Tuesday, May 18, 1920. THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE SEVEN F. R. BROWN agent for GUARANTEED LOW COST LIFE INSURANCE; FIRE, HAIL, ACCI DENT AND HEALTH INSURANCE TWO GOOD RKSIDEXt'KS IN KFJ'PM R I'OIl SALE. PRICED IIIGIIT. A LIMITED AMOVNT OF PKIVATK MONEY TO I.OAX. Office Upstairs in Roberts Building Phone 643 Heppner, Oregon THE EDI t'ATIOXAE MEASURES NOT ASKIXCi EOK MORE MONEY ROAD To the Public: May we ask you to read carefully i The $tate Highway Commission is the following letter in regard to the not aRkJng ror nlon ,.0iul m0IU,yi Eaueation::! iiMnires wn-.c.i me iusaid jj A be voted upon the twenty-first day of j .fifll.eB.in!r J. B. CALMUS RIacksmithing and Horseshoeing OXY-ACETYL EXE WELDING ALL WORK GUARANTEED THERE'S NOTHING WE CAN'T FIX ASHI5AUG H STAND this month. And may ive also aslt those of you who favor the measures to be sure to vote. Too often we be lieve a thing to be right and just, but are too bu:;y to take the time to go to the polls and vote. We take it for granted that heraur-e these measures should pass they will without our vot ing. The opposition on the other hand, are always there, so let us not neglect our duty. iootn, commissioner, m 1 Lane county audience on the 4 per cent road bond limit measure, "All we want is the power to capitalize the income now on hand. The state road funds are now taken from two sourcesthe one cent tax on each gallon of gasoline and the automobile license fees. The state constitution, as it now reads, prohib its more than 2 per cent being put into the roads, and what the commis- WI L OI5SERYE MEMO III A ! DAY NOTICE TO VOTERS While May 21st is "Primary Day". On Monday evening, May 10, rep- . anJ onlv K,,pblicans may vote a Rc- resentatives of several organizations puh,j(,an vrimary ticket, or a Demo in the city met at the council ciiam- ! cnll tai;c pa,.t jn the Democratic Prl ber to formulate plans for the observ- j nuu v ALL REGISTERED LEGAL ance of Memorial Day, the services to ! yoTKRS have a l ight to vote on be held on Saturday, May 20th. Roughly outlined, the order of the day will be as follows: 10:30 a. in., an automobile parade will form at the city park to go to the cemetery. Citizens are asked to be on hand with their cars, also everybody please bring all the flowers they can for the sion wants is an amendment of this ! praves of those who fought for our Following is a brief explanation of dause ?Q 4 pgl. opnt can be put into measures submitted to the people at the Special General Election to b" held on May 21st. regardless of their political or non-political affiliation. Such measures will be printed, on a separate ballot. J. A. WATERS, 2-S County Clerk. the Measures: The Two Mil! Tax Measure for Ele- mentary Schools 1st. The tax is to be upon all prop erty of the state. The valuation of taxable property ir, Mnrmnt pniintv. not included in any school district is-nearly $700,000 ' This means that that amount of prop ertiy does practically nothing toward i the Runnort of the public schools. ! Also, all of the property in school dis the roads. A direct additional tax is not asked for, nor is any increase in the gas tax or auto license fees." Mr. Booth also brought out that "a new road program is not to be rushed through, but the present one is to be finished providing the vot ers of Oregon back up the 4 per cent limit measure." Commissioner Simon Benson is also on record against rushing construc tion too rapidly, considering high labor costs and the high cost of beloved land. 1:30 p. m., a parade with the band, G. A. R., children and others will form at the court house and march to the old fair pavilion where a pro gram will be given. There will be fine music, and addresses and other exercises. Full details will be pub lished later. Subscribe for the Herald only $2 for a full year. Work started Wednesday laying water pipe in the ditches for the municipal water system. Frank Shively, who recently leased the horseshoeing department of the Se.rivner blacksmith shop, has an in teresting announcement in this issue of the Herald. 1 HEPPNER OREGON "PERMANENT AS THE PYRAMIDS" Concrete Pipe Company Manufacturers Sewer and Water Pipe Irrigation Pipe Cu!vert Pipe hollow Silo Blocks Cement Products 1003 North 10th St Phone 467 a,a Wa,,a VVash tricts which do not levy special school m0ney, but favors ratification of this taxes are doing practically nothing 1 4 per cent bonding amendment so for the elementary schools. there will be authorization to issue When this is distributed on the Don(ls at such times as favorable con teacher basis it will give to the wean ditions justify. Final control over district a fund, sufficient to employ actual bond authorization rests with a competent teacher. ' the legislature, as unless the legislat- The districts which do not need j ure passes enabling legislation under the additional fund will simply lower (lie 4 per cent amendment, the high their district tax. Remember that is way commission is without authority now 70 per cent of the funds neces- to iBSe bonds say to support the school in your dis trict. This tax will correct the inequali Can You Afford TO TAKE h.XC:S OX II .WING YOl'lt WHEAT DES TROYED? NO. V. HEAT IS WOllTil 7K Ml t il MONEY THIS YEA It. THE WAY TO PltOTI T Y.l ESELI' AGAIXST LOSS IS TO SPEND A l i:V DOLLARS WITH I S I OR ONE 01' out Hail Insurance l-OI K IES THEREBY MAKING Vol IISEI.K SAI K AGAINST l-OSS. IT'S THE l.(M.I( Al. W AY. ITS THE IH'SIXESS WAY TO IM.AY SAKE. Roy V. Whiteis REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND FARM LOANS ties. The boys and girl3 in not less than 500 school districts of Oregon will be without teachers next year if this bill fails- to pass. The College Milluge Tax Every man and woman in the state nf Oreton who is a loyal American citizen should support this measure, The State University, Oregon Ag ricultural College and Normal School are In great need of more money at the present time, or their efficiency will be greatly jeopardized. 15 per cent increase In classroom space, and 3.8 per cent increase in Income. 150 ner cent increased enrollment ,and the buying power of our dollar only 4 5 cents. Let us vote for this meas ure and thereby protect higher edu cation in this state. cilm'u mill .Murine Educa tional Hill " Mi American people look upe.i the saciifice of life as none too high a price to pay lor the liberation of man kind. The faith of America failli In God and man. She lieib vos in brotherhood and opportunity, in .hu llce and mercy, Ih.-rH'oie It behooves us as Aiii"i ican citizens .loyal to "ae brave boys, who fought that we might enjoy peace, to support this bill. Let in not foiKet what wu lliii. It means but twenty cent on $1000. D. V. IIOITNOTT, LENA SNELL Slil llTE, Publicity Commit u-.' Parent iciicnc Ai.foclatlon. I X. HarrlKon and con. of Monu ment .were hen- on luisim i'n Tlun day. .Miclwi'-l Mauire. who spent Bonn time in the Moore lioi-pitul. having Mime broken rib ineii(l-(l. wim able to go to Ms home I n.l Tuesday ev n ll'iK. It 'oinr time. Imwf'M !', In f'Me Mr. Mal-'llili- will In lllilc to ilu mi b w 1: U Subscribe for the Herald and get the election news of May 21st. It is of interest to all Morrow county. FRANK. SHIVELY PRACTICAL HORSESHOER at SCRIVNER'S BLACKSMITH SHOP LAME AND INTKRK KRINO HORSES CAR V.V U 1 .1 A' ATTKN DKl ) HEPPNER OREGON Morrow Heights Addition Because of certain changes deemed advisable, no lots will be offered for sale at present. J. W. MORROW MM THE HEPPNER HERALD. ONLY S2.00 A YEAR "Just as Man to Man" lay ihe Good Judge You ot a lot more fcenu satisfaction from a lit tle of ihf Kcal Tobacco ;hcw than vou ever Jot lrom the iJ 1-inJ. You dor.'t nceJ a frcMi htw n'.riv ai often, ih" n"'!. rich. real to titc: f I lait- 1:. 'It-.if why li c ,, t use ihi tl-v? -i I 1 l" th' T ' tl , . V. ill Uf!U I t . 14 CVr 1 a fchort-cut tobacro W-B CUT 1 a lonii fmc-cut tobacco 'A. I! ' i I ! ul ;M ( - - I J Getting the Boys Ready for Summer TO GET CLOTHES THAT WILL WEAR WELL AND LOOK GOOD UNTIL THEY ARE WORN OUT IS THE IMG PROMLEM. PARENTS WHO PUT Till: SOLUTION UP TO THIS STORE WILL FIND IT WELL ANSWERED IN OUR PRESENT DISPLAYS. URING YOUR ROYS IN AND SHE HOW WELL WE. CAN OUTFIT THEM AT A REASONABLE COST. Thomson Bros. I ft i Ft I i is T.'.j. t., 1 1 r