1 i i THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, May 18, 1920- PAGE EIGHT .:. .:. .:. ... ... i AKTV j cH j:rJL::r C I or. I. VI WS HliMS . Miss Iloiothy Pe.Uison entertained i iJZj "7 V V , home Satu.day evening with I 4S tZrAl''' I j G lit iinii i. 'iM a most enjoyable tin,.-. . V'YJ 0 - Z- Z jrf'fcltfY IKVI..." t Star T!.. Mr. . Y! , n, , '.-en Cm ,, ... U CN- ! ----ri-ll ' r Inn- Kiiday ,!.. Wood.-.'n, Kiani" Hinsuee, tay i r 1 ;.- v -N4. vrZLjr & " -sC3 W VkS I 1 j Kit, hi, and Mary Vi-n Vactor. j Q J xZZp- . JZL Wt ,) from their lanch n even1 ii!-;. WAVTI'Ji- One man jot) shearing sheep. Ii. C. Wntkins, lleppner, Ore Kon, 52-4ptl Vote lor J'red I,orltley for Secre tary ol' Stale. He in short on promiH es hut loiiR on perloi niaoee. pd adv. KASIIION Altl.i: WiKSSMAKIXU Ilemod(dinf? and T-iidies TiiilorinR. Mrs. Ctiiren, CUureli street. 37tf Leon Curtis and IiIh son vvi'te liete j When the recruitfi were gathered upon the training friouniis, oiatois j told them that after the wrr the sol j dier would "run the eo-irtiy'. In re ; spons.' to litis inl'orniatien, the reeruit utteietl tlie word, "Ou.i :" in a ftrict,- ly tiiinpie.sS'-d tone of voirf. j .Ni Vi-i t licif's:-', v. e Ttii.iw t!i?.t fi.r i:-s after (h" f.' il War, til" 'II'! 1 1 last Tlnnsday from fJraml lialles of .:. jnl'lier did run the cotiutry. whieh piaee tiiey are pioneer resl- lint, tiie connlry did not m to Hit dents. i soldier and say, "l'lease tun me." Fisliing Is gelt Ins- Kood on the up-! Noi liing can he aeeomplislied -x.-enl , n-iii,.,.. .,,,,1 in. i hv organization. 'I'lie r:;ci u i I m I'll" uei .v .I i . ' I .1 : v. ii ' . I creelis am-'ii'i s renoi t, and some mid been made. catches hav Satunlay Clara Kimball Voting in "KYIO.-i OF VOITH," at Star Theu tre. A picture you want to see. l''OK SA I, Iv- Fifteen iiead of Rood re.Kisteied Jacks. Will Uife mule colts from these Jacks at $1'I0 each in part or full payment for these Jacks. Ji. F. SWACCAiri', Lexing ton, Oregon. 4 HI' John ('. Ihdieity was in town Sat urday reporting that he has finished shearing and is awaiting the pleasure of some government slock i ni p' dor to inspect his Kheep and ;;ive I hem a clean hill of health before shipping to the summer range in Idaho. T. L. Dorinan, n tired whe.u glow er of Lexington, was in town Satur day. Mr. Dorinan says thai w!:;i. s-ome fields in. his neighborhood have been somewhat damaged by worms the crop outlook generally is promising. Mrs. Itertha IJ. fiilnian left or IMS can "inn the con "try and can "run it right" if ho wants to; for the ort;ar.izat ioti is offered hi'ii in The American Legion. The time to join is no'..'. Booth Tarkington. Members of the senior class enjoy ed a camping party at Kohls' Mill last Friday and Saturday. Mesdames Darhee and Traver accompanied the party as chaperones. They returned Saturday eve ning. Tli ROUGH VERY SPECIAL EFFORTS WE SECURED THE MOST EXCEPTIONAL DISPLAY OF SILKS WE HAVE EVER BEEN ABLE TO OFFER. A:;i) TOC.IYKOl'R CUSTOM l-.RS THK HKNKFiT OF TIUS SllOWiXO W1C HAVK ARRAXOICi) FOR A Special Three Day Showing of Silks DL'RIXG WHICH TIME WE WILL OFFKR AT R I CM ARK -AH LI'. PRICK COXCKSSIOXS YOUR CHOICE OF OUR EX TIRE STOCK. 141 1 A iom; m:vs V V V V V v v V V V V V V Frank Hopkins came Tuesday ev lung from Portland and is enjoy ing a few days visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Hopkins, return ing Satunlay morning. Uev. Hall left Monday for Condon for tu attend the Mid Columbia Longre- J'oi Hand Thursday morning where gational association that Is to be held she will visit with friends and also there tins week. to atlend the annual convention of Mrs. Carrie Cochran of Walla Hie Woman's Relief Corps which will Walla, was a guest at the home of her convene in Asloria on June and be sister, Mrs. Mary Hall, last week. , in session far three days. j J. M. A gee, who has been visiting F.d Keilman, lone wheal ramie,- the. past three weeks at the home or and director of the John Day disliicl, his son, A. A. Agee, of Wells Springs, was In town on business Saturday. Heft Friday. Mr. Agee will visit his Mrs. (1. M. Scott, of lilackhorse, ' other son, Jacob, at Stevenson, Wash, is recovering from an operation for bef ol e rctut niug to his home at New iippendicil is performed hut Friday berg. 1 evening. She is ai the Moore , Mrs. Mary Young arrived Tuesday , hospital. I from Portland and will visit with. After being without a regular mill- friends and relatives. , Inter ror tnme than a year the Christ-! John Williams, formerly of lone, Ian church lias secured t he services ,ut now of Portland, spent a lew j of Mr. and Mrs. Livingston, of Kan-j days last week in lone on business, mis, hoi Ii of whom are mini: less of Mrs. Karl Pltvear and little daugll- i that cliurch. Mrs. Luhi'-sl'ii Is now j (., who have been visitiliK fr mveit I, beii! and will hold sei vices and have weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. , chaige of Hie woik unlil he, husband ' T. McNabb. have lelurned to their nnics which will be III a week or home al Pasco. 1 ,w. I Waller Ham is lore I r.-m Hood i ; ;;!v,.r i.ii.l is a gu.it a' tl.,- home of i l.lli:s -:'l I STAIN T IWIIH.K hi.- uncle. a'l I- liliuan. win. livi s - in lime. i r JAP-HABATIE SILKS, 27 INCHES WIDE, ALL COLORS, PER YARD $1.00 NATURAL PONGEE SILKINCHES WIDE PER YARD $2.00, $2.25, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 FANCY PONGEE SILKS,T INCHES WIDE NATURAL OR COLORED GROUND, PRINTED FIGURES, PER YARD $2.50 BLACK TAFFETA IsiLK A SPECAL SOFT LUSTROUS SILK FOR DRESSES AT PER YARD $2.90 COLORED TAFFETATPER YARD $2.50 to $3.50 SATINS BLACK AND COLORS PER YARD , .$2.50 to $4.50 GEORGETTE CREPE, CREPE DE CHINE, PER YARD $3.00 FANCY GEORGETTECREPE, 40 INCHES WIDE, PED YARD $3-5Q to $4.50 KIMONA SILKS, 35 INCHES WIDE, BRIGHT AND FANCY PRINTS, PER YARD M 1 ) 1 $1.25 rp GOOD GOODS ' ii I illP. v k tJ nl .X- f, . , ll V Ml pat 1 1 1 a 1 tin- her.ie i ; , . I V. 'i ii''L da , ,, , . 1 . ; u 11 . I Ml I'.ilt 1 I 1 Mi F. . t .. I ! " ,,l III ,, e 11.1 I III," t ill . ill rapt mint' the liH pile all alt' He land 1.. 1 Ni.ai hep.- ill .ol ..hell was ,.'lt .1 by 1. u -'e Mis HiiiI' I l"t H-' , ., . , i, tlx ' . v -:;.i. II. Illli hi- s. , 11',-, I Co ' . "lid I'll": ' a i-I.iii,i- 1, 11 ni hand ,.,.iii.d 1 1. .11.1. -i,, 'the ii," wei.- I .mil nil' i. ,iM II' 1 at. ,1 u 11 h a pi hi ,1 i,"i id 1 1" 1 and lull., 11 III, 1 1..' I .i lii, . ib'l', 1 ; Ii III' ,' v. ,1 , , 1 1 .1 A pb . ' all' w ,., k v .1 . 1 Ii i. 1 I , ; ' ol M s p. F ilnil' i , I all1 1 11 ' , "1 v ',' 11 . ii'ie '.'I il, 'In lir nl! , in. 1 i.iiio d 1 I, 1, Mi- . S I'. .in 'si . A. M, . n 1 1 Pi id ,- v. l, 1 nli'i 1 .1 1 inn. HI " " ob d pie. 1 ., nl a I lei iii'uli i- ' W. I' M.iheii, v was fin l ii , '.tiiuii. ; b' ;.' 11 III Ho.,1 em iiiy ,," : , I nl I U' ,; i,v in.- w i ". I'm li. s.4 ..., 11, i a w 1 k If 1 I, v mi; 1 m: ami mij si: f I I. (i 1111 ,n, two daui.h . went 10 II. -pi' ., .. .l i tn,- e,.-'t l" I, a ,lai . 1 1 W.U.I ' ln aii I .11,.,. a.t I l I .11 1 I , nine t" all' ml I" some j j,, daj s v. lull ail .Mini leans , . .. , I,, 1 m 4. 1 . ' i' 'una 'I ii." ' j ,11 piiiml to : ae our I'lag W ith iU i( 1 lulu.. Illillg I" the bii'i.e, I V ollilel l; ;e 1 1 ; . .O' urn a' ' c.iii.L'I.He ' (IW tnAny ,,f us icalie how oltcn It .1 :, as a hti.-no 1 visitor " i i-t 11 - I in an i.nl'op.i m. inner. ... , , u. .!... He was ac ion i To iiot. Uuei;, It ;.i "The I'.ul ect .; I, I. , . 1: e .".1,1 .1 ll;'Hlel . Jli'' I 1 le ia 11 '.lie SI i'S 1.11.1 Ml Ipeit. as , ,. :,;. 11 'il i' ,' 'Na.ieiial Ciogiaphlc j-,.., V, "ii w.i '" I ...; .i:u. ." it t..'U'..l ti"i be allowed 1. 1 . 1 '. , ;, . ..!.'. ' 1 ''' 1,1 In- i a lie' ...ad, Ii ,.ll In the IN 1 1 i;m HI iMi-.ni! M I .In, .He 01 )u t a-, capital, pa." ill a , , 1 , in 11 on , ,. .1 an I count a- 1 i"l ' P. 11 li I. M l.e.ll.ev :.,UII,I.H i'llil H'- . :,'"' 1 en.',! S , , it. 1 .,ii.la pl,, Hie V '.-'' h , ' 1 . -. a I. .11.1 It " ' ' It - h'. i 1 : .0 1 i 1 p : . I, e II ( (. It, Lit 'tl , 1 I 111 In -1 I" Mill. 1 '" '' 1 1 111 I V I : W , I. I" I, I u. I t. , ; H I u. . ' I f nut ' t l"i 1 ' '' ... 1 1", 1 ilk ."i 1 ., . .Ill I ' I I' I IK.. Ill- Intli" ! .1 . ,1 .. li .1 t,. . I . 1 1 . I. ,,;!-. ll l ' '''' ,. l. ,. ,1. 'tl' ' , ,, It of ti .1 ' l l- 1 1 I. .1 j !. . r I..' I li ! . !, .. 1 1 I! d'.l I .'i ...il." tibl. I.ni.'tl. 01 mo it ,1 it r'.a a.'Uld not be uv.'il. h II Id l..,..'l lit I' r dot- la ;. il l he ,;.' .trot . d , p . . ' '.', I.v bill III IV ll ... .I I t, " : I ap. ,1 lit' ' . . a :.. ' il n,: I'.n II 1 !:.i 1 '; . I "I hb 111 1" .a, a . I , 1 i .... n ,1, . how . 1!,! ',.1.1 !., 1. . .1 a 11 c'Wl ..'.!. It I. 1 .1 t ;,,lh w a I . . ,i ! , w. he U' ! ......I ..11 1 - i ,.r ,. .1 ti i:l"in" !,,!.-, 1 pi . 1. 1 , t . , 1 .. 1 .halm 1. 1 Ii .ti! 1 . , "i.l t.. 1 .1 ! ; . : ., the 1 ili'i 1 . .'. 11 ,1. is. .el 1 .... 1 .ait t'C .isiotl.i 1 ,, ., .1 . ' . ,,l.i let me i'lie ; s , , , 1 , . w 1,1-n 1 In- N , .. 1 1 1 . : 1 ... ., . 11 p..i .i4e. .1 , .... 1 . ..',,.,,,. h.niiil, il , .Hi", Mall. I .'.a ' I " l t'll'l t i ... t I ! ..I 4 II. I !" ' 1 1.. !..- i' ', 1. 1 i, M.-ii t 1 k-.i -i'',. !n il i v . . i,, il .tli. I . ' .i-t wt t .r, ,. , . 4 nr. a fi.K I'fc It i''"d v ''ll 1 I t VI,' ,"Ml I' Bel only , 11 ! t1l' hrtf " .is '.ii- lie'i.i.i ul Flame, let us with i. ida' ,'eteiance. show our love In, 1 Hd dory by our S'supulous care in Its display. People of lleppner and .Morrow county, let us lead 111 a crusade against the i-lightest misuse ol our Flag; Many limes it is done unin tentionally or itnorantly. Iheieiore 1. 1 us show, by prec. pl and example how itvei'titly our Flag should be In . t. il. la 11 we Iook at lis Rior um 1 colors, l t us 1 emeiii her the aw f.,1 pi Ice la.lt I. a.-, been paid to keep 1..,. stars in tl a lU-hl of blue, and tli whll" pit I .111.1 without sta 11. Lie d tl",! of il'iH -, be with ll tel. la . t ,. : ,ii i et, 1. st w e 1". e l lOltN D I'll NIC 1 1: ami ui;iii: body. Hie lleppner band w ill lead the j of its kind ever attempted In this procession from this city and there county. The full progiaiu will be published In the Herald next week and a spec ial meeting of the Commercial club will he a big dance pavilion pro vided for those who enjoy the terpsl coreun art. There w ill also be seveial speakers will be called the middle of the week ol statewide imputation and altogeth- to complete all necessary arrange- Ihe affair w ill be the biggest thing , incuts. ELECTION, MAY 21 tate mims Vote 302 X Yes For 4r; State Road Eond Limit I'll I' C" In n f'. I ; : .1,.. r 1 1. e I, i . i allt t' .",- I e! I r t it ...ii I 1 . '.an I,.-, ll il. ; lnte: p. lib d lli.it 1 1..' b. pun, ,. .el !,.li li", '.e b. mi; it l -i. Hi..,. I b the i!ii.clnr ol the J. t.n I'.i;. I. I Ikulmll pmtil.'l it Ft il Hie i,e- ."... It p.i.i'.e ot lini iln.a 11. Will be la id on Mi'ii.l.it. M ) uln, lh.it ,i,ii' I..i.ik a ..,t li.il .lay on a,c, .ant of ! i.t uintinn I'-ty l.tlluiit on Suiida). . li.- II. i ini-t. tl I nn, on 1 1 ..tl cl '.b at ,i I", .nl iiintiii; wfeil tiii.tiiiiiii'iily to Mlteliil Co- .tC.tll HI b"it .it'll i i. i t,. i t.iV, uv ah nt. li lt n, "i'. w.ll a h.k ki-'t i. i ,'ii ii" . i .l ,h. in I ' , ) '. ,.. I '. i i ' C a .. , . 1. t .,! ., .! . I. .I t. ltd .1 I- , ' '. , -t I. .ii, i. . , I ir.ii'. .1 , k i. .i .. I..-.I ... i . "!. ! "' - ,. -,. ti i ii l-i I i- h .: " i a s III '',' s,i . " to. ' ll b" I' ' . .1 lit t.,tr,'i'.ltl llll'il 'O tl I'l' i- 8 H.e p. rt k" ! .! ll. K . .I)- l ll !."tii. Il.ppn.-r p.i'il. tf ln tHili . , .1, ,1 i. ti r (he rwnt 1'l It ! aid pf.tn li)f twij nut, i onri in tht .'ommunttr ,ll ln4 hi ff l lh limit mill V. ti.Ur mom li tn.l l'.Al.I.tiT TlTI.i; IS A Itil.I.oWS: C..S-1II! 1MMI. M,::illAT-h I ,r. I h, !., .p'. I, t. 1. K . a . A ', . limitation or roui frn cint statc iHOf eTf 0Ntt ion MBjitNtut roaos. -i , p -r. .,,.,,..1 .s .., j .1 At. l" '.. , , . . I V .. .1,. ( I n ,, j , mini.. ".'' I ' ' , 'I ... sr. I-. ,.ta f (frvt u ,p1,,., ,iti,.,l, I' ' r 1. 1, I, . ( i ... S. Oli.l U k.,R,Ai.'., P4.il hi t't Ml, . t , 1 .' 1-1 .. 1 ' rt...- l Vk uil.u i.l k.l tr.pr-V ' ' U l' ' I" I ' I l . .r ., 1,1 u ,. t.n. ... I I I 302 X Yes 333 No N3 PROPERTY TAX- NO DIRECT TAX NO INCREASE IX AUTO LICENSE FEES NO INCREASE OF GASOLINE TAX Keep tin -' t!.f f f.ti N in m il l. Th- urt-eiit nut.i lieen foe n,! Ct-"lsne t.ix wil! ..,y Imth t!," priM. ipal ate I int.r.,-t cm nil the U,nd uti.l. r I'll" Bi.i.-n.iut. tit.a'el v .:i j i I. m at, i, b.il Miri'luiU kitlt'!) furothiT ft.,'0 :'.y . tk. Nn t, ;.!. i, ,l t.t.it,,,ti i.f a,lV kiu.l. FEDERAL FINDS f.iUST BE MATCHED op ii 'h !.! ' .t. I',". .1 I'r.; It , i ! k ti , . t . .' , . f ! io f,. t f. , ,. I .i.l'. t I - . I It , h.i;!. . (ta I n. .'. .,; II . I- . I I i r ' i: I t in ti ,i,h luSrtl nf.jwirtion- i .i i- e- ii ii . v i,.r lr. t("ii ll"'!" '11' .--lit. I i,.. , nut in m tcax-i. I I 'f ll !tl. ll -It, V nl. Of li.u-l " fllHllc l ir.. ,v. f .in.i i. pi'v t.n f,,r tato ; "- i .-. I.i x fU tu.it no. U:mt htm Pntenl twcei Jj"f,cient to pj, Principjl ti lattrtiL Tl 'IlKil'-,. wi., . i ' I , .t.,. 'k;i. " , , , tk. k... . k-t t t.i k' lh I.l . It , '" MW ,am9 ' t I -I k., r ti t... . m I . , . n. Iki th vt 1.. f rn.r '. l t , . w t i I h T. If , . i-.. . . . It.i., k. ,. h , . fc,.,, . -' .- l ' p.-. . f-,.,, - . 4 k..n i.w i. . .... I ,.i,t , 4 ,,. 4 , ,,,, l- Ivtt ti I. IMI. A Skil k 1 bill n k. t-r i -t i :" ' ' Mi. k.n mat b " !"'' ..,r n.l I.T ' i" l""''' i:ia riil-n 0'Kono , It,.. .I'tl ! t ; n tc . but i"" 4-i t'tn I tit II tt .1 ' nf 0.l ' Th-f ill U l U'g tlititn-t (or nrtf V0TC m X t.f 4. tt.U 4 Limit I