Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, May 25, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Tuesday, May 35, 1920
Thou hast made me known to
friends whom I knew not. Thou hast
mven me seats in homes not my own.
'1 lion Imst brought the distant near
:ip;l made a brother of the stranger.
When one knows thee, then alien
there is none, then no door Is shut. Oh
irvunt me my prayer that I may never
lose the bliss of the touch of the one,
;i. the nlav of the many. Tacore.
Subscribe for the Herald and get
Ml the county news. Only $2 a year,
A Problem
If a new pair of shoes cost $9.00 and
wear 90 days, and can be repaired for
$3.00 so as to wear 90 days more,
how much does the wearer save by
having the shoes repaired?
The Answer
$9.00 divided by 90 equals
cost of New Shoes, per
day .10 cts.
$3.00 divided by SO equals
cost of Repaired Shoes,
per day 3 1-3 cts.
Cost per day, New Shoes TO
Cost, per day, Repaired shoes .03 1-3
Saved per day on Repaired
Shoes 06 2-3
90 times .00 2-3 equals amount
saved on Repaired Shoes $G.OO
plus the comfort.
Bowers Shoe Shop
Cutting Machinery
Will soon be needed
We have bath the
Deering and fVfaCormack
Lines and a reasonably complete stock
Gilliam & Bisbee
Tit's Occupational.
An English newspaper suggests the
use of generic names for household
help, as, for Instance: "Palmer" for
parlor maid, "Jenny" for penernl.
j ".Scully" for scullery maid, and so on.
All very well, but suppose In the first
ease -there were three parlor maids,
would it distinguish them ns "Palm,"
"Palmer" and "Palmist?" Boston
Subscribe for the Herald only
for a full year.
Sad Story of Luther K. Llnkenhooper
Would Move Almost Any
One to Tears.
"As I was coming to town Just now,"
said the motorist, "I saw a peculiar
sight ; a thin, wild-eyed man, clad iu a
red-and-blue bedquilt. perched in a
treetop and tvery now and then cryini
nonk ! Honk !' to the unbridled slee
of a gang of men and boys assembled
"That was Luther K. I.inkenhooper.
hy the symptoms." replied the landlord
of the tavern at Grudge. "He accumu
lated three second-hand Hootin' Nanny
curs; one he traded for, one his brother-in-law
wished onto hlra and one was
left him by will. None of them were
of any account, and so he set to work
to take 'em all apart and make one
good one out of the three. The task
was too much for his mind, and after
he had made about five from the ruins
of the three and still had a lot of stuff
left, and none of 'em would move a
muscle, "lie began to chatter, then to
yell, and finally took to his bed a-Jlb-hering.
Once in n while he escapes
from his relatives and gets out am
cuts some such caper as you saw. He
thinks he Is a Hootin' Nanny himself."
"lint, great guns! Even a ear of
the name you mention does not wear
a bedquilt and climb trees!"
"Mobby not. But It would if it was
as crazy at Luther Is." Kansas City
Art Criticism.
One day a German subaltern who
had been ordered to find billets pre
sented himself at my house, writes a
Belgian woman in the World's Work.
I showed him among others the room
occupied for more than two years hy
the American delegates of the relief
commission. In which a reproduction-
of an ancient work of art a bust
without arms stood on the mantel
piece. The subaltern thought the
room appeared to be comfortable, but.
seeking to make himself disagreeable,
he raised his eyebrows, after looking
at the reproduction, and said in .a
rude voice: .
"Why, madam, did you cut the arms
off this bust in a room destined to be
occupied by n German officer?"
Words failed me. What could I
say? He left the house with an of
fended air. But the Incident had rn
sequel, which was most extraordinu"
Scientific Research.
Philip, who had received as a birth
day present a beautiful new tuisero
seope, presently astounded the conk
with the exclamation: "Iley, cook,
lend me n flee, will you? I'll give It
back to you in tnree minutes!"
Deal W:th Matt' rr- Which Vitally Af.
fect Welfare of tvsry Member
of the Community.
Are you a lonesome citizen or are
you a neighborly citizen?
Are you and yours getting a square
(leal In your district?
Are the pavements, the street cars,
the gutters clean and giving good
Are the prices you pay for meat,
potatoes, milk and bread, in your opin
ion. fair and right?
Is ,th" school furnishing your child
a good education in return for your
Is the landlord pronteering on your
These, according to the councils, are
a: few of the Important matters of
everyday city llvlna which should
have a satisfactory answer if a man
Is to remain a satisned citizen in his
' niunit.v. To get. a satisfactory
answer he must be a memher of his
local council. "In tnese times." says
a circular explaining tne organization,
"the community council ' Is a ray of
hope. It is a nonpontlcnl. nonsectarl
n neighborhood organization of the
people the voice of the neighbor
hood."' Parenthetically, it may be added
that a large part of the voice Is fem
inine, thousands of nousewlves being
enrolled In the various locals. Ex
Simple Rules, If Properly Observed,
Will Lead to an Enormous
Annual Saving.
Use only safety matches and make
It Impossible for children to get them.
Always place burned matches in metal
leceptacles; never throw them on the
lloor or Into waste baskets.
u niiitme 111 gj 'ML'es. In tied nr
around stables containing hay Is de-
liberately to Invite disaster.
One or more approved chemical lire!
extinguishers should be placed In ev- r
ery home. They must be protected
against freezing.
It Is well to see that the garden hose
may be attached to the kitchen faucet.
Have the telephone number of the
nearest fire station on u speclul card
at your telephone.
Familiarize the family with the op
eration of the nearest fire alarm box.
After operutlng a fire alarm stny near
It to direct the firemen to the tire. Ev
ery minute Is Important.
Don't fall to notify the chief of the
Bre departmeut of anything you may
see In the neighborhood that Is dan
gerous or liable to cause fire. Ex
change. Plea for Home Ownership.
From Portland, Ore., a western view
of what the own-your-owii-hotue cam
paign means to the tuition lias bcVn re
ceived by the United States depart
ment of labor.
William A. Mrltue of the Bank of
California writes:
"Whether the home Is a cottage or a
palace It equally shelters anil en
shrines the sacred love and devoted af
fection of all that Is best and wor
thiest In our common humanity. Why
should every married man own his
"First, to give Ills wife n chance to
make n home, which Is the natural de
sire of the normal woman, who in the
cramped quarters of the boa nil n
house - or apartment lacks sufficient
breathing space. Secondly, to supply
htji family with an environment where
pnterlial love and devotion niiijr have
ample room and the privacy so esen
tlnl to enable parents to train tbelr
children by setting before tUeui In
their plastic stage an example worth
I Old, but Ever True.
It 1 1 In part to help the plrlttinl
i growth imil in tench the "yoimi! Iiln"
! nf omnium!) ip!rlt "how In mhmi
i tloil the cli.imlier of iiiininerco pule
t iMird In l' monthly bulletin line
j Ilka tlicw:
I If H'e 1" I" ,h a tows
.lk !' kind "f t'n run Ilk.
Vim Mfilnl !'! '" '".- In a (rip
Ar il start cn a long t.lko.
Veu It n'i'V n' ,n' '' htiln4.
K,tr tlu't tiitiimiit ltui'a fraily i
tf knek t , ..ul.-f Kl.rll V tf kn"k
onr ti'wti
It tan'l llir ln. If .u
IUI rtn mrm mat ty mn afralil
lttl p.ii?-!h.1 rta gt ah4i1
Win-' r"na a-uka ant nnt1y aMrks
Vim can r-tta a l-iwtt from II. itnil
Anil if wl'iia " oka ) eur piaitial
V our tilal'li-'i-a ran mak ona
Vour lonn .l h ahat f.m mm ra.
It in I I' r i"i. it a . i
Many tmsll Hemt Built.
Tit liulliltnt pT)i-ta tif I'.Mii :r
,Hi to .iMi' fr lliv tu.l
ciiiiitry. n"iHin l N V a et
th.irt.y. The nt Intnrraiint fining
nf i ms'trr la the f1 tbnl an tin
(iriHfUil"1 perci itat f Ihe build
l.n; l l"UlH;i 'f imll
Cammvaily'i Bg Teuf.
fhr rtinreh. ih a. faml, h oountT
aecM the ! n r -ma, are
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Morrow County.
State of Oregon, plaintiff.
Nancy M. Meek, defendant.
This cause coming on regularly to
be heard on the application of the
plaintiff by It3 attorneys, S. E. Not
son, District Attorney, and Sam E.
Van Vactor, for an order of publica
tion herein, and it appearing to the
That Information has been filed
herein, and wherein it Is alleged that
heretofore and on and before the 3rd
day of August, 1906, one Martin An
derson was the owner of the follow
ing described real property, to-wit:
Commencing at a point in the
middle or center of the flume '
or ditch formerly used by the
Heppner Milling Company, (as
described and set forth in the
plat and specifications filed by
Nelson Jones, In the office of
the County Clerk of Morrow
County, Oregon, and recorded in '
Book H, Records of Deeds, for
said County, at page 457 there
of, on the 6th day of February,
1892.) where said ditch or
flume intersects the South line
of Block Two (2) of Nelson
Jones' Addition to the Town of
Heppner, Morrow County, Ore
gon, and running thence East on
said South line of Block Two
(2), ten feet to the Southwest
corner of Lot Four (4), of said
Block, running thence in a
Northwesterly direction ten feet
from and parallel with the cen
ter of said ditch or flume, to a
point where the same intersects
the North line of Lots Four (4)
and Five (5), of said Block, be
ing the Northwest corner of said
Lot Four (4), thence running
West on the North line of said
Lots, twenty feet to a point ten
feet West of the center ol said
flume or ditch, and being the
Northeast corner of Lot Five (5)
of said Block, thence running in
a Southeasterly direction ten feet
from and parallel with the cen
j ter or middle of said ditch or
flume to a point where the same
Intersects the South line of said
Block Two (2), being the South
east corner of said Lot Five (6)
of Bald Block, thence East on the
South side of said Block Two
(2), ten feet to the middle or
center of said ditch or flume,
the place of beginning, and being
a tract of land twenty feet wide
and lying between said Lots
Four (4) and Five (5) of said
Block Two (2). ,
Thathereafter and on the 3rd day
of August, 1906, the said Martin An
derson died Interstate la said County,
and that thereafter his estate was
duly administered upon In the Coun
ty Court of Morrow County, Oregon,
and final settlement of the same duly
made therein, on the 6th day of
April, 1908.
That the said Martin Anderson was
the person last seized of the said des
cribed real estate, and that the above
named defendant, Nancy M. Meek Is
the present occupant and In posses
sion of the same and claims to be the
owner thereof.
That the said Martin Anderson
died without heirs and left said real
property hereinbefore described es
cheated and vested In the State of
Oregon, the plaintiff In this action.
WHEREFORE, Based upon said
application and
Informatlon filed
hereln, It Is hereby ORDERED, That
nil persons Interested In said real
property appear In this Court and
cause on or before Wednesday the
16th day of June, 1920, and show
cause, If any they have, why Judg
ment should not be granted the
plaintiff as prayed for In said Infor- of hearing said petition, and the place
mation, to-wit: Adjudging that tho of mid hearing at the Circuit Court
said real properly hereinbefore de-l corns. In the Court Ilounc, l'ondle
crlbed be escheated and the title itcn. State of Oregon, at si 'd time,
thereto vested In the stRle of Oregon. I And you will lake notice that arty
that said real properly be sold In (he person Interested In the organization
manner provided by law; that out of
the proceeds arlalng from such ssle
the ciiKta and disbursements of this
proceeding, be paid, together with the
cokk pf such sale, and that the re
mainder of the proceed deiieil from
fuch mile be paid over to the Sutc
Treanurrr of the State of Oregon.
It is further ORDERED, That lhl
order be published for a period of six
weeks In the Heppner Herald, a
weekly nraprr of general rltcula
linn In Morrow County, Oregon, pub
llnhed at llnppner. Oregon.
Ivme nnJ dated at Chambta, at
vndl'tm. l'n.atill.i County. Oregon,
this mh day ft April. 1920.
c.ii.iiKUT w. rni:i.i-.
Circuit Judii of thf Mt nf Oion
for Mifti County. ,
State of O'rgon County if Mor
row. e
I. J. A W'atria. (Vint? t'l-'k o!
i M mow t'eun'). alii "rV pf tV fir
Irult Ceitrl of Die t!al- of linen fur
M..tto County, do tn!y certify
j that the !" and fnr-geiBg Is tru
and tortavt tepy of lha original Ordt
I mad and entaied la the above eotit-
led cause on the 29 th day of April,
1920, as the same appears of record
In my office.
hereunto set my hand and affixed the
seal of said Court this 1st day of
May, 1920.
Clerk of Morrow County, Oregon.
In the Circuit Cmrt of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the matter of the petition of
Emmett Callahan, J. G. Camp,
A. E. McFarland, directors of the
West Extension Irrigation Dis
trict for a judicial examination
and judgment of the Court as to
the regularity and legality of
the proceedings in connection
with the organization of said
district, and the' proceedings of
the Board of Directors of said
District, together with the pro
ceedings of the said Board of
Directors and the District in
the election for the authoriza-
tion of a conotract with the
United States of America, and
as to the validity of said con
tract, and whether the same may
be legally signed by the said
To the West Extension Irrigation
District, and to all Freeholders, legal
Voters, and Assessment Payers with
in said District.
That the petition of the Board of Di- 'ffk
rectors of tho West Extension Irri- '
gation District, praying as follows,
WHEREFORE, Your petitioners
respectfully pray for a judicial ex-
ammauon ana judgment of said
above Court as to the regularity and
validity of the proceedings in collec
tion with the organization of the said
West Extension Irrigation District,
and as to the regularity and legality
of the proceedings of the Board of Di
rectors of said District subsequent to
the date of the organization of said
Irrigation District, and as to the reg
ularity and legality of the proceed
ings of the said Board of Directors
and of the said District in the pro
ceedings providing for the election
authorizing the said proposed con
tract with the United States and as to
the validity of said proposed contract
and that all such acts and proceed
ings may be judicially examined and
determined by the said Court in one
special proceeding.
And your petitioners further pray
that the Court shall fix the time for
the hearing of this petition and shall
order the Cleric of the said Court to
give and publish a notice of the fil
ing of this petition directed to said
Irrigation District and to "all free
holders, legal voters, and assessment
payers within said district", which
said notice shall be published for
three successive weeks In a newspa
per published In Umatilla County,
Oregon, and in a newspaper published
In Morrow County, Oregon, stating
the time and place fixed by the Court
for the hearing of this petition, and
that any person interested In the or
ganization of said district or In the
subsequent proceedings of the Board
of Directors of said District or In the
proceedings of said Board of Direct
ors and of said District In the author
ization of a contract with the United
States of America, msy within ten
(10) days after the full publication
of said notice and on or before the
day fixed for the hearing of this p-
j tltlon demur to or answer said petl-
tloo. has been filed In the Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon, for
Umatilla County. 1
And you will take notice that the
Court has fixed Monday, the 14th day
of June, 1920, at the hour of 10
o'clock A. M , of said day n the time
jof aaid dlatriii or In Ihp'aubrenuV-nt
proceedings of the Hoard of Directors
of a.Ud luntiict or In the proceedings
of nald Iioatd of Directon and of the
sild District In the aethoi if.itlon of
a contract nh the United States of
America, may within ten (11) days
alter the full publication of this not
ice nd on or before th day fix.d for
the hearing of the aald petition demur
to or anwi-r ml. I petition.
This notice is published purausnt
to an order of ihe Hon. O. W, I'helps.
Jinlne of the above entitled Court,
made and entered on the :7lh day of
Artil. I'JO. in ihe Jlermi-ion H-rsld.
n-paper of g. ni -at circulation In
I'n.flt.Jia County. Own, and In the
II' l-tncr H.-rald, a tiewtpaper of gen-
"ral citrilatinn in Mrto Cmniy.
'"Coh. tot three ucrr egs.
1- he an l djied at Ivndlrion. Ore
n. urd.r the ..! of the Circuit
i'oum of the Utate of Oregon, for
rn'!:i' mly. tr.ls 2T:h day of
Ap'ii. I;,;.!,
n t. nnowN.
Clrrk of Ihe .bota entitled Court
I'utlid.eJ May. th. Uth. l!h.