PAGE TWO THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, June i, 1920 The Mikado Coming to Chautauqua 7 U FRANK SHIVELY PRACTICAL HORSESHOER at SCRIVNER'S BLACXSMITH SHOP .0 .1": f , if " 1- LAMIC AND INTERFERING HORSES CAREFULLY ATTENDED .. J .V HEPPNER OREGON 3 (J mm I 1T11 Bread LiKe Mother Used to MaKe You can have it if you use our famous White Star Flour For Your Baking We have just received a car load of Spring "ia Beardless Barlev for Seed We pay highest cash prices for Hides, Pelts and Furs u ... tr - M M Elevator Co. When your Plumbing goes Wrong Phone Us i7T7C-7 1 1 in 1 Among all the English Light Oucras there is no question of the great popularity of the Mikado. It Is colorful and keenly humorous the lines are clever, the costuming beautiful and the tunes mighty catchy. The Chau management has been greatly impressed with the splendid success of the Davis Light Opera Company through the East during the past several years, and so determined to bring them to the western audiences this summer. The Company will give the entire opera on the second night not merely a short cutting. The Mikado holds a place in our affections because of Its many charming songs and situations. You remember the plot is concerning Ko Ko, the Lord High Executioner of the town of Titipu, his charming ward Yum Yum, the Mikado and his disguised son, Nanki Poo, and the Court Horror, Katisha. Besides these, there are many lesser characters. Probably the best known songs are "Three Little Maids are We" and "The Flowers That Bloom In the Spring Tra La." All In all, the second night at Chautauqua will be a program such aa you will live over and enjoy many months to come. FUGITIVE FROM SIBERIA We lnako a specialty of quick repair work, keep ing always ready the materials and men for im mediate .service. 1 1 u liave new wm L tliat ymi wish us to figure mi we will he very .;fad to Mihtnit prices. ur work is guaranteed to jjive you perfect s:uis lacl iciu and if you are iin) pli';isi-( in i-vorv partic ular we will spare neither time nor niotiev to make it riht. Peoples Hardware Company "MAXIM SILENCER" FOR SHIPS M I'll I 1 I rhe Moral Risk .11 1,-, ( i '.,!., ' . 1.1' 1 r , 1 . n 1 wi i 1 ..'in ..1 1.. , 1 ,1.1 i,.. ,,.n.. 1 '1 1 ' I "',!! .ml '! .1- 1 t... 11 wr. ' ' 1 I I ! I' I I; .. O i'I , . v- ' V S ..! . , .,i, , ' '".lit .M .., !,!, ,. . 1 .1 1 1 iti Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank 1 1 Ilt'l'Nr.i!. OKEGON. Lucy StiiveiiskJI, 11 wvcntiH'ii-.venr-old fugitive from I'olnnd anil SIImtIh, 1 iinlvcil In Sun Kr:uicic(i on tlie trims- ' port Urt'iit NorlliiM-n with u moving Hiory of trngi'ily, a Ivi'iiturc iiiul ro- ' imiin. The girl's fmher n rI.-iIii In I null', Iiit iiKithtT -(iinniillt'il mil- j cldi' from fc'rlrf. She licrs.-lf mi l!u victim (,f a rultlilis s)ilii.r at Vlml IviKlnk. SId- i'iiiiic ,).). 11 h iId- mliipt. il liinu-lilj-r nf ; -) Kii'kli'y. mi Aini-rlriiii lnivy pa.'iiiiisiiT. iiml ;hm wllli I1I111 to hN Iiim d" In l-Ai'U-r In lhi Sim .liuniilii Viill)'.v, t'al:iuriil:i. HAVE. THEIR CWN JOURNALS Almost Evrry Induttry It Represented In List of Bntiih Periodical Publications. 1'i'i'iitnr impiT" hy nn tni'iiin nmtl-till)- Hi.' I.ulk .,f ..-rliiilriil ltiTiiliir'. Ni'iirly frry .iiiin- iiihI .r"f)'iin Ink lt nun mriii ulnr "li'inl.- .Iniiniiil." I'r.iliiilily ymi iii'mt Vm-w ili lilll Mii)'r Iiml n .iii.t hi ir-! ilu-lr ii. I.iit liny Iiiiw In tin. I'lmnril ni;'l Si-r li' I'ti ji'iiSrr. r,',,i:.r,..i n r;tir l-i I mi. I .11 Aii.v.m '1 ' . '1 MnTr U Urit -lili:: k . t!,.. II. ,e,.'.' i;,i,'. 1 il l- 1 t.-r-ii.a l it' u'.r, tiM i:,,' ., 1 ,...n'r. '1"' ll.'ll I' "III IT HI' I .' ... In-ill .:).-. !. it -,) . !' 1, , h ..(.. I 1.1 1!.. li.i.r.s'. ,,f ii... 1 ,n nr liti. M iim :n. , S 1 ' I ' . ' II :,!, tt,,.' t.,i v. . ) , J n , I Itill.l. : 1 1 I -i ... I . j , r .,! I1.1t tl.i'ir p.. k 1 r -.'.ii 1 .,) m- I t.MI.V. I.liri'il tt.M i.i'l ! . f.i'.r t, I . f I. .;",l l.f.M., , . I , ',, f. -. ..I, ni ..I ;,ir ! ii I. r ,. nil, I ' 'lHl' II IllH, I" T I 1.1, r , I ,;..,.,. l.l ll.ll 'l.,',l t- I III') I. -It ', . II . I l..r II . ri' I . tin' T. 1.. t, HltillM' lillll )fV .i 1 ' f ' 1 '1 t' l t. .!, ri. ki r 1 :ni i, i -i . .r I. . 1 ,. rry nt. r ii ) I 11.1. 'fi.ik) i' J...m. a. ,: riliS ill., I I'.i,)' )..!! I. i 1 . hi,i H..St ll.l.'l..'. lt ( I... 1 .;,,!, Ji' lMinl. 'r t..k." l.i, tr l,ii r i.i 1 t 'I 1 '! '.,1,11,11 ' '. .1... - 1 il. Il '.- 1. i.fl. 1 I. ... 1 , I , in,. I lu l l, ,'. ,i II ,' tl.,. ,,f ti ., ; f' f 'I t : ,. f. !. I .. '. t ' I:. 1 11 . 1. . 1 1 C.i t. r. I .. N "' " " I I'-:'- 1 Vt - 1 M I' .-. . , . ri, i. 't tv 1 1 . - ' . . . rf l - , - - - . t ' t. . . , !'.'.-,.... i I . ' , , " m.i . t I t . , " '1 1 . It Is Claimed They Will Absolutely Do Away With Noise Mads by the Motors. . . Ei:lt ships now sailing the Pacific ereim are equipped with irrent silencers, weigliliiR 8,XtO pounds each,', the Invention of Ilirain l'ercy Maxim, ruinous as the inventor of the gun silencer hearing his imnie. If success ful, this newest "Maxim silencer" may stimulate the tendency toward general substitution of the speedier, more economical, oil-burning vessels driven by the super-powerful engines of the Diesel type, for the present-duy steamers. "The motor-driven ship Is the ship of the future," Mr. M ixlin said recent ''. "However. In the past there has been one great disadvant age, the terrillc noise of the motors. The new silencer we expect will solve that problem." Mr. Maxim said that, Inasmuch ns his patents have not been Issued, he cannot disclose the construction of his new Invention. However, In generul principle it Is not unlike other Maxim silencers, depending on accomplishing lis work by nbsnrblng the recoil and hence silencing Hie terrillc exhaust. Mr. Maxim says It Is not dissimilar In design to the smaller Maxim silencers 011 the market for several years for use on motor and power bonis. Alfalfa Ranch For Sale With hay selling readily in the stack at from $16 to $30 per ton in. this great permanent stock country, and three and four large crops each year, an alfaUa ranch is a sure winner Here it is: 1 60 Acres on Lower Willow Creek 120 acres under the ditch and worlds of free irrigating water. About 75 acres of growing alfalfa and more ground already prepared for seed. Fair improvements. In the best alfalfa region of Morrow county. Get this quick and raise your own feed or help supply the hay market. E. M.SHUTT The Real Estate Man Up-stairs in Court House Choice Cuts of the Best Meats Snellinj by Ear. A s!r,i!l!.'. spelling society In Lon don has i." i'.ii.'il a form of laniriinu'e with a on,, tumid, nne symbol notation of h'ticrs iiml digraphs. A sample of tlie stsii'Mi In operation Is furnished lis filllnttS' "Wims iifn.n n tym n rich lord and Ills vyf bud a lltll I...I iiml a liitl fcoi-l iiihiiii illial int-il terl much. Willi dhe g.'ii.l iiimllii r bckaiiie vi rl III. n short tun dlic fiiinli-r iniKo rl III If en (I. mi i liU wll give cadi of en n pMI'S IIV jjilclil." Tie stxirm looks very much I'ke Si'!llng by i-iir. It ought not to re quire liny very complicated system of lilies. In fuel, many people habitually ell by inr without the miihorlly of the .ici"y il!rtlim. There nre many .ii'l)' who bine given up further lit- ; irni'iis in tna"irring i;nglNli as It Is I (' : ! I. ';. iuhI Hi.,.,. tt.niM ,.. j !' nn. a p'.n.-t'.' rrforni tvlili r-".t i - s I'" I'."-! Ii.i. ll!.-. i',.r, , OoRLC.ON AND HIS WIFE EVERY HOUSEWIFE WANTS TO SERVE THE best in Meats to her family. . She can be assured she is doing so if she buys her Meats at this shop which is conducted in conformity with modern methods of sanitary marketing. Central Market McNAMER & SORENSON, Props. n i '.Vfv - ... ' . air . HI I H v. '.,! AX KXTItA I'AIU OK TKOlSMtS Ull.l. DOC. mi: TIIK I.IKK OK Vol H Sl IT Extra Trous ers FREE! H i i i:v st ir oi;in i: ! Universal All Wool Tailoring Hut IIMIII K ipi: oxi.v The Heppner Tailoring and Cleaning Shop TIIKITM..vr.,,v) , nv G. FRANZEN it. I , .u! t-.. , "'' 1 I l ' . t V " " ,1 t.' T ' 1 t.r. , I,, n t:.,. ' t . i ' . n lmm.jrn;' LKrar Tt ll f . ! I,'. . ; , . , ,l, t. ! lit I ' i.K.u ,,t ,,,. ,,, r, H it I ',. U I " t Int. ,,r... tr..;, n ... I. . t I, r I -I ill 1.1 " I'" I't 1 1. II. I,, il t : i i .. i ' t . i f . Jc. r, r if I ,"ia . . t in ll V(..rH r.-t . ' ?',.'! t)l I I 1 1 ,t,,,r , n .ft. St,,.;4 M 'TIt J,,J ,V III Iffc- 'lt. f in Mi' l'..,i, ' ti. A,: t. ; , ,.f .. . "i,'.-l l.,r- ,r... J,.tt'r. I; ... i, t) hi.. ,,, ,, . f!,:.,r..., f. r 111 ,t Hut,.,,,,!.;, ,, r i,i(',, f It,,!., .rt,!,,, (,.,, kikii I. nfn t,rr. t, I... rT ,, rt tn it, ,t ii ffU'n.l In t!.u r, i4,'rj hn I.i tti ii,.f,,r tjt, at lnt f .t'J ! trr. i.f rrr In erh l.u !.'. Hi trr to caT'J. "'" ''"J U Bct Dfrt3t, I' I r..'.', ,; 'j.l.ii,:,;,!,.. i,,,, ,,, J(t t'l'l I t.irr. tl,,. ,,r!, , ' 'i- lli.i..' In l,.p pr.Mbip. in? i ,-: ii,,.,,'i ,. i i,j l .'ii., !,. . 7 1H -.i- ' '''' l ' ' r, n-,1 in .r.. v , i . , i..i ,,.n, f re it i i i!. , ,,. 'I.- !n it,, t '' .'l III J.. MI. II., f...n...f B.. I.t lit l,.. tfl. f ,), tj,(, tolt) t'"f . I.t. , f Ilia ..rl. if .,, B,j ;" t !. tl. t..t, ,;!t tn " Kinsloin., nh ' tutiti. h1. .n ..,;:i ni..r In i.ii. tr.r tt.un u ,;;, n ' -.i,r t.t i.i; t. I. in i'., .I t..t , f 2 L7