I PAGE TWO THE HEPPNER HERALD. HEPPNER. OREGON Tuesday, May 11,1920 DESIRABLE HOME modate an unusually large family. However, should the home builder de sire, the floor plan may be changed so that there will be fewer and larger bedrooms on the second floor, while the bedroom on the first floor may be used us n den. or library. The strong appeal of this home building design is lis exterior appear ance, coupled with convenient room urrangement. The broad porch is most inviting; in fact, it is a place that will give a great amount of solid comfort during the summer months. -v v.. W in NOW is the Time to CLEAN -UP BRI.VG IN YOCK RAG.-) AND WE WILL PAY YOU A GOOD PRICE WE ALSO HL'Y ALL KIXOS OF Kl'KBKIt, BHASS, COIM'KK, HIDLS AM) OLD S( iAP lllOX UP-TO-DATE SERVICE STATION FOR AUTOI3TS AND TRUCK DRIVERS. ZKROLENE CUP GREASE, RED CROWN GASOLINE, PEARL OIL AND MICA AXLE GREASE i I t BUILDING DESIGN Attractive Mine-Room House With Pergola Porch. ! !' PLANNED FOR LARGE FAMILY Bread LiKe Mother Used to Make You can have it if you use our famous White Star Flour For Your Baking We have just received a car load of Spring Beardless Barley for Seed We pay highest cash prices for Hides, Pelts and Furs Heppner Farmers Elevator Co. When your Plumbing goes Wrong Phone Us rm iTT A- M uriTt" -..., ft, 1 Square House That Is Economical to Build and Is Beautified by an Un usual Front Porch Conven iently Arranged. By WILLIAM A. RADFORD. Mr Willlarn A. Rafirord w!) answer ?y?lona a"d Rive advice I TiEE OT. i s.ubiects Pertaining to the suhject of building, for the readers of thiB pttpf.r;,.0n atr-'cunt of his wide experience as Editor, Author ar.d Manufacturer, he IS. Without flnnl. t,e V,inK.... n,.it..J. on all these subjects. Address all inquiries to William. A. Radford, No. 1KSV Prairie fcVtn!IP (,fatrr Til ar.A , .. , two-cent stamp for reply. Combinim; beauty and low cost is always the aim if architects. One of lli(; met Mods of accomplishing this most desirable result is to take a square home tliat Is economical to hulld because of its straight walls and add an artistic porch. This has been the method the archi tect followed in designing the brick house shown In the accompanying il lustration. The house itself is ,)0 by tO feet (1 Inches, without a break In the rectangle. However, the addition of the pergola roof porch has made litis an unusually desirable home building design. The roof of the porch is set on colonial columns and brick piers for the corners. Above, the hip roof and Its dormer window add to the attractiveness of the home. Nine good rooms are shown on the floor plans for this house Down stairs there are living, dining rooms, kitchen and one bedroom; upstairs are five bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch. The entrance nt one end of the porch lends Into n stair hall. To the right Is a large living room, 19 feet (i Inches by 14 feet. This room has a large, open fireplace set In the end. At the rear of the living room is the dining room, also large, being 13 feet by 17 feet 0 inches. The living and dining rooms are connected by double cased openings, which turn i m 5S. ! .lit 3 " C CP I O o n Second Floor Plan. M. Schempp Also Its columns and the pergolu like roof permit of artistic vines that enhance the general appearance of the home. There is a full basement under the house for the accommodation of th heating plant, 1 lie laundry equipment and for storage. Likewise the shape of Hie roof provides a good-sized at tic, which also Is used for storage, or may he partitioned off Into smaller sleeping rooms, or a playroom for the children 111 had weather. Brick in souie form or other was one of the first materials out of which houses were fashioned. Brick houses have been found that date hack before the beginning of the Christian era. They have many ad vantages tfiat recommend then) to day, as there has been us much prog ress In brick manufacture as In everything else. Farmers and Stockmen It's Like This If you are inclined to sell your ranches at all, now is the time, when everybody wants to buy. If you want to retire and take things easier for a while, take advantage of the present con ditions and list your land with me at once. Let the other fel low or the younger men do the work and make the money for a while. The change will give you new pep and a more vigorous enthusiastic grip upon life again. AITKIl Sf'A'HKAL MONTHS OV CAIUOI T L KKKOHT, I HAVE SK( llti:i) A LAH(JK LIST OK OlTSIDti K lT VKRS W H O WILL UK HKKK WITH IX THIO XKXT !)0 DAYS TO LOOK AT YOn: LAND. COM K IX AND LIST XOW. E. M. SHUTT The Real Estate Man Up-stairs in Court House ,j Y ni.iki- ;i spffialty of i;irl ivi;ur work. !;ct'p inv; always ready hc iiiatrrials and mm fur im-iih'dia.ti- mti it-. 9 ll you hne iu'w wi.iL ili.-t! yon v. Mi u i i'i;".::' on w will In- t ry ;;!;;d lo prict'-.. ' Mir woi 1, vruanlv i'd lo ;if yon vrivt ,-alis-I. n l i-mi an'd if yon ni r not -( !, in ..-vitv jiarlii--nlar v.f will -;arr iu i; iu r t it, if nor in..ncv i maKf ii rijdit. Peoples Hardware Company UP: ' .Wlfl'A- ; A- ... J i , A A W., i If t ... . .S I i teats the two larger rooms Into a sluult , wl lli' at I be snine lime there Is a prUuty about each one. off one cor t i-r of the dining room Is n I o . :ik fn-t porch, with continuous c;ieiuctil. Adloinlng both the dliiing ponh and the doling n i. in the kil hen. til by 11 feit. At I he Mich of the hall mid ti'in I ol ; Li i'IIl-M the dining rnnin I II -in: 'I I ed III. II b Id f. il. w 1 1 It t mil :,!ng. Thro find ;te-l I edriHiiiiH are rai L-il iilniig i'ii' Ir.iiit of the liciin' i ll the o l liiMir. Iii iidditluii then1 subslautliil hoimi. generation after the gen- house that Is The Moral Risli W he I She ' e , , to ... ,;.t ,. I,.,, I, , ,,m l.i kiei Kh.it ,iu , .. , v. h.il ini II l. 'I Yi t ' I i , , i'i,, ami ,i I h . ' i , ( o i i il Viol (M ..MS c t.til h iii 1 , no ,w. M l,.'l',ii. tl I" :i ! . t'cl HI be o 1,11 K, , ,, ., b,:i,k, of , Ld. li loin; ( mitiilciKv bv lli v .,i i I ! ,(,! h.ne t..-. .iim a ..nun, , , , ,., ,,in, mill j,,u li.. (' l.l i III . ' ru t i .., ..a;, .i i .,i - t . o -. , ii, n (i, , i,,i Mi .ii ... i- mi. .I,..- ; io t i 1 . ,, it j,,,, In ,, ii. I . ! , .1 . ii i'i, t , , , . ,.i-.,.r '" ' ' ' ' ) , .ii .i , ,. , lot: (,.., Farmers & Sloclrcvers National Bain IIKPPNM'H. OKIXON. I I I t-J. i I: vi. LRi j F-i -- ij i U 1 B & U ft'tt fler 'V ton I I,, K Ix-dr.N.tK Ul,, II l( ( ll il .. h 1 1 It the I lit'. 1-rUn n .I i I ' i li li tX . trnl hull. I a, I, . i i ) n t'uln ; ..d ..ii . l.-rt. I illi. I il -(. ibp nl ,.f Mr ...;.li, (Ntili U a ,mrt,iut, !i, w lit. h n li- nl i.t .f It i ,( i in 1 1 dnr. ! "ll li.l . tl, !. .- ii. h'- It iUlU I !, I. ( I ll f ll f.-.'ltl i,( tl.ii I'.rlck make sort thai lnt tii I Inn. They make iii-iii In winter nml cool In Kimiuier, the same linpervloiisiies to cold up plrlng Hiimlly well to beat. Ihlili In li k lire liuiile In n variety of cohm that enable the limne lnill.ler lo blend them nicely iilid the tllll-hed strtlctiire U colorful ii rm ami lultlng. I'lii-liii! the nr thi'ic was n In-nvy restrict Ion phieed no the brick lndu , try. Now the I, rick tiiiiniifiieturern j nun' n are miming their klltm at en- 1 luieliv mid ine In a position to supply 1 II, e ileiiiiind Tor this iii.itchul. Brick l iiiiies, ton, iinu c. .lupine fiivonililr J III ciit llh tli.ie i .ilitnicle. of nth j er iiiiil.'i';iil. f It haa been :il. tlmt ll.itlic (illilia luiil.c" N city or town more pro-i-ier- ' nti t li n ll tlioe In which tin Initio- lire rented bv the m cii,:nn. ThU l ! l.i. logic, r the h. .ine owner I. it nit i n ( t iiMiif ihut in, 1 1,.- bliii i,,'e nu lnierit In li e I. icul political ni.il rlvl n(Tiilr. Al.i l e N li nb'niitlul inem ber of hl iiiiiiui(iidt - ii limn tn Hhoiii iiiiiiir l.ii- !! i..piir!iitiltlr4 ii. tin Ihal p.i hi. 'tie Miter, I'rom nil tut- 'i .eiii., it i g...i, hni. ic to I. nil, I if .' (inn ii hii'.ie, Ruthfj" Not "Huinin." Tl, Icieoibiry piiiri (.f U,i,,i,,n lr... ItliMllgli the heirt (if :iii;Ulni Ml ih,. i.i'' . r iiigc ..f tlic miir, which t tl,.. tlinc kept it, r , .,. tintinn .!(. rl i-', 'tit the r..l.iiM!l.i.. h 'I i. ' ii i'i in li ill'V Xl.lllli. Sir 'ie!. ri. k Mtlltr!.V !-iti.tirn. n I,. Mem -i I'o.t i.f I ..i dm, ii, r. (l uted fr.nil t,e "ill, t,-iti,., alntl,.!, ' lliot. f of I ' . W," , "il n,, .H., Hi lo birt "Ick and it n, ,r. -,. I!iinm th-. rn pn;n tlir..uk-li .In nii l n'kht " nvmril on. ih. mi! iinlll i-iitrtl,:ii..f in tti IHt ..r,.r f,,ll..ii- with -i..ii,f rrrlon. T ilml the ''i.'iitnaii-r in in. I.o ((tuiiUt h iirlf, Hint l, ,( ,i.', ,, ir,, t!,r.,ii,-t, -Jajr and I k'n " I i .t'tiii rti bat iliiulillr Choice Cuts of the Best l EVERY HOUSEWIFE WANTS TO SERVE THE best in Meats to her family.. She can be assured she is. doing so if slic lAivs Iut Moats at this shop which is conducted in conformity with modern methods of sanitary marketing. Central Market McNAMER & SORENSON, Props. ELECTION, MAY 21 E ROADS Vote 302 X Yes For 4rc State Road Eond Limit I..U.I.OT TITLi: IS AS 1-ol.LmvS:- Mi.M)ML-r-R.!-f. ,).. , ,. . IMITATION OF FOUR fri! ClflT TT ninriTrnioii 302 X Yes 303 No N0 PROPERTY TAX-NO DIRECT TAX Wfl lurrrRcr m urn i iKr. KO INCREASE OF GASOLINE TAX FEDERAL FUNDS MUST BE HATCHED f t .1 'i'- coi.-Mut..,,.! ,, ,."1 ,,,,, '' v '"f ""ft. ho.,1. r,l,r ' 1 u I-'. f .r I. ',; v ,; ' ,r.M,?r,urj; l..!i..!.ii.Ji,,.Ur;,,,,,,,Ui i ' i '' l'?'t-" i- or it.te l.co.t hm Pt.M tourtct l.tw p hi:M . ntifttl .t,'.,i"r."4e ' "i WAk rn- - u ' ,",', 'r !. Ik. ton. , , . .. " I-' I- tu . ,nm 14 I rtf. .'.! . il , o l n.i- n..'lilii bait t I K'll. I 1 ..r vote im x m r 4 um KM4 Mw4 J, Itft ft lU.m l(.Uk V .U H ., MHi-