THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE THREE EDWARDS AND MANAGER I LEGAL NOTICES DAVIDS HOUR By JACK LAWTON. Tuesday, June i, 1920. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County. Arthur Reid and Martin Reid, plaintiffs, vs. Madaline Roberts, defendant. To Madaline Roberts, the above named defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE F OREEGON, you are hereby sum moned and required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled Court and cause on or before six weeks from the date of first publication of this summons, and you are hereby noti fied that if you fail to so appear or answer, for want thereof plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in their complaint, viz. a ' decree of said Court that you have no right, title or interest in or to the Northeast quarter of Section 14, Township 5 Souh, Range 26 E. W. M. and that you be forever debarred and enjoined from setting up asserting or infill Jj of New Edward Edwards Jersey (on left) chatting with Walker V. Viek, his campaign manager, in the Edwards headquarters at the Ho- ernor Edwards' friends have an nounced his candidacy for the presi dential nomination on the Democratic ticket. maintaining any right title or interest tel. Manhattan, New York city. Gov- therein or thereto and that plain tiffs' title to said lands be quieted as against you. This summons is served upon you V publication thereof once a week or six consecutive weeks in the Heppner Herald, a newspaper published' in Morrow. County, Oregon, by order of Hon. Gilbert W. Phelps, Judge of the above entitled Court made and entered on the 10th day of May, 1920, and tho date of first publication Is May 11, 1920, and date of last publi cation is June 22, 1920. WOODSON & SWEEK, Attorneys for Plaintiffs. 1 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S.J Land office at La Grande, Oregon, May 15, ,1920. Notice Is hereby given that, FRIEDRICH RAUCH, of Echo, Oregon, who, on November! 2, 1915, made Homestead Entry No. 015364 for E, Section 20, and on March 8, 1920, made Additional Homestead Entry No. 017354, for SWVi, Section 20, and E NW4, Section 8, Township 1 North, Range 28 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before J. A. Waters, Clerk of County Court, at I Heppner, Oregon, on the 20th day of I July, 1920. Clalmanat names as witnesses: ' Tony Vey, Price Munkers, Frank Irwin, Julian Rauch, all of Echo, Oregon. C. S. DUNN, 4-9 Register Stoekralslng homestead entry, Ad December 29, 1916, (39 Stats., 862.) I HANDLE S ICE CREAM BEST IN THE WORLD IT IT TAKE A 1 McAtee & Aiken xoTia k fok ri w.u'ATiox Department of the Interior, U. 8 Land office at La Grande, Oregon May 15, 1920. Notice Is hereby given that KATHERINE DOHKHTV, of Lena, Oregon, who, on March 23. 1916, made HomeHtead Entry No. 01 5687, for SE',i. Section 32, Town ship 1 South, Range 2!) Hunt, and Lots 1 and 2 and NE4, Section Township 2 South, Range 29 East. ml .Villamette Meridian, has filed notice to establish claim to the land above described, before J. A. Waters, Clerk of County Court, at Heppner, Oregon. on the 22nd day of July. 1920. Claimant names as Illnesses: Francis McCabe. John Kccgnn. Phil Hirl. Mack MrOulte. nil of Lena. Oti'Kon. ('. 3. DUNN. 3-8 Register. otm k roit ri S. E. NOTSON ATTOHN KY-AT-LAW Office in Court House Heppner Oregon VAUGHAN & BUTLER DKXTIST Permanentl) located Id Oddfellow's Uunlding 'ieppner, Oregon DR. A. D.McMURDO PHYSICIAN ft SIIU.KON Telephone 1 22 Office Patterson's Drug Store Heppner Oregon WOODSON & SWEEK attoiim:ym.a'M.av tlepjitier Oreron Department of the Interior, I. S. Land office at The I I Oicgon. M.iy l?:n. Notice Is heteby Kiven that T JO,,N ' coMiKi:. 1 " ' H-ipnr. O'een. mini, on Mi'rh J5. 191", mad Hoiuclscjd Kntry No. olisS, for l.t I-! S4 N K . S.ition 2. Tii!iip 1 Nith. lunge :s Kut, vni'ii"tte ;t-!.i...i. Hlnl n' f Intention t- ti 'i'- liba! thire jr,.:,. proof, I ' ' aVlU clHi V the ut, nti"vr d-scM'ied, U :. J A Wtis. Or of I'. f ImuiI '-.u t. at Heppner. ctson. n Uie Ttii do f Jul). 1 '.'.' Claimant r.' i'nM !t,nard P I-h-Mv, of lro. Ote. I n; C','n-l,u M 'v 1. of rbo "f t n; On' V ..'n. of Or gun; Wi'.I'am 11 I'.nl-r. of n. Ore-rot. II RANK W( '!' '"' K. 4t n,t-r F. A. McMENAMIN i.awvkh 1 tnbt( Illdg. H'-ppner, Ora. Otflm phone Main 43 ' It-'! -nr I'bone Main CS! ROYV.WIIITEIS ihiiumi: l:HT.rr, i.oh. ttrpfBef Oion OR. CLYDE R. WALKER l IMM l AMI hi V.i. lilt tmtii" ( onni'loti l-ne, Orrgitn SAM n. VAN VACTOR AtTultNl V-AI UW, 'l-p5r Oregon (Copyright, lilJO, Western Newspaper L'monj David sat before the fireplace in the cozy room anil looked earnestly at his old friend. The room was lined with books ; unci a desk stood in the center ; half curtains were at the window, where ruffled curtains had been, and a doctor's sign with gilt lettering hung above: David had done his best to turn his mother's sitting room into a doctor's consulting office. The old friend looked back at David, and sym pathy was iu his gaze. "It's tough," he said, "after all the years you've planned for this, boy, to have It full through. Your mother and me used to sit and talk of the time when you'd come back from col lege and have the whole town calling you for their sick. You'd a made a good doctor, too; there's no question about it. Iletter'n the .big one that's come out of the city. He's had none of the struggles you've had to find his place. "His dad Is one of the big specialists In the city. Thought it would be a good thing to start his son on his own feet, so he bought him the Galium place and got him established. We sure (lid need a doctor. Old Doc Wells dropping off sudden, this new one fell soft into his place, the place that should have been waiting for you. David. Everyone seemed to take to Doe Hrereton right off. Maybe It was his fine car that Impressed 'em, or the housekeeper In cap and tucker that opens the door at his house. Anyway, I'm sure there's nothing for you here now, son, an you d better mint an other stand. Rent this bouse and start out for another town. We'll miss you, but I'm telling you just how things are." David nodded gravely, "Thanks," he replied, "but I guess I'll stick ; Doctor Brereton may take all the reg ular patients. I enn see how our fami lies would welcome a city practitioner. But there must be others who could use me ; the lower town folks per haps, ot those across the bridge." "Land alive boy!" the old man ex claimed, "how'd you expect to make a living off those folksT Most of 'em's on charity now." "I always have managed to live some way." Dnvld said slowly. "You have, David." Dan warmly agreed, "and against all odds you've reached your chosen goal." The old man paused. "Helen Carson rides out n good ileal with Doc Bre reton," he said brusquely, "some folks think It's going to be a match. Sure would suit her father down to the ground ; you know how Carson Is no one round here ever wns good enough for his daughter." "No one, you mean." David correct ed, "bud money enough, In his opinion to he eligible ns a husband for his daughter." "That's It." Dan said, "and the girl cares so much for her fool father that she'd never cross him. Well, good night David, I'm sorry you haven't a better welcome." David decided to stick and do what lie could. He met Nell next day. She was driving with the capable and confl dent Brereton, and after her little eager cry, Nell had In a whispered word osked to be allowed to speak to him. He wns fortunate In meeting the girl after (lint, down by the bridge now white with the snows of winter, or 1 In the wood road perhaps, with ever greens nn either side. And Nell, con fessed to him that Hal Brereton wnnt ed her for his wife, ami that her father wanted It too. I "And you rare for hltn, Nell?" he managed to ask. The girl regarded Mm quietly, "t'ertnlnly not, David," she said; "I shall never ninrry Hal P.reroton." I David's henrt sang as he walked home alone. From di-tpalrlng. waiting hours of Idleness, the telephone called Mm. He wns wmiti'd at lllllcrest. , "I'll come at once." he responded, and started tmVllevlngly. ! IlilliTcst wss the new riiwtor' ns. , mired province. The phone railed 1 again as David drew on Ms rout ! then still asaln! lie was to lie very lmy, be told hltns.-lf Jubilantly. Then I rame the explanation. Old Dan gave It liver II I' llC. i "The i plileinlr lin caught Inn-tor Prrrri'in." he mid. "lie's n xh-k man. ' i.nd M patients are alt mml to . ilesfb lf(iHle there ln't n In il l,r dor. tor within two tn!l-. Mi't not on ( ol!i el,llH Ollt nil It. ie ri ll'l III ' this Mlrxunl and ueatber. ;.i in It I'nvjr: nire em mi up. ni"l n mI e your reputation." And Unit Is exnetlv v lint pin 1.1 i'i fearlessly be attended cM-rv siiti bed, thankful for the c.e-leno v t , 1 . 1 1 had I n given Mm In ih' 1 t-.-n !--l l!elist. Hts skill UIIS si, ', rel'ii.'h'e'l I m 111 l.iol arrived. I'nr-oti. ti e Int. porthlit. V lis the la'esi ft, s(i eimili. And he m i.'ged to .nil ini There ;is no ntlur way. !o.!nr r,r retmi hud tone to the li v to eon. j ntese. i. hnd adnilt'e-1 to PiiUd that f.e Intended to retmiln there, I "Won t he roorn for two of us now In tint stnnll biirz," he hud "sld And s Inn id I j- ri f ovir the ) k timM. to ti e tirest t'srson I sine the ri',.1 H'n'll cf his own helplessness, (i 1 1 ' I a sinme, t.esv riinfhlenf e In another's .nrf. "Yooll iill in thro-i.-h" he t-ef.-e. feebly -i iii.- r And i" did I'.nl ss I r tool l!,er. !((, f rs..n s'il 1st,. I t!s.f,f his. sod Mh N ( s shiMti eyes upon him thai David l.'i'ir. in I4 forcefully replied. "Gasoline Shortage Southern Pacific Company Is ready to move promptly to any point in this State or any other State it serves Gasoline Distillate Kerosene and Fuel Oil offered it for shipment and is ready to do all in its power to remedy any existing shortage with good service. SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. Poultry Supplies Our store is Heppner Headquarters for all Poultry Supplies including Chick Foods Chick Mash Egg Mash Scratch Food Oyster Shell Grit Lice Killer Chick Condition Powders We pay the highest market price for eggs Phelps Grocery Co.