Tuesday, June 15, 1920. THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE THREE F. R. BROWN agent for GUARANTEED LOW COST LIFE INSURANCE; FIRE, HAIL, ACCI DENT AND HEALTH INSURANCE TWO GOOD RESIDENCES IX HKVPNEK FOR SALE. TRICED RIGHT. A LIMITED AMOrXT OF PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN. Office Upstairs in Roberts Building Phone 643 Heppner, Oregon "PERMANENT AS THE PYRAMIDS" Concrete Pipe Company Manufacturers Sewer and Water Pipe Irrigation Pipe Culvert Pipe Hollow Silo Blocks Cement Products GIFTED SINGER IS COKIKG TO CHAUTAUQUA u v- v n t " 5? V- s -in I : CI ! K4 1 "7 -'". la i Phone 467 1003 North 10th St Walla Walla, Wash LORRAINE LEE, LYRIC ..SOPRANO For "Music Day" of the Chautauqua, the Westco Management secured Carmeliny and his Old Colonial Band of fifteen musicians for two splendid concerts. Wishing, however, to leave nothing to he desired, Miss Lorraine Lee was engaged to sing during the evening program. There is a vivacity and freshness about Miss Lee's per sonality and voice rarely equalled on the concert platform. There is a treat in store for real music lovers, but remember, Miss Lee sings only on the fourth night of the Chautauqua. 1 ' uming ivaacmnery Can You Afford TO TAKE CHANGES ON HAVING YOUR WHEAT DES TROYED? XO. WHEAT IS WORTH TOO SUCH MONEY THIS YEAR. THE WAY' TO PROTECT YOVRSELF AGAINST LOSS IS TO SPEND A FEW DOLLARS WITH US FOR ONE OF OCR Hail Insurance POLICIES THEREBY MAKING YOVRSELF SAFE AGAINST J-OSS. IT'S THE LOGICAL WAY, ITS THE BUSINESS WAY TO PLAY SAFE. Roy V. Whiteis REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND FARM LOANS ALASKA PILP TIMBER SOLD. Bids for the sale of 100 million feet of ppulp timber in Alaska have just been opened in the Distict For ester's: office here. Theh successful bidder was the Alaska Pulp and Pa per Company, of San. Francisco, Cal. who submitted a bid; of $1.00 per thousand board feet for certain clas ses of timber, and 50 cents per thou sand for the remainder. The higher priced timber includes such Alaska trees as Sitka spuce, westenr red cedar, and Alaska cy press. A large per cent of the timber advertised , Forest Service offfcers say, is suitable for paper paking. This big sale of Government tim ber is located in south eastern Alas ka, on Port Snettisham. and Glass Peninsulas, within the Tongas Na tional Foest. Theh timber has been advertised and sold to the highest bidder, as required by federal law. The Alaska Puulp and Paper Co. are said to have made already heavy Investments in waterpower develop ment In Alaska, which may be used In conjunction with pulp plants to be built. From present Indications Forest officers predict this pulp sale as the beginning of a legitimate de velopment and upe of the timber re sources of Alaska to relieve the na- tlon-wldo paper shortage. z Will soon be needed We have both the Deering and McCormack Lines and a reasonably complete stock WE WOULD ADVISE SECURING EXTRAS AT . AS EARLY A DATE AS POSSIBLE. WHILE WS HAVE A GOOD STOCK OF EXTRAS NOW THEY ARE GOING TO BE HARD TO GET LATER IN THE SEASON. G illiam isbee from one to Blx windows In home products displays during Shrine week. J THE HEPPNER HERALD, ONLY $2.00 A YEAR To Keep American Ships on the Seas For the first time since the Civil War we have a real merchant murine. It cost us j:UHJi.(ii,lixt to get Tha farmer, manufacturer, laborer every American It Intereited in holding our poeition on the teae. A 11 llrnt step In thin direction It I iiceeooiry to modify tl;oe article of exltlns commercial trentien which huve opcrati-d to thwart tlx- tiliti!illiig of our men haul marine- l'.y giving the notice ( tei uilnutlon for whieli the seviTul tri-u'.lcH provide. TliN in linn dlri'i ti-d in the ronMrurtlve Shipping Hill now lii-fon 4iiii;iv ; WI1I1 h ili-Hiirvi It to he tin policy of tin- Viiltfl States "to do whatever limy lie iietfury In develop und t-u-coiini.-e" 11 merchant murine. Thu policy dctervet the tupport of every American. Llii kini: tliU ti'!'olt the pr lit effort to luMulniii our men hunt murine nmy miller thu fate of liiiiny IneHectlvti ut'cii.ptK of the pnil. Send for a copy cf "For an American Merchant Marine. Committee of American Shipbuilder! 30 CHURCH STREET, NSW YORK CITY OliEGON INDISTKIAL NOTES OF INTKKST The Portland Vegetable Oil Co. has been incorporated with a caplttal of $1,000,000 and will Import copra from the South Sea Islands for the manufacture of noap und other vci etablo oil products. In addition to making htiap from copra, which Is the meat of the 'cocoanut, the residue after passing through the preHKcs Is said to be valuable as food for cattle which may be of Interest to Morrow county stockmen Portland, Ore., June Five million dollars worth of candy! This is the annual outpput of six blx companies In Oregon employing at least 1000 people, according to figures Just com piled here. These do not Include the hundreds of small retail manufac turers. Oregon, the leading candy state In the west, ships its sweets- to Alaska, China, Japan, New Zealand, Australia, South America, Central America, Porto IUco and Cuba und eight states. Portland, Ore, June 10 Handy things around the kitchen are to be turned out by a new company, the Sanitary Strainer and Novelty Com pany, which has Just been Incorpo rated. It has a raplttallzutlon of $15,000. Sllverton, Ore., June Iis.inb"1 rlo for jam and pies and ether r ili nary Ualuticb are to be run through the new fiiitory of the Sllverton Can nlcg Company, which will soon l" re-jily lor operation. It will handle other rcufotiablbe fruits. Kir i hurg. On-, June - - Dm ,i In tl, Uoi-i: Kivcr Valley piople il'.n t have to buy broom any toon-. 1 li1 y cm rl,p over Ifto n handy corn p. t' li Bllil hi-ijl till Ill-elves t'l 6t b .1 t li e "inukh.eit " Com uIm-iI In th:t ' tlon yields 1000 pound; of broom tea- terlnl of the finest rjiliil.ty. '1 1" ItoK-jn Itiver Iltoom Company, mlm h huH bet n In oiierutlon one year, i probably the fotetunm-r of a whole chain of ruch fmtorie. Portland, Ore., June Sheet metal products and machinery are to be the outpupt of the newly organized Union Uetlnnlng and Metal Wink. The corporation Is capitalized at 1100,-000. Portland and other coast cities for 10 cents a pound ,la being held out of the United States market. This charge waH made to the ennm- ber of commerce foreign trade bu reau today by Julian Mlngot, a rep resentative of the Argentine ambas sador to the Unllcd States, who Is here to Investigate trade possibili ties between Puget sound and Ar gentina. "There Is plenty of sugar In Argen tine at 7 (("'," said Mr. Mlngot. "We have hud hard work getting rid of It thouith It Is of the same quality as the sugar sold In thel'nlted States. "Americans are conducting a price war in Brazil .which Is an Argentine market, trying to undersell Argentine dealers, and when I left Argentine you could buy a kilo of sugar, about three pounds, for 20 cents. We have been told In Argentine that we could not find a market In the United States for our sugar be muse Cuba Is so much nearer. The sugar plantations of Argentine ran produce great amounts- of sugar, and although there Is a sllghthly better demand for It. than throe years ago. when we could not compete even In South America, because we were un dersold, we have lots to sell and can deliver It on the Pacific seaboard of the United States for 10 cents a pound. "We have In Argentine a surplus of 52,154 long tons of 2204 pounds, from the 191!) nop and our produc tion this year will be 250,000 long; tons. Aside from the nparent American effort to keep Argentine sugar out of the United Stases there has been an embargo in that country cgalnat Us export. It was lifted only recently." Pendleton, Ore. June Wheat an it comes from the fields and nn It fin ally emerges from the flour mills wan shown the people who attended the formal opening of the Collins Flour Mills last week. This new plant has an output of 1,000 barrets dally. Portland, Oie , June 10 A ready built bungalow has been eri i t d by the Iledlmade Building Company on one of the don town blin k to n--roin module tin- automobile commit tee for Shi I tie wt i k. FRANK SHIVELY lK III L MlillMMKH II AT M I.IVM'K'H Itl.ACKSMiril MIOI nnil Intel fei lug ImrMMt run flilly Hllfinlcd I. n me II I HEPPNER :o: Save Money on that Suit I r n l,o.;i-. tim- I - li nil T Ml il:-M U'L 1 I It from tin- lilniifM T.i ioiliu H-oi l K i'iii llii". nt VI., ..tiM of 15--Per Ccnt-15 fr nil i-ol ir pi ' i. iHil-r a new iiil fir I lie loiiiib end -.' rnnii;H neon ) tn t li 'Tdie on. Heppner Tailoring and Clolhinj Shop .. I ltNl V PniirleliT l:..t-toit if, (lie , June Mnr.v t -a ,'lxt it ten n nd a l,n n f i li'-i at urn v tri.i I.jve j it I,, -n In-tall' ! n :i.oh-'..i ,ai)- I'ii i .IV. !,n ! n . ,v ! to It. 111 d i fol .' ill i-' a ' i!; ii)' i ' j . j i ' i ' . - fi . "i in, . - y -.;.' . i' J Mi'l'l' t!i .ill i,f tl.i 'ii!'e .t,.l t l' . OREGON r, . i... . J. . . .. : I I i !. : :.' in r-' . -. '. .) i . n t' 1.1 i ! 1 . i ti t! l .viir ', ! t i- In ' f-- 11 .i p i' in i " ' nr. -n t it ..-I I.- ti ' -.HI . ' I' ! I" 1.' l'...u! :. ('-.-. j v. l-M .1 'io !, i. ! ..-1 ' . ! ! A ipiatler of million dollars per iinniini Ins being spent In advertis ing dehydrated fniita ai'l vegetables in this state. Two million annually l being pio-l-ici-il from lo'l iiiines In 01 diitiletn j n On non. One-third of all undeveloped ater pi.. r In the I Hi'- I .-'aii i. In the Co...,b.:4 lliv.r ha .11. Or- eon ! a-N t'.e t i" i! ".an-0'jrtliM- of woolen. 1,1. 'I pi'. -I'll i I'-' 1,1 St Wool ill II. e I n .' -I ' " tl.. .1 r l.,r il .'''.' I. I.'l d' t..tH' in- To i . t.M r : ;. i'ai ' ! I in lireKori l.y ti." Ha'""'' n ' " ' ,; 1 t:.r.m-!."-it t' I't.-fl why s i r i;kim. i,i: mi li: . The fi .;!. .- ' ' i"4' ' a S'iif'.e 1 I' ' ' ' ' ' ' ''' ' ,".p fir 1. 1 . n ' "' ; ' t ,.l. d -: II : ''.'u'-n e-.tar V '' '' 1 ' ' ' . . . i . n I!;.' 1 I'.i I- " . ' i -. ud und A. i-'tr " "You Can Bank on It" says the Gcod Judge You will r.avo money by nslnj the Real Tobacco Chew. The full. rich tolx'.cco taste lasts m long, you don't need a fresh thew nearly so often. Smaller chews, lo', nntl more genuine bat Isf ac tion. Any ni.vn v.ho n .c tlm f I .... I I "1 ill Li I'M I , i i i.l'i tj' t RIGHT CUT li n slu rt-uit W-IJ CL T h a I ; tu cut totiacco I HN (l.e I 'iHUl,'l A 1 .l-l' t'l 'I" U.'U '.-.M 'I' 'I ' -