PAGE TWO THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, June 15, 1Q20 I STORM BOUND V? By LOUISE HOFFMAN. (. l'JJU, by ilcClure New.-;,,ipjr Syn llcat.) "Gee! the win el's lilim-iriz ;) miles tin hour and everything will Ik; drifted full by iiioriiin lt," prophesied John Recklin as In; came stumping Into the 1; i I 'hen lifter fedili;; the lien."'. "I thought I'd liu blown jiwuy mice or twice myself. I pity tiny one caught out In this storm tonight. Heurd tlie 4:20 go 111 yet, iiotlier?" Mrs. P.ecklin, a remarkably trim, young looking woman to be the moth er of such n stalwart looking son was busy netting the table, and alter nately stirring creamed potatoes on tlie stove. "No, John, I haven't heard a sound," she replied In a motherly tone. "I!ut I thought I saw n sleigh with two come around the bend in the road a hlle lido. I've been watching every little while, but I haven't seen any thing more of It." She went to the window ngnin. It was just dusk. "I Mi, John!" she exclaimed. "There is some one trying to get through the drifts by the old barn. There, the liorso Is down." John Becklln panic to (lie window find peered out Into the fast deepening gloom. "Why, it looks ns though there was n woman In the sleigh. Too bad they've been rauglit out In tills. lint the drifts are soft yet, and niayhe they'll pull through. I wonder who they are? They must be strangers, or they wouldn't attempt to drive through that spot." "Well, the horse Is up," announced Mrs. Hecklln with relief, "but they are trying to make him go ahead. The next plunge and the poor animal will only go down again. Even if thoy do manage to get through this bank, they can't go on In this blow. It wonld be sure death, with night coming on, and It's growing colder every minute. Oh!" she gasped; "there goes the slelgb over. Mercy! I hope that poor wom an Isn't hurt." Hhe turned. "Where are you going, John?" she questhmed as ho began putting on his things. "I'm going to take down the bars so that man can come through the field lie was gone, and the mother watched with keen anxiety as he lint tied against tlie fierce wind and whirl ing snow. Once he turned his back to catch bis breath. Twice he sank out of, hut .finally succeeded In reaching the two weary travelers. John directed the strangers through the perilous drifts Into tlx- open Held and up to their barn, where tlie hired Man took charge of the almost ex liaiisled animal. Mrs. r.eeklln ran to the kitchen door and threw It as hospitably wide 11s 1 in- sionn would allow to welcome Hie si rangers, "Come In. come In out of this wind," she Invited cheerfully, "You must be nearly frozen." "I' oruinatcly we both escaped, but such tin experience!" returned a sweet young voire, as the man. divcsicd of Ms furs, nunc hi'ii 1 1u living room. "Mwn," he gasped, gazing straight Inlo her clear g, ay middle aged eyc-i. "Is II possible'?'' ' "V, .li.ur," hicalhc ! Mrs. I' K'':re"ly hciY'.ltlg her eves. "I I thought y.iu were In the Wet. And tint," she paused ;;n -in;; at tin1 pr.ttj blue rte.l gv. "Is my daiikhieii. I'tui," he said brielly. "And this lad hi vihoiii we nie Indebted or our cueape Is " "Mi Mm," returned .Mvrn. Al'll'r H llhtlllt'lll 'h Mil, -ii... "1? It not for the . l. l.b,..,. ,h. thlnl. time li.el ulliiost stun I Mill," be linn nun imI. Ovi'r drlertiih'e rrciitiii'd Mitiito. sliced :nk linn. I H ( tnlU iiml roiViv Wilbur Null loss told bow the urge to i'imiic lliit hud be mi too Htroiiix for film In the fall be Inn! Iniiiuht ii hiiiiiII fiirin nt I'm II -hi ii th. 1 1 in n-irr Kept lioiiie hlle Inn tiiilu'hl m IiohI In I tit lil Everett, diHlrict iibout the liilli lllHiilit. Mvrn imilileil. She Iiml Inurd iilmit ii Non iiiKH fiiinlly iiiiIii In i Hi,' v II blue. A the vventliiir l.iol.i'd priiiiilnInK mid hi It wiii I i ldny nllit he iiml Klfirted out til drie I'nii hui'ie. I'or three diivi tin- triiveleia en tni in b.oiiiil In the iiioiiiiinlim It uhh luiioible to hotel int r-'.nli until Hie nil.. I nbiiti-l. I'lltin Ih Ih ii- n 1 1 ii'ii-1 -' ! ji Mint iiiflitent i-i'iiil-K l p. till hIi it;.i-ii,' Into Miii'lhlhi; i hi n-er, inl ' I i tin' -: t hi tin. I 1 1 I ni, -I the ..,.ts tl ..,-ii. M;, mi w Inl-I il, e iliil.lnn the ;iinii nl-l eter ,t'v i in n.i tlii v hint nilir rele t l .i civ Mtru li!llii ,u lht In ttie i -.;! ! . fi 'I till' Ibln ;." Iiilli;ti... M,r Impl'iii "I .1 ..n-e I lite en ii firm !! lute I!, rteil In t -en-s 'iirm- III I MMil I III lift ll.'l'l I'lt I., .it l-'ll " ' , ll I nil n ll , e'l.titlill hllelil k f .r Lie." i-.i.'.-d i" nr. ! !- !... ut ( t,i. '"I H i" i tte l.iite -it-e'h'lifci t.i iiif. f,... I .., I: n t, hi l,.,lt iniiil- I'M '--it but t iii-iiI I n I t it.: (i !, .lull H 1 "lift I It. ) i,e 1H r 'i ' ! ij'i.tli : I. ..' ' I i-.-i-i, i i-!i-i-,i, , .mini f,,r w." I Ml ... Hi -1 i.l.lir 1 lieu I'll . '"' '"'' ' I 1 1 t 1 me It I il.-tibl i-l : i " ti. I ... l tn ., i-., it, ,t , a fe,v ;. ., I . !,. i.. luwl-lml liie-r leti.N n-il J..)niiljr nlHi.Miin'.it, ' " the iiiiiiJ will ineir,. tut lb.. ot. t they tua. ruie 11(11." TO REVIVE SWISS Dotted Fabric, Popular Years Ago, for Summer Wear. New Material Will Bs Different From That of Grandmother's Day; Wider Color Range. The simple old times of our grand mothers are going to he revived this summer in the use of the dotted Swiss that fashioned the summer gown of oO years ago. Of course, the new dotted Swiss will be somewhat different from the Imple white material of other days, ns the dotted material of this year is iflnite In its color range. However, there will be considerable plain white swiss used, as well us the more fan ciful materials In this designation. Organdie will also be a prime fa vorite, and a very lovely new organ die gown seen recently featured a combination of this material with a heavy torchon lace that was applied In a deep band to the skirt. In the dotted Swisses one of the most striking models was shown re- ently In a cherry-colored dotted Swiss cut on very simple lines and deco rated with n deep sush of self-mate rial. Tliis costume was completed by a hat of dotted swiss with a droop ing brim laden with cherries. A quaint and charming gown of shell-pink dotted swiss seen recently showed n skirt with a plain front and back panel and three side tunics made of rullles of the dotted swiss set to gether with organdie eyelet bending. The bodice was cut on bolero lines and showed a vest of tucked white organ die and white orgnndle bending outlin ing the edge of the bolero. Two tiny plaited ruffles of the organdie com pleted the round neck and short sleeves, while a tiny bow of black vel vet ribbon nestled at the throat, with long ends that dropped to the waist line. Another charming summer frock done In the admired dotted swiss and white voile Is being shown In dawn blue. The Bklrt Is formed of three deep scalloped flounces of the dotted swiss, bound with white orgnndle, that are set on a yoke of the white voile. The voile forms the bloused bodice that hns a row of pin tucking down the front elaborated with white cro cheted buttons. The round neck and short sleeves nre decorated with plain bands of the blue dotted Swiss. CHARMING PARASOL IN SILK A -s 4 V, i J X. . tSMw. 8 5c fhi.i p.iriuol it fashioned In whit 7"ic 70c rilk and marked In cy control by i clur,tfr cf rc. The Ivory handle i M "uch t0 th besuXy ,he P" fiiic lol. 10c . Tc 2-r,c lilc 20c HIGH COLLAR PARIS VOGUE All FiK-h Ciarmen Do Not Hive Chokor Neck Adornment, but Collar Ii Fivorcd. IVrx'nten! nre runiori tlinf come froin 1'nrlti tint 1 1 filwh colhir In coini'iii'idhn: note of tlie current voirue - n morv tl'iit l bnriii' nut 'iv M ptlife In tb'i Kreiu li iiiin'iirlne "renilim." de voted In new h!ini-e. Tboiiirh ther ', " 11,1 b"e clinki-r Cnl'iir. nil thu ; h'"iie 111 tin- enii hne cnllnri of ii'iierinii pri'i'iii tlnn. en ihiiihimI run- -lr'it ttltli the flnt ntiil tliit Inn bin-n ' hinit Iti.-lii'Vd III I're'iib lil..i-e tvl.-i Tin r-i l. Iiniteter, n khh i-r-'imril in ,,f i-,iii-it l.i i.i.l t,t 11,111,1 1 1 1 ti, it, i. -,.,,r reiitltiU eel nf the 'hit w tien'li-re-l iirlpi ttere l'i i-ient i!i. t.iHIl-l l'i tiis'le e-llt:ie cn'tlltl Tii" f 'he iie'Mi t I r in ti n il.n leitli 1 1 I tut ll iiil'.ir if i . ft I i it nut .if n tii'e lli-if I -Iie1 f' e l'.-it,ef , mi nt i-tr im:i'i r il Ililii l!ie iii-i-t- I M e .iiher nf t'n -."iii Hif-i'ii"' n "'l'i l-'..iirt, ! e t-iUe f i' im; mer nf;lt In l-i-'bn '.-.'r.ifl I', -l'i rnl'iir n.ire n-i im- ra 1 1 I. r itie fin, n-e n 1 1 It n I-.. t , f r'i 1 mi t I lti In i-. i i-tiiiiie i',,,i rtit:" itl.Nli. k H't'tt S -ir ifi, I'-. I-I I'liM't I lie iblt H i .i. It'll ti.infc , nt i" it lb it re'Mt ' i,,i-.!i,i r '.ir-ei i' t f i-r i-'.-f ,'.i' ,. .!. in-1 I ti -i,.' r ii i in . I . . ii- I.t h -l f,-r l'i.- ! i I ni -.- "ln ,i. I f ,ir t, il n .-.-I i f .' b i-.-t I-, V-r ' i-il'e .tiiiw. r til -i. en he! -1 iii tt -' u Fly " Pfe t. A I itMer i ne-l tin ' r I ii ; t it In it-r iit-,;,lM lnrl.i ! r r"i if ol.'.'i I.t fi.ii k Of ,-r, ir.t iil'M i i U fln l.'y di. I ii .'I llf Cjlig di. ! . vJ 4 J vJ. i i. ' .A America's Greatest Chain of Drug Stores The REXALL Store ml m$Kjfm lilyf Wf flo Thursday, Friday, Saturday, June 1 7-1 8-1 9 A Novel Way to Advertise This sale was developed as- an advertis ing plan by the United Drug Company, owned by 8000 druggists. Rather than, spend large sums of money In other ways to convince you of the merit of their goods, they are spend ing it on this sale la permitting us to sell you a full-sized package of high standard merch andise for lc. It costs money to get new customers and the loss take a on this sale will be well speat If the goods please. HARMONY LIQUID SHAMPOO A delightfully perfurmed, high-grade liquid shampoo. This preparation contains Emulsified Cocoanut Oil. Standard Price 60c. This Sale TWO for 51c VIOLET DULC (X)LI CREAM A high grade Cold Cream renowned for its cleaning and healing properties. Perfumed with that famous odor Violet Dulce. Standard Price 60c. This Sale TWO for 01c NEW ENGLAND TOILET WATER It has a delicate and flowery fragrance that will alwaya hold Its popularity. The per fumer has f klltully cilugfit and held the odor of the Rose, Violet or Lilac. Standard Price, one bottle, $1.00. This Sale TWO BOTTLES $1.01. 1 1 1 '. X A I . MEDICATED SKIN SOAP Kexall Medicated Skin Soap is designed a? a cleansing and antiseptic agent, is wa'l adapt ed for p evcntln ; infection, of the sldn, and for correcting disorders of the skin when they have occured. It may be used with confidence even on the most delicate fskln. Standard Price 3 5c. This Sale TWO for iillc. OPEKO COITEE SPECIAL 1 pound of col lee for 4 6c. A i;urtirb;lf blend nf mild coffee the acme of perfec tion. Special tills Sale One Pound -1(1-. I STATIONERY Medallion Linen awt. colors 2 f ir lc 2 for "lie 2 for 71c S for "(lc Florentine Linen white only Kerndale Linen - white only Ca.-ieudo Linen --double box Correspondeoce card and evilopes 2 for .Mr Tablets assorted sizes Tnblet.t UKHorteil dies Tablet Linen aunt, flies Envelope annorled sizes Linen Envelopes CASCADr. MVK.N WIUTIMi i fur lie 2 for Klc 2 for V-tlc 2 for 11c 'J for i!lc PAPERS A Mutt-grade white, fabric finished writing paper. 24 silent of paper and 24 envelope to the pnrkage. Standard Price 6 3c. TliU Sale TWO Piuk.-u.ri Hllf. IHP.MONY M-SA.K CltKAM A delightful mlllng na.'sage. Clnannes nd beautiftet. Make the itkln Mft and piniHiih. Llbniul iiii-il prrkiue. Sl.iti.l.uU Price, nne Jar 60c, lb'. Sale TWO J WIS lc. A-Pir.l TAIll.KTH T!iee ate the ci-niiine 'tl"'le. E.j h tablet I'niitalm five train. Made In Alien- by Ann-i ii-jinn Staii'laid Prlc.i TliU .ile Ih v 12 l al-K. 2.. 2 fur V!lc ll.', 24 T.l. .-!:.- . -i f.-r Mir I lb . I ' Tab.. II mi a I -r l.l Toll I T M'IH .' llmil M :-i- ii. v iii i .i i'-i.iti i Skin ."ieip a fur :Uif i . ; hi S., p (Tit bar) J f.-r :'.ili I 'i ' I 7. . T.'l.' t 'Ml ',1 T. 'it Hnap II i! '- t ) f . i. i s.i.i; J f.T :tih a f.-r l a in lie J I t atir j .i i) PATTERSON & SON The REXALL Store THREE DAYS ONLY NO TELEPHONE ORDERS RECEIVED FOR ITEMS OX THIS SALE. THE CONDITIONS OP THIS SALE ARE SUCH THAT ALL PURCHASES MUST HE CASH. BE SURE TO ATTEND THIS SALE. HUNDREDS OF OTHER ARTICLES NOT MENTIONED IN THIS AD. WILL BE SOLD FOR ,1 CENT. These Prices Do Not Include War Tax TOILET ARTICLES 65c Harmony Cocoa Butter Cold Cream. 2 for 60c 60c Violet Dulc Cold Cream 2 for 61'c 30c Peroiizone Cold Cream 2 for 81c 60c Harmony Massage Cream 2 for 61c 75c Syta Complexion Powder 2 ,for 70c 40c Charmona Face 'Powder 2 for 41c 25c Violet Dulc Talcum Powder, 2 for 2(lc 2 5c Intense Rose Talcum Powder 2 for 2c 2 3c Rexall Baby Talcum Powder 2 for 20c 3 5c Jayne's Boratod Talcum 2 for 30c 75c Rexall Excessive Perspirant. 2 for 70c 2 5c Hand Lotion 2 for 20c $1.00 Scptone Hair Tonic . 2 for 1.01 50c Harmony Liquid Shampoo 3 for 51c 2 5c Roxa'.l Tooth Paste 2 for 20c 2 5c Ucx-ill Tooth Powder 2 for 20c HOUSEHOLD REMEDIES 35c Aspirin Laxative Cold Tablets 2 for .JOc 50c Analgesic Balm, 2 for 51c 23c Arnica Salve 2 for 20c 25c Carbolated Salve 2 for 2c 2 5c Witch Hazel Salve 2 for 20c 50c Compound Mustard Ointment 2 for 51c 50c Veterinary Gall Cure, 4 oz. pkg. 2 for 51c HARMONY COCOA HITTER COLD CREAM A wonderful building cream. A true skin food. The well known assimilating proper ties of Cocoa Butter make this: a distinct Im provement over any other. Standard Price one Jar 65c This Sule TWO JARS HOo MEDALLION LINEN pond taste of the purchaser. A full quire of paper and twenty four envelopes in a hand notiie package. Standard Price, one package 85c This Sale TWO PACKAGES HOc SYTA TACK POWDER A hlch grade Imported product, a nece slty for Milady't dressing table. Hachael, Blanche. Naturelle and P.ose. Standard Price, one box, "5c This Sale 3 Boxes 70c 25c Sullrylc Arid Corn Salve 3 for 20r 6uc Enema Ointment 3 for die 25c Eye Wash 3 for 3r 35c Hubblng Oil Llnament 3 for Stic 40c Worm Syrup 3 for 41c T5c Stnaflg 3 for 7fl4r 23c Corn Cure Liquid 3 for 30c II o.) P.ira'lne Oil. 1 pt. 3 for l.t f.i'c Pile Cure. In lube 3 for 51c 2. ic Headache Wafers 3 for .11c 3 " f Headache Pills, p.nk 3 for :jc 2 3c Headache T nidi t 8 for Sc 2 'c C -Id Tablet 3 for 20c c P! I Tniilets 3 for 51c 13c l.l'tle Liter P !!. 10 pills 3 fur III.' !.!!:! Liter li!. led pills S for 51c " '0 Itheiui ntic Pill 3 for 51c il ' iiheumtttlc I'.'.!. 3 fur 1:1 Al l. TmiTH I'AiTK A pe:;.-rt iti ti' 1 1! ti-, (i-t'.ipUc nnd ('nt- d ct. ". ans nnd uti ti-nji the lcth. Cn'c- not fi. t on I'm iinfh. Slandl-d pine. i'ti tutm 2."c Th i Hail-. TWO TI M l The Way We Do It You buy an item at the reguar price then another item of the same kind for lc. As an illustration,: The Standard price of Rexall Tooth Paste is 25c. You buy a tube at this price, and by paying lc more, or 26c, you get two tubes. Every article in this saletis a high classed standard piece of merchandise, just the same as we sell you every day at regular prices, and have sold you for years. 1VHSCKLLANEOUS 25c Velour Powder Puffs, 4 in. 2 for 26c 5c Wood Tooth Picks 2 for 6c 40c Tooth Brushes asst. handles 2 for 41c 15c Toilet Paper good grade 2 for 16c 15c Paper Napkins Initial 2 for 16c 5c Violette Breathlets 2 for 6c 7-c Licorice Cough Drops 2 for 8c 40c Baking Chocolate, lb. pkg. 2 for 41c 65c lOpeko Tea, V2 lb. pkg. 2 for 60c 40c Extract Vanilla, 2 oz. . 2 for 41c 4 5c Extract Lemon 2 for 46c RUBBER GOODS $2.75 Maximum Hot Water Bottle 2 for $2 76 $2.75 Maximum Fountain, Syringe 2 for $2.70 30c Stork Nursers 2 for 31c LKJGETT'S OPEKA TEA A carefully prepared blend of the finest teas obtainable. Packed in ' lb. packages. Standard Price 65c. Tills Sale 2 for 00c REXALL PEARL TOOTH POWDER Rexall Pearl Tooth Powder cne of the best recommended by the Dental Profession,'les, whitens, pre'i -. Tea the teeth, rend- ;rs the mouth pure and wholesome. Flavored with Wlntergreen. Standard Price 25c. This Sale 2 for 20c REXALL KIDNEY PILLS Strongly recommended for such Kidney ailments which require a mild but effective treatment which can be self-adinlnlstered. Standard Price 50c. This Sule 2 for Sic GUARANTEED HOT WATER BOTTLES The largest selling bottle in the world. The price everywhere Is $2.75 each. Guar anteed for two years. Standard Price $2.75. This Sale Two 2.76 PURE TEST DRUGS 2 5c Phenothallne Tablets, 36's 2 for 20c 75c Phenothallne Tablets, 190' 2 for 76c $2.50 Phenothallne Tablets, 600'i 2 for $3.51 25c Hydrogen Peroxide, 4 oz. 2 for 26c 60c Hydrogen Peroxide, 8 oz. 2 for 51c $1.00 Hydrogen Peroxide, 1 pt 2 for $1.01 15c Epsom Salts, 4 oz. 2 for lor 25c Epsom Salts, g oz. 2 for 36c 50c Epsom SalU, 1 lb. 3 for 51c 23c Soda Bicarbonate, 1 lb. 2 for 20c 50c Pobell's Soutlon, 1 pt. 3 for 51c Note Pl'RETEST DRUGS re of tlie high lit quality obtainable. CHARMONA COMPLEXION PoWDEK The name Hands for Ihe highest quality, being one of the famom KEXALL complexion requisites. One of the best qualities of thin Face Powder Is that il doei not "allow' hen ued properly. IMlighiruiiy llninrttc, While am l'l'li. Standard Price 40e. This Sale TWO for 41c llol.KT DU-C TAI.4'1 M A powder that ppell to the ladles; ouporUily itH-mniiiendi'd for mntlemen 't"r chat Inc. ; One nf (he bi-M quality lalrunis; perfum Ml with the furious Violet Dulc odor. Standard Ptlre 2 3c TliU Sale 3 for 20r HEPPNER, ORE. 0 c