vlHltlng for a few days at
hn home of the hitters ainler Mra.
E. J. Hi hln w returned home hint
Tueaday. They were accompanied
homo by Mrs. HiIhIow and tbrefl
hlldren who will vltdt at the Sliem-
ell home and other relatives.
Rev. Storm, a IlalitlHt mlnlaler of
Weaton supplied the pulpit at lh
llabtlat church li;.t Sunday morning
and evening. Ilev. Storm will hold
service for tho next four evenlngn
of this week beglnlng with Monday In
the same rhiirrh. II. A. Ilnwklnn of
Walla Walla la here and will attaint
with the singing. Everybody Is In
Mra. Com Darnell, of Portland, In
here for a few d.iya the gu. t (,f her
eoaain, Mia. H. A. I'utllion.
ixtl (.MIIOV IS SKI I 'I It'll,.
The alory la lold nf a Mliiin.
aohller In California who hua ln-n
notified (hieit tlmea hy the r ile
paitiiient of hla il.uth In France but
il la ruild the third In l,:ul. . f. llow
la Hill rlnpUml ii l,e luith of
III" repnit.
IH E Tr OUM lis til' MiH K.
Notire la heretiV riven In btl Itmn.
r of faille and lmiia no running;
at large on lnd otni i r baaeil by
... , . .
'ia in ii'iriuw i ouiiiv, i in K'm, iriat
If aurh raltle nd hoi. ate tint
lakin off our propeiiy within two
we.a fiotn the dale of (hi notice
that W a III liloi no alt aurh aliwk
and proceed l' II aa'ne annidlng to
I'ate at eppn r, fiiegon, tlila litti
dr nf June, I'O'i