Tuesday, May n, 1920. PAGE EIGHT , ! . ' THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON LOCAL M-WS 1TKMS Mike Marshall came in from Hoard man yesterday on -i biit.in-s trip. NOW is rt tini" to buy your lard 30 rents a po'ino WAMIII sheep. K. C gon. TlJ SOIII'; i! Crn;i-.(1 Market. One man job : -hearing W at kin:;, lleppner, Ore 5 2-4 pel c n.iii!'' hacoil. ronlial Market. I'ASIiJOV Aill.i: 1HU1SSM lvl(, - Remodeling and Ladies Tailoring. Mrs. f'.urren, Church street. 37tf T. J. Mahoncv .former well knoyn resident and Ij UHi ih-ss man of llepp ner, in here from Portland on a busi ness trip. Ditch tor the new gravity water system has been opened through the upper part of town and is being push ed on up the hill to the high pres sure lily reservoirs. 'Dr. and Mrs. N. K. Winnard, for mer well known residents of lleppner. are here from their home in Kugeno, (lie doctor looking alter busine:-.'; mat ters, Mrs. Winnard visiting friends. County Clerk Waters was off duly fur a day of two during the week on account of an attack of rheumatism. This will in no way affect his run ning capacity on Hie 21st. however. M ATllltM'I'Y HOK A limited number of maternity cases will re ceive best care and attention. For lull information write or phone, Mrs. (1. C. AIKEN, Hox H2, lleppner, Ore gon. Phono 3'J5. 2ff State Engineer Percy A. Cupper, was in lleppner this morning return ing from a visit to his John Day ranch. Mr. Cupper Is very friendly to the John Day project and sayt! I: business engagements will permit he will attend the picnic and barbecue on the project May 31st. Kli Maddock, former host of the old Palace Hotel, now landlord of the only hotel in Arlington, which Mr. Maddock says Is the best town on earth and getting belter every duy, was In town for u few days dur ing the week. Mrs. Alice I.apthorn was- called to lone .Saturday to the bed side of her rider, Mrs. Fred (Ir'H'Nn, who Is re ported very ill. Mr. l.apt borne went Monday morning ami it Is supposed Mvh. Crii'l'ln is in a somewhat ilan- gt .mint ocncimou. Hoy White!:-,, wlm i'.elb, ri al estate and Insuiaine In this man's town, Is beginning to remind his customers that the season Is approaching when hail Insurance ih a miclity good in vestment lor Hie wheal farmer. Mr. Wliltels handles only the most re lia ble companies. 'PI, ri n 1 1 Hie ell'olt:' of I he Civic club lefuse cans have been placed at j Intervals along Mam nil eel lor Hi"' i , p ion id' waste paper and other I lefti ,e which ,hmild add much lo the I ,...aiilin.-N and .liu.clne appc.iance ill I In' idl '. ru!-c another good mtn k , (be i'ii ' club. j I i ' l!.,ii,ir. i . Iiii.iIm'I r .in f the IV.mii. rily or Hoaulmail. was here Vi ;ti id.iv on imy ilmy in ciicuit cntiit, h. r.allim.i'r recently hat i l: lumber laid in the disa-.t i mis , lire thai i-ited his town but says tie is slm Led ui niulii and still oolni' business at the old stand. Mi. I'.al luigei also (.WHS a li.iidwaii' sum' in (be ti it 1 1 h end cily. VOTICK Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, under tile laws of the .-Uaie of flieton ,bave taken up the animals hereinafter described while limning at lai ge on my premises, near Castle Rock, Oregon, to-wit: 1 black mare, 4 years old, about auo pounds, branded S on le't hip. 2 yearling colls, 1 blue roan, one bav with right hind loot white. No brands. 1 bay saddle, horse !) years o( about '.Kli) pounds, branded 1 bar HI on right shoulder. 1 brown gelding 4 years old, about r) 5 0 pounds, branded I.D on left hip. 5 two-year-olds, 3 sorrel, 1 dark brown, one blue sorrel with stripe in face, all with spider brand on right shoulder. 1 gray maie i years old, spider brand on right shoulder. 1 sorrel mare, !) years old, spider brand on right shoulder with suck ing colt. J bay stallion about 1000 pounds, while stripe, on face, -white le.lt hind, leg, brand F on right shoulder. 1 black mare, about !)70 pounds, 4 years old, brand Hi on lett nip. 1 three-year-old bay, star on fore head, white right hind foot, about 920 pounds, spider brand on right ;houlder. 11 two-year-olds, No brand. 1 iron gray mare, about !30 lbs, 3 years old. Spider brand on right shoulder. 1 brown mare star on forehead about 870 pounds, 3 years old, brand-' ed SI on left hip. 1 roan mare .star on forehead, white hind feet, hat brand on right hip. 1 light iron gray mare, 3 years old about !I0(I pounds, with sucking colt, Iiranded HI on right shoulder. 1 dark Iron gray, bob-tail, 2-yeur-j old mare, about 7 50 pounds, spider brand on right shoulder. I 1 three-year-old bay stallion, white stripe on lace, white right hind loot, hat brand on ri-'ut hip. I tv o-year-old Iron gray mure, star on forehead, brander S Ion U't't hip. I brown yearling colt, white hind leel. white on nose, branded 4 on le' t shoulder. 1 bay yearling mare, bob tail, white right hind fool, spider brand on right shoulder. 1 Iron gray mure. 4 years old, about HI0 pounds, with sucking colt, brand ed ciicle with bar above on right shoulder. 1 dirty giay gelding, 8 years old. about li'JO pounds, branded trunk haiulle over KK on right hip. 1 sorrel gelding, 4 years old, about !isu pounds, star on fureheail. symoi brand on right shoulder. I bay mare wilh sucking colt, about !l."id pounds. r years old. brand X over lazy I.. I Iron giay mare, 3 years old. aboiil :i2'i pounds, branded N on left shoulder. ! bay Willi white face anil white ,;.hi ', i out foot about m tn pounds, pier biainl on liniit shoulder. I black 2 "ar old branded SI on b II Inp sir-- " in Ijj j Your ' I ill SI is here In New Spring Styles Made in the latest shapes and colorings, in Pleated Backs Band Backs Plain Backs Colors in-Greens, Greys, Browns, Blues, Tans, Shepard, Plaids, and Mixtures. Mi N.OB, & CO. GOOD GOODS I bl.uk or dalk hi own male about old, bianded SI I, yea i III I In- I 'll ctllt I "'HI I I I Mi l, I'll tm Mm 'I'M i:..!. i i Villi III if K. ,! lb, "111 v liion. :i t p. del v e.n s old, about brand on light !uin pnuiiili, mi I. II hip I .....in . :, i pun .1 :. .el I i i .i I b: lb, el '...l " l-.ip I il.. i K Iron giay I car-old man bland-d SI on lelt hip. bink'kiii mine. K yens .il.m.l v il ci'l.l.n :. I yeais old und". bianded SI on b'f old Vl.ldll'lle 1!. '! .. l el I IS III K le i.'.n pounds, unknown b.ami el 'il nl.l." , . r eld be.i 1.- I l 1. butt III'! ... ,! i lend mi Hi.''' ' I'l'lllder e i . : tim't " ',. I " old , I ' : .'i I- -1 III t lilt i. ii. i pi ucir oi l.le. Nil. k kill ln.li .' i l.'llllll HI I'.i f.e . h. a!.!. to t.ct 1. 1, 111. 111". No. lb. il I I I I M . ii I S or !. .1 on I ii.l I il.l. ;t . it b il I Mm.: . In. i nd , ' I ,b.. .. .... I il In l-... I .!', l-tiel'-' iiivi-rtiil I1 ! pin ud i i lib I... i III etl 1020 pounds, spider brand on right shoulder. ' , 1 Iron gray mare, 2 years old, about H20 pounds, bianded reverse 4X or reverse I,X on right shoulder. I black stallion, bob tail, 5 years old. ab"iit S.l.l pounds, spider brand on right shoulder. 1 gray gelding with white fare nD.; legs, 7 years old, abuut Infill pounds, 1 Iwelve-ye.ii-old lloa-bitlon gray man', about lnuu pounds, with smit ing coll, bat brand. 1 loan stallion, 3 years old, ft 50 pounds, while leb and bead, spider liiand. I bay maie, about limn pounds, '.villi sinking colt, speb r h.jn.l on right shoulder. I sun el stallion, 4 years old. about lmlil piMmls. spider bland on rL'.,t shoulder. I black gelding, while slar in fine, head, about !''.l pou'lds, spider I. land on rigbl shoulder. 12 year old bob tailed mnie wilh white lilt ' t on I loot, spider aland mi rli bt shoulder. 1 linn giay niaio. 3 years old, alien I iniii (ilium's. M'hIit brand on tignl should. I. Thai I ill on IHI i:sdy. tiii: ni nvv or i v. rjju. I the limii of el. li lt ii cbiik ill Ibe .ite"i,,nt of jul il.tv. 'inb" lb.- -ame tall li.iie b. ell i ed. .'iii'i! . at what I. Usui a M :; I .b.iU cet'ulU, in 'IX nine I'.iiiy.iu, uli. mi I Mid.". ( it i'. sH.' IJoiK. ill o.i nl i oiiiii. i i .ii II Mill nil "f Lild m ii i iii .iN in Ibe IiikIioI and b.-cl held, i ler i.ib III I 111. I. (ill Hie pillp.ne .' .n ills lb- ill liikniE up. I'd, liai. ..n.l mil. i .: tld aiiniiulii. l.'k'. tbi'i in t 't ica. 1' '.'.' d.ll i,lt;t 'el lb.' ill HIM i,ilH'll "II IH. ,i! I.i- ti' on d 1-1 ...I l. ' 1' 1 ' ,i! ' II. .,i- - I ; U ' e ' ' I , , , I I. I 'I I' ml I t II .. t i l' I ! I.. I. .1 i ' lllililll pll Il.l l- atd l" d M.n M pub m i; ii m i. 'i. ! f : 1 fr. u i ium i i- 1 1 1 1 ni mi i.i cr ; ..-.'. i . I I '1 ' !- I 'T ' i. ,-.t . .. ' I. -. I , 1. it . I ' I 1 ,-. ' I -u 'al ,,., '. I .il 'i. il ' 'el !' ,-i !.,!,' . It I ii id.-. i. i ...i. .1 ii,i-'..i i .ni'l i . n'i iui mn nl ' ni, in ' , I '.'1 1,1. ; .,. eld, t"'Ui ' P'uti'l" ,ji,- .e (i.i publn ' ' , I.i jn.l. il hi. ili r im I U-M '.nuldt'i i . ;! mid .ui et i..i vi' ii- J in- !?. IT 11 VUioiHtlX C I.J K. ii,.iiiii- f.M ruitii.ii -.v j, I' , .-,..,.,.; Ii. m : ' . M - . ,i i , t .1 i.i.-'. .1 , t .r I ij'.li.iii dt'.iul lln lt . !,it.. i.. I en 1.11 i.i mi. m Ui. unnil'.l K en ri( huulilir trt eld lul lel, '"'lit J" "' ' -, . . I-." ' i". I,,' ;l , . ,i u II ..- 'ii id t V. 1 ! ", ,il I' ! '. ' ' II". ..'I I' f ietp... .. i n.i en I lie Xl.it : Ht rilurdliiin.il hi im,-. . ilii.nal iiHmr I ..'' .'lulllt llnfU'Wil l 'if Thr mrflilt dl t. -llttrlrlr la lh )i-llei, llirlt kill HH.I : t ii :tli. i ' ! ,' ' ,-;. 'I i i it il 'II llmr i tin. 'in nl all '.' uf w t Climb mmKiitm nnTin-r -r . nn t s m ih u 1 1 iisir l r.niiuuiiuiiiUF, 1 i 74V TYPB Better Call This One The "Climb Class, Cletrac Tank-Type Tractor" If you are interested in Road Build ing, Ditch Work or Any Kind of Heavy Grading you will need a 11 TANK" TYPE TRACTOJl T. H. LOWE CECIL Distributor OREGON