Tuesday, May 4, 1920. THE HEPPNER HERALD. HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE SEVEN Or F. R. BROWN agent for GUARANTEED LOW COST LIFE INSURANCE; FIRE, HAIL, ACCI DENT AND HEALTH INSURANCE TWO C.OUD RESIDENCES IX HEPPNER RIGHT. FOR SALE. PRICED A LIMITED AMOUNT OF PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN. Office Upstairs in Roberts Building Phone 643 Heppner, O regon lMaMiaHiiirlaa J. B. CALMUS Blacksmithing and Horseshoeing OXY-ACETYL EXE WELDING ALL WORK GUARANTEED THERE'S NOTHING AVE CAN'T FIX ASHIJAUG H STAND HEPPNER OREGON 'PERMANENT AS THE PYRAMIDS" Concrete Pipe Company Manufacturers Phone 467 Irrigation Pipe Culvert Pipe Hollow Silo Blocks ent 1003 North 10lh St Walia Waiia, Wash Boardman Lands Irrigated Tracts I HAVE OX MY LIST A XUMEtt OF EXCEPTIONALLY (.())! I'l'YS IX IMPROVED AN!) IMMntOVED TRACTS ix the ro arrman district ranging ix size from 20 to 1 jo acres. IRRIGATED LANDS ARE FUTURE WINNERS for a Limited time 1 can offer most reasonahli: prices am) attractive terms ox hiese tracts REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND FARM LOANS Roy V. Whiteis THE HEPPNER HERALD, ONLY $2.00 A YEAR "If s a Lucky Day forYou" says the Good Judge When you learn about the Real Tobacco Chew. A small chew of rich to bacco lasts so much longer than the old kind. You don't need a fresh chew so often. That's why it costs less to use. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put Up In Two Styles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-D CUT 1$ a long fine-cut tobacco i ' w:ix'r,aj- t NOTICE In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. In the matter of the petition of Emmett Callahan, J. G. Camp, A. E. McFarland, directors of the West Extension Irrigation Dis trict for a judicial examination and judgment of the Court as to the regularity and legality of the proceedings iD connection with the organization of said district, and the proceedings of the Board of Directors of said District, together with the pro ceedings ot the said Board of Directors and the District in the election for the authoriza tion of a conotract with the United States of America, and as to the validity of said con tract, and whether the Fame may be legally signed by the said District. To the West Extension Irrigation j District, and to all Freeholders, legal I Voters, and Assessment Payers with i in said District. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED, That the petition of the Board of Di- j rectors of the West Extension Irri- gation District, praying as follows, ! to-wit: WHEREFORE, Your petitioners respectfully pray for a judicial ex amination and judgment of said above Court as to the regularity and validity of the proceedings in connec tion with the organization of the said West Extension Irrigation District, and as to the regularity and legality of the proceedings of the Board of Di rectors of said District subsequent to the date of the organization cf said Irrigation District, and as to the reg ularity and legality of the proceeding;-, of the said Hoard of Directors and of the paid District in the pro ceedings providing for the election authorizing (he said proposed con tract with the United States ant', as to the validity of said proposed contract and that all such acts and proceed ings may be judicially examined and determined by the said Court in one special proceeding. And your petitioners further pray I that the Court shall fix the time for , the hearing of this petition and shall I order the Clei'k of the said Court to ! give end publish a notice of tho fil- i ing of this petition directed to said Irrigation District and to "all free holders, legal voters, and assessment payers within said district", which said notice shall be published' for three successive weeks in a newspa per published in Umatilla County, Oregon, and in a newspaper published in Morrow County, Oregon, stating the time and place fixed by the Court for the healing of this petition, and that any person interested in the or ganization of said district or in the subsequent proceedings of the Hoard of Directors of said District or in the proceedings of said Hoard of Direct ors and of said District in the author-' ization of a contract with the United i ; States of America, may within ten'jl (10) days alter the full publication jot' said notice and on or before the di'jr fixed lor the heaving of thin pe 1 tition demur to 01 answer said p ti- 1 tion, has been filed In the Circuit J I Court of the State of Oregon, for I I'matllUi County. : j And you will take notice tbat the Court has 'ixed Monday, the 31st day j of May, l!i.70, at the hour of 10 I o'clock A. M., of f Hid day un the time I of hearing said petition, and the place ol Mild hoai In at tho Circuit Coutt I I coins. In th" Court Hotieo, pendlo- ! Ion. State of Oregon, at i: 'd time. And you will take notice that any pc-sun interested In the oigunlzatlon of said district or in the Kulmcijucnt proceeding of the Hoard of Dlierton of Ha Id District or In the proceeding or said Hoard of Directum and of the jHald District In the niithoi Izatlon of j a ronir.id with the United S'lntc of lAmeili-a, may within ten (10) diiya I alter the full publication of thin not , Ice and on or before the day fixed ror 1 the hearing of the Ha lit pet It Inn demur to or anxwer nald peiitlon. , Thin notice in puMlched r u t h i,i n I to an order of the Hon. O. W. Phelps, Juditu of the above entitled Court, made and entered on the 27th day of April. 1 2 o , In the HctrnlMon Heiald. a nei.piip..r of m rul riimlatlon In I'timtilU County, Oregon, and In tlx Hepptier Heiald. a nH-mpr of g n erul riic ilallnn In Mot mw Cu.in'iy. Oregon. fn Ilu. f. Kin -. , lw 'iek Itnti" and d.i'Hi hi l'i i.'Ki tun, fin K"tl. 11 ul i the , or It, e --e'it Coint of I In ;-'.;te of flfiyi.t, l"f I'ma'ill.i County. tiiU ;7Mi . .,: ;oll. rci. I! T I.LOWN. ' k l.( !! ull'i'.o luml.r) I'lXl-l I'ulili. I f d May. It'i. I lib, I nth, ir.th. M will seek to secure funds from the j Salvation Army has entered a field ! .J. , people of the state for the purpose of advancing its'home service work. The Salvation Army has outlined a very comprehensive home service piogram for 1920. We are all famil iar with the magnificent services which the Salvation Army gave dur ing the late war. In a general way we are familiar wijh the work which that splendid organization is doing at home among the downfallen and the needy. The concrete results of this great work are not so well known to our people as the Army in thous ands of cases extends its helping hand quietly and without ostentation. The which no other organization touches. with untold resules for good. I am certain the people of Oregon who have alwayn responded liberally to worthy causes, will not be lax in this respect. I can conceive of no more worthy cause than genuine wholehearted and well planned or ganization to give assistance where assistance is actually needed. Very sincerely yours, (Signed) BEN W. OLCOTT, Governor. J J .J. J i MATERXITY HOME Subscribe for for a full year. the Herald only $2 I have arranged to take a limited number of maternity cases at my home in east. Heppner and assure the very best attention and care to all patients For full information write or phone, MRS. GEORGE AIKEN, Phone 395 Box 142, 47tf Heppner, Oregon i i" 'i- ' TO HIE I'MU'I f; l if OKI (. It h b-n railed l wjr attention thai lh Xalv.tion Army ronlii,pLi- ttln aM lh porlod from Mr 1 to Mij 10. Inrlul, for III Horn f!rtie Campaign, it whlrh tltna II orrow Heights Addition Lots Priced at From $200 to $400 REGINXIXG MAY 6TH AXI) FOR THIRTY DAYS OXI.Y THERE AFTER, THE FOM.OWIXU PRICES AND TERMS AV1LL PREVAIL: SOUTH OF COURT AA'AY IXS1DE LOTS . S200.00 COUXER LOTS . . KOO.OO RETWEF.N COURT AVAY AN D MI I.L AVAY IXS1DE LOTS . Slir.O.OO couxer lots . . 350.00 north ok mill aa'ay . inside lots . . $100.00 corner 1a)ts 400.00 if two lots are purchased ry the same person, a re dvctiox of fifty (sjsr.ot dollars will l!e allowed, provid ed the purchaser intends roth lots for the use of his or her individual family. the point i make is, that i will not sell at these prices for speculative purposes. you may i1uy one lot or more by t!i!3 payment of one fourth in cash and the rem ainder in i oual annual pay ments, covering a period of four years with interest at six per cent per annum. or if you desire to pay al l, cash til ex a discount of five per cent will re made. i will endeavor to re at the office of sm e. vax vat tor for a few days on an d after the opening date. in the meantime, i will presently send to heppner a few prints of the plat from avhich you can readily locate such lots as you may re interested in. J. W. MORROW ! 'V KJL'-v-l if ...... KZF i a-: r ' I .'..; r v i. -u in. a ;l JMW Mil - iiiu M 1 vie i!!l nil This New Footwear is Attractive They represent the newest dash fashion, the latest whim of style. But what will please you most is the comfort with which they fit and the added touch of smartness they add to your spring costume. They are, of course, created in all of the most favored leathers for the season. Ladies' Shoes $5 to $15 Men s Shoes $5 lo $14.50 HOSIERY OF SILK OR COTTON In this Spring offering you will find many convincing reasons for com ing here to buy your Hose. A goodly Aiiortment of colon at each of the several l Wi I . prices. From 50c to $3.50 Thomson Bros. 11 t