Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, June 01, 1920, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Tuesday, June i, 1920
, . j. ,
rocAi, m:vs itkms
Jimrnie KskelMin was in town from
iexintuon, Friday.
John Cochran, of lone, was a bus
iness viKitor here Friday.
Mrs. II. P. Stone returned from a
Ti.sit tot Portland Thursday.
Arthur Kecrie, who farms on Rhea
(reek, wan a culler in the city Friday.
Bert Ward, I'.l.vI(horKe farmer,
was in town Friday doint; nome trad
ing. JJill A .vers, who conducts a pass
lime at Hardinan, was a visitor here
J. J. Mrlntyie, stockman of the
Cecil district, was a business visitor
here Saturday.
Nels Justus, who stock ranches on
JIhea creek, was an in and out busi
ness visitor Friday.
Miss Huddieson was iu from Lone
Muck alcnilini.; the graduating exer
cises last Friday. f
Mm. John McMillan was up from
Lexington attending the high school
graduating exercises. ?
For all the local and county news
you should read the Herald, only
$2.00 for a full year.
Ed. Reitman, wheat farmer of
lone and prominent in Farm Jiureau
matters was- here Friday attending
a meeting of that organization.
-Mrs. May Porter, former owner of
the Gen Cafe, has gone to Fossil ex
pecting to close a deal for the pur
chase of the Fossil hotel.
Dave Wilson, a well known, rancher
jf the lioardman project was here
Saturday atlending to business mat
ters ami boosting lor the John Day
Mr. and Mrs. Pilkington have
moved into the J. H. ('allium proper
ty recently purchased from N. A.
Clark. Mr. (Mark and family have
taken rooms iu the Fair building.
Claude Coates has sold bis resi
dence properly and with his family
expects to locate elsewhere. They
expect to leave soon for a trip
through Washington and Idaho in
warcli of a location.
An O. W. U. & N. bridge crew is
ctunped near the depot while doing
repair work on railroad property. It
j8 understood the lleppner branch
will be generally repaired and im
proved IhiH Hummer.
Hilly Mcltoberts has bought an in
terest in the livery barn from Herb
Kirk and it is understood the new
firm will put In a line ofau tos, rigs
uud saddle horses iu connection with
The feed business.
Many lleppner people visited the
Boardmnn project Monday lor the
Hint time and it is sale to say that
every one of them came home with
n better Idea of what the union of
water, Mil and sum-hinc meuns:
Miss Hurls Ma honey left Frldaj
morning for Seattle where tdie will
visit with her sister, Miss Vera Mu-
fioiiey. vim is a student at the I'nl
veisity of W ashington, and enjoy the
commencement exercises nt th;:t in
"1 Fleil "vVnlloul, of Pendleton, is op
uating a lor hire car between this
ity ami IVmllctnn making the trip
whenever he lectin's a satisfactory
trip. He h expecting to arrange lot
a, regular it' weekly sen ice. in the
Mill futuu'.
When W. II llarratt spied the Hist
tie, II Hoard c:deid.i udtihimt: "li ti
trate the John la." he soil of unort
tl u ml 1e111.11 Led : "To blates with
John l..y." I'd rather they would
irilg.ite Hill It. matt Jut now."
Iliiaidimin la-.lies cut a hi.' pyramid.
Hike in I'mnl el the ipeaki'ts standi
i t the .1 1 h 11 li.'V ricnic i'Kteul.iy und
paired .'li r, lid til the il'Milllllcd lliul
I M ml ', .in.l 1 In n' w ei '
! 1 11 1 el I :. . mk-iiIk to
lint a glials
piri.ed lip 1
iitli-i tl
II. ppuer deb ration gnl
thluiu li. 1
An 1. Id n. 11 iltalii'cr hose
Hull e I ll"t I. now II. was I'll ki d up
al lour I'iMi'.. 11 nd li 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tn Hi'p
ner w!ni Iu was confined iu the
i-oiimt Jul mi a ch.iii'..' nl t n 1 1 1 1 it
Tilth Hi. l !i' ''Mil gllc-t to clljot ihe
horjiiiilm ni mine lmt MilHif'ii
at In-. I.nii I l. Shook urn.
Mr inn I Mi - i" Wood aid mid Mm
Will Tl act . CI Sllio liUIH'. tlllllltlg.
united in II. einii'i Monday I'M iunr
iH'llig tailed liie lt Ihe M'lllHIK til
Hens nt thin i.ilhei. Mr A. II Mi
JVmn wliii n idei wciil a major up
-l III lull ..I ti e Miinli" hn-p1l.1l limt
f Mi S.11111 I'.toii up I mm lone
Sitluiil.it and i'h bi ..ullici. H I'
Hni in i'ii wiiit mil to Ho' t x I r
IIi.I.Ii iih I II" h l H e ImllitLl lln
t'OtlM III III li. 1 In' id "' ' 1,1
lie li'l I ell (he him l 'be ' ' "I
lulM.lllit I hell 1 l. I. mil l W ill . II I
J.iy .tn, 1 t linn I" 1 ' I hi ' '
ml lie ! ' I
Mr and Mi I!' " S.ti'r i't of
111, 1, U1..1 . . w. te 111 lnn Kiul.it I
lr S. fi. .nt l n
XI. .111 u t'liiiutv I'tir itiil be t
mid) (.. MitiFiitbe lor :.io' wnilh ef j
kim It ill hi. li a iii)"I the fnt limri
.IMIC J.lllll'.'I'll (.. t.ilt kt him ('
Ihr uiir. iiitin. n nil If Id ppni i
will t.init up lth It'"- I""'! "' ,,r
.rfj.vl Mi HwaeKntt t"
tlmiMe hl flRUrrt and nikr II n
t. .1 J I .noil "0
; : 1111
11 m;i Vinci
lUHIIll i
It 1H Ullil. I ' I. .oil lll.lt till' People's
ll.iidwaie Mine w .it filtered last Fil
1l.1t nll.l'l. -itei.il millM and pelhnpH
othci aitnl.'i wcic taken, ichl
w.iich t'miii'i ienn t thai be hat. no
iieii M.el.ll M..ptr:itlM c It II lln-l .1 II
. I.Hih which would in. lie. He lli.it
we lll.it ll.l.e a nil tilllll.ll li.HHIIIt
a. iiuiid ii.w n
Parjtit Sprd Dttrtt.
A pi'iiiiiiir iiene ibnt U till inn
fliied ibiirtt 1.1 icriiiln titer tnllet. nf
' .Input!, but Ilf.'etlt pi.lt.llltlr nf
breiikHii; .ie in n tt idiKpreml epl
! ih'inli . I'ii hf n tiililet't of re. i iit In
! te.!lt.illi.i It l kn. mil nt "(ill
; ni;.llnillil." ph. I I. tiuli-niltteil l.t tlie
I "nkiimii.l.!," an in.,., ( pnrn.t,i i.f icr
tiiin n.t.l in'.-e. li It n fetir tlrlkiim
It 'ml nr l.i Itphlla lll.d lin.lv llielnil
I Hill p. l!e.l fftei. I he llilellkilli.r
1 I nt.' li .ni.,,1 Hint ' , l,i, f .... urrvii 1
, t HI lie li It. nf .leu., t.l II. I., I el
1 wli:.!i I. 1 he (.,... ,.f .!. , l...i . ,.f
'In ....... t 1 tr'it r. nii.l li e 'H
I l. li.-u tie .,.,i...l. li. I ,.f it,. , .
.11,' ..I," ( !..!(. f.t II I,, ,,..l.,.i I, 'I.
tl i- I.. . 1 !,' h .nt ' I ' t I.,MUI t, 1 I
t..l , ,.,t, lit..,.. et. ,, .U l 1 e
hi, et, I e.ler ci!t , ..tirt..i.. .:.-
I I t I',,. I e.c, ! . ;..ii. l ...
Sti. .I11I. mi l i llll iilt IL, I.r '.n
ni .!... .,.t pm. nl the ( 1, i. , f
ll.e tlin While n, h f 1. .1 p.
IimLii,, liu-rcHrt, 1.1.. Hi,'. i".,iee i.e.!
llt.a leite plnti'll III, ?Tt', t te 1.
til.'j linj-e f tiM4i'tf ftit lite ii.-iiw
t.''in rr.t Iu thr rteiii,iii,itii.u m!
lite l.t -I led
It is not the price that determines the cost of your
tailoring to you.. It is the kind of service and satis
faction that follows.
Poor fabrics and tailoring are only pretenders, and
when you figure the cost against the actual perform
ance you find that you have paid dearly instead of
cheaply for your bargain.
Ed. V.. Price & Co. tailoring begins to pay you
Paucngtr Who Had en Wrong Pair
AdmittjdThinklng That They
Felt "Pretty Tight."
Mr. !. nf Nmtli IViuim It unUi ttreet
fell nf n iinir tit.i'.ly. ,.r ,nii,w
fit in 1: 11UI11 In It. w hi, h trreil
lew dint iiho 1,11 h in,. 1 1 1, Iriiln
eniiilnc III from rln,ni.,i, t. tht
tiidliitiiipnllt Ne.
He I. ml 0,1'iipleil nil ii : . r berth,
mid when he arn-e f..m,, ,nt hi
tl t I, ml illnp.,.ir. .1 (.,,11. ,
lit nttn were where I.I. .1, ,1.1 hnte
I n. bill Ihey et nl. hi it I., ..n.-vd in
lie o, ii 1 11 11 1 of the ln,r l.rth.
The H,rter wa nillnl. 1 i - l.i m.it
lit 'cut " nr, t fniied !.i l. , iiie th
j ini.iiii! h. . The ir.i n v a rnpbl
I t IH'IS lowtir.l In. I ., ami
with ti.innt of nirn.ii; i,i,klnit
I f.nied, Mr, l. wa in a i,. t uiirntl
I iil.le "lute of lulu. I.
l...iit ilmt t un. 1
I amilileri -I itnw 11 tie
J inn I I , .'mi t.i n...,t 1,
"it."t to i'iti.1
I' , et- 'il.. 1 I" ,.
'. Illr malt
lll.M l
; . .,.l,ltit
"V tlBl i
I. If . ilte
I H I, r, . 11, r , 1
"'I I t. I' I,. .1, . I. .1 . .h.H-t,"
! tile I (.e nr.N ,, ,)(
I J "U l it 11 ! a mi. ,M,k
, t'.' ' 1 t r ). ,i ,1.1 ),.,,-
j I Li li tie , -ilt Jj-.v (.1, a ,.k
, "I l.'t f.. t i.ie 1 r. ,. ..1, ., , it, ,,t tit
! . .1
' . 'I " ., ) . . 1, ,1 Ijr rh-
' -' I "I 1 I ' 1 tl. t-kf
It 1... f, 1 r. it 1 . 1 t '
ii-1 ll.ri, I'.ir .. . . f...i , aIT
ill in.... ,,f t ,. , (niia
1 I ''' I ' in t! r fut.i.j.
V U .11,7 J 1 V I W-atWa-..' .-Tftl HI I il I X .... VtUTl .1 I, II
THK MITtltV ltltlii:MII I Kl
(It i tepnrleil Ihiil In ceitiitln pio.
vltlce of l!iim.i w (linen hate lieen
"n.tl Inllaliii d ")
W hen tally hcanm the!iiiUl muun.
In.-pit inn men 10 riirirkl,
1 will iiiiiliii my w hl-keiinm
Ami dun my hil.UI lilrt"kl.
Zoof! Tn the town hull ttiaitht I
ti.u k
And Kit m hi i.le or t.kl,
Tn lit oil my ak und tctjtch my haik
At long ut nhe la tiuenkl.
When hiMie) iniiiint ln glumly rlninii.
t lieut her to a ildetkl.
Hark to the meriy twappinit room
And net another bililitkl'
I'nion Taclfic Hulletln
j it 1 1 M K-ll tIMM; HOMKoTK lt ItH
' to 1,1 r t:t.t k.
, Wntiiincion. 1 t" . NUy :. -
! t'omttpntMian Nick Smnott hat
heett n..ilr, ht I ' r (urr Otit
Smith, lllierlm I'. S tlrole'li 4I ! ur
,"'t. Ilial til IIiimjii plant lo have
an t.inilnatuin m. de of all pi-nd n
ca.e of il,.it:n.ilmn under the tMock
1 n I ft at llmiiettead Art lir(nielh rnl
n( the pivtent ftild teuton. The
'ifiin ('irro (ori(temea hat
I time and aaain of lute, railed la the
attention of tlrrtir fttuttti the Mm
! plaint of ettlrt that no arlna had
hen akrn on thr mailer of detlcna
thin their laBdt. lie made a ior-
back the minute you don your suit in satisfaction
of fit and style, but many a long month of service is
required to tell the whole story of quality and value.
Our new imported and domestic woolens for
spring wear will appeal to you.
We stand back of every order of tailoring that we
fulfill with our guarantee of service'quality and service-value.
& CO
una peimin.il :ppeul Iu Direitur Smith
a few- iluya oko tliitinn It1! many of
hit com tit ucntK roinplaineil that their
appliratioua had not been acted upon
for Ihiee tear. He told the Dlrectoi
thill many of thene worthy people
on Ihe fmntlet of the' Ciovernmenl
lundt nl On on had been put to a
treat Inconvenience beaue of Jhe
delay; that Ihey weie reluctant lo
leute the land Ihey hud applied for
und weie holdinn on for dear lite,
hut had iiluioM Klten up hope, and
Intlttently urged llrerlor Smith to
do toiuethinK at once lor their relief.
In reply to thlt latent of Innumeri.
flile protett lo lUrector Smith he re-
reived thlt nun nine Ihe follow ing let
ter telling o il the purpotea of the
llurr.iu to hatten action and (tivmn
lamia under (hit ait in Kattein Ore
nun: Wathlnilon. IV t'..
May :o. 19:o.
jllim X. J. Sinnott.
j My dear Mr. Sinnott ....
I I hate in rived and carefully noted
your letter of May 14, rulllni
'my attention lo lh anitinh.T of com-
plaintt toy ate rereitinj from atock-
; ralatnt appllcan't in Oleicon.
I At you ano the tiock-ralnnr
homeatrad law Wat apptntrd by the
Tfetldrnl on lierembrr S. 11M. and
tlnre that dale T :S Indl' idual p
tuloon for df:s nittion hate beo
filetl Kunda for dm tit Ihe berettary
f.rld and office oik were not made
available by Concrete until June .
1117, a:.d from Ibat year until Ihe
present lime wnik has been done Id
Oregon each field aenaon. The Sur
vey Iihh dispone of 5M61 entea. The "
total ami. denignated in ull atatea la
4;i.24rt.ilii3 arte. In Oregon 3.531.&.1
iicret, involving 3,224 rate.
remonail 1 om proud of thla re.
cotd and feel me that when you con
tlder the flituiea fieM-nied you will
apptetlule the miiiitiitude of the task.
On Vay J5, 1S20. the Department
appioted v de:natlnn for 1.740.180
ariea in Ihe Vale dittrlrl. lnvohln
22 ratea and I expert to aubmlt dea
lt nation oidera (o (he Secretary for
rontlderatlon for landa In The Dallea
and I.a Grande dittrlcta before the
end of thla month and It li hoped that
Uikevlew and Huina will be dlnpoaedj'
of durln June. Thla aetlon will'
dote. o far aa Survey anion It re
quired, all but about 1D0 trattered
ratea In your ttate.
At (o completion of the work of
designation under the tnrk-ri1nr,
act. examination of Ihe Individual ap.
plnationt I. neccaty in r.clont
where profitable asilrultural rropa
can be iaid. and the completion of
the W oik ran unit I. . j
" ' "tiiyii.ifi
when the public land are tn, or
application r,o longer made tor them.
There are large amat ol thla kind In
v"ur dmtriri but brt.ne Hie end of
the p:-..ot field aon II la planned
to have examination made of all pen
dmt raft.
Youra trty rotdially
r.KurtCK CTH SMITH Director.
.... foiled State Geological Survey