PAGE SIX THE HEPPNER HERALD. HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, May 11,1920 2 1 i We made ih rettc to meet ycur taste! 113 cij?a- Iflomdbvm 1 V ' x if' L' (1 .M iL? 3 I FOR CENTRAL HEATING PLANT 7r I ycur taste! f ; f in GSM H H If 1 Jl I 1 y m y OAMiiLS have wonder fa), fall-bodied mellow mildness arid a flavor as refreshing as it is new. Camels quality and Camels expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos win you on merits. Camels blend never tires your taste. And, Camels leave no unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste nor unpleasant cigaretty odor I What Camels quality and expert blend can mean to your satisfaction you should find out at once! It will prove our say-so when you compare Camels with any cigarette in the world at any price! Camfli are ipW evorywhjtrm ht aeientiftcnlly sealed packagea of 30 ciAtirettoa for 20 certa; or ,en nackatlea 1200 ciilarettea) in a glaaaine patier-covmred carton. Wo atmnfity recommend thie carton tot thm home or office aupply or when you travel. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. Winaton-Sslem, N. C. Canadian Newspaper Warmly Advo cates Such a Scheme, on Eco nomic and Other Grounds. The town of Renfrew tins carried a by-law to spend Sliu.OOO on a centrnl heating plant for the business section. It Is erecting n new tire hnll and takes advantage of the opportunity. Owen Sound Is said to have u similar scheme under consideration. This is an avenue of small-town development that will he much more extensively traveled in Hie future, remarks the To ronto (Can.) Mail apd Empire. Ontario towns are usuallyV'onipact, the streets used for business intersect each other, and with the advent of modern hent- injj systems In the stores and fac tories, the economic possibilities of a central heating plant are exceptionally' good. Many cities and towns in the United Slates have adopted the sys tem, and results have been very satis factory. Instead of two dozen fur naces, two dozen firemen, one big plant handled by about three men, does the whole business. Modern insulating methods prevent lo,ss of steam and heat underground and the service Is usually better than any home system. Tlie obtaining of coal is such a prob lem nowadays for the ordinary mer chant and factory operator that the putting of responsibility on a civic plant would he a great relief. The ultimate saving, once the heating equipment Is Installed, ought to he thousands of dollars a year. In man.' of the small Ontario lowns stores are still heated by stoves, or hot-air fur naces, using anthracite coal. The sta tistics of die relative cost of steam heat cannot be made up without con sideration of local conditions, because pipe-laying, radiator installation and plant costs ary with the size of the project, ami the location of the prem ises to be heated. lint the Innovation Is one that should commend Itself to the notice of all town councils. l-'.lli't ')l'ri;itS THAT POINT serves a similar -.eivice In the dahv stands ' program. That Idle acre like the idle dollar , Two tons of good silage will take brines not returns, i" desires to hit the II. ( of I,. , the place of one ton ol alfalfa hay. Make use of the good weather o..l rosen,. plenty id' land tor At the present prices it cost one and while it last la the advise of the horti- ' "'IS- one half cents a pound to produce culture department of the college, med goods are great help in silage. Now is the time to take un the snrav- I'ood lor the The fanner needs to know his costs inn and cnltivainn thnt wore Intorfor. ti e t ''illation of flic table Silage is canned goods and Farm record books tell him where he ed with by the recent tains. All Kinds, Al! Prices Ail Bargains Rods, Reels, Lines, Flies, Baskets. Don't forget your License We can sell you that, too. Don't be a piker Buy an outfit and go out and develop your own fish story.. You'll need a Hardy Combination Runningboard Box and Camp Cook Tabic The cutest Camp Cooking convenience on earth 1 folding Cook Table, 2 Frying Pans 3 Camp Kittles, 1 Coffee Pot, 1 Tableware Box, all nest and fold into a small space Gilliam & Bisbee WRONG KIND OF ADVERTISING I I Fishing Tackle j in S gnboard Display May Catch the Eye for a Moment, but It Does Not Make Friends. An Important function of advertis ing Is in creating good will. The per manent, lasting value of an advertis ing campaign is In the good will it creates. Signboards cun do little toward creating good will and may stir up a lot of ill will. There are certain clnsses of adver tising that must he bandied in a dig nified manner, otherwise the advertis ing may do more harm than good. If the Information received Is cor rect, various garden clubs have already protested against the use of signboards by florists, which shows "the way tho wind blows" regarding public senti ment. It has been proposed that motorists organize to rid our highways of the grotesque obstructive signs. Kach mem ber Is to naree not to purchase any ORDKR In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County. State of Oregon, plaintiff. vs. Nancy M.,Meek, defendant. This cause coming on regularly to be heard on the application of the plaintiff by its attorneys, S. E. Not son, District Attorney, and Sam E. Van Vactor, for an order of publica tion herein, and it appearing to the Court: That information has been filed herein, and wherein it is alleged that heretofore and on and before the 3rd day of August, 1906, one Martin An derson was the owner of the follow ing described real property, to-wit: Commencing at a point in the middle or center, of the flume or ditch formerly used by the Heppner Milling Company, (as described and set forth in the plat and specifications filed by Nels'on Jones, in the office of . the County Clerk of Morrow County, Oregon, and recorded, in Book H, Records of Deeds, for said County, at page 4 57 there of, on the 6th day of February, 1892,) where said ditch or flume intersects the South line of Block Two (2) of Nelson Jones' Addition to the Town of Heppner, Morrow County, Ore gon, and running thence East on said South line of Block Two (2), ten feet to the Southwest corner of Lot Four (4), ofsaid Block, running thence in a Northwesterly direction ten feet from and parallel with the cen ter of said ditch or flume, to a point where the same intersects the North line of Lots Four (4) and Five (5), of said Block, be ing the Northwest corner of said Lot Four (4), thence running West on the North line of said Lots, twenty feet to a. point ten feet West of the center of said flume or ditch, and being the Northeast corner of Lot Five (5) of said Block, thence running in a Southeasterly direction ten feet from and parallel with the cen ter or middle of said ditch or flume to a point where the same intersects the South line of said Block Two (2), being the South east corner of' said Lot Five ( 3) of said Block, thence East on the South side or said Block Two (2), ten feet to the middle or center of said ditch or flume, the place of beginning, and being a tract of land twenty feet wide and lying between said Lots Four (4) and Five (5) of said Block Two (2). led cause on the 29th day of April, 1920, as the same appears of record in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court this 1st day of May, 1920. J. A. WATERS. Clerk of Morrow County, Oregon. 1-6 NOTICE In the Circuit C.-urt of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. In the matter of the petition, of Emmett Callahan, J. G. Camp, A. E. McFarland, directors of the West Extension Irrigation Dis trict for a judicial examination and judgment of the Court as to the regularity and legality of the proceedings in connection with the organization of said . district, and the proceedings of the Board of Directors of said District, together with the pro ceedings of the said Board of Directors and the District in the election for the authoriza tion of a conotract with the United States of America, and as to the validity of said con tract, and whether the same may be legally signed by the said District. To the West Extension Irrigation District, and to all Freeholders, legal Voters, and Assessment Payers with in said District. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED, That the petition of the Board of Di rectors of the West Extension Irri gation District, praying as follows, to-wit: WHEREFORE, Your petitioners respectfully pray for a judicial ex amination and judgment of said above Court as to the regularity and validity of the proceedings in connec tion with the organization of the said West Extension. Irrigation District, and as to the regularity and legality of the proceedings of the Board of Di rectors of said District subsequent to the date of the organization of said Irrigation District, and as to the reg ularity and legality of the proceed ings of the said Board of Directors and of the said District in the pro ceedings providing for the election authorizing the said proposed con tract with the United States and as to the validity of said proposed contract and that ail such acts and proceed ings may be judicially examined and determined by the said Court in one special proceeding. j And your petitioners further pray that the Court shall fix the time for the hearing of this petition and shall order the Cleilc of the said Court to give and publish a notice of the fil- That thereafter and on the 3rd day inS of this petition directed to said of August, 1906, the said Martin An- Irrigation District and to "all free derson died interstate In said County, holders, legal voters, and assessment and that thereafter his estate was PaJ'e's within said district", which duly administered upon in the Coun- 8aid notice shall be published for ty Court of Morrow County, Oregon, three successive weeks in a newspa and final settlement of the same duly Ppr Published in Umatilla County, made therein on the 6th day of Oregon, and in a newspaper published April, 1908. In Morrow County, Oregon, statin That the said Martin Anderson was the time and place fixed by the Court the person last seized of the said des. for the hearing of this petition, and goods advertised on signboards. That cribed real estate, and that the above that any person Interested in the or wlll be an effective way to clear up the . named defendant, Nancy M. Meek Is Sanlzatlon of said district or in the situation. This give the florists good advice and gets tbolr slogan before our rend pri, both of which It Is hopiM will be profitable. New York Times. Trees on Roadsides. Relieving that the problem of roail M,te planting should not be entirely ct aside during the movement for n greater mileage of Improved highways, ucflve steps are now being tnken by the New York state motor federation and the state college of forestry at Syracuse for the ilevelopuieiit of u tlw present occupant and In posses- subsequent proceedings- of the Board sion of the same and claims to be the ' Directors of said District or In the owner thereof. proceedings of said Board-of Direct That the said Martin Anderson ors and of said District in the author died without heirs and left said real Ization of a contract with the United property hereinbefore described es- Stat" of America, may within ten cheated and vested In the State of (10) days arter the full publication Oreson, the plaintiff In this action, of said notice and on or before the WHEHEFOUK, Based upon said dy fixed for the hearing of this pe applicatlon and Information filed titlon demur io or answer said pet I. herein, It Is'herrby ORDERED. That tion. has been filed In the Circuit all persons Interested in said real Court of the State of Oregon, for property appear In this Court and Umatilla County. flllua lin nf'.ira la,ln.,j.l. .. Jitlll Villi U'itl t.itrt m.l . 1. . .1... planting scheme for the section of the "" , , " , n 7 , , , e i.onv r..nnin Tr,.,,, v. , . ... I 1 6th ,,a' of 3uae- l0- and show Court Ua. f I xed Monday, t he 1 4 1 h da y I'ticn. a ilNlimre of about sixty miles. It lias been demonstrated by thoe In charge of the worn Hint aside from cause, If any they have, why Judg- of June. 1920, at the hour of lo ment should not be granted the o'clock A. M . of said day as the time plaintiff as prayed for In said Infor- of hearing said petition, and the place the purely iirtmmeiiial value of trees ' (nation, lo-wit: Adjudging that the of toiio heating at the Circuit Court isb.i'g the highway, many prnctlcnl j r.ald real property hereinbefore des- 1 coins. In the Court IIot:, Pendic le e tits would result from tli,.r prop- ; cubed be rN heated and t'.e title I' ll. S'at" of Oregon, at : 'd time r use. It l not generally realized ther.-tn vcie.l In ih i n ..r o, And v.m ,11 iv.. ...,-.. ' .. --..", . - ii'hit null Mil lllilt said teal luoperty be sold in the person Interested In the oi uanl jniinn nmnner p'ovld-d by law; that out of "f ! district or n the siibsoiiunt that trees, by means of their sb.ole lur!t.g hot summer iimntlis. probing ' i In- life of the I'liniHiiv fo many ear and road cpei! In general are h"rti!y In favor of tnl menus of roail lil.ileetlotl. H.ivi ar. Eye to the future. 1' l funi'iion In a guml 1 1 i t elti" tn rtnd a treit or g call) !nol i iit to iMtne to an abrupt ili'l Tn- n Muck. n.ti-r which Ibe "tieet Is . .e,:i . yn il, Hie loiui'lcrs iieur iltvatntnl lii it mure Ml d wider nine ivo'id lie -.-an. mu! thiiii.'ti: tf.ii 'n hnirg Mem nut tbey were not . opting all i Itile ri'iid eiull"ti !' r Ion i!n-d .'f icars In i ooie. Whete urh 'ri'elit, , . .ititlniilng tbetn llT."i.-h tbe bfm k. won'. I create an nutlet fur add'tlonul ; tnil'ic. thereby clitiil'in'llig mhgotlnii I ,M roiiful". p""l"'rty owner, its i hi II a city ami i:"wnonent ot:ii tal, ....iiiil lake" np to rec, i ff Kt.p tya bnadt Traea. INHi'l forget )mr utnle lrrv. Re ":re ttwtll "t all deml mu.hI and Ua flcd groth. Never Ftftt t' tnruoa. whriM tH-aui'fy prptavt tba tnl". the p oceeds a: ialns fioni ftirh sale pruceed'ng of the Hoard ti Director! the ciwiii and di: bcts- 'ietit of thls .of said Dwttlrt or In the ptoceidings procei.illtig be pa d. together with the of said I'oatd of Directors and of the ciuts oi Mich sale, and that the re- said Di tilci in the authorization of mainder ol the proce-dn deiivid front a coiit'ui i wiih tie United States o' such iiale be paid o'.er to toe .state i America, may v. thin t' n (l'l) dc.i" Tre.iKiirer of the state of Otegun. 'cfter the lull uililLati.,n of this not !t is fuilher OKPKP.EP. That H is be an ! m ..r le toie (. d.iy fixed fo ot lei be published for a period of six the h-. ring of ",e .iii petition demur .it the Hepiiner l!raM. a to ) ftum.-i n'id pii'tUn. Kiy mwpapcrof getierul rmula-i This notice is published nuisujnf tl.ti lit Mot row County. Oiegon. pub lished al llippnvr. Oregon. Dime and d.ited at Chamber, at I'endleton, Umatill.i O unty, O cgon. this 2'jlh dav of April. l":o. (ULIIKUT W. rillU.l'H. Circuit Judge of the Hut.' of Oiegon, (or Morrow County. State of Oregon. County oi M..r- tOW, K I. J A. Watrt. County CImk of Moifow County, ami Cletk of the Cir cuit Court of the State ol O.'-.on (or Miiitn County, do hereby certify that tha above anil forrgolag la a tru and rorrerl copy of Ih orlt n. l Order msile JiiJ cnt' -id la the abvte rntlt- to an order of the )cn. O. V. I'helpa. 'JudgM of the aboe entitle, 1 Court. made and etiteied on th 2Tth day of , April, ism, in the Hermiston Herald, ja newspaper of general circulation in I mats:ia County. Oregon, and In the Hcprtw r Herald, a newspaper of get), oral clrcilatlon In Morrow County. Oregon, for three Micr-slt week Done and dated at rendleton, Ore gon, und-r the s.-4 of th Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Umatilla County, tl,l. :,th day of Apnl, 1M. T. DROWN. Clerk ef fj, ,bo entitled Cou-1, .'cMif heJ May. 4th. Uta. th. sn. 1-S