Tuesday, May 25, igao. THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE THREE 0 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE AND WAHMXG Notice is hereby gfven that the practice of dumping garbage, trash and refuse on the roads and high ways of Morrow county is strictly prohibited by law, a penalty of $100 being provided for each and every of fense. All residents of the county are hereby warned that in the future each and every violation of this law will be vigorously prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Dated at Heppner, Oregon, April 15, 1920. WM. T. CAMPBELL, 51-54 County Judge. NOTICE OF liOXD SALE XOTICCE FOB PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land office at La Grande, Oregon, May 15, 1920. Notice is hereby given that KATHERINE DOHERTY, of Lena, Oregon, who, on March 23, 1916, made Homestead Entry No. 015687, for SEtf, Section 32, Town ship 1 South, Range 2 J East, and Lots 1 and 2 and S NE4, Section 5, Township 2 South, Range 29 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before J. A. Waters, Clerk of County Court, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 22nd day of July, 1920. Claimant names as wittnesses: Francis McCabe, John Keegan, Phil Hirl, Mack McGuire, all of Lena, Oregon. C. S. DUNN, 3-8 - " Register. OBJECTIONABLE By JACK LAWTON. Sealed bids will be received until the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., the 15th day of May, 1920, and immediately thereafter publicly opened by the County Court of Morrow County, Ore gon, at the office of said Court in the County Court House in the City of Heppner, Oregon, for the purchase of bonds ol said County, issued for the building of permanent roads therein in the sum of $20,000, same being in denominations of $1000 each, num bered 181 to 200 inclusive, said bonds to bear date November 1, 1919, and to mature absolutely without option of prior redemption November 1, 1929, said bonds to bear interest at not to exceed 5 per cent per an num, payable semi-annually on May and November first, principal and. in terest payable In United States gold coin at the office of the County Treas urer or at the Fiscal. Agency of the State of Oregon in New York City. Said bids must b accompanied by a certified check for 5 per cent of the face value of the bonds bid for and must be unconditional. The approving legal opinion of Mes sers. Teal, Minor & Wlnfree of Port land, Oregon, will be furnished the successful bidder. The Court reserves the right to re ject any or all bid3. The assessed valuation of the taxable property of the County is $14,046,730.54. , J. A. WATERS, 51-54 Clerk. The Moon and the Horizon. According to astronomers it is ov injr to the atmosphere ami the fact that lylnjt low in the line of the earth ' it is unconsciously compared with oth er objects, that makes the moon look larger. Just as soon as the moon rises in the heavens and we look up to It i without Intervening or surrounding j objects, It diminishes In apparent size. I His Poor Luck. Bricklayer (who has fallen two stories without injury Just my luck I I paid my accident insurance only yes terday, and now I ain't hurt a bit." ' Pretext. Boston Transcript. j SUMMONS 7r. WE HANDLE ice cn BEST IN THE WORLD ! m II TAKE A BUCKET HOI'! McAtee & Aiken i In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County. Arthur Reid and Martin Rcid, plaintiffs, vs. Madallne Roberts, defendant To Madallne Roberts, the above named defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE ; OF OREEGON, you are hereby sum-! moned and required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled Court and , cause on or before six weeks from the date of first publication of this summons, and you are hereby noti fied that If you fail to so appear or answer, for want thereof plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In their complaint, viz. a decree of said Court that you have no right, title or Interest In or to the Northeast quarter of Section 14, Township 5 Souh, Range 26 E. W. M. and that you be forever debarred and enjoined from setting up asserting or maintaining any right title or Interest therein or thereto and that plain tiffs' title to sitld lands be quieted as against you. This summons Is served upon you by publication thereof once a week for six consecutive weeks In the Heppner Herald, a newspaper published In Morrow County. J Oregon, by order of Hon. Gilbert . . n .. mtttnnri W. Phelps. Judge of the above DR. A. D. McMURDO entitled Court made and entered j I'HYSKI.W SllU.P.ON on the lutn aay or .tiay, j rod tho date of first publication! : Msy 11. 1920. and date of Inst publl- j ration Is Juno 22. 1320. 1 WOODSON k SWEKK. ! Attorneys for Plaintiff". I S. E. NOTSON ATTOKNKY-AT-I.AW Office in court Houe Heppner Oregon VAUGHAN & BUTLER ' DEXTI.ST Permanently located In Oddfellow' ( , Dunldlng Heppner, Oregon Telephone 122 Office Patt'Tnon' Drug Store Heppner Oregon MTH K rH VI PLICATION (WOODSON & SWEEK ATTOIIVEYH-AT-UAW 1 flfppner Oregoo tt(.gttmint f the Interior. V. 3. Oteiion. F. A. McMENAMIN Kobtti Bids. Ilcppoer, Ore Office phone Main C43 Rcaldnr Phone Main CIS I.and office at The pall March I'-th. 12'. Notice Is hereby Kiven that JAMES C VAIl. of gtanflold. Oregon, who. on F bru ar l(h. HI". msde Hotn-ot'nd En try. No. 01 4 42. for WH EW. ' tlon . Tn.n.hip I North, lung. J !RQY V. WHITEIS Hast. Willamette Meridian. r.a jh'-i notke of intention to nmke final lhre yesr proof, to eataMlah claim to the land abe dewftlmd. b-fme J. A. Wi-. n-i of ! Circuit Court, at Heppner. Oregon, no ! S,n ''l' of Mar. i,: Claimant ittn-": Edlsr I.. M'r. of lh. Oregon; fUmu-l J Kict.i. f Li;nV.O. Ore. goo; til C. t'utsll. of t-i n'n. Oregon; Tarl K Ha-fa. of I.' InfN.O. Ore'it It THANK WOODCOCK. Hegstr tAKl'IUKCK UP. A I, PHTArK, I.OA. Heppner Otegon DR. CLYDE R. WALKER PIHMt l AI t lWiP)1 Ptiotte Conne'Wina oo, Oregon SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTOHMT-AT-MW. Hipnar Oregon lCopyrlht. mo. Western Newspaper Union) Parkvilie was In a state of agitation. Summer nfter summer, the sleepy, pretty village had gone on Its peaceful way. Parkvilie maidens, clad In crisp rcuslln frocks, sat upon well-ordered verandas or porches, awaiting the com panionship of Parkville's single, young men still the proper, worthy maidens waited with the difference, the young men failed to arrive as usual, to pay their bantering, attentive calls. And the trouble of all this laxity had arrived and leistered at Park ville's one hotel. That a 'young and unaccompanied woman should brave the publicity of the corner hotel, had hefore been nnhenrd of. And that she should in addition waive all conven tionality aside and freely talk and laugh with men whom she hud met only In their various places of busi ness was in Purkville no less than scandalous. And the stranger's of fense, which overshadowed all others, in the eyes of the village maidens, was the glowing beaut? of the girl mid the new mid during charm of her. Wil linm Thayer, the admired and im portant young lawyer, had bgUUy es corted Miss Ginny Tyler sucli was the frivolous mime of the newcomer I down the broad walk of Main street in plain view of almost the entire pop ulation of Parkvilie, when she had called at his oillee upon some foolish At least, William's mother assured the girls that this "Glnny" had made a trivial excuse to visit the office, she was sure, for William re fused to explain the reason. There after William, in defiance of anger or ridicule, was often seen at Miss Tyler's side, while a former supposed sweet heart made bitter remarks concerning his new allegiance. Doctor Jim, son of old Doctor James, was the strang er's next victim, and though Doctor Jim's repeated presence upon the ob noxious hotel veranda was followed by a prompt falling off of invitations else where, Doctor Jim continued in the hotel keeper's words "to beat Bill Thayer to It." Paul Thornton was an estimable man, and young Purkville maidens evidenced a new and admirable In terest In the church of their fathers. "The right man at last," said old Everett Fairfax, the wealthiest man of the town, to which Ruth, his daugh ter, silently and smilingly agreed. Paul Thornton was a frequently In vited visitor at the pretentious Fair fax home, mid It was from these por tals that Ruth saw the thing which threatened at Its beginning the young preacher's success. She had fairly glimpsed with animosity the strange girl's approach, when the Reverend Paul, leaving the pastorate door, could be seen hurrying eagerly after. Ruth caught her breath' In shocked surprise as that admired young man not only took quick possession of Miss Glnny Tyler' hand, but drew It protectlngly through his own arm, and the two went strolling op the hill toward what wns known as "The Lover' Walk." Events following this episode caused Parkvilie Itself to hold It breath In shocked surprise. For the shepherd of this worthy flock might be seen at almost any hour of the day devotedly and openly In the siren's company, while Rlllte Thayer and Doc tor Jim waited sulking upon the de- serted hotel veranda. And as Paul ' Thornton persisted In hi rashness, I old Fairfax decided upon Ruth's I promptings to take up the matter with ! the great Doctor West, of the city, j Doctor West's fame as one of the best ' prracher of the time waa hrondcast ; I astonishingly and unexpectedly, the noted man sent reply that he would I prefer visiting Parkvilie and dlsniss- j -Ing the rase In person. TJie Rev. Paul ; had been accepted In the Parkvilie ; church upon Doctor West' own re- i quest. j A committee was wilting to receive , him when he arrived at the Fairfax home in an automobile, and with re gretful and serious face Parkville's I I wealthiest cltlsen arose to voire the , complaint of Ids people. "We run't 1 keep a innn whoae actions are qnes- tlnnahle." he finished, "end Paul 1 Thornton Is openly devoting himself to qtiestlfuialile character. A girl 1 h won't tell where sin- enme from ! : or what ahe'a here for. Who liven l.y j Ierelf III n hotel, nil' dn --e like a ! riri. Who d t ml": .1 ,',!li our j glrli hut nrr.f with ih i. ' ii." 1 Doctor Went considered. "I ,mtiH ; like." he nld at lnt, "to have you send for Paul Thornton Bnd the young woinnii of whom you h'bI(. snd bring them before nie," It Mrs (tilth who flew to the tele phone and H'i'h who admitted the guilty two whrti they anaei-red the utnmoh. Hut In the girl's lovely f.i there aa n Mi,nnrm.ineiit vf guilt, while Paul Thornton rnhed forward Jofiilly to huk his aiiieiior's hand. But the lirci'lilfM, ahrMklng moment csme. hn Glnny T)ler, all nn Bl.sehH. ran sirnifhl Into th grt man a arms. Ov-r her lowly hmd h atul'H at thm. "My daughter!" h announce gra ly, "ho cam under tier mthr't ma. den name to among )ti, and try to find wlriiiiie. It n her wlh to i.t )iu, and find frr'tdth p f'ir fii-r-e'f lfore mrn'ng to a'ay lure fn'. ''!y ;n jr Jn-'nr !f. P oil h'rt.f"n sad my d.'nWr V r. .in a hate ben for eotn liiee. and ath try cntBile!e an-t lot, ti Iro ld) l 5 cinch ' 1 HIm'SvcA ; V : STURKJSH & DOMESTIC ' -w CiQAaiTH -jy You should know why Camels are so unusual, so refreshing, so -satisfying. Firs, qutJitj second, Camels expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos which you'll certainly prefer to cither kind smoked straight ! Camels blend makes -possible ht wonderful mellow mildness yet all the desirable body is there I And, Camels never tire your taste! You'll appreciate Camels freedom from any unpleasant cigaretty after taste or unpleasant cigaretty odor ! e For your own saticlaclioii ccmpcro Camels puff by puff with any c'y. rette in the world at any prico! Camafaara aoM rjrwlim in KrirnliHatlly soafrrf n. ka,!e of TO n Mftea lor 20 oonrs, or f"n packattnm l 200 ciaantttml trt a fiLtnnt papercovrd carton Wo mtmnnly recoonnend this i.arfoit i,r ih Aome or onc auppy or when you trnvfl. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO, Wioaton-Salom, N. C, No Mere Fit of Anger. Anna, hecnmlng very imgry, hit her smaller sister. Her mother, henrliu: the little child cry, wont In see what was the tnmhle. When she found out she reproached Anna mid asked lier over what she had hecome nngry. Anna replied : "I wasn't nngry. that tvns righteous Indignation." Chicago American. Eager for Information. Rohert wns Inking pluslology and 'he suliject Interested him. One day he decided to tell his small brother some facts. Pointing to n vein In his hand, he said: "The stuff In that vein keeps the heart going; do you know what's In It?" "No," was brother's quick reply, "I don't know; what Is !r, oil or gas?" V M. Duncan, well known resident of the Lena neighborhood, wus a busi ness visitor In Heppner last Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. ojhn Olden of Rhea creek, left Thursday morning for an extended trip through Southern Cali fornia and New Mexico where they will visit with relatives. Poultry Supplies Our store is Heppner Headquarters for all Poultry Supplies including Chick Poods Egg Mash Oyster Shell Chick Mash Scratch Food Grit Lice Killer Chick Condition Powders We pay the highest market price for eggs Phelps Grocery Co. i