PAGE FOUR THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, May 18, IQ20 THE HEPPNER HERALD ' REMEDY FOR TEACHER S. A. PATTISOM, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER An Independent Newspaper Entered at the H':ppar, Oresron, Posto'.'ice as second-class Matter teilms ok sebscpjitiox ; One Year ...$2.00 .S:x Months $1.0 i SHORTAGE REVEAL Each Community In Oregon Should Know Instructors of Children Today. Three Months iMirii.i.A idi viv get mich PAYING i..a '- by :, s-ate i.iiro way ," oi-i-.i--..r: Ap'ai 1. j'?lT. v.-h'-n the : : .-i'.ti .! i'- inceptjon, any .I " l-2' tVae ..j.B laid in V. '.!!a county 47 inil'-s of pavine; aa.': mi'es o! maoadaa,, and 4''." o! cr:t'!:i:?. 'li.e o-'ia. aied cr.;--is i: ."A", A'J.'i. with t!.. s'ato's t a a ' 7 4 . J . " t" , f e r-fiM V: :-'."e ".. ' - 5 '1 a i; 'I :.-. '.'ov.-riH.ratV 'ha- ? 1 1C..U '. 7 report rt.vav io'a.1 (j'v::,e : O-esron way t n -a p. : 1 c o i .o Iota i ( -'iiaati:d . O.T- I I ....f. .7':.4. of '11 ,':,.-,-,. J -50 f In asking the state of Oregon to T-r'.f I favorably for the two-mill elementary' ' school measure, popularly known a ' H,MI.KIU..m- AN f) THK ADMIN- the Children's Rights Bill the tea-r. i-I I'.A'J ION 6rs 0f ;t,e s:a;e of Oregon are not ask mg for an increase ia salary. Tb-.y ton trr:"rZ to lil'.h--n P.. Hamaker. ar.ri-C!.f.::.her-iain leader in Oregon, will not buy V- p.-(--'i'!-r:t very much either in voo ; o: popularity in this glut. It i:: ':ue thai S.-niior "aa'ri!.ela-i ! much j.restiB'- with the Wilson people d'irir.? the war by his auacks on the'fciy policy of tl: administration ''" it v ah-o true that the noar ;p' a -v.- n the Orea-or. abator arid 'ia- Y.'.ore House did not cos' the ia'te. mt:tf. loas eith'r p' r.-.onal-iy r- p.r ily. .-enator Caainber iain is a man wnor,, r'-srar.'ii'-sj: of P-.ty. Osi-L'' have fi..d!r'.'td to .ia- p:--ai-nt's wish'-' ''-aor-hri- are merely working fcr a fair and equal distribution of taxes tcr the sup port of these basic schools, that the entire state will be taxed and not o:.!y the organized school districts, as a ! oresert is ih rai The shortage of of teachers in Ore gon is growing so rapidly that th. situation is aiarming in the extreme Last year 100 schools were c'.:se-l. and in these 100 schools, 230 rooms w closed and close to 4000 pupil? r-t unable to have the instruction taa rightly should have been theirs. Wh.v I X was the cause? j 3 It w as due entirely to a shortac B of teachers. Why? Because th- t.a"i: g ers are le:ng unaerpaid and are ir.g the profesiion for better-pa. : v ,- r: They have to do this. Some cay Ore B ii 1 !!' S isi t T O! t ' -.Sr. i.T-r, . w!.i)- U;'- rovetn- i, r-' f , Lf.;.-(. f,;' '1 (. ( y:,(.r.:f. w;.:' ? i 7 . 1 o m. A a i: i' . r. to th: : port th" s'ate-i-ad- by the H'-'ald last vv-el; i'i i . k!wi that Morrow co'inty will lw t '! L' s , 1 0 0 if the 4 p-r f't! road b'j n J rra-asie fails, was too con- S-i , , I ' VI'. county received $210,000 , a ioad money ffom t!,e state than put up herae'.f and also mcivol !' thai: i 1 i 0 iroai the te'''--;,! n t:a,et;t. ; tae :;.a,e ratio bo-t-.v "i : an i '"Ur.'y i-' . fi t ; i; - t.-'l .!o' (aunt;, v.ii! io1 " ( on - id' i al.y to'! 1 an the l?,2 s.C'Ki. W . :::.p!y .;f.:.t a ::'.' to !;..- t!.i aoney. :" lor the 4 -r c-nt loaii hor.f! 1 aiii taeasute and do a cood sti'd;e o' ti- .-: tj t for Morrow county. Scientif'c Rrscrrch. p. he !. e r.'.-e-..., .... :, i t a Per":': i;. w t; itl ! ' i ! e ,, : "il v. a IV. .'.il! w,i;V I'll . 1 "O III III'1 ' la'h'i'e-.'h "haajbe:ia:n to the, gon come t0 tv,e reBCue o( ti. a.'. -; rbout the san: ! teacher. Now, it is being aske-d tt save the child, the voter of tomsrr-.w Do we want him educated? iurt- Only recently in New York i'.n tUi M i question of raisfng the teachers' --h. aries come up before the lesisia'.ye and it was dus to a lack of suf:,-::a:;t information as to the extent to which they should be Increased, and thf ability of communities to pay increase' have led the legislative leaders to de :;" , with the vote s as did his ppea; to the country two years ago to elect, a solidlv democratic e one re ss. ahii'; d;;o!s in on is Two b others named Thompson, who ate connected with the Califotn- a Aircratt Co.. literally "dropped in" on Heppner .Sunday evening. They cide to postpone final revision of the lew in without previous notice andi teachers' salary law until another ses alter circling over the city a few s'on. tinier ..elwted as a landing r.lace s lne temporary readjustment tf sa joi:.t 1 . ' ; 1 h: lo-.e town on th" Lex is on ioa1. The h'othcrs are niak r." a toor the notth-ve. ir:v:r:a' aries will fix the minimum ra'.e fc j the rural school teacher at JS50, whi'a I in the Urger country districis th i lowest naid elementary teaehe-a w:i x.,;n;-!on t..' nt:, and o?r,y,M pas-j gPt ym The minimum in elementar; i -i. -ets a;: .a. ean. etci preposition .j schools in third-class cities will b. hey nr.- ri n- ':" r,, v; . M il.ol'.and ' $1,100 instead of $820 as at present " a! n.anafer S'andatd Oil and' and that in high schools $1,200 inso.-ai euc.-ts Sur.dtty night. i : i:ii ( DMM.:i: i i. sr.' i; TAKII'.s H I TIN'; ("mo Thoti ' '..I. ,iresa! nt i.i ' ' I t.MI'-l i'"10' e f j-.j I !, - ri '. ivn ..--on. . -, ;.,y i.j '.,.t ' .. iy. -v. 'O i'l f I I 1 ' tl.'j . '-: 'Pi tO ' I , ! ... ,.,-1 I'n.' i : I !)! I . , , , ..t li'. aei in ..... y. . y : :.- day. of $54J. S .conii-class cities must rsi their minimum salary of e! -iasr,!!'; teachers from $S00 to $1,200, and tha of high school teachers from $1,0'" to $1,400. In order to prevent New Ycrk ri'; draining the adjoining cities of t h -rp, Yonlt "rs. Mount Vernon, V.iiio Protection For Valuable Papers SOMETIMKS ONI! OYKItlOOKS THE FACT THAT I.MI'OItTA.NT 1A. I-KIi! POSSES A VAI.VE MEASVHED I.N MOIIAI. AND PHYSICAL AS WEI. I. AS MO.VETAItY Tillies. THE IM1IYIDVAM.OCK BOXES INSIDE OfU CUSTOMEHS KIKE I'llOOi YAl'I.T I'liOVIIiES AMPLE SPACE I'Oli KEEPING DEEDS, NOTES. liON DS. MOKTfiAfiES, ( O.NTUACTS, WAIll'.AXTS, l.N.Sl UA.NCE POLICIES AND OTHEIl DOCl-ME.NTS AND NECiOTIAIJLE INSTItl .li.NT. AND THE SMALL ANNEAL BOX KEN'TAL IS THE MOST ECO NOMICAL ASSl iiANCE OK SAt ETY IMAGINABLE. First Nationa il I I HEPPXEB, OIIEGOX UOABDMA.N BOOSTS BOAP.DMA.V Star Theatre Uiir n ol nix- Wednesday, May 19 "Un-Side-Down" A regular bana'-up time is planned at Boatdma.n, Otegon, May 31, ac cording to S. H. Boardman, from whom the town took its name. Mr. Boardman has; h'-en in Poithir.-d a few days talking over details- with,?? officials of the state chamber of com- fl lueice. The town plans a big cede- jfi oration, tne purpose 01 wtnen is to : show outsiders what can he done with irriL-uted land. Part of the pro- ft '. ri V-.n- t'r.rh otto o.u I,. . i. 1 ... : 1 i 1.1 Vi '.".' " - - " w . v v . 'inni:ni. vijii.i-i in iitnaik ,i il' ie;ai- K r. q .in ! f pay within t'.T,!) of ft" ; tion from po.tland go to Boat aln an , M ra-es in - ft c in N, w York Ci'y. F'at ; jn a v,,(U.h wi!, ,, ,-, j 8 ti. r ). s of r.5o over the March 1 . , ,,,,,, . . ,,,,,, r, , -a n , .and u-'d lis a hoteh Ot e'ntiian. i jl rati s are upon &yracue a:. : of ? 4 "o on i:ui'i::li.) and Kochesit-r '1 h" e li:.:hr s-iarics will do m.tch tt tie t.a: hii'it service mow at tractive. The New York City rafa are to hi f X'-d !y a cnrr.r:i;t"e now at wcrV no hi the prot deni of dr'erniinir.g how the city's quota of the duect state tax nf l'.j miiis fl.'.1 i."a 'ii !.a!l be din tribute.! aiiomi mole than 24.0cu(innn I ers of the supervising staff. The uvoraee Increase of $Tii0 would seem H. ii. COREY it. i II In ci mparison with the ;thT in i-reir i wi re It not f r the fact that itiiuii' T I ii'; l'i 'I. H Tiiiirsday, May 20 I i ; ' t ; H ' " ! : V IN "The Gambles p.. t p.. 1' iven. r nnTitli s:;-tte, a bill j . .:. : New Yor City teachers un '. y. r. ;t'e mi .linn- 1. Six th-.jsutid six , l.uf..!ri'. ii.u thre.- lemdira will r' I jj c . fr iii to 4'i p-r cent more pa I t).:.n V v (.....' ve I on ttec. 31. 1U1H 1 vl :: tl.e.'aj oth. r ff a total of 24,12:' i w..l hoi il.e.r ha! irtes lt,arased from ' "0 to 'yi ier n-i.t. But t!ie minimum - a" i'v n .lo'.e 1 will he only $1 u5. 1, ' Iti r' -i'a''!- c th" p-'ivlna r.. i.f the ',',' ': v. s ';r Mil sffectinK New V- rk the J. mt li'i'l-hrlve r.nnmil ! e t i i !i t!.c tak w as algned luo i , a - I th iii'a.a i.t-i to $1 r,"i.i uiid ba.i i i revi'. I .'' . -..'art.' that those al- of !!;. m rtcc her.' the rhiet hi.-' i;.- of ti .olii'tn el t ntlllil offer t.i'i: .. lint will attract atat hi M the Friday, May 21 "False Faces" Saturday, May 22 l la it I v u i ; m m, is "Eyes of Youth" Sunday, May 2.5 U l I I I' I III ai.d I I I I IN 'Alias Miice Moran' I- Star Theatre II G HIM-.UI 1.. M I nWMu XT, w' ft'- 'i A Problem If a new pair of shoes cost $9.00 and v aar 90 days, and can be repaired for $3.00 so as to wear 90 days more, how much does the wearer save by having the shoes repaired? The Answer $9.00 divided by 90 ooua'.s cost of Now Shoes, per d"-" 10 cts. $9.00 divided by 90 equals cost of Unpaired Shoes. per day 3 1-3 rtr. Coat pe day, New Shoes 10 C.e-t nor day. Repaired "hoes .03 1-3 .'.ived per day on Uepaired Shoes 06 2-3 90 limes .oG 2-3 equals amount savid on Ilopaired Shoes $6.00 plus the comfort. TAKE THE JOB OVEK NOW! Bowers Shoe Shop i A :1 'i I 'A a- : ,:- -1 V, ' t.iast t ro 'a. rs In n I'tl .r y car. in1 stjtt iardu of t.- i t.!r! be maintalr. i ,1. to t t .iv Impr 1 Wlati h 1i-i..Iji:vo c 'ntnittet re I'.-rts t i t ir nhatewr cthe- raili' f the ' I.' Illlli tint riie'VCcl dU o '. ir ,r ., !,(. a!: n iti t pro 1 1" I f jT in ti. ,-ie,"t a! m'urjr liu-rcasf lui '.ile SCHCCI.S ARE IN '.CLE TO CET INSTRUCTORS Rir"i''e",ifnt f;)u'l-r c Clrvdana L .r ; Crcrri t-.ii ?jijtf'es. v it. i r 4-. ; i,- -f from t'i . . ; in. o "'. .. " i .i. .. . r - i tt;n ...,;,.. n . : 4. . . ,,,HiU i... t.. . r ,.r i. , .i t,i l tll'Oi t '.! CO.. ' ,( -;v; . b'.! 'i '" is i'f a- .nl or i' tot. i It . . . ntar t i (!' . 1 ! ' ' nr.- t'r.-! , 1 i clave ' I I s V , a t . . 1 1 h- ; ttrihut 11'- ' ' il.' T t: 1, in (- . a ' t i . r ' . f t!. :.- , t,-. . I.',. ( . t i ' ii. t'! u . the fo : Is '! to ! s.tuatiii- a r..a' r. -a . n f t ' I tt' i ' i .'.tint ,!;Vr.ri -i i.f : S' I 't!SS ia a ' .a.. , f i,n r, niiJfJ i ., ..... r the jr.-i r ! e st.oa e? M '! :" ' ' s' tt Nt!uB .. n I . I fu.g t i " "t si .; ti . t,i rn . . . v( ti, waloa -''"'IrjiLl' i. ' -' . j PI III It si E OMMInMonI II :.WiE!tN ip,l .MN I'MliU T .l. I oil si t 0 TKI1M M s l!r- 'id i KiuIoI.kI (.. ni ralH Ii) l lie Pre '(V., .'"ii'l t : :a d'-a! ;.p..t;..! M c 'ti'v t ,bli-' 'I a -pi. 'ii.t. i fir itla-ii-ni y. ,itnl tt...t );.' a :; t- liii,'n,ii .1 fiy lt.' ..nil . .'.- h- r .en.'d .;i l-.ic " .1,.'. ,v. .i c.aritv l; . nt'l " M . C.t. ... - i. a i . . . , ... ' :! ot ' i- ti : t ! V .'! t". i " ' Sif " ' a' ..i'l i, a i ,, . ,. I 'a!' . .' i .id ..a..! ! ! . " - io. . ,, Via. "'.. ;.i i t" ii c ,.t ' .-!. a I .., tt .. t . vi ! t 1 a-. 'n t i ,. I, I t-.- il t. t;.t..: I . - ui 'i a ti . i i ; . . . '.in V, r ('..-.; i.j .-n I i ' " . .. I we ,i ;; . , f . I ; t I Iv t .. . n .ii h t ' ' : , t. n I . , ,.. -p. pi i . .in I i .1. ..: .. . ;,.l .... . w. I, ' " I' . ' 'tU'i- t" l! It , .' a. '' j , I. tt ...I' 1 'OS ;.' ,ta '1 ! i j. t I .'. I " ti . ! S V ' .4 MAX Hoi s H is i:tlONOP..T!:, part of parents and of the bank. It does not, however, present the fur Mai; llu-.f.T. of Poitland, one o i 1'ier, and also obvious, nigumi'iit that the bitviat grain d'-uleis on the Pa-,ll:t' college graduate himself Is far cilic cull', and who was H.'iniiii tin 1 more li'Kely to hi'con e a bank de pi''i(:. a,:' i.l the l'. s'. tltain Ci'tpiua- positor than tin- uneilucited youth, t on lin ing the war, lias been .xht n-i'1 may be true that there are cdu otated of all charge? of nianipuhitii.i, rated men so Improvident that they of the giain niuiket during Ids term dj n' have bank accounts ur.d do or oiilce fur personal gam. follow. n n"t expect to have them, tun It will a full investigation of the matte: by b conceded by the most casual ub the dcpaitnient of Justice. The server that they aie only the i- cop- charges were made by a Spokane t';"n that tet the rule. grain Jury several months ago. Nor will It bo seriously contended that the ninte.laltstic motive for go- SilbscMlie tor ll. 11. .ml. I r.f,l it,.. ... ...ii -....i . .. .. l .wii.'i... rentiers fuucaiion all the lounty iif... Only $2 a y,.,,r. much lees desirable. To strive by evt'iy l:iir n,ans to fit nnenelf to A Mo ; xll I Dl t'A TION' one s .tivhomii.-Dt. which Include. pt'patat.on (or making one's l!lng T,f l.ii.oni. whith have itt.p.-ll. und-r avetug coiiditlonn. Is a high the t of an e.iatrtn naMna' '''" of the individual both to himself h.iik in ruM.h'.i - hoitig and to socji-ty. When II Is shown the ti. . 'ie,!l .,. ,, ...'ucition n, .iy "'at the tialind. or educated, indl- 'e.-ti s.'l:.h. lu; th.y nr.- t,n- "' '''l has a lutt.-r chance for sue- the I' I ".-a .il. un l the i g'l:. .,,',, c.-.v than the tlf.t ra .lud the alu of tor t:, . t t (nv.ti. tor i!ui .I'lun Is ro.d. Ii.'nlrabillty ll. l !o.' .. 11. t'.. t i t ,n- I I'h.h'n tj that the r nil to u II 1 1 y shall flltl'.lsh the '" t lev I ai'.'tin. ! ! ""phett.iil',1 i.f ed ir;,tloti. rather t'"." ' ': IP t'V. "to;, a", on :'-.ti (. t.. i;,i... hn K it lt r.'.y ' 1 ' ' " a aoe t!i. ,'.. .!.! . . ;.. "n o n .il.. riiti-i pi ot hi iii'vol.-ni .. ' ' ' '. . t :u ".-r. Ii l on.'d.'. by all whn .nv . 1 1 tt; ' '"' v !,,) i , , ,4, . . . ti-,.' v I" iti. ; !". that p i Ii c in-h"ii!ii of ret) " ; 1-t.s l i.t r... mote th,--.. ii. ,i) t. trad.' !. p. w.rt'.il liftt tin'.. nt m ' hii si n ! :.! at. ..n. . r the inrittcatn-n of the upliit ''' ii mi hth , t I s, l;tj.i..!,. di'tiioi lary. M aa.v W'.il or ,', .l.r.k ,;'., ,1 , i.Lii . 1 ,. , t. ,,v,.l . !! sr.i.ltut. .ot it; .t ..t t '., uii.l i .i..-. " -.. i - ii III., y to..n I - i .. tat i.f l'i.. ; ;.,". j-, , item th.-Ci. !... Ii i. tt.,,! t... p:,,l-, I ' ia n' y so- a :; ad I. 1' . M 'I I t . Wilt "(V I ur v I. '. V .. la,.-.- "... vs , " l. .f i. a. It n . :. -! t .-. I.. 't at . "., 4; II- " . .-T m , a . '. .. ;.- .-( t . i ..4 It 4 0.' . . , i 1 IV" 4 .-' . . - - V , r ' - tit. f.-t, ) . I,'!.' ?-4 -.14. , f f :f) 'it I. ,!..'. l n t i. ; i'.', r nf'ire unl w . '. h I ? 'f of 16:l.l..f,r. II AJv t -' ' i ! "f wlmllv uti.i hi.i.',..,l l... it...... : :. d . 1..-.1.' r. ;,.,r n. v ... n wi... in.ap.t.i.. ,.( ,,rt,ft ,.r In il... !...t ra .. ,V . 4te I- ' J'-.'.'.titig Iy h. e!;,! rt r. ft of p.. I.t.'. ,f t I , ,.r (,.,,;,.,,tlI,n , s-4i.. f l I- r r-r.i .. t- v... j r., g-,. t4.Mjf sn.alVf a the 4le ''"" i'"r ' " "'" "4-;. ax-rndn! All Wi.til.) t b.nrfit1 '" 1 1 piotan.t). sn l i n the :) g. -."-ill ". ' ' r ' 4, J; '!. fi:'p,. if, fit!..' r.s t' r .U4 In 1, je.1. r, f,. I" l'l 141 ' t . ..'..;! . ! , ,t ' '"f l'--.-;r pr;i r .'..! r. n tl eg a 1e : r-Bry t'- 1. ( I'l ft."!. . f t!. rol.'g g" Thi. ts. i'f fnue. a h g f.1-11 of tVt.t .1 . - ; 'ri ;- . t..s! i n f, ... in thai I. h fh...'l ttm;r.g ,.'. it,, yim'1! ;j t ,, . s,Mi , l6.' as rr't,l r.t4f e.tr4lll.Q I f.lf. t. l thiv rhan is ttaip fl'.'d h ftttts ia the a. tf ir n!;.g br4 itili. the fip-'-iM i e.taraii.a an safe ,a lt ng t ! i r f.r - ti-e. ft. 40