Tuesday, June i, 1920. r-r . 1 , , HAfiK S K.V RNr F. R. BROWN agent for GUARANTEED LOW COST LIFE INSURANCE; FIRE, HAIL. ACCI DENT AND HEALTH INSURANCE two coon residences in kei-pneii von sale, piucfd kigiit. A LIMITED AMOUNT OF HUVATE MONEY TO LOAX. Office Upstairs in Roberts Building Phone 643 Heppncr, Oregon X. J. B. CALMUS Blacksmithing and Horseshoeing OXY-ACETYLENH WELDING ALL WORK GUARANTEED THERE'S NOTHING WE CAN'T FIX ASHBAtG H STAND HEPPNER OREGON "PERMANENT AS THE PYRAMIDS" Concrete Pipe Company Manufacturers Sewer and Water Pipe Irrigation Pipe Culvert Pipe Hollow Silo Blocks Cement Products Phone 467 1003 North 10th St ,Wa!la Walla, Wash s Can You Afford TO TAKE ( II AMIS ON ; HAVING Vol K WHEAT DES TI!OYEI? NO. WHEAT IS WORTH TOO Ml( II MONEY' THIS VKAIt. THE WW TO l'l'.OTE( T Vol KSELK AGAINST loss is to mend a lew hollars with is von one ov ol"K Hail Insurance POLITIES THEIEKHV MAKI(i Vol RSCLE SAFE AGAINST UlSS. IT'S THE l.K. H AL WAV. ITS THE IllSlVESS WAV TO I'LAV SAFE. Roy V. Whiteis REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND FARM LOANS THE HEPPNER HERALD, ONLY S2.00 A YEAR "They're Talking About It Everywhere" ' says the Good Judge How much more ficnulno satisfaction you ftet from a little of the Real To- Vw. "V fUAIM fill I'AI 1 ever got from the o!J . jff kInd fWiW VV The ftooj, rich, rrr! to- Wjjv ) lucco taste last lor. J?J vou don't ntvJ a fasii . chew near I" ru o;tet'.. v; 'I hat's why It sus you money. Any man w!in m;; tru Real Tobacco Cu-w will tell you that. Put up in ut ttytct 7 4 1 Demonstration To be held at PENDLETON and WESTON Thursday, Friday, Saturday, June 3, 4, 5. NINE EXPERT TRACTOR MEN DIRECT FROM THE FAC TORY AT DETROIT WILL BE PRESENT TO ASSIST IN THIS DEMONSTRATION. ... ALL OWNERS AND PROSPECTIVE OWNERS OF FORD SONS IN MORROW COUNTY ARE URGED TO ATTEND THIS MEETING AND GET FIRST-HAND, INSIDE INFOR MATION ABOUT .THE .FORDSON .FROM MEN WHO KNOW THE MACHINE BY HEART. IF IT IS POSSIBLE FOR YOU TO GO CALL ON OR PHONE ME AS SOON AS CONVENIENT AND ARRANGEMENTS . WILL BE MADE FOR YOUR ACCOMMODATION. CHAS. H. LATOURI Of PHONE 193 :LL HEPPNER, ORE. 1 9 mion Bo 9 men s Shoes All of my present stock re duced f rom 1 0 to 20 per ct All kinds of Work Shoes, Harvest Shoes, and Dress Shoes go on this sale. Shoes from the Manufacturer arc not dropping so this sale will end when my present stock is sold out. If you arc in need of shoes this is your opportunity to get them at a big saving. Get yours while they last at owers Diioe djiiod Wc do all kinds of repairing ervice RIGHT CUT h a short-cut tobacco W'li CUT is a lon& fine-cut tobacco J V ' rrr-