PAGE EIGHT THE HEPPNER HERALD, HBPflkl OREGON Tuesday, May 25, 1920. liOCAii m:vs items Mr. I'ruyu was out of the city for it if (lays this KM-li. S. A. I'ati'soi) spent a ;cv days ol this wc;)t in I'm tland on business. lien Cox, who 1 "coiitly leased the french lanch came in Friday to vote. Have you the pel Mstcnce to ltee, on try nit; al ter reheated failure? Mrs. I). K. Cilnuin left Thursday for The Dalles and Portland to visit for a few (lays. AVANTKI) One man job shearing I'faeep. K. C. Wat kins, Hejipner, Ore gon. E2-4ud lone ball team cleaned up on Con don in a traine at the Wheat City last .Sunday. lone has a hunch of goer;, un the diamond. Andy Rood, Jr., reports that his wheat is looking fine and Krowini? rapidly. Good prospects lor a hij.' crop th inks Andy. .Success is sold in the open market. You can buy it- -1 can buy it any man can buy it who is willing to pay the price for it. h'ehange. FASHION A III. R T)K1 vSSM A K I X (J Remodeling' and Ladies Tailoring. Mrs. Curron, Church street. 37tf Th Spanish government is .sup porting private plants to introduce cotton Browing on an extensive scale in the Spanish area of Morocco. H. J. Carsner returned from Port land Sunday alter having shipped a 'car of voal calves to market. He re ports a fairly satisfactory market ' for IiIh stock. Dan Hinshew, a lilackhotse farmer wan In Friday and report;; crop conditions r.ood in bin section. "Look out lor a 2a-bu:;h.d crop next fall," quoth Dan. W. I'. Mahoney drove to Cortland last, Thursday on a business trip making the run in about the same tune required by the O. W. It. & N. lie returned Sunday. Allen McKorrin's hand shearing orew passed through town Thursday enroute to the Ilruce Kelley ranch, I on upper Willow creek, where they j are shearing this week. Uill Ayers, merchant of Hardman i whh a visitor In Heppner Friday. He reports everything line In the Hilltop city, but saya things are not just like they used to be nround election time. Will Hynd, oi itose Lawn, Sand Hollow, spent several days in Cort land during the week, returning Sun day, Mr. Hynd Is not much pleased with the slump wool took at Host on "hint week. Mr. and Mrs. Itoy Cochran left on Monday mornlug for Ashland, Ore gon, to visit ror u while with Mr. Cooh run's parents who reside there. Tory may deride to locate permanent ly In that city. KOK SAI.K Klfleen lieail of good roistered .lack. Will take mule eolU from these Jacks ut $100 each in part or lull payment for these Jackn. U. V. KWACOAHT. I.exlng tuu, Oregon. 4 , Itnlpli Ilenge, who came to the Heppner country when the town r Lexington whh not, about IXK4, and who made a success of the lurming funic, came up from Salem Sunday expecting to ,,iy . 1 1 f ( ri -1- nd 1 etui n here o live. Mrs. II. niy Uetiison left Tliursday for an extended visit at her old I ie in Cotillly Leltiiin, delaiid where he expects to icmain mcrul inulitliH. Mr. DeniHiin accompanied his wile a tar as l'cn,. n 10 mm. tier well nlait "d 011 her long j.mi lie). VOl-U WIKKI.V r'lllVk l.ini ited only l.v ahihty and time il,otr, to celling ilm tiee. Cumplei,' II V.llllilM l..l.l llu; .in 1 ,,. 1,, 1 lellim St. lit III I : . ; I . i v SM.lrM MltSKKY COMPANY. (: o,..i:n Itldg , S.1I1111 (iM gnll 4 Claude t'i.1, in. m. , , 1 of ! ,. M, row Ci.iinU ft. .un. 1 y, Wc.lncr.ilm r 1 a Ininn tup 1, S.alllc wheie h,. vt.11 1 -ailed i.t.iul lid HOlne ' lupin. HI- nf liullrl Is,,,,, lli rxlalilihliiiiiMIt to Gallic Mhi , wi le l. p,. le.l I,.. 1 11,,, l,,,,, ,,, Wire I. Mill, I 11 lid t ,. 1 t It 1 1, K "llintlil eiie.l out allei ,1 l.u . .11, t, Mm Alli-on came 11,11 fioin ,u land Sun, l) 10 j.nn hei liu.i.,ui.l 1i Alllnoll who hm again l.i.ntrd i Hepllil In the 01 lll .iii!. loll The AIIimui'i. Ie, 1 line f,,,ii after Hie .ir M.ulc.l when the .1... im rnllxteil in the ainit ninli, ,il ,,,,,, but the) all like 1,1 K. I I1.1. k In tli. good eld low n Mi. and Mi. J w si, ,, , in from then l,.r,e n.Mi l.ii,hi..,i Motility In im . I th.n , ,u ,.tn. , Ceellc Slieli. who n'tiuii.,1 mi ( day' Hani h'i.'I -p. n,l i'i it,,. ei, at Salem Ariel .,. i i , , , 1 k taction 1,1 1, 0 in.. shod iet In go In tle'llm! 1,1,, lligli.n. w here "he w ill .ili. n l K'llIM I at the Sl.i'e N.ii 111 ,1 Lew II, lice. I m 1 1 I'm 1 I,. , I II. Ill V I'ohn iili.l J m It i.l.l ' . e weir iiliii nl lndleinn cnl I, week lieltiK inlliMl Ihi ie mii,,r, In dmiiMkr hm In wlii.h liillxui Ffrnrh unl the O W. It N I'o In rrrover d.nmiet oa a nliipiurM of rattle. The caw rill..l out ' 1011 it. Mr l''rmli lenniiu ... II'UO ilainiatea (rum l'ie ro-iip. 11 , J. D. Bauinan was a visitor here Friday because he had to vote. FOR HALF. Good tent and frame. Inquire this office. 4tf. WAXTKD Sewing. Prices reas onable. Cull at red house above power plant. 4.7 .Mrs. Kenneth Mahoney left Wed nesday for a week or ten days' visit .n Portland. James C. Waid, of Stanfield, is here today making final proof on hit homestead in. the Lexington country. Tom O'Hrien and John Corrigall, two prominent young sheepmen of Butter creek were in town Saturday and Sunday Al Florence and Jim Kir'k were in from Upper Willow creek on Friday exercising their franchise and attending to business matters. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ely, former residents of the lone county, but re cently of the state of Washington, are the guests of Mr. and Mis. B. F. So- rensou this week. John McDaid, who raises wheat north ol lone, was in town Friday and reports a good stand of wheat in his section but .says a good rain soon would help. FOR SALK Fireless cooker with cooking utensils, 1 parlor lamp. 1 rag carpet, 1 violin, 1 guitar, picture Itames with glasses, 1 small rug. See Mrs. Katie Waters, Court street, Heppner. n S. J. Ritchie, and Crocket Duvall were in from their homes north of Lexington this morning and reported the wheat looking well. There are plenty of weeds mixed with the wheat plants but the wheat is rapidly get ting the best, of the game. Mr. Ritch ie says there is plenty of moisture in the ground to make a crop but some warmer weather would be beneficial Just now. Mis. J. L, Morris, who underwent an operation for appendicitis at the Moore hospital on May 8, was able to return to her Butter creek home today. Ten days after the operation was performed Mrs. Morris was able to be up and around and both she and her husband give much credit to the tklll and care or Dr. McMurdo, who performed the operation for her speedy recoveiy, Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Traver, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Ilettner and Ed. Sor ter spent Sunday in the Slocum mill district whipping the sparkling wa ters of Upper Willow creek for mountain trout. They report a good catch, thanks to the skill of the ladies of the party who kept the fish baB kets pretty well filled. The party enjoyed (?) the experience of fishing in a snow storm before tho day was over, but the trout took the bait Just the same. F.WKS FOR SAI.F. lull Wwes I10111 oue to live years o'.d. two-tiiiids lim, with luii.hs fol lowing. Call on or adilrej-s S. W. Floreon. Box US, Heppner, Oregon, or call al ' liuti'lier Hill" r:.neh on 1'pper Willow creek. 4-7 X O T F. 'Al.iroltMAX Wilt, I SCFAh AT JOHN V I'llMl' An additional attraction at Hie coining John Day picnic and barbecue to be held at Iloaiduian next Mon day, not mentioned on the advertis- J lug matter already issued, will be an j address by Mr. Henry Culnct. Hawn, ! of KraiiciHcii, who la connected : with the Ameiicail I'ity lluicuu. Mr. Hawn I" recommended as one of the j leading thinkers of Ciililoi 11I11 on, Ktale and ciiiiimunit) building and It , in undei Hlood his addict. on thai nc w ill ,lc ,1 w ith the development 'I till- In l- Westell! coliutiy. His ali.iiil.ince wiik niriinged for bv Ceo u:.. (Jii ole of . Oleiiow Stale I IiciiiIh i o! t'liiiiineii 1 . The Mi--.- I. mi. and .,..i HWelll. 1 eliiii tiling Iw 11 ilauglitem ut Jail; O'Ni-ll. ..f Hi.. Ouiliul Maik. t. t ft tor Hi. 11 home In I'm (laud Monday ouiiiiuiu .i'i. 1 a .le.n,ini -u or u "''I with then l.uhei and ether H. ppn. r I. icn.l. While heie ihey ' . ie 1 he bi.iiH,. , u... t, ,,( ,, , ,, .il the Inline ut K. v K.Hhei l alilwell I'.i' II1111H. pui-p. ton-. )oun'; xll.epi,,,,!, of I he Al.lel.latc, Whltl loll, i.nilllt). w.m a hiiln,, li.iti( Mi, llimi) mil iaK,. In h. i i t I',,, iimiun.nn, ,, , ,1( the It,. kl. tell iniiiiiit .liuhi.: (he .'itiiiii.-r Th 04 Roman HeuHKold. tti-lhe ,l,it ..f ,., n. ,, ,,,1,,,,,,, de,iiiii,i,i f s ,,,,t.n, ,..,,,.,11,,, iii-m I...... i,., I ,., illr,( ,,,,, h(,r mnl .i.ll. i,f tiirlnn, ,!,.., .,rtl4 r.,.(l It liilin t Tl ,,. rti f,m,., M no at ,v ,, ....ti 1,1.. ,. .i,,,.. 1 i,,. H,,., Bni) n ll.lle'le B..,ir,,. ,,f,,., frt Hie mi.. 1 li. ee glitter mi l ,r dUlie. Ill in Jtwt'l of th N gh. In ).U knew Unit Ihe an. lent mtr..o were t-r lnlrrtir. )eelrt' The aid a mr. tw re..t. t,e .iaiivi Mara; a M.tiirv, luptif, lim,,.:i4 aiurn: an mmrt tl.l. Vrtiua: an anwili)!. Mvmiry. r.o-entr. the nn au. tmtru ! luAu - I'.oaluu I'uat. ima" . . X. vmw mam THROUGH VERY SPECIAL EFFORTS WE SECURED THE MOST EXCEPTIONAL DISPLAY OF SILKS WE HAVE EVER BEEN ABLE TO OFFER. AND TO GIVK OUR CUSTOMERS THE BKNKFIT OF THIS SHOWING VK HAVE ARRANGED FOR A Special Three Day Showing of Silks DURING WHICH TIME WE WILL OFFER AT REMARK ABLE PRICE CONCESSIONS YOUR CHOICE OF OUR EN TIRE STOCK. JAP-HABATIE SILKS, 27 INCHES WIDE, ALL COLORS, PER YARD $T.00 NATURAL PONGEE SILK, 34 INCHES WIDE PER YARD $2,00, $2.25 $2.50 $3.00 $3.50 FANCY PONGEE SILKS, 34 INCHES WIDE NATURAL OR COLORED QROUND, PRINTED FIGURES, PER YARD $2.50 BLACK TAFFETA SILK A SPECAL SOFT LUSTROUS SILK FOR DRESSES AT PER YARD $2.90 COLORED TAFFETA, PER YARD $2.50 to $3.50 SATINS-BLACK AND COLORS PER YARD . .$2.50 to $4.50 GEORGETTE CREPE, CREPE DE CHINE, PER YARD $3.00 FANCY GEORGETTE CREPE, 40 INCHES ' WIDE PEP YARD $3.5o to $4.50 I KIMONA SILKS, 35 INCHES WIDE, BRIGHT 1 AND FANCY PRINTS, PER YARD $I25 MINOR & CO, GOOD GOODS ' V II I V . '-5 1)1 im m j Big eduction on Men's Shoes All of my present stock re duced from 1 0 to 20 per ct. All kinds of Work Shoes, Harvest Shoes, and Dress Shoes go on this sale. Shoes from the Manufacturer are not dragging so this sale will end when my present stock is sold out. If you arc in need of shoes this is your opportunity to get them at a big saving. Get yours while they last at owers Shoe Shop We do all kinds of repairing I! IE r; ,k t-