Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, May 11, 1920, Image 1

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111 Health mid Mental Wori-y is He
iieveil to He Cause of
David E. Leach, an old time resi
dent of Lexington, committei suicide
lost Friday morning by shooting him
self through the head with a 38-eali-bre
revolver. The deed was com
mitted in an outhouse at the home of
his son-in-law, T. H. Nichols, where
the old man had made his home. He
was found by his grandsqn a few mo
,ments after the shooting and It is
Relieved death was practically in.sta.n
u 'taneous.
Coroner Case was notified and
went to Lexington to make an inves
tigation. No jury was empaneled, it
being evident to the coroner that it
was a plain case of suicide.
It appeared that Mr. Leach had
been in poor health for some time
and had also had some domestic and
ununciai worries eitner fancied or
real, which had prayed on his mind
until he was perhaps somewhat un
balanced mentally. ,
It is said that the old man made
an attempt at suicide about a year
ago and a short time ago when Dr
Chick, of this city, was at Lexington
Leach asked him for a dose of some'
thing that would end his life and
when the doctor refused he said that
he had a gun that would do the Job
It is said the family did not know he
had the gun in 1 1 i 3 possession and
looked on his request to the doctor
as idle talk.
He leaves several ehildien. The
funeral was held at Lexington Saturday.
thi: i i:igto i arm bureau
J. E.
J. L. Wlnkins, former proprietor
of the old Palace hotel, has organized
a company to build a new summer
hotel at a point six miles from Stev
enson, according to the Spokesnian
Kcview. The company is known as
the Evergreen Hot Springs Co., and
it In the intention to make the place
an all the year around resort. A. J.
Hoyle, n Tacoma lumberman. Is presi
dent of the company, Mr. Wllklns iR
The farmers around Lexington
met Saturday afternoon in regular
Farm Bureau organization and dis
cussed several important questions.
After considerable deliberation of the
advantages of the roads leading
north and east out of Lexington they
unanimously decided to co-operate
with the other districts in asking the
county court to get a reconnaissance
survey of the Boardman-Lexington
oad. Considerable time was spent in
the discussing of harrowing wheat, it
was the unanimous opinion of all
farmers present after comparing theij.
results this year with that ol past
years, that they did not favor har
rowing wheat unless the wheat was
very weedy. We do not know wheth
er the opinion of these farmers that
were ..eally representative men of
the Lexington District would be ex
cepted in al lparts of the county or
not but it does square with the ex
periments conducted at the chair
man's experiment station. It was
further pointed out that 128 hybrids
and Turkey-red had so far been the
best two varieties to withstand winter
killing. It is generally unrestood
that this has been one of the hardest
winters on wheat in the history of
the United Sates, and here is a less
percentage of winter wheat standing
this spring over the entire country
then at any other pievious sp,.ing.
Morrow county and the State of Ore
gon while having had a hard winter
are in a most favorable condition at'
the present time for the present crop.
Mr. W.' G. Scott of Lexington, who
has made quite a trip abound the Lex
ington terrltdry reports conditions
being normal at least. When the
superabundance of moisture in the
ground at present time is considered.
This squares with our opinion over
the county and we believe that the
p(.ospeets for the wheat crop in Mor
low count yat the present 1m aeie
considerably better than last year al
the same time of the year and our
oplr'on will be a normal prospect,
thi? .;!! lie largely made or unmade
by t:.o Juno rain.
Coun'y Ageni.
MRS. C. C.
It is often the case, in some communities, that the local
publishers themselves are responsible for the lack of interest
their merchants have in advertising in the local newspaper. It
sometimes is not an uncommon tiling for the local publisher
to "beg" the merchants to "take space." The merchants are
too often asked to "support" the home-town paper. As a re
sult, they do just as little advertising as possible. Add to this
the fact that many merchants do not put any real thought info
their local advertising. they do not get results and often con
demn all advertising as worthless.
Fortunately, there are many merchants who are different.
They go about their local advertising in a businesslike way,
and make it pay. These merchants and the local publishers
who are also "different" who sell space in their publications
on its merits, without asking "support" are doing a great
amount of good for the local advertising industry. They sup
ply the examples of local advertising successes that any local
publisher can point to when they are soliciting their merchants
for local advertising.
More and more the readers of local newspapers are look
ing to their favorite publication to provide them with a depend
able guide to intelligent and economical buying as well as to
furnish news and information through the editorial columns.
Local new&paper space is valuable and as soon as the
local advertiser appreciates this, value he will begin to figure
how he can profitably increase the space he "buys" not
"takes" in the local publication.
Xotablo forlal events of th" week
we". ii-Mtlc!-, riven hv M..s. C. C.
vice president and general manager ,,.,,, n .,,. :,pa, . ntr, in th?
Oilman building Thursday and Fil-
At a recent meeting of the com
mercial club a committee was ap
pointed to take up the matter of free
express delivery In Heppner. The
committee consisting of Sain Hughes,
John Patterson and George Aiken, at
once addressed n letter to H. H. Smith
superintendent of the American Ex
press Co., at Portland and recently
received the following reply:
"This will acknowledge receipt or,
your letter or May 4th, coccerninc
the establishment of an uptown cf
fieo nt Heppner, Oregon, contents of
which have been carefully noted.
"I shall be glad to have ( no of our
traveling representatives look into
the situntlen at Heppner at tlio enrli-c-s.t
poE.-ible dale and will later see
that you a:e advised as to our con
cisions In tiiis matter.
Your truly,
After discussing the
problems with the county agent and
after going into the matter quic
horoughly and made a study of prac
tices elsewhere .two or three of the
local people around Heppner on
changing their method of irrigation
and adopting the method which is.
veiy rapidly growing in prominence
all over Oregon, Washington and
California, in other words the strip
border of irrigation. During the last
ten days John Wightman, and Iiugg
Bros, and some other farmers have
been caieCjtlly preparing land will
the idea of putting this method into
active use upon their fields. Anyone
interested may see these plots in ac
tual existeuce on the above mention
ed farms and may secure bulletins
concerning same from the local agri
cultural office. The local agent will
be glad to co-operate with any farm
er in explaining the details or assist
ing him in laying out this system.
This method is the method which is
in general practice on the Hermiston
and West Extension project, as well
as through the greater part of Wash
ington, Central Oregon, Southern
Oregon. California. It has this to be
said in its lavor, that it will require
experiments only about one-fourth
the labor and one-fifth the water to
cover the same amount of ground. By
' lhH method water may be applied in
MI CH AVATEK IS USED UP (;ROW. i almost any desired quantity and in
JNCi ACHE OK COK amounts to suit the applicant. Thin
is not possible under the representa-
0. A. C. Experiment Station, Cor- live system which is in common prac
va'.'.ls, May 12. It takes 558 tons of tice on a good many ranches. It hat
water 131,000 gallons to grow a this further to be said in its Tavoi
ton of dry matter in crops. This- was that there is no other meuhod known
tar. average of six trials over a period with which the land can be so eusily
of three years on the station Tarm, i adapted to a good system of lrriga
reports W. L. Powers. ', tion as the strip border method.
To supply this water requires 4.93 Kaaniers on udjolning ranches are
Inches spread over one acre of land 'watching with keen interest the new
practically 5 acre inches. This is the method to see how it Is going to work
-"water cost" of on acre of dry fodder under local conunonH
No Civil Cases Develop. Several
Un . savory Criminal Matters
Ileing Investigated
.J. .J. .J. .J.
the grand Jury
and Tom Underwood, a wealthy
v. heatgrower of Sprague, Washing
ton, Is one of the directors.
day. Ladles of Die north end of town
were entertained Thursday afternoon
and those of the south end enjoyed
similar hospitality Friday. Bridge
was the form of entertainment und
The regular meeting on May 12th ,cKhllul refreshments were served
will lie In the Odd Fellows hall. A on 00ln orcaBj0na.
social hour will follow the business
r-esslon. Every member Is requested
to be present at 2:30 sharp. 1
Dr. H.
T. Allison, who formerly
medicine here, leaving a
practice to enlist In the
Mr. Oolite W. Milholland nnd army medical coi pa when HiIk rountry
elnldien led Friday morning fur Se
attle where lliey will visit for acveial
week. with her ulster. Mr. Mltholl
and accompanied them ar, far n Poit
land where he B railed on huslni sH.
entered the world war, wiltea t' the
Heiald trnni A mil y. f)iKn. that he
experta to return to Heppner M.iy
lf.th and t-npen Mb former office In
tl.e (,l,l Fellows' hulldlnK
Heppner Sanitarium Hospital
DR. J. PERRY CflMil.lt. I'll) li. tan-ln-ehai pe
Corner Main ud llaltlm Telephone NLiln 2
MEDICAL Pltol Milt CONDEMN "TONML s. f.ll I ER.'
Dr. Mckenzie, i pinfefor ol larynsoloity In lo!in Hopkins fnl
I erHy m rut tent lue of the Marvland Medical Journal, under
JM' the head of "The Mrie of the TctmiU" fltea a broillde of hot
Vit at hl fellow practitioner who remote lon-ltt upon the l-at
ptotix-ittlon. and quote diaitn('jlik'l renetal nnreon of wide
ejperienre. Inife ptaetlre and exr,:n.nally hluh profewumal kill"
h '! delibeiate opinion tt.l "of all the aui viral ItiMinll-
f wltl.ln hi rerollertlnn. t!ii unklhUkM CP the tonola l Ibe
Otrl. nt e.rptln Hie opetntmtl un tl.e at l'diX". "Nor do I
il.h to hifl t'liith- t lioul't--i nil Hie huiee, . ir, M.,. r,i".
lo. in li eall.et da" t--ae Ull-n Ii Hie aV Nun in I'm 1. 1..
i,! nepr.n ha te" iii'i "I" i i,'"" n 1'ni-ii" m ni..
I! Ip l I ne $"" til II l II ! II"! n il) I null i.ii
ib e bite all 'i' I In "ur . , r iU. J it a
i ' f r. i 1 I'l.'i, H.r 1 ,, , ii juma,
ii.Miti- a
tt !.! fr
. ratlin I'.AV
TM i rusrtl liat tl.e .!
u., ii,. tl eleven !. and
i Im n rfnemliti( and lert,.
tn )nui ",till atiDf
bundri-! " rl.,ldien f"- i ii., n iune'T i inr i'.u.h. n i a la
tiirtllable tiulh Ju.t Ibm eti.itieiit John llopklm mediral matt
-tl,t llila eel lr lemotal 'f tbe tnn.iU and aiipeBdH te.
rao. loiaoot b. Iby te "' and Ir.r.ntt. -1 1 amount to profe.
ionl thiii tor blood, an ' r.be..;..n and b no juatifiration In
raann and no "Illodl" Jiutfeotf' rouM rondemn ihil nl-a
fad la aeietet lrwi than baa I. VkBie. and fortunately for
,e.nkiB4. tbr la WMr bn Ibla kaitl. butfbeiy to rnv
Hot io
.t W. Miiri ow vr.s lir for sever
al days during the week having con e
out with the Intention of placing t! o
Mortow Meiuhts addition lots on t.i'
market. After his arrival, however.
Mr. Mot row derided to make some
thanges In his pievious plur.h iipatd
lim the disposal of the propeity which
necessitated it hdi aw ing the lot;-
loni he ma I -vt temporarily.
flnre tlv Blading has been practi
cally completed th new inlciiliol,
hows up to '.p'endlil adviintaL'e
!evei.!l prosp 'i I i t pui cbaseia have
leiiuiiked t hiit lb" only dllfleuliy in
electing a li t on Hie Ilelrbt. Is In
in aid Hi, n rholie lieween the many
' iteble l. ci'Uons.
oin S'ticc irost ot the coin Is
;:t,v:ii with but little rain some
times none at all and much of it-
without It i ij-v tion, the Oregon com
rop must depend chiefly on soil
iioii lui e for its water rcquironi. nt.
It ttikes good farming io make the
soil retain this heavy water supply
through the F.enron, and to cause lb"
corn loots to go down filter it. Tin
soils mutt drain properly and be lu'j'i.
porous by introduction of organic
matter and by proper Ullage.
Lei:uiii(H, nop rotations ami Le
toek, aie used i n the slatii n lann
is important measure In I; epin-; the
soil in right ondilion and '.utility to
store anil hold the 558 tons of water
used in making a Ion of dry fodder,
or other useful crop.
Lbe I.IIU'I. v. tin i seeking th" r
l.liiiliean llomlii..lion tor publir s.-iv-
Ire i i, ii.ii, .h'i, net- fi,i Hie easl.'lll (Mr
eon ulitiirt, and who la a nuiive son
of l!"!itnrr. la here lor a few davf
t tti I Ina: hla patent and Innkinx altri
hi raiiipulan.
Mr. L iper i be tin every r.infl
denee In lerelvl.i a lie:ivy luajotlty
n Mot iow, t n unll.i. Union, Wheeler
mil Crook roiinllea and that be alao
feeU riiinfoi table M-parfllnK the nt'l
atlon Hi niher pait iif the dlstilrf.
Mr. I.tiper la it preent a
tate engineer fur the public aervlre
n,iinniii,n and l,i contention l Ibnt
the i ,iin in iimn need an t-nnmeet in
it. pei u:me
M i a. M . tit n-r ),;n ii
titie li-iMi,". bit i.rt lower la,n
to I'.e Knmlit" of f'yihini lU
rnnt. t atiun be !. I I J1"!
riiri'i bei.-e fti prue le,
i a t ei y un, d. t in bo i h t h,
y to b'lild up M.-pprier l in
I her
. III.
II ta
rani lot at fea.inable pure to i,.ie
wbo will litiptote them. It I uMT
t.eid the Knifht arlll build n their
ptnperty t no diMant dale
L. A.' HUNT.
t;onivt,y A?i'nt,
fiver since the lirst unit ol
dam was laid out ol Heppner
the Willow creeii in; d, ihei v
Iteen many .ompl.iiiit of I'perd
thai teir.'iting liirre-mile
pel il'l"
not mii
1 1 1 1. 1 : M 'H
ilow .",
a.'l et,
le!i o!
i. tin-
I' John Wightman, foreman. .J.
J Harley Uevgstrom .J.
I E. G. Haverstick
'I' Roy E. Tyler
J Henry Dennis
J. L. Yeager J.
I Ora Adkins
J J J t .J t f J. ,J ,J. .J. ,
Judge Phelps, Sheriff McDuffee,
Clerk Waters, Hill Aycrs and all the
attorneys in town seem to cut but
little figure at the present term of
circuit court. The grand jury seems
to be the whole show.
No civil cases were ready for trial
when court convened Monday mom
Ing and It appearing that nothing
would probably develop on the civil
docket the trial jurors were dismissed
for the term with the reminder that
they may be called at some laer date
should need arise.
A grand Jury was empaneled Mon
day morning and It la understood that
a considerable amount of criminal
buslnesii awaits its Investigation and
No less than three unsavory cases
are being investigated, It Is under
stood, In which young girls and ma
ture men figure and some arson rase
are also being Investigated, It Ih said.
Mrs. U,pton, of the Portland baby
homo anil . rescue mission work, la
here wi.ll three of her young
charges In connection with eases- be
ing Investigated.
At our time of going to press (In
gram! jury has made no report uml it
Is said they may remain In session
for several days before bringing in
any indictments or making their limit
h has been
to i . is i :i t
thus. 1. MeMemimln, of DeKalb.
Illinois, urrived In Hi ppner Friday
(Veniiif to nijny ft visit with bis
:o!hci. F. A. MrMcnamin. Mr. Mc
Mtnt'.titin was ii'-ently discharged
'reel the i.rn.y nlr venipg nearly
'.wo yeat'. lie iXjurtH lo make li
ratliei erteiidul tlsit in llippnii.
naMniiln lor Ibe Herald and (e
the election ea nf Mar iUt III
of Ittereat lo all Mot row roam.
We d.'iiie lo extend our Iniiitlilt
tbtiil." In our friend and neighbon.
fur Bv istalu e arid s lepa'ti)' nndeied
dining tl.e illii. and al the im.e i.i
the il'iilb and liuiial ol our lelmed
mother. Also foi lb.- be. i in u I lloiiil
I enietiiht atiee--,
(!.IN II '.M.S.
NEVA It s i:
AN ll'H illnMI, Ml HIM. Al
A in. lifitc will be lo ld al Light
mil. Cniei al i .00 ti'i In. k rn xt sun
day all- r n n. ( Ma H ). I. it Hie p n
poe Of lliM linen;' I ,e li'K u' ImiiuI
nieaaiica n Ibe ballot al l',e M,i
l.rli.iti. I. Niitmoi tail! iiHii." an
M'bli' aiid ol In r ,i,il.,' it
per le. to t. pn III
pi ii . pin" p. i I'l'.i k-
i.iiei.i i, ii..- p..,vi,...,.. . i
.. ,n i..n t . n 1 i -.n i-inl n .,'
ei lr. I'll , i f in I .. , i 1. 1. I h,-
4 fii - rr -.nil fit e i,n t.j i d ru h it ' i '
1 1 I' l 11 .id III 111, pt. Ill II I lilt I,,
nil ltii II. I Mr pi. p. r iitie t una
frflMLT tollou i,ilil!f,r- n. it!.
mI in bit tti.ta, k.f'" un .i-iir ti'
t of faun f"iiid ii"" k .' ai I i . "
f'lh-ite for fha ll-rall and e
all lb laleai newa ,l,.fM. now
and don't b tro i t (r the n
of lb etioa May :ii
bigiiway but as
law iri ,' -li'U-viriioii
d Mietlll
done bv Ibe S't:
the "Vll.
.lobn Wigbl.iien. ho lit. s iiloiit,
side Hie speedway eaini to town Moil
day mill iiilirt. hm'.e-.ei, with a ee-la i
atiiouril ol lilond in bis eye. Wight
man llios. npe-raie a dairy mid inn
Him k fane down Hie .u.id anil Ibe
way Ibe '.pei il boy. have been kill. ne
oil their i'-oeil ,s lint slow. M
Wli'.bli'ii.n made coinpli.iiil to Coun
ty .linUe ('.iinpliell Mi inlay leoilii""
(bill M ti.e speed ii.iiliiar bad killed a
tuliliililr pin. bi.-d pig I hi li i in ' n
dav ..iliil.l.. bat oti'y it shot I liia.
ego r. t.-hiiibl- .".w wi.h siiurk i. ml
pel nil to ei'y i I ippli '1. Hi ! I i-i i bii I.
i im me Id'e-d I i.-'iii'-nt 'v end thai Ui
way siiiee i-,iih t. ,u j..e t bis place lie
Ii i Is II ,,' b's o. t) I'l
i in:
and tin 1 i v
i. u 'v .11
Mr V,i
h.. i. ill, ,11.
nf t r mti .",'1 lo
a- Ih. i" is a mi
l, I I., n. i '
nival .n . lil
Jin. I,- ''le !"
Ill.ie lo pl.t M II
and il H e l'
iel -in 'l
is .lie e.,li
ill H,i load
, 'l pn .p.
li. ill al"l
!l I'
' !
.1. i-
ii t. eli'iui
of I
. r le
I, .,1,1'
I I I'l'
In I I ,,
i lip un II.
i i, lit ill lie
M i it 1 1
I eil
i, ,1 .
I MI MMi 111 IM
W'e would li'lie to cill e .-pedal at
tention I'l tile Wool i;ili'.vers of 1 1 1 1
county I'm Ii llnwhig eon idemble
dbieiislnn by executive coniutltte, tnen
Ibe laiiiieraol Morrow eoiinlv siier.il
ol I II -III b.'Ve i.eiiii til f'HNI a Wool
p'i'd wiih a lliey itivlle evei y irnwer.
It i li e I, lief 1,1 ilinse thai inaile a
can ml siiidv of 'be matter ibal
eoaise v .ool will lie a illag on I Ii
iniiiket i a liei In the season. It Is
lillte I'll i v, v e beliAc, Hmt II a mall
lias i llati live bundled t -... ef
wm I le- v i'l ol he able to gel ii i!"
li il e b.'i .it "irli a small i m . 1 1 ,
a'.d it ;- i n!" lo bis aihaiil-i,:" lo
ii.il I.i- V col .'. 'Il ctlier f.itue.e
a tn ,i b s Timl ir..finly "
and p'l It "Mil an iiinoiiiil ol mint
!':i will I,. r ii 1 1 m m nl lii i .i II I iii t li a
. . i enable ol.illt led bid III (Ills way
I i -1 V ' , ,i , I l'i ;ile ill'llelv I Hull' I d I'f
i ,.,' In . vmkiI I c I 'l. 'Il ol I Ii by
i "l.l, III l .. Inn
l ' i'l..lie. !! pi, IL' Ibe Willi! Ill
'lie Ij.'liil' ii! I ii'iipe'i 111 lull lt,i .' mi 111
in in. icu I,- inn. -ui aieiinii... in
I'i Ml. mil. - I" le It Will be I'lUy
v.ii'l.itl cii i.v a i cm 'ii ii 1 1 1 i".,n
i pi ' .i ni i i,g l..ifiirii In. t'. n and
V,,'le,n M"i, "n iihmI All tt 1 1 s 1 1
v... mi!, il ie.i't mill, i tini'l ibal all
I .i ! Of. cull mini Will II" pi
''pU.ile IIImI lllflill.l llOIII ti'llej'
'n... "iinplv ii.i'i.'d und.-r 'ipr
yiaip l,n
II. i pior I
i.i i tin in
1 .1 I" II ' V !
M ' !'
., ,-, .,' I.. -
lie pi ."
.!! I . '
..I. .I.i
. . . l 'i
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I"""" "
v.ili In
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i.i ,. .! it,.
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,.. .'
I li
II. pi
mil ! I lie
I I. II ,. I
lue IliMII We Lave ti nie
..I.e. iiirllt'i it II r.ili-u n
, .. ! I, .ll e m ,11 be ..III"
. fn.iii i "i i.i yi P' i
. I Mil l, ei II'. V c.
I In I'-e .. !n,.M.
,11 VI 'ic I l""l 'I .' !'
. "ll.il.iill - il'l tt -,
e V " I I ..I V!"
. I'l ,,. I i. Il.'l. ' I
'. I"
, ,1. I.
Ail J.. .X.li lllfj lO .l.
'tiaitri n,ii,li.i of II," ! lo'ltre ol
Pythian llel tll. beinK Ortlie.
are f.n.le. be at Odd J"rllo
hall Friday enlr. May Hh. '
l 'il D il'Kh.
i i'. ,i i
' ,
i I..
A I !
Hill! I
M ,
I'MIM I R i 1 1 ll N r ' .
... (
Alb. i M.iii' ..,n, a pb.n.er iei.i. tit
nf 11,1k rinin'y lor tnoie than 41 )!
pan.-'! avar at I.I borne In Ibla illy
Ihla in ni ti,n; e bad b. en III (nr
aetetal month It aometblntt
mnie It in T1) ).i "Id