Tuesday, May 25, 1920. THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER. OREGON PAGE SEVEN F. R. BROWN agent for GUARANTEED LOW COST LIFE ' INSURANCE; FIRE, HAIL, ACCI DENT AND HEALTH INSURANCE TWO GOOD RKSIDEXCE9 IN HEPPNER FOR SALE. PRICED RIGHT. A LIMITED AMOUNT OF PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN. Office Upstairs in Roberts Rnilrlino- ). Phone 643 Heppner, Oregon J. B. CALMUS Blacksmithing arid Horseshoeing OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING ALL WORK GUARANTEED THERE'S NOTHING WE CAN'T FIX ASHBAUG H STAND HEPPNER OREGON "PERMANENT AS THE PYRAMIDS" Concrete Pipe Company Manufacturers Sewer and Water Pipe Irrigation Pipe Culvert Pipe Hollow Silo Blocks Cement Products Phone 467 1003 North 10th St Walla Walla, Wash Can You Afford TO TAIiK CHANCES OX HAVING VOI R WHEAT DES TROYED? NO. WHEAT IS WORTH TOO Mi l H MONEY THIS Vi:AR. THK W AY TO I'HOTKl'T YOl ItSEI.K AGAINST LOSS IS TO SPEND A FEW DOLLARS WITH IS FOR ONE, OF Ol It Hail Insurance lOI.I IKS THKRKItY MAKING Vol RSLLI' SAKE AGAINST MSS. IT'S THE LOGICAL WAV. ITS THE. lil SlVESS WAY TO I'LAY SAEE. Roy V. Whiteis REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND FARM LOANS COMMUNITY STUDENT TO VISIT CHAUTAUQUA rAfc-' v.--ii.',afeJ UNCLE JCHN" SHELL 1 I- I'M --isk.-) i W. H. NATION The needs of a community are re flected in the needs of the country. You cannot have a country of slip shod, poorly governed cities and towns, and at the same time have a progressive country any more than yon can have a community that is better than the average of its citizens. The Chautauqua is preeminently a ommunity activity and no program is quite complete without a day de voted to self study under the direction of a constructive critic. It is one thing to listen to criticiams that offer ao remedy most any one can tear down bi't it is quite a different mat ter to consult with a keen observer who has traveled much, and carefully studied many communities. Just as a doctor's knowledge is the result of study and observation, so are W. H. Nation's lectures the results of many conferences with community of ficers in every part of the United States. Mr. Nation will lecture twice on the fifth day, constructively criticising and ounseling our audiences upon com munity problems. For all the local and -county news you should read the Herald, only $2'. 00 for a full year. COL DAVID P. BARROWS ft if t ' ' 1 ' "ft 7- Vi t t Is 4 How much bruising can you take? How much discouragement can you stand? Have you the grit to try to do what others have failed to do? How long can you hang on in th face of obstacles? Can you keep your mind steadily on the single object you are pursuing, resisting all temptations to divide your attention? You want success. Are you wil ling to pay the price for it? Can you cut out luxuries? Can you do without things that others con sider necessities? Can you go up against skepticsm. ridicule, friendly advice to quit, with out flinching? Have you the nerve to attempt things that the average man would never dream of tackling? "Uncle John" Shell, a youngster of one hundred and thirty-one years, and said to be the oldest man In the world, hai had his first "regular picture" taken. Uncle John lives in Leslie coun ty, Kentucky, on the farm where he wii born in 17BS. COL. W. C. PROCTOR Col. William Cooper Procior, a lead Ino manufacturer, ha accepts the chairmanship of the Leonard Wood natipnal campaign committee. NOTR E FOR lTRLlCATION Charter Number 3774 Reserve D'.r-trict No. 12 HEPOBT OF COinJITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HEPPNER At Hciipncr, in the State of Oregon, nt the ckse of business on May 4, mo. RESOURCES Loans nnd discounts, including rediscounts (ex cept those shown in b and r) ..H.170.2SS.4" Total loans 1,170.2X8.47 DEDUCT: Notes and bills redisrounted with Federal Reserve nan (oiner than hank acceptances sold) (see Item f5a and Schedule No. 22) 'Overdrafts, unsecured V. S. aOTEMTOIHT BECURITIEB OVIEDl Deposited to secure circulation (U. S. bonds par value) Pledged to secure postal savings deposits (par value) Owned and unpledged Wv SaviiiBs Certificates and Thrift Stamps- ac tually owned Totul IT. S. Government securities OTKia BOITDS, BECUBIT3XB. ETC.: Securities, other than U. S. bonds (not including slocks) owned and unpledged Slock of Federal Reserve (f0 per cent of Kuuseripticn) Value of banking house, owned and unincumbered Furniture and fixtures Heal estate owned other than banking house .... Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Rank Cash in vault Hnd net amounts due from national banks Net amounts due from bunks, bankers, and trust companies in Ihe United States (other than in cluded in Items 12. i:t. cr 14) Checks on other 'banks in the same city or town aH reporting bank (other than Hem ltf) Total of Items IS, 14, 15, 1 nnd 17 .... Checks on banks located outside of city or town of reporting bank -and ether cash items Redemption fund wilh V'. S. Treasurer and due from C. a. Treasurer Interest earned but not collected approximate" on notes and bills receivable not piut due 27S.4O1.09 JS91.708.48 S.-.0.44 Sn.000.no 1.000.00 ao.ooo.oo S24.00 D6.S24.00 30..192.04 4,500.00 29.000.dO 7,000.00 4,l7r,.oo 93.I14S.52 4H.4S1.S3 62.107.74 2.2SB.I5 2.010.17 1,250.00 23.0:3. 42 1,2(4,311.7!) INABILITIES t - ta'A Col. David P. Biirrewe, icholar-tol diir, chosen by the regents and In stalled president of the University of California to succeed Benjamin Ids W heeler. Department or tlio InliMlor, U. S. Land office at The Dalit's, Oregon, May 1 .lib, Notice Ih lii'icliy Rivi-n (lint JOHN l. CONDi'.It. ol' llt'pin'r, Oregon, who, oil Maiili 13, 1!I17, nimlo ilnnii'tsead Klllry No. 1 S 5 K lor I.oih 1-2 S NK'i. S''tlop 2, Township 1 North, Halite 26 Kaft, Willametti; Mi't lillan, linn flli-d nutii'p of itilrntloii to inaki final t ti yi-ai pronr, to eslatili.h claim to Dip land iioe ilcsi'ilhi il, bcloic J. A. Wat'-is, flci k or the firitill Com I, nt llepjinrr, Onon. on th' "Hi day of July, HI20. Claimant mimes witnesses: lli-manl T. Iiohctty. of Kdio, Oi e ko'i; Corncliiii Mclvllli-, dr i; lio. t)r' Bon; Oni-sH V. 'Silmon. ol Kclio, On--Iton; Wllliani II. Kinlcy, or I.exltiK ton, Oii'non. II. Kit ANK WOODi'Oi'K. 4-'l -Iti-irlst'-r. si,r,s.r,3 20.;,9I. 12 2I.31IS.71 Caii tail stock paid In SurrUts fund t'ndivlded profits Less current exifenats, interest, and taxes paid Aniounl reserved fur laves ni-cuicd Clri iilaliiig notes outstanding Nel amounts due to National banks Net amount!) due In hank, hunkers, nnd trust -- r.- companies in the -Cnitcd Stales and foreign countries (other than Included In Items 29-30) Certified checks outstanding Cashier's checks on own lunik outstanding t Total of ileitis 29. :to. 31, and 33 rtlBAMS DEPOSITS (Other than bniik denoaltn) SUBJECT TO, RESERVE (dianlts payakle withn 30 day)t Individual deptislls subject to check Ccrtifii-jttcs of depnsil doc in less (ban 30 darn lothcr tbiiu fur money bottowcill Iiivl, lends unpaid t ither dcmanil ib-posils Total of di-niand ilinls lollu-r than lunik ilcposltsl s'Hileit to H-sele. Ili-nis 31. 3.",, 3'i, 3T, and 39 TIME DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO RESERVE ly nl oftor JO liy. or mihinct to -0 days or mor notice, soil noitnl eavlimsli Ci 1 1 ii lc-iii's of .It a -.it ii. tin r tbiin for mini! v li.ii.midi I-,, -fit '..n ir- . licit. t -lis 100,000 00 fiO.000.00 03.974.1 1 740 or. 2T,.nno oo , 94(1. 77 1.1. 3SI. 31 SO. 00 t, 9S7.HO 71 S.r.27.70 r.o.oao on so on ,07i r i M.OSt 3D r 1 1 ' "A"; i. .1 I., -I t: ' i - . III II lid t -11 , a i,'il:it'-lHl-i K . . illili- I to I . le i -. e t ,.,l, n -nltll . Ml 1 oil i IK p I. .ink - s- ' I 'i in I ' , ,t .! Ii.ib l-li ' i nut tni lud in; Ui-ii.i in f..r in' . Ii ili.l- 1 .v 7 1 lint ::i: s i i.h l , mi I, 'l.l. 31 I 79 "', , llil lit , V, I'll '''I Stale of On- on. County of M-.truK. ss, ' V V Mnbniii v i ii-' lci of it nliovn rui ui.-il Imiik, do nolemiilv r that 'the uIk; e 1 1 .no-; I - ' " Wnowiedgo uml l.rlnf W. . MAIIONFT, Cniililor. r .rrecf -it : r i m.mimvkv JOHN KII.KIINNV I- RANK lill.l.lAM lliteclolll riiii- l ibeil and ..ui in in-.-n tlt I'll d.i v -.r M'. ' -' ' Itl.l.lNA ! Cultltl'lAI.U Nutaiy I'ubilc. lv nilii.ii- ton rM-0' Ail;."! 9. lilt. THE HEPPNER HERALD, ONLY $2.00 A YEAR "You Can Depend on This" gays the Good .fudge Real Tobacco for real satisfaction. The full rich taste of the Real Tobacco Chtw lasts m lonstthat you don't need a fresh chew so often. That's why It costs you Icm to use this class of tobacco. Anv man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. tut up in two stylet UICIIT CUT Is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT Is a lonit fine-cut tobacco n 1 r77 Getting the Boys Ready for Summer TO GET CLOTHES THAT WILL WEAR WELL AND LOOK GOOD UNTIL THEY ARE WORN OUT IS THE BIG PROMLEM. PARENTS WHO PUT THE SOLUTION UP . TO THIS STORE WILL FIND IT WELL ANSWERED IN OUR PRESENT DISPLAYS. BRING YOUR BOYS IN AND SEE HOW WELL WE CAN OUTFIT THEM AT A REASONABLE COST. Thomson Bros. it !!! x - - "3