r m THE HEPPNER HERALD. HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, June i, 1920 PAGE SIX AN IDEAL MOTORING OUTFIT 1, ti ; i : - j j Jjy i "Th Tank" i ! helped turn the fortunes of war to the Allies 39 PI TANK TYPE TRACTOR a TANK" TYPE TRACTOR Will help bring financial fortune to your wheat farm. PLOW DEEP, CULTIVATE WELL, BUY A "CLETRAC" T. H. LOWE CECIL Distributor OREGON nil ,"iH sw ai ill. p' l8 ORDER Coat of brown velou.4 trimmed with glazed leather in self tone. The hat is one of the newest models with a serviceable and prettily draped veil attached. STYLES FOR KIDDIE CLOTHES Great Leeway Admitted In Fashions for Younger Set Same as for Grownups. ... 1 M HubMiibe, lor the Herald and get the election news of May 2 Int. It Is Subscribe for for u full year. the Herald only $2 Subscribe for the Herald and get all the county news. Only $2 a year. l! I 1 Cutting Machinery Will soon be needed We have both the Deersn Lines and a cr and McCorrnack reasonably complete stock The time Is certainly past when chil dren's clothes can be purchased ready to wear for a mere song. Making them at home Is a great saving this season, especially If the stores are carefully "shopped", for bargains ..In mnterluK Fortunately no one style dominates the style field for children (for the matter of that, great leeway Is admitted In fashions for grownups as well) and variety Is really the Im portant point to achieve. Cotton poplin Is In high favor for (sturdy service dresses for little girls and for suits for small boys. Cotton crepe Is another fabric that Is a fa vorite when clothes for everyday wear are under consideration. The small girl will be becomingly outfitted in olle, oignndle, swiss nnd similar transparent fabrics when really warm weather arrives that Is, for some what dressy occasions but the sturdy percales, poplins, chambrnys and cot ton crepes will be selected for play honr. Vivid, rather dark, or at least me dium shades are In great favor for service clothes for members of the younger set. Jnde green Is liked and Is very smart when becoming. Marl gold yellow and a medium blue are much used. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County. State of Oregon, plaintiff. vs. Nancy M. Meek, defendant. This cause coming on regularly to be heard on the application of the plaintiff by its attorneys, S. E. Not son, District Attorney, and Sam E Van Vactor, for an order of publica tion herein, and it appearing to the Court: That information has been filed herein, and wherein it is alleged that heretofore and on and before the 3rd day of August, 1906, one Martin An derson was the owner of the follow ing described real property, to-wit: Commencing at a point in the middle or center of' the flume or ditch formerly used by the Heppner Milling Company, (as described and set forth in the plat and specifications filed by Nelson Jones, in the office of the County Clerk of Morrow County, Oregon, and recorded in Book H, Records of Deeds, for said County, at page 4 57 there of, on the 6th day of February, 189 2,) where said ditch or flume intersects the South line of Block Two (2) of Nelson Jones' Addition to the Town of Heppner, Morrow County, Ore gon, and running thence East on said South line of Block Two (2), ten feet to the Southwest corner of Lot Four (4), of said Block, running thence in a Northwesterly direction, ten feet from and parallel with the cen ter of said ditch or flume, to a point where the same intersects the North line of Lots Four (4) and Five (5), of said Block, be ing the Northwest corner of said Lot Four (4), thence running West on the North line of said Lots, twenty feet to a point ten feet West of the center of said flume or ditch, and being the Northeast corner of Lot Five (5) of said Block, thence running in a Southeasterly direction ten feet from and parallel with the cen ter or middle of said ditch or flume to a point where the same Intersects the South line of said Block Two (2), being the South east corner of said Lot Five (5) of said Block, thence East on the South side of said Block Two (2), ten feet to the middle or center of said ditch or flume, the place of beginning, and beitog a tract of land twenty feet wide and lying between said Lots Four (4) and Five (5) of said Bleck Two (2). That thereafter and on the 3rd day of August, 1906, the said Martin An derson died interstate tn said County, and that thereafter his estate was led cause on the 29th day of April, 1920, as the same appears of record in my office. IX WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court this 1st day of May, 1920. J. A. WATERS, Clerk of Morrow County, Oregon. 1-6 PARIS STYLES IN BLOUSES Wi: WOULD ADVISC SKCUKING KXTKAS AT AS F.AKLY A PATH AS I'OSSIHLK. WIIILU w:: havi: a coon stock or kxtras now THKY AUK GOING TO WK 1IAKI) TO CV'.T I.ATT.K IN THKSKASON. Overgarment In Contrasting Color to Tailored Suit It Distinctive Note In Fashions. The blouse In contrasting color to the skirt or to (he tailored suit Is the distinctive note In fashion In blouse for spring In Paris, say the Dry Goods Economist. With practically iu exception, blouses worn with skirt und Jacket suits are shown In brilliant contrasting colors. The day of the Mouse In matching crepe for wear with suits Is llnMiod and the rnloivd blouse In tiiffetn, voile or crepe ile chine, or the blouse In bold striped silk tuiih or linen Is now the great vogue. inutilities of Mouse In n.ei atln end In kid, coveted with mi all-over embroidery In contrasting color, are featured at Iteiiee for wear with uls. These bloii-cs are simply nmdo, are In slip over the head tV. I.ne rounded necks, mid short sleeves, the bodice are tint nt the front nnd, ns n;le. cl 'se In surplice f:ih'on nl the hfick. Tie belt Is cut !u one with Hie tiedlce e.!io:i 11 ml bullous simply Tirolllid the l ips nt ei'l-er s .le. HEAVY DEV.'.ND FOH GLOVES duly administered upon in the Coun tv Court of Morrow County. Oregon. and final settlement of the same duly iPer P"snea in unmuua wounty. made therein on the 6th day of (Oregon, and In a newspaper published April 1908 in s,orrow County, Oregon, stating That the said Martin Anderson was j,ne tlme ana P,aee f,XM Dv tne -ourt the nerson last seized of the said des- ,or 1,16 nearing oi mis peuuon, anu cribed real estate, and that the above !that anv P"Bon- Interested In the or- named defendant, Nancy M. Meek Is Kanlzalton or saul district or In the the present occupant and in posses- 1 "uosequent proceeuings or tne uoara ii! $iot S eev facurr- Vogue lnd.c:e Will 0 Uusn (.ri Mi kct 13 NOTICE In the Circuit Cjurt of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. In the matter of the petition of Emmett Callahan, J. G. Camp, A. E. McFarland, directors of the West Extension Irrigation Dis trict for a judicial examinatio and judgment of the Court as to the regularity and legality of the proceedings in connection with the organization of said district, and the proceedings of the Board of Directors of said District, together with the pro ceedings of the said Board of Directors and the District in the election for the authoriza tion of a conotract with the United States of' America, and as to the validity of said con- . tract, and whether the same may be legally signed by the said District. To the West Extension Irrigation. District, and to all Freeholders, legal. Voters, and Assessment Payers with in said District. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED, That the petition of the" Board oe0 rectors of the West Extension : ' gatlon District, praying as folldtW to-wit: WHEREFORE, Your petitioners respectfully pray for a judicial ex amination and judgment of said above Court as to the regularity and Talidity of the proceedings in connec tion with the organization of the said West Extension Irrigation District, and as to the regularity and legality of the proceedings of the Board of Di rectors of said District subsequent to the date of the organization of said Irrigation Dlstrlct.'and as to the reg ularity and legality of the proceed ings of the said Board of Directors and of the said District in the pro ceedings providing for the election authorizing the said proposed con tract with the United States and as to the validity of said proposed contract and that all such acts and proceed ings may be judicially examined and determined by the said Court in one special proceeding. And your petitioners further pray that the Court shall fix the time for the hearing of this petition and shall order the Cleilt of the said Court to give and publish a notice of the fil ing of this petition directed to said Irrigation District and to "all. free holders, legal voters, and assessment payers within said district", which said notice shall be published for three successive weeks in a newspa- 1 sion of the same and claims to be the owner thereof. That the said Martin Anderson died without heirs and left said real property hereinbefore described es cheated and vested In the State of Oregon, the plaintiff In this action. WHEREFORE, Based upon said application and Information filed herein, it Is hereby ORDERED, That all persons Interested In said reril of Directors of Eaid District or In the proceedings of said Board of Direct ors and of said District In the author ization of a contract with the United States of America, may within ten (10) days after the full publication of said notice and on or before the day fixed for the hearing of this pe tition demur to or answer said peti tion, has been filed In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for property appear In this Court and i 1 muuna . ouniy. .... . I ...I ..Ill 1 - U . nll.a I Sin cause on or before Wednesday the i Juu " - : 16th day of June, 1920. and show .Court has. fixed Monday, the 14 7 cause. If any they have, why Judg- J"1"1. 1920, at the hour of 10 ment should not be granted the "vlo k A- M of ftlJ da' B" th ,imf plaintiff as prayed for In said Infor- of hearing said petition, and the pbc natirn, to-wit: Adjudging that the M hearing at the Circuit Court s.Ud rial pioperty hereinbefore des- 1 cote, in the Court House. Tendle cribed be escheated and the title n. State of Oregon, at ; 'd time, (t.e-eto vested In the state of Oregon. I A"'' '" wl!1 "k' ""'See that any tli-it said real property be sold tn t P"""" infrcsted In the organisation HI Giliiam & Bssbee in Tli's 'i'-lr ,1,11.". I , l n rt !'' k:,oe M"" I!. ill t'' I. e-,r f. ; ml l,U-!i In tiiiie .!. r :ii"l, V I i O i 11 II I I .(..It '. ,.f .s.-l-. f :il s! .i It Is I". - to it-e i e i in: ne I enn ll 'e iHl ... f..f i s file i , nnd tl . III;.!,'!'.' ' ...I I- .:. tn t:i' I. Is -., :,r.cr prmlded by law; ttiut Out of t,l" proceeds i:lls!t:g fiolll Mliil sale !!'.e en 's and dil In: I se;m n I s of this ;.ii i . i dun; be paid. !!- 1 1 r with the est rf such sale, und tli.it the i e. ti .iinili i of the proceed-- d- i :m d (:'Mi sin h sale be paid ow in i'a- :;: ite Tua ur-i of the State o i i. ,.i n. it is !ui ! er OilPr.KIlD. Th.-t th.s in r be u!i. is'.. .'d for a pi i' d of six e. ; ill I'.e t nei Ii. ri Id. a r,e t..i;e r ot gen- fa! llicul l- I Il l-til 'I Me. I' f r ' s I. I'l , m! '..ft ll, . S mi tl,u ra't-s-r it pt"1 r. l !' e- : n I e rv n el '. , e.ii !. ' i el .11. h f I Mil t.s! I. I . l-r " u. h timl sd .r V. ', t. it tt.. a I. 1 l e. . r . ..... i..rt ,.i,. sr- 's o'e !' n i .-i I t I e , t'..n he in M .I to I'oat.ti , (' .11. I tile d at ll' PI nel, ( ;. n ti- Mid lia'ed r.l !..: l-". ai .. oil. I'ii.i tl'la ".;. Ve.i.i ; V d -v o' A f ;ii.;m:i.t !. o! ti e k Cant l ii. ..y. ; lilt -ii .r Mnfi s-; !e e' I'K n. l'i ;t,'. i ,' M- r- , s . I. J A VV ,' C if" ' ' o v. i.-w d ii'.'). ar t iv ' n.e fir--,t i-- i r r - s' 1 " - '' i .,-,. e-arar lrrr,, r'-i "i .t li e (.' i " f 1 'nr' 'f i a tu- ii i . ti.. 1 1 : v of t'.o ;.' t i "di mad and rof-ed in t!, i.b. ot.t of said district or in the subs. iitieiil ptoceedii;.-! of the lloatd of Ill lCtOIS of s. ld In-1 1 let or In the p-oceedltigs I"! s..l i It.iaid of tniei-t i3 and of tt Js il IMsfV; in the auMioi izatlun "f , ii ci .tit act w.'h the United States of A:-." ici. ti.ay within lell (1) da: (,-.:er t' e full publication of tins n '. !l.i m! on or beloie th" day f'.vd I '.. t'e. .ting of the a!d f t. Hon dem i' or .it. .wer said . tjtt n. f Tt Is n;t ie I publisl'.ed t- j ' f ' o nn mder o the Hon. O. W. I w .1 Julie of the above er.tltl'd fmirt. ule nrd enteted on the 27th day of At i il. li:o. In the Meruit ton HmM. i n-w paper of gi netal rtrnilation In i '! ... Cuiii ty, firi-r' n. an 1 In t- !e; p!,.-r ll-t.i!d. a nespiper of sn-r-.l r:rri!.iti..n It) M'Utnw ("oiin'r. for three n:rfr"lis eek I f mil ll .i.d nt I', nd'- ten, n-e- ..n, under th ,es.l of the Clrru I c.iu-l of the State of Oreftl. f' r t i. ati'.U County. IMS :tth dav ' ' Mi. !':). ll. T. ItnowN. rte.k t w efui'd r u" I'.!!. tbt May 4th. llh, tre:i es, t' .kl i r npl' u. ! ,h .as tv) ' v hue .