fiP' HEPPNER VOLUME 7 HEPPNER, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 25, 1920. NUMBER 4 3 N . iE MORROW PUTS EVERY' MEASURE OVER STRONG BACCALAUREATE SERMON The Chrjstian church was well fil led with an appreciative congrega tion last Sunday evening to listen to the baccalaureate sermon delivered by Mrs. Livingston, minister of U church, to the graduates of the Hepp ner high school. The church was artistically decor- Road Bond Limit, Educational Bills ' ated with lilac blossoms and a splen- Reeeive u Heavy Majority Hei-e V V V V V V V V V V WOOD AND JOHNSON CLOSE IX STATE -5- v A a While Multnomah county gave Johnson a heavy lead over Wood in early count returns from outs-id coun ties show that Wood ' has been gaining steadily with chance for overcoming the Californian's strength. Lat est reports here showed Johnson's lead cut to 510 votes. A $ A A A a a a a a a a In common with other counties in Oregon Morrow voters refused to get much excited over the primaries last Friday and a rather light vote was cast. Interest centered in the primary choice for president on the repub lican ballot the contest being conced ed in advance to lie between Leonard Wood and Hiram Johnson. This was in the vernacular of the turf a "pret ty race" in this county, In which Can didate Wood win only by a nose over the Californian the exact figures be ing 251 to 253 in favor of the mill tary man. Herbert Hoover was third in the tunning with 98 votes to his credit at quitting time while Frank O. Lowdcn came in fourth with 67 tallies and Miles Polndexter, whisper it gently trailed in with a scant 20 sccalpe ang. ling from his belt. Rhea Luper, a native son of Mor- row county, who wsb a candidate for public service commissioner against H. H. Corey, present incumbent, re ceived a splendid vote piling up an even 600 votes to 140 received by' Mr. Corey. ' Judge R. R. Butler, of The Dalles, who was a candidate for delegate at large to the republican nutlonal con vention, also received a splendid vole 273 voter recording themselves in I) is favor. Morrow county voters went on rec ord as being strongly in favor of all legislative measures the 4 per cent toad bond limit measure and all edu cational BieTes being particular favorites'. On the county ticket there was no contest for any nomination on the re publican ticket and Charles Sperry, of lone, candidate fo rthe nomination for sheriff on the democratic ticket, ld his ticket by same 400 mllrs. He was the only democratic aspirant for a county office. With It candidates In the field t'Dm which four were to be selected (Continued oq page 4) Count Tolstoy on Chautauqua Program did musical program rendered by a selected choir with Mrs. Darbee as soloist, added much to the interest of the occasion. Mrs. Livingston's adress was a splerdid effort. The lady is a force ful and earnest speaker and her ad dress was well suited to the occasion. Without oratorical flights or fanci ful word pictures, Mrs. Livingston held the undivided attention of the class members and the entire audi ence during the delivery of her help ful address. While her address sav ored less of the regular sermon than of the friendly .kindly talk to the youthful graduates, yet she brought home the vital necessity of the young man or young woman starting life on a solid foundation of morality and religion. MORROW WILL It A X K IX WEALTH SECOND "Morrow county, next to Multno mah, is destined to be the wealthiest county in the state," declares J. W. Morrow, sometimes of Heppner 'and sometimes of Portland.' "The day will come when the John Day irriga tion project will be realized and when water Is placed on the land of Mor- ro wcounty It will become wonderful ly productive. The John Day project was considered visionary before the war because it will cost millions. The war, however, educated people to think in large sitms and a project costing millions does not stagger the Imagination now as it did four years ago. With water on the land of Mor row county it can produce enough food to feed an enormous popula tion." Oregonian. , J?-t. - ,p. . J-rk J 4 1 Ul II. Mill 1 1 ,1 III lip.1.11 Wflp!,l!MU ATTEND COMMERCIAL SECRE TARIES MEETING ft hi' 1 1 M f mm 4 .r & 4 Kit $ 'ft i.-,.-, , . , ,,,., dtiu , ,i It is with no little satisfaction and pride that the West Coast Chautauqua management announces the coming of Count Ilya To'.cloy, son and literary heir of the great Leo Tolstoy. j. , Born and reared to well advanced manhood In his native country, and navlug but recently returned from Rufsia where he made a careful study of political and economic conditions, no man In America Is so well Informed Chiis. Thomson and S. A. Paulson, president and secretary of the Com mercial club, attended a meeting of ;he Oregon Association of Commor ..'lal Secretaries at Pendleton last Monday returning Tuesday, They leport a successful meeting a large number of the live commer cial bodies of the state being rep resented, secretaries being present from as distant points of Burns and Coos Bay. Many subjects of vital interest to commercial clubs and the communi ties they represent were discussed and the meeting was considered a most profitable one. Among the subjects receiving at tcntion were tourists camping grounds, landing fields for r.irpluoes and co-operation between the several towns, and neighborhoods of the counties in promoting the interest oi the community at large. Another matter of general inter est was that of community advertis ing, the convention going on record as being opposed to all hot air, col ored picture siutl such as was so much in vogue several years ngo. Brief statements of fact regarding the various communities without hot air and as near the absolute truth as is humanly possible was strongly recommended. The assticiation decided on only one meeting a year instead of two as has been the custom, the next meeting to be held at Portland on a date not yet fixed. BALL GAMES CLAIM MUCH A IE IOXE TEAMS LEAH IX NATIONAL GAME GREAT Heppner Hi Wins in Sherman But Lose to Teams Xearer Home lone gave Condon a battle royal on the Egg City diamond last Sunday in which lone came off victor in a hot. 2 to 3 game. It was anybody's game until the ninth canto, each team having 2 scores to its credit up to that point, when lone tallied by driving a fast run across thereby winning the hard est fought game of the season in these parts. Heppner All-Stars journeys to Condon on the 30th to take a try at the Wheat City team the compliment to be returnd the following Sunday when Condon will play on the Hepp ner field. Heppner fans and rooters will please take notice and get their megaphones ready. ROUND-UP AT LENA ATTKXO THAT' FIRR ' MEETIXO All citizens and tax payers are ad vised to attend that meeting of the fire company called for this evening by President Notson and Chier Hus ton as It is rumored that these two officials are planning to make a de mand for an 100 per cent advance in salary. If you don't want these gen tlemen to slip something over on you you had better be on hand at the council chamber tonight at 8:00 o'clock, sharp. ATTENTION' KNIGHTS OK n'THIAS All members of the order are ex pected to meet at the lodge hall at 9:30 A. M., Saturday, May 20th, from where they will march to the ceme tery where memorial services will be held In menioiy of departed l; others All members of famlHc of deceas ed members are iavlted to attend this service. W. V. PMEAD. K. of R. and 8. Jim Ayers, Waldo Vincent, Percy Hughes and Ed Sheridan were on present day Russian subjects as Count Ilya Tolstoy, and no other can in from L?Da SRlu'day boosting for speak with equal authority. Count Tolstoy oas an excellent command of !the bi8 tim to be had at ,lleh lu""e the English language, and his views, which ara anti-Bolshevik, have appeared ltown on S"ndaV June 6th- u'nn lf tn twelve periodicals, Including Century, Harper s, Everybody's, Collier s and ! ain t0 tttBe tt real llouni, t'" Leslie's. that day when most all of the besl Presentlnr this lecture feature Is a distinct accomplishment and Is a i buckarooe In Morrow county will be .-ikir,. .u , .u . ,. ... ! m-eaeni to Dull leather or set 'em ""''"i vi mc "ilia w luiuuiunuT oi koou i-nuuiaiiuufi. ftnrvire r " This great movement has now assumed world significance and is placlnit within -tea reach of towns of any size lb opportunity of hearing some tf the world a creates!. The third night of the Chautauqua should find a reccrd attendance to do jeve,ybody ,,,vlU'd lnt.'1"1 un honor to the coming of Count Tolstoy. see the fun. straight up as the exigencies of the ; situation may require. There will also bo some mighty fine races snd A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A HIG MEMORIAL DAY A PARADE A Snturla)' Moiuing. S leak ing und Kxoi'cIm'k at the I'nvillini Heppner Sanitarium Hospital Dll. i. PERRY ( ON DV R, physicinn-in-chari;e Corner Main and Baltimore. Telephone, Main 2 MEDICAL AM) Si IIGICAL TREATMENT I NSATISKAtTORY A piece of steel Is used on quivering Mesh and It becomes un "operation" but the "Bloodless Surgeon" with his fingers and trained mind to guide them, are doing maivelous opetstlons, but becauxe no blood flows, these operations do not take on the signifi cance of the gory. The Washington, D. C, Times. May &, contains the following: Slgmllrr Tom tikeyhill, the soldier-poet of the An ssr, ho came to Wanhlngton last ThiMiday to take part lo the Red Cross drive and who had been blind since December, 191. as a result Of shell shock suffered at Oalllpoll, toduy sees as well as anyone. Thursday evening he complained of pains, which sug gested to Ms friends that an oinropathlc treatment miicht bring re . --Iiff. Arrangements were msde and Drs. Karl Kettler and Riley D. Moore met Signaller Skeyhlll at Garfield Memorlsl Hospital. After a f minutes' tre(nint by Dr. Moot. Skeyhlll leaped from the table, shouting. "I can see you. doctor! can se you." SlgnalUr tike)hlll. today wtnto the following story for The Time. In ahlrh he gives a Uld picture or the sensations lie es 'perlrBced upon receiving tils eight: "Wh'-n I entt-d the nir sting room at OsrfiHd Memorial Hfpltal I had little hop.- that -tmpathy could do any thing for me Tln i I remoted shortly hnw-rr, rot lthln a rew inlnuti ft -r Dr Moor l-satl rnanlpu luilns the hark of my n k st On- spes of ih spinsl colun.n I n-pein'-el s shsrp, srr urlut in t pin. Thn. as If by magic. l,tC !hf of llchl btn to r mn bfor ny heretnfote (lmniiy ). and bfore I illi-d Jut lit Inking plsr found ILat I rmld IluUr ph)li ln a my condition to bll slunk nd re not all enroutsS'd ss to ih powlbility of my r re gaining sight. I. hoeer, k-pl on and hundreds of physicians. Mime famous specialists lo Kngland. f"in and the t'nltd ftats, hse eismloed my eys. sll romlng to the same ronrlualnn. that only fftrdiral mlrarl could sae m from going through life lo the black mists. No thst Moore has by manipulation, restored my sight. I shall prnrlalm his name herr go sad tell my audi--, wherever I speali. nf the simple meaner la whlrh this msa rauM mt bark ( me The committee on arrange ments have found It advis able to announce a change in the program for the Me moilal exercises next Satur day. The bam) boys, in view of the fact that ninny or them are In business houses und certHlnly would, be otherwi greatly Inronovfhlenreil some time a ko asked to be ex cused from Saturday alter noon concerts. This Is cer tainly reasonable. Heppner Is proud lo have a bund and most people feel that it the services are all held in the morning It will be le genet nl nlconvenlent and sssuie greater opportunity lor at tendance. The following piOKram lias hi-t-D vrranped for the duy: . WILL STORE WILLOW WATER KEEK TAKE KNIGHT TEMPLAR DEGREE I L. A. Hunt, county a;,cn:, who Ik i: been making a h-urvcy of poniblc storage reservoirs on Willow and Rhea creeks, reports that a im-etin:; of wattr useis on these creeks will be held some time next month when a rull jepoit or the poK'Ibilltlc!! or this project will be rulimitled. Several proinlMnu -l.u.i sites hiiM been found, Mr. Hunt says, und lie Is of the opinion that more than enough water may bo conserved to reclaim all or the creek valleys pioper with a possible surplus which might be used as a ft a iter on a smull unit of the John Day district. HUE l'REEE.N'HON WEEK I H. C. Gitlienr., Kay Agcr, Pup Mc Allister, George Aiken, David Hyml, and W. S. Pruyne, motored over If Pendleton Friday where they wen Initiated into the Knight Templar De gree of the Mhm-iiIc lialeiiilly. The genlleinin report a splenniliil trip at"' re generous ill their or the royal entertainment iuioidl them by the Pendleton Knlthls. V The Heppner high school team motored to Moro Friday where they engaged Moro HI, the game resulting in a victory for Coach Hurlingame'a boys. The following day they played Wasco In which they duplicated their Moro victory although, it is said, Wasco slipped in some professionals on them. The boys arrived home Sunday morning in time for Sunday school. Heppner ami Lexington grammar school teams played at Lexington on Saturday, the closely contested game resulting In Lexington's favor. PROGRAM Chinch bells lll ring .. !;itl Hand conceit at Court House ;P.O Parade at 4& Heppner llsnd. Hrhool Child ren, Women Relief Coips. Lodges, Veterans or '5 and other Wars, llody of Heppner Post othr or ganisations, rais snd ci vilians. K. of P. lodce will huld reie niony st the reim-teiy. MEMORIAL EXERCISE AT I A I R PAVILION Chorus Lincoln's Ottyiburg Alds Gn-rsl l.ossn's Mi-nioiisl Oidr. Address of Dy E Vsn Vsrinr Pared to rMirtfry . 1:4J txvorstlon of Grsvsa Everybody turn out and hrlp make this a isl ent inH : L A. HINT. MRU C. C. HAVMB Com. oo Arrsagmegia T v 4 H-1"K'K t This Is lire prevention week and the public In uskcil by the foiest serv ice to unite with the govciniiient peo. pie In doing something to prevent the di-Ktiuctliiii or propel ty by riie during the diy summer cwion. Ev eiy dollur'k worth of propeity de-tioyi-d by Die Is a illtei-t Iokk of wealth lo the roiiiiiiiiiiltv. 1'he vvoik eipetltd ilurlng file pieveiilion ik Is Isijii-ly In the wsy of r-pi i hiIIiik In- roi iiii.i Inn as to the beat ini .ma i, pM-veiiilna flie. C. I.. K'-ithU-y snd his si-Mutants In the forest Kinin . fire in the Roheits buildlnr, lll glsilly rn opt-mte with wnvone Ititi-i-esid in this woik. i sll un tli.-m. EPISCOPAL Gl II II WILL Ml I T Die Ladlen' Guild of thr Lpiuro put rtiuirh will hold a social Int el lug at the home of Mis J. J N Thins 'lay slieiniHin, May 27, at ' I ' p. m. Ladles Joining wllh Mis Nrs holr-ses are: Mrs lirm I'l- Tli nm -son. Mis. W. P Ms honey. Mis H Sin-n-'i. All nifin ! ! i n n -d i Wsti-is Is LikHig vuijI hii jfroiii tils diltlea in Hie n.iinty r I. t fc ' fil'ire mhile lukim; It i-n'im n! I'M rlipiii.mtlstii st , !.! W' j Will is pnlitKiil fio mis n I 'l "l" ' aid to b k'-ip ng ti e lrm li I ii 1 1 ut hi in to Iniity l,l run- snd i. mil' liiune to look fli-t his pnlili'sl frriMs. tjfflrul titiiins show Hist In D'lgoq pii-flnM mil of 3 Voles ml Mr Wslrrs inrlinl but 3". tin h is t si her sn sUrmins Husiion At IMS writing the rounfy tot has not hn fully tablwsl'd bit It Is blid Joe iso rahr btlrr In th other prerlnrls. If this story tos'l gi tm bsl will T ATTENTION I-IREMEN AND CHIZ1 NS The annual meeting of the Heppm-r Kite Company will be held at council chambers this IThursd.y). evening, el K:IMI o'clock. All inenibeis ol the coiiipsny ms well as sll rillins who aie inlet -est' d In piolertlng Hi-ppner prop erty sgaiiiKt future lioui litis are utgi ni I y i'1 pnesli d lo lie present. The condition of the I it ' mi. puny Is not good. It Is up to evi-iy ritUen to gel bi d i n't the boys and h' lp thei I in iiiMiiitulning sn eifniivi n gsniat Ion. E. It lln'ton. K Iv Soion C,e. president t Heppner HI ball team shows lack of practice. Heppner and lone high school teams met In mortal combat on the Lexington field last Wednesday to play off the tie for the championship of the county high school league and the Egg City boys denned ub on Heppner by a six run margin the final score showing 10 to 4 In their favor. The game was fast and With the exception of an unfortunate decision In tin early inning it was free rnnn wrangling. Ilalsiger started things humming for lone by getting a home run wlili three men on buses in the early bonis. Davidson also showed up well In the box holding Heppner to rive bits. Peterson was the big noise for Hepner und Irwin also showed up fine. The lone buttery whs Davidson and und for lli-ppnor Peterson and Young. Thlh wus the I Inn I gume for the Intersrhoolnstic league the slunding being lone 600 Heppner 4 oil Lexington 00. MiMsi W IEN E I-Ahh tt IITAINH MO'IHI RH I N A ilelivMfnl Inmhenn was seivt-i to tin- nmlliMs arid other Isdy fiWnd of the un lliln-is of the Dnlin-1' Hiii-iH ilsss of H' pprn-l Msli si him lat 'Ihuisilsy The riilne end mii lip ! all that "mid li" ili-siml ,.'!. !eil n-al f i edit nn the o'Hi of Ih lss and ttuli if'nii .till null h IllVI-d lisil.el. Ml"S I le.i I t IK'lN II III ItV M 1ING i iiMui:i:uw i i Ail linje. '-Hit niiititig " tin- V liaiii-n BH.OI Ul oil iil hi jl ii,,. , nil l.oi- V dii-nl . M It,. I'i!'! si "4 Mi P M piol D W lio tlioll lll loss s i I(ff-1 on " I h sen ii of th Gtt a!' l-i'.f Hum n. e i a isi! id: and M's lislo ill favor ith a solo h ii,l,sg is said to b of rnnr than nidiftaiy lii.purtanr and sll n.i'itina snd olh ialtad pertis ai tquiU) to be pi'St. Tim All-Stsrs won their first game Sunday when they defeated the fast CiKlitmile 1 1 ii in by a heavy seoie. hey alsii played some fust ball. The fanner boys led by it two inn niHialn iinlll the Imiith unto when 11. -rii. -it weiikeiied and allowed the Dnhllu Clly bos to park In sis big. legiilit tallies. Id- was iipl.iri'd by uphiiui who held the boys down for the lenmiltlnK IlllllllKS Stone Htld Alki-n rallied "If 'he hllllilli! Iioiiiiis lor Ilepiner while Elliot! .Hid lleiki-t loosed loud for Eii;liliile. I h" baltei u s EiKhtmile, lie' km. Ellioit. I.ap- liu hi II- .pin-r. Itullou snd Aikm OI HIGH ORDI R ' Don't on-ilonk lb Slur llii-atie ad III this psni The ptilines this tvnh ai "f hli'h oiilel and von will i nj'iy ttieiii 1 Mi snd Mi Eii-eniiin l'i ) , Ms. loin i lull-) and All.eil Adklns am ..t I'ak. l ily Htli IKlllitl the I (I 'I I- t:ianl I olirte Hi S iill II. II. : : : : : : : : : : : .;. a .;- i mtii sn mii, i i .. - I I XI Ii I OR 41 M 1 1 A .J. fia.iiK In tl.i- lie ariital A J. of fx.l and Ih .1-l..l A son. Ih .' I l In. h aa .J. A lo b In Id in pi.tllarnt by Ih I oliiiiiliia llasin Vt .Mil at. -J hmis May it has been prist- .J. A until June H. .J. J- .. HltMT NATIONAL HANK .J. i " 4- 4-