Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, May 18, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    ' f. -. s . . . . . '....- T -
Tuesday, May i8, 1920
!!, A TV
i.i ; I
Don t Listen
when he tells you the
4 per cent Road Bond Limit
Measure will Raise Your Taxes
will take care of interest charges as well as the retirement of all
Koad lionds that can be issued on
The state highway commission is not asking for more money. All
they want is the power to capitalize the income now on hand.
Morrow county will face a loss of $328,600 in State and Federal
Koad aid if the 4 per cent measure fails.
Material Regarded as Particularly
Suitable for Trunk Lines Enter
ing Large Cities.
Study of vnrious paving materials
suitable tor much-traveled highways
has disclosed Interesting data on
granite blocks to the bureau of public
roads of (lie United Suites department
of agriculture. Many road builders
are cumin;: to regard this material as
partieulurly suitable for trunk lines
entering large towns and cities where
there is an increasing amount of
heavy trattie.
Though the initial cost of granite
block construction is high, the main
tenance of the pavement, if properly
laid and groined, is less than that of
Vote 302 X Yes for 4 State Road Bond Limit
This advertisement paid for by Oregon Roads) & Development Association, C. E. Woodson,
vice president., Ileppner, Oregon.
snow i ;i:i:i:.Mii!t.
flower and Hi t traveling in Unit s.:-I Wll.f. ATTIOXH I. O. O. V. (
lion Is eon:; r" nl !y n M ery good. A (T..WT0
peculiarity of Iho pro.ii tit season u
... , Miitl'il liv i no i.'ii. t.,'.i oil :co:ui:.. ,
alur. who is president and . ', (vorgo .cT)e! t o", t". y. Frve
niairieir ol Hie Mayflov ei ' - ' :" - ' : , ' ' 1 1 A lbe.'t Adk ins v-.r.; sei-t Willow 1
the l!r.-e.il:ofil dlsli'iel, H-I" ', ," '" ' ' " " .'.(). (it;, I. (). (). t'.,at the rrand !
1 saawi
letter (run I hi 1 diidrh I
i;o nir'i '..'ill I'l'oliab'ji ci
ill tll.ie.
;i ( f.t ihe inlti. .; lov !,.! i) j The Mayilow. is a v-y pi . i;n ','
I'lio I ei i ,ii a t .'.s thai i her" hi i gold property in which nsiny Itoppn. i
i feel of i ni '.'. :'t the May-' people are inter-; I 'd.
I iiie tine at I'iii'er May 2fi at- ' L'7
I Mc-idaine I". Fi ve, Luther U;i !.
:nd Stacoy Roberts will iep:
San Souci Helie Li Ii lodge at the Ihik
er meeting.
The Maintenance Cost of This Kind
of Pavement, if Properly Laid, Is
Ls.s Than That of Almost Any
Other Kind of Pavement.
alnio-.t any other type of pavement.
In Worcester, Mass., over a period of
1U years tbe average maintenance cost !
per yard was less than a half cent.
This also is true in oilier cities, re-J
ga rill ess or' the fact that in general
the streets covered with granite block
t paving are those carrying the most
I severe trallic.
Over Adobe Land Concrete Is Laid on
Sides With Macadam in Middle
Surface Topped.
i ssfing
All Kinds, Ail Prices
All Bargains
Rods, Reds, Lines, Plies, Baskets.
Don't forget your License
We can sell you that, too.
Don't he a piker Buy an outfit and go out
and develop your own fish story. You'll need a
Hardy Combination Riinningboard
Box and Camp Cook Tabic
The c utest Camp Cooking convenience on earth
1 folding Cook Table, 2 Frying Pans
J Gimp KvMcs, 1 Coffee Pot, I
Tableware Box, all nest and fold
into a small space
Gilliam & 'Bisbee
An experiment in road construction
over ndohe land Is being made lu u
section of the county highway between
I!uy Point aud Pittsburg, In Cali
fornia. Experience has shown that concrete
rouds built over adobe land results Ir.
the cracking nnd disintegrating of the
road In a lew seasons and In tin effort
to overcome this trouble County
Surveyor Arnold Is having the link of
the county hlghuuy constructed In a
manner tried in several eastern states
and proved successful.
'Ihe concrete is laid In two separate
seeilons. each eight feet wide with II
two-font strip through Ihe center, lu
this strip In placed oil macadam which
i Is rolled level tn the surface of the
eoncrute and the entire surface Is
faced Willi a topping.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Morrow County.
State of Oregon, plaintiff.
Nancy M. Meek, defendant.
This cause coming on regularly to
be heard on. the application of the
plaintiff by its attorneys, S. E. Not
son, District Attorney, and Sam E.
Van Vactor, for an order of publica
tion herein, and it appearing to the
That information has been filed
herein, and wherein it is alleged that
heretofore and on and before the 3rd
day of August, 1906, one Martin An
derson was the owner of the follow
ing described real property, to-wit:
Commencing at a point in the
middle or center of the flume
or ditch formerly used by the
Heppner Milling Company, (as
described and set forth in the
plat and specifications filed by
Nelson Jones, in the office of
the County Clerk of Morrow
County, Oregon, and recorded in
Book H, Records of Deeds, for
said County, at page 4 57 there
of, on the 6th day of February,
1802,) where said ditch or
flume interse'ets the South line
of Block Two (2) of Nelson
Jones' Addition to the Town of
Heppner, Morrow County, Ore
gon, and running thence East on
said South line of Block Two
(2), ten feet to the Southwest
corner of Lot Four (4), of said
Block, running thence in a
Northwesterly direction ten feet
from and parallel with the cen
ter of said ditch or flume, to a
point where the same intersects
the North line of Lots Four (4)
and Five (5), of said Block, be
ing the Northwest corner of said
Lot Four (4), thence running
West on the North line of said
Lots, twenty feet to a point ten
feet Wes't of the center of said
flume or ditch, and being the
Northeast corner of Lot Five (5)
of said Block, thence running In
a Southeasterly direction ten feet
from and parallel with the cen
ter or middle of said ditch or
flume to a point where the same
inte'-seets the South line of said
Block Two (2), being the South
east corner of said Lot Five (5)
o; said Block, thence tast on the
So'tlh side of said Block Two
f2), ton feet to the middle or
(enter of said ditch or flume,
the place of beginning, and being
a tract of land twenty feet wide
and lying between said Lots
Four (4) and Five (5) of said
Block Two (2).
led cause on the 29th day of April.
1920, as the Bame appears of record
in my office.
hereunto set my hand and affixed the
seal of said Court this 1st day of
May, 1920.
Clerk of Morrow County, Oregon.
In the Circuit Cjurt of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the matter of the petition, of
Emmett Callahan, J. G. Camp,
A. E. McFarland, directors of the
West Extension Irrigation Dis
trict for a judicial examination
and judgment of the Court as to
the regularity and legality of
the proceedings in connection
with the organization of said
district, and the proceedings of
the Board of Directors of said'
District, together with the pro
ceedings of the said Board of
Directors and the District in
the election for the authoriza
tion of a conotract with the
United States of America, and
as to the validity of said con
tract, and whether the same may
be legally signed by the said
To the West Extension Irrigation
District, and to all Freeholders, legal
Voters, and Assessment Payers with
in said District.
That the petition of the Board of Di
rectors of the West Extension Irri
gation District, praying an follows, '
WHEREFORE, Your petitioners
respectfully pray for a judicial ex
amination and Judgment of said
above Court asi to the regularity and
validity of the proceedings in connec
tion with the organization of the said
West Extension Irrigation District,
and as to tbe regularity and legality
of the proceedings of the Board of Di
rectors of said District subsequent to
the date of the organization of said
Irrigation District, and as to the reg
ularity and legality of the proceed
ings of the said Board of Directors
and of the said District in the pro
ceedings providing for the election
authorizing the said proposed con
tract with the United States and as to
the validity of Enid proposed contract
and that all Buch acts and proceed
ings may be judicially examined and
determined by the said Court in one
special proceeding.
And your petitioners further pray
that the Court shall fix the time for
the hearing of this petition and shall
order the CleiTt of the said Court to
I give and publish a notice of the fil-
That thereafter and on the 3rd day jln8 of thi8 Petition directed to said
of August, 1906, the said Martin An- irrigation District and to "all free
derson died interstate In said County, 'holders, legal yolers, nnd assessment
and that thereafter his estate was Paver within said district", which
duly administered upon in the Coun- 8u'd notice shall be published for
ty Court of Morrow County, Oregon, three successive weeks In a newspa
and final settlement of the name duly Pel" published in Umatilla County,
made therein on the 6th day of Oregon, and In a newspaper published
I April, ITiuS. in Morrow County, Oregon, stating
That the said Martin Anderson was the tlm and place fixed by the Court
the perron last seized of the said des- fo1' the hearing of this petition, and
crlbe.l real er'nte, and that the above
tiiiirid defendant, Nancy M. Meek Is
the pic'ent occupant and In posr.es
rien tf the name uml claims to be the
ov.n.r the: oof.
Th.-t the said Martin Anderson
died without heirs and left said real
property l.oi'o'nbefon; described es--he"ted
nr.d vested In the State of
i)i.';:o!i. Cie plaintiff in tl i:i ;ietlon.
WiiKP.i'.For.E, Hated upon !aid
success of the motor truck evl'l'!'lictlon nnd Informath.n filed
depend to ii wry lun:" ilea, c ' :1 ni reuy umii'-ui.D, rnat
all persons interested In nald real
p:U'.etty ippcar In this Court and
cause en or before Wodne.-dfsy the
lflth day f June, 1920, and show
cinine. if uny they have, why Judg
ment should not he granted the
pl.iiniUf i prayed for In faid Infor
eiiilor;. m ult: Adjudgln- that Ihe
' 1 property I teinlielore tl .
ci le,i be escheated and the title
tli-ietii , . d in the : t ite of Oievon,
Success of Motor Truck Expreis Lines
Depends Greatly on Character
cf Highv.jys.
mi the character "f 'he rowln over
v. hlcli li e i nine run. (tad romN in
rrciHe the opeiatliiij costs, nnd conse
iptciitly th" lutes to patrons, beyond
ti e point of eeoiioiny. Trucks are do-
iiiirtie to r"iid etihss 'he mails)
lire pi inline ni ly built. Theretiire. the;
preblem of tmprox iim and developinj,'
the iinirt.ei.i i; fa. lath s for fui iners
ttirellL'll ll e e-tal.lisl lllelll llf TiUnl
tim'or i-ipris I i" s Is d rectly vn '
l.t ! I ! the p' eleetri of permanent
li'iprow lti"M of the li'ithwii)
Ccit of Connfuct'on and Maintenance
Is Lov i"ed O- e Matf by Ui
c; C;.ie(." ert.
ii i
Id !-. a ;
: pi.nld
. M .!
: 1
eper'y he i old In the
d by law; that out of
rlslniS front sllch .lt"
:!.' b'rsi-Mie'tts of tliM
it t
ef tl
found .-.
t.y n
will do
Is ."'l
for ni"
the l.C
etoi, '
I 111 I'-
!v don
t i lie
e Mot.
! .If
ii ate! nci :T;ort:iiirt
in H e rur l er
'c.t eie ; 'n.l'l Jet
r. ad .'ii ! r dl.iwti
Th . ,'i lu iciit
oli'U i' h as
Mils te of roml
t! ! "f diiiliC
i t ai.is 'n ttn- uM
. it. h (
'i't- ! i
It i
h the
.e re
r.eii Sl.ile
Cost ef Mae-t .nj Fert I ttf It Matt
ru'ly Pdjcd Hauled to
Fle't'l lmr 6.Uif.
e.-i. U
on in
.!,.-.! :
I lone
. tn!;.
n. p
i. ni
1- i
!d, li-:. !!..
. I-, nnd tt.
e proceed, d-
p. H.l i ai'i .
the v. v of ii-. ei;
t !;!'i:i:r.p. Tint this
it ll"d for 11 J.e' loil (.1 nil
ll :ti r II. r.il.l, a
.I ;"-r nt ..' r .1 i : : i iii..
..'. ("ontily, ihiu'iih. pub.
; !. r. 1 1 v .ii.
d.iii 1 Rt i"h;ii:.he!. at
t o nr.!). o
' ot Apill. 1?20.
.ii.nKiiT w. rnn.i-H.
.Ittiii. f the tit.Je OT ; f
:o t'oiltitv
that any person. Interested in the or
ganization of said district or In the
subsequent proceedings of the Board
of Directors of snld District or In the
proceedings of said Board of Direct
ors and or said District in the author
ization of a contract with the United
Statg of America, may within ten
(10) days after the full publication
of said notice and on or before the
day fixed for the hearing of this pe
titli n demur to or answer said peti
tion, has been filed In the Circuit
C'oiit of the State of Oregon, for
Umatilla County.
And you will tak" notice that the
Court h.is fixed Monday, the 14th day
of June, 19211. at the hour of 10
o'clock A. M . of snld day n the time
of hearlni: fa'.l petition, and the place
ot mid hiiirliig at the Circuit Court
! ( inns, in Dm Court llo;:e, I'cmlii
ti n. Stale iif Oregon, at s: 'd time.
Ami you will inke notice that any
peon int. re. ted In the tK:-nlzitin
of p:iM iliiire t or In the rtilisn.iient
I'''" !!nrs of the Hoard of liln-rtnt'
of raid litilct or In the pi o e il !nKS
of said lloaiil of Inie. to s nnd of thi
nld 1 ii-1 1 iet in tbe niithotizittli.n of
S rotltl act With the l'nilei S'CHS of
( AMeiira. i;,v wntiin t-n (lo) da;. a
latter the lull publication of tMs not
lee and on or hefoie tin- day fixed for
,(he tie.iiini: of the .iid petition demur
t i or iirisw i r mini pi t ition.
TI.Ik notice is p.ibllilnd ptusiianVVi
M an order of the lion. '.. V Prodi, 3f ,
jjud.e of th above entltle.1 Court.
iiittde and .nteieil on the 2Tth o'
Tn r f lo" 1 tni'iure mar Sl'! of Huron, County of Mer
it r 'need It th a i-frW and ! ,o,
! iir.e..l Tt. usi al flat It j j A. Vtt. C.iun'y Cletk of
,,, t! ,,. H e n.M.i i t - err.nr. Molrow ,,,, ak ,f ,h, fir-
bi. r.,,...s hnt eee U.-l..,.,. T. ; , , f 0t,s.,B f,
itrrter l th' n deto' -1 ttfo ih. sprvtih . ...
1. -,,.K i. i t m in,. n..',i. ..'Murrow . ..unty. do Ut-br -" ?
rr. . ..... .
nl 'fl.d ' Msnurt It
; that th hoe ami fefrao.til la Uu
I nl rori t f ii ef th o'U t i er
en. t Arm. i:i;o, m ihe II. riuistoii Herald.
a newspaper of Cental circulation In
t'matilU County. ireB,.n, n.J In (h
. ppr.-r Hi riiUl, a nrtr.paper of r.-n-"fill
rlmilarion In Morrow Cmnty.
CIfCnt fiir throe ptirrepiiit m wrrk
Done and dted at I'-rer.. ton. Ore
ron. under th el nf n,,. circuit
Court of th Stat of Ort-con. for
1'matitla County, this :,ih d nf
April. 1:0.
I' T. M'.OWN.
Clfk of th abiTo rn'I'leil C- lift
l'ut.lt'V,..l May. 4th. llth. llth.
:iih ,.s
i 1 1 .al i r.J :.; -.l lo !- rr.tit