Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, May 25, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Tuesday, May 25, iq2q.
4 4 4 4 4 4 4- 4 4 4 4 4 4 i
Walter Pope who is still having
treatment at The Dalles hospital, was
able to spend the week end with his
old friends around Cecil.
J. J. McEntlre of Killarney. left
on Saturday for a business trip to the
county seat.
Mis3 Gladys Medlock was a Cecil
visitor on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Nash accom
panied by Mr. and Mrs. G. Willant of
Roseburg, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. John Nash of Ewing.
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Logan and
family of Fairview, visited with Mr.
J. W. Osborn and Mrs. Weltha Corn
teat on Sunday.
"Mr. and Mrs. Karl Farnsworth and
family also Sox Morgan autoed to
Heppner Sunday returning home on
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hynd and fam
ily of Butterby Flats, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Franklin at
the Montgomery ranch.
Mrs. Clarence Winter and family
also Mr. and Mrs. Earl Calkins and
family were looking up their friends
in Cecil Saturday.
Henry and oJhn Krebs of the Last
Camp, left on Sunday for their ranch
on Skinner creek where they will be
busy fencing for some time before
returning to Cecil.
Messers. G. Willant and A. E. Nash
made a Bhort trip to Arlington on last
Mrs. C. A. Minor of Heppner, and
daughter, Mrs. Phil Brady of Cecil,
left on Tuesday on the local for Port
land. Mrs. Phil Brady returning to
her home Friday, Mrs. Brady being
in luck to hear Galll-Curcl at the
Heillg while In' Portland.
Mr, and Mrs. A. Henriksen of Wil
low creek, who have been at their
Hamilton ranch for a few days, re
turned home on Tuesday.
J. Mcintosh local sheep buyer, was
hunting up his ol dfriends in WIUo
creek on Tuesday.
Rev. Father Cantwell of Heppner,
visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. En
tire of Killarney on Tuesday.
Peter Bauernfiend spent Monday
and Tuesday in lone attending to
business matters in connection with
the estate of the late Peter Benson.
Geo. W. Wilson of Butterby Flats
Is spending his. vacation amongst his
friends In Heppner.
Mr. and Mrs. JacTt Hynd who have
been in Heppner for a day or two,
returned home on Wednesday accom
panied by their brother, W. G. Hynd,
of Sand Hollow, and niece, Miss A. C.
Lowe of the Highway House.
Dickenson Bros., Harry Burke,
Claud Robinson and Glen Farnsworth
who have been working for Oscar
Huber, at the Cecil camp since No
vember, left on Friday for Corvallis.
Mrs. Geo. A. Miller of Highview,
visited with Mrs. Weltha Combest ai
Cecil on Thursday.
Mr. and Mis. G. Willant and son,
Jack, accompanied by Mrs. Peter
Nash, visited at the home of Leon
Logan on Wednesday.
Warren Stender was a business cal
ler in Cecil last Thursday.
Mrs. A. E. Ross and family have
eturned t othe Lookout where they
will reside for the summer.
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land office at La Crande, Oregon,
May 15, 1020.
Notice is hereby given that,
of Echo, Oregon, who, on November
2, 1915, made Homestead Entry No
015364 for E, Section 20, and on
March 8, 1920, made Additional
Homestead Entry No. 017354, for
SW, Section 20, and E NW,
Section 8, Township 1 North, Range
28 East, Willamette Meridian, has
filed notice of intention to make
three-year proof, to establish claim to
the land above described, before J. A.
Waters, Clerk of County Court, at
Heppner, Oregon, on the 20th day 6f
July, 1920.
Claimanat names as witnesses:
Tony Vey, Price Munkers, Frank
Irwin, Julian Rauch, all of Echo,
C, 3. DUNN,
4-9 Reeister.
Stockraising homestead entry, Act
December 29, 1916, (39 Stats., 862.)
One registered Percheron stallion.
For full Information Inquire of or
write to Walter Rood, Heppner, Ore
Son. 60tf
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Martin are here
visiting their daughter, Mrs. Kuns
man, and son, Mr. M. E. Martin, of
Lexington. After visiting in this
vicinity for several week they will
go on to Portland where they con
template making their future home.
I 4- 4 4- 4 4- 4- 4 4- 4 4 4- 4 4
4- 4-
4 4-
U ? U ?
The friends of Mrs. Fred Griffin
are glad to learn that she is much
improved in health and is able to be
around her home again.
The lone high school ball team de
feated the Condon high school ball
team on their local grounds Saturday
by a score of 8 to 7. The following
day the lone town ball team defeated
the Condon town team on the same
grounds with a score of 3 to 2. Who
says lone can't play ball.
Last Thursday evening the Rebekah
lodge initiated seven new candidates.
Amonog them were Mr. and Mrs. E.
J. Bristow, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Mc
Cabe, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Miller and E.
R. Lundell. Refreshments were
served which consisted of ice cream
and cake.
M. J. Clapp .local high school in
structor, and Jess Dobyns, one of
Rhea creek's prosperous young farm
ers, motored to Pendleton Friday
afternoon to attend to some business
matters returning Saturday. While
there Mr. Clapp visited with At
torney Collier, an old school chum
whom he had not seen for 8 years.
J. M. Baker of Portland, came on
Wednesday evening and will enjoy a
visit with his two daughters, Mrs. E.
R. Lundell and Mrs. M. R. Morgan.
Frank Griffin left Wednesday for
Mankin where he will spend a short
vacation, with his daughter, Mrs
Ralph Kaiser. '
M. R. Morgan and J. M. Baker
were business visitors in Heppner on
Mrs. Belknap and son, George, left
Saturday morning for Moro where
they will Join Mr. Belknap who has a
position in a barber shop at that place
and is well pleased with his new lo
cation. Mr. Belknap and family are
a help to any community and we are
sorry to lose them.
Mrs. Albert Hennig and two child
ren who have been visiting her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Miller, re
turned to their home at Heppner on
Saturday. They were accompanied
by her mother and sister, Geneve,
who will visit at the Hennig home
for a few days.
, V. T. McNabb returned home Sun
day evening from Corvallis, While
away he was a guest at the home t
his daughter ,Mrs. Gus Read.
Postmaster Fred Ely of Morgan,
was a buslnes-s visitor in our city on
Mrs. Mary Norton has bought the
W. W. Winsor residence property on
Second street for the consideration of
$4 50. Mrs. Norton has rented the
property to Mr. and Mrs. Kennith
Blake, who have taken possession.
Mrs. George Mcintosh of Condon,
who has been spending the past
week with her daughter, Mrs
Griffin, left for her home Friday.
E. R. Lundell and W. T. McNabb
s. n;iu;o XEWS .j.
The year's work of the Irrigon
pre(i school closed Friday evening, the 21st
of May w.ith a most successful pro
gram of recitations and songs by the
delegates from the local Odd Fellows s(,hool under the able leadership of
lodge left Monday for Baker where
they will attend the I. O. O. F. grand
oldge of Oregon which will convene
there this week.
Mrs. George Ritchie left Monday
morning for Baker where she goes
as a delegate to the Rebekah assem
bly which convenes there the 25, 26,
and 27 of thes month.
E. E. Miller local hardware dealer,
left on Sunday by auto for Portland
where he will spend the week on
business. Several from Lexington
accompanied Mr. Miller on this trip.
The lone public schools closed last
Friday for the summer vacation.
The following local school instruct
ors left Monday morning on the local
for their respective homes; Mis Amy
C. Niblen and Miss Meda Angell, Port
land; Miss Mabel Nelson, Buxton, and
Miss Vera Hudson, La Grande. All
the teachers will return in the fall
with the exception of Miss Nelson,
who has not decided whether she will
continue teaching.
M. J. Clapp left Sunday for Van
couver, Wash., where he will spend
the summer.
Nine 8ih grade pupils are awaiting'
returns from the state uniform 8th
grade examination.
The following recitations constitut
ed the body of the program:
The Old School House, by Leola
Benefield 8th grade
Old Ironsides, Gertrude Gray-
beal 5th grade
The Sandpiper, Jewell Buford
5th grade
The Border, Walter Howard
8th grade
The Flag, Orville Benefield 3rd grade
This number was followed immedi
ately by an excellent Flag song.
Howard 3rd grade
Brudder Jones- on Music, Harvey
Warner 9 th grade
John Burns of Gettysburg, Icle
Samson 8th grade
the principal, Mr. E. H. Anderson.
The recitations were well rendered,
all reciters exhibiting a good grasp
of the selections, and the new songs j The viage BlackMlllthi Uufanl
as wen as some oiu ones were a de
light to the large audience. The en
tire seating in the church was filled
before the hour set for the exercises
to begin ,and neighbors went out and
brought in benches from a hall some
distance away, and chairs from the
nearby dwellings. Mr. Self, who has
been pastoral supply for some weeks
at Irrigon and Boardman, delivered a
short but pithy address stressing the
need for improving the present op
portunities offered in the way of an
education. There was one graduate,
Batie P. Rand, a young man of most
excellent character, who will make
good in life and thus be forever an
honor to the school in which he has
been ,a member and student for sev
eral years. It is his aim to continue
his education In some college. The
diploma was presented by the prin
cipal .acting under the direction of
the chairman of the school board. Mr.
Anderson has been retained for an
other year ,but other teachers are yet
to he secured. Several nromlsine
4 4.4i4 candidates have offered their servlc
4 4 eg, and it is hoped that a full corps
4. . BOARDMAN XEWS win BOon be fiecured.
4 4 Neither Miss Powell nor Mrs. Sud-
darth will be available for another
The new Murchey building of re- year- Mis8 Powe11 rctires from
lnforced concrete on the corner of teaching In order to attend to other
Main Street and Newell avenue is Interests, and Mrs. Suddard goes
rapidly nearing completion under the wlt Mr. Suddarth to the Butter
direction of W. A.Goodwin. The creek school next year,
building Is 50x80 and is designed to
contain two stores and a bank. The J.
C. Balltnger Hardware Co. will oc
cupy the main store room and the
other It is rumored will soon house
a grocery.
T. H. Lowe, of Cecil, who is Mor
row county distributor of the Cletrac
Tank Type Tractor, reports that
wherever in use the Cletrac is giv
ing excellent satisfaction.
Henry Streater, of Fourmlle, Gil
liam county, who has been using a
Cletrac for two years, reported to Mr.
Lowe that the has not had to take up
a single bearing on the machine in
that time. He Is highly pleased with
the big machine.
Henry Miller, of Cecil, who bought
a Cletrac from Mr. Lowe this season,
says: "No man could be better
pleased with a tractor than I am with
the Cletrac.
Mr. Lowe went to Portland last
Thursday on Cletrac business. He ex
pecs to establish an agency In Hepp--ner
and perhaps at other points in
the county at an early date.
Subscribe for the Herald and get
all the latest news. Subscribe now
and don't be too late to get the news
of the election on May 21st.
With the compliments of Hugh Clark
"The Tank"
helped turn the fortunes of war to
the Allies
- .4 - -S J"V V nNKTYPK I
! T. IT.
Will help bring financial fortune to your
The ' following Is the Memorial i
services program to be given, for the ,
G. A , R., Masons and Odd Fellows at
Boardman and Irrigon. I
Rev. I. B. Self is chaplain of the ,
department of Oregon G. A. K. He
is also a Mason and an Odd Fellow, j
After consulting Grand Lodge olflcers ,
of both orders he has decided to hold
a Joint Memorial service in the Com
munity, church at Boardman Sunday 1
May 30th at 11:30 A. M. and at Ir
rlgoji the same day at 8 P. M.
All Masons and Odd ellows, their
wives and families are most cordially
Invited to attend these services and
thus unite In honoring their dead:
Sunday, May 30th, Is Memorial Sab
bath for the Grand Army of the Re
June 8th Is Memorial Day for the
Independent order of Odd Fellows.
The Masonic Grand Lodge have
their Memorllal services during the
sitting of the Grand Lodge In June.
The big picnic and barbecue will 1
be held at the Dlllabaugh ranch on
the line between the Boardman pro
ject and the John Day District which j
will give all the people of this sec
tlon of Oregon nn opportunity of we-1
In what water will do to the desert,)
on Monday, May 3Ih(, lit Honrdinan. j
Honorable Linmett Callahan will
be the principal speaker of the orm
sli.n. while ninny other noted speak
er will take putt.
1 he Heppner Cot net Hand will lie
on hand to futnlih the munlr both tor
tin- barbecue ntnl big dunce that will
tie Kiven In the I VI llltlK cunrnt II. If '
'plenty and fimt cla muMc
A d"iiiiih-,iiitl"n will lie made'
allowing the Hem-rt land 11 It w.m. I"
and will he niter the water him been
tut tied upon It.
Delegates will he pllunt from
f . I.. -.I tl I t. ... t .
I 1 omihii'i, riHMiMiuu, lone, i.i-iuik'mn
Heppner and rnany other town In
thu kertlun of the country both to en.
Joy th feBBt Mul r!nnin n( frliiiil"
ml to Klve Mild reriHe ful
cl informal inn on the nidjutu i,f
i int' n-M to the farmer, Mm kun n uhd
fllli Ji'nien of tt e routltl)
Tl." 1'ottlaml delegation HI he on
bund In their pnvat" car. wl.xli ar
r r.Ki menu ate tu rn made to u
hotel Willi" irW"..
Tliern will b" ball tram durlng
th 'terri'H.ri rtwen Arlington ami
lf"Hi.tton liii h will h" -'i'm one
both team tre fat bunch of ,ly.
111 e? ybiMlr that fin p'" My ci.ine
hi.iiM be ll,ii an t h if will r, !!.
tiiit.nt ent of !h" mum A Bil
lion'! foriil the l.i r fiance In !
1 fi'iiltf.
This is the story that Cassidy told,
In his hallB a Bheen with purple and gold;
Told as he sprawled In an easy chair,
Chewing cigars at a dollar a pair;
Told with a Blgh, and perchanc a tear,
As the rough soul showed through the cracked veneer;
Told as he gazed on the walls near by,
Where a Greuze and a Millet were hung on high;
With a rude little print In a frame between,
A picture of Shanahan's ould Shebeen:
"I'm drlnkin' me mornln's mornin'; but It doesn't taste the same,
Though the glass Is of finest HiyMal, and the liquor shlips down like
An' me cockney footman brings It on a soort of a silver plate
Sherry and bitters It is, whiskey lH nut of date.
In me bran' new brownshtoue mansion F'lft' Avenoo over the way.
The Cathedral round the corner an' the Lord Archbishop to lay,
Sure I ought to bo shtiff wld grandeur, but me tiihtes are mighty mean;
An' I'd rather a mornln's mornin' at Shuniihnn's ould Shebeen.
Oh, well do I molnd the shnnty, the rocks, iinfi the field beyant;
The dirt floor yellow wld sawdust, and the walls on a three-Inch slant;
There's a twelve-Mot y flat on the site now, ('twas nieself that bullded the
name) ,
An' they called it the Motitmorlncy; though I wanted the good ould
Me dinner pull under nie oxther, In lore the whlHtle blew,
I'd banish the drum en from me eyelids wld a noggin' - or mebby Iwo;
1 An' oh! 'twas the llllgant whiskey, Its like I've never seen;
Since I went for me mornln's mornin' to Shanuhan's ould Shebeen.
I diHiemember the makers, I couldn't tell yn the brand,
I!it It Hiiielled like the golden surillglit, and It looked and tiihted
When me throat was raked wld riinrthar, 11 ml me lienrl wiik cracked will a
bliiHt ;
One drink of .Shaliahan's dewdtnpK, an' (ill me tumble wtiH punt.
That's why. as I 'unt on the i-ii hion, wld duel 11 hai'oilh to do.
In a 11101 run' runt lim-d with I v t iind a rh,immirn lunch tit tn.
The Mii-mot y rotnea like a hiitihhee, iiiexilf and mo weiilth between,
Art' I I'Uig lor a null nin mi.in n' at Sliiilialniti'a mil I PI.iIu mi.
moitiin" ciihI lined with wln-t' An' me ould mat tit- d to do
Alike fur mornin' 11 ml eyetiln'. (an' mimetlmen I ah pi' In It, too);
duel a Mip of hherry that Hlni'iiihuti I .l , tm I'nr
If )oi couldn't affoid 'ooil w I. i -W y he'd Like )mi In Hit 11 t for 'nil,
ll.ir-Ui J let jr.ltlK I knew thele: Ml ' 11 1 I tl V. t,MllllOI Utile);
All' Murphy that mli-d the moiili.u, ('ine the I i.pe ti. il- hint
pr Mi. e)
1 Mmuld k e il, II, at m k. o' Hun l.i !! lac.- -cupe.) nn' tlean;
When the
hoi, Nt'llll
' tl.
a motiiin'a inornln' round in wt,,in.ihaii'a ould
ml' here ciiinm Hi" Graie'a i.i'il ne; 'twill he l im h I by mi' In.
An' I dl'n'l dhtlnk another though me throat in powerful dhn;
I 11 n to meet the A r li blMiiip I n, a hilinu" 1 now no rnme;
lint IK 1. 1. lie! th), Were fiflne tlea thin. l id. Mi d I I talk f lt,ell
imiki til" ante
wl,i per' TL '' I iiiM , I I'll ye, I 1 n I'd ri ll,i nr ilnir.
An' the te'tet coal ,n' Hie footman, wld M nna'h mie In the
th" Lord Ai'Mi hop hlmef, loo, for a drink o' tie d-iy that ,'
bee n ; -
Jor it e ut n' ttiornln'i 11 oinln' In Khanl.n'a 011M fub-en '
rvkly. M-
NrYt K - Thla poiri appeared aoiin ), mi ai'o In
'H'riMiof. Iti In I rod uc 1 ne It ) heard II Melted firM. j lh i"aftad,a!
4ftre.ii. 'arrrt Afidtrt i authoraMp a Hun unknown aril. n far
t I m 'ar", I a tiol lnc been ilannr.t Mr O'Connor nitarda II Hi
i,., I description of as irishman irartpoftn from rl.lll prnurltf to the Up
it luiury and fa.Iim ( anjoy tl " rharl4 xnd,ii.o
i i- f