Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, May 04, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Tuesday, May 4, 1920
In the Circuit CouCrt of the State
of Oregon, for Morrow County.
T. J. Mahoney, Surviving Trustee
if the Trust Kstate of J. P. Rhea, an
Insolvent Debtor, Plaintiff.
J. I. Itbea, Paul Reitrnan, D. H.
'-.iiy, Kd Olul'f, John Hughes, Mrs.
Howard. Oscar Born ami Anna
, Kxeeutor and Kaxecutrix of the
i Will of P. O. Borg, deceased;
!' R. Huliorsen, E. L. Padberg,
iia K. Kay, Louis J. Padberg, V.
I'iiubPrg, and J. H. Padberg, heirs
Ij.v of Henry Padberg, deceased;
I,eTeIlier, 10. L. Padberg, M.
! Thompson and Ralph Thomp
son, heirs at law of J. A. Thompson,
d.r '-.iscd; George W. Smith, W. W.
Siuiili. The First National Bank of
' piuier, Oregon, a corporation,
li. a"
Y, :
line Quaid, Ralph Swinburne,
;it. Ihw of E. R. Swinburne, de-.-i;
W. T. McNabb, James N. Lu
ll, (!. Monis, Mary D. Mcllaley,
."e for the Beneficiaries under
Lust Will of J. II. MeHaley, de
.d; Fanny Rood, heir at law of
! -ood, deceased; Nicholas Jonas,
VI. Markham, lv. F. Hughes, M. S.
i-gall, J. B. Natter, Jeff Evans,
i:- L! Liinde, Eva Magrunn and C.
"ie-, !)"fend,'in1,S.
; I). II. V.'ilsay, Lydia E. Ray,
i l.t -Tcllier, George W. Smith,
V, Smilh, Ralph Swinburne, R.
Mollis, Nicholas Jonas, Jeff
i.i,:, and Belle Le Lande, of the
-iidants above named.
OF OREGON: You, and each of you
an- nereby required to appear and
iiii.iicr Ihe complaint filed against
yen in the above entitled suit on or
b'-lrie six weeks from the 23rd day
or Much, 1!)20, to-wit.: On or be
ioi" Ihe nth (lay of May, 1920, and
mi fail to so appear and answer
plaint iff will apply to the Court
1'ie relief demanded in his corn
li, herein, namely:
lie object of Ihis suit is to obtain
"roe authorizing the Trimee of
'''in-.t sei forth In the complaint
ii lo sell, mortgage, lease, ex
!",i', improve or otherwise deal
ihe property embraced In said
I. in accordance with the prayer
o' Kvd complaint, and more partial
l:-ly e- follows:
T'ie ralil'icalion and confirmation
of lb'- ads of William Hughes, E. 1)
i'.'i il and Ihe plaintiff herein, as eo-
t n.ii !( of the trust estate of the
l ! "id ml, J. !', Rhea, utld of the
pliNniif herein nH surviving trustee
1 1
p! '
This summons is served upon you
by publication hereof once a week for
a period of six weeks, in the Heppner
Herald, a weekly newspaper of gen
eral circulation in. Morrow County,
Oregon, published at Heppner. under
and by virtue of an order duly made
and entered in this cause, by the
Honorable Gilbert W. Phelps. Circuit
Judge of the State of Oregon, foi
Morrow County, and the date f the
first publication of this summons is
March 23rd, 1920, and the date of
the last publication hereof will be
May 4th, 1920.
Attorney for Plaintiff,
Post Office, Heppner, Oregon.
to carry out the terms of a certain and for such other and further or
contract heretofore entered into be- ' ders as may be necessary and proper
tween the said co-trustees and one herein.
Nettie Mason for the sale of the fol
lowing described lands, belonging to
the said trust estate, to-wit:
The West half of the Northwest
quarter, the Southeast quarter of the
Northwest quarter, and the South
half of Section Two, (2); the South
west quarter of Section One (1) ; the
Southeast quarter of the Northeast
quarter and the Northeast quarter of
the Southeast quarter of Section Nina
(9); The Northeast quarter, the
Southwest quarter and the South
half of the Northwest quarter of Sec
tion Ten (10 V; the North half of Secr
tion Eleven (11); the Northwest
quarter of Section Twelve (12); the
North half and the Southeast quarter
of Section Sixteen (16); in Township
Two (2), South Range Twenty-four
(24), East Willamette Meridian, con
taining 2040 acres, all in Morrow
County, Oregon.
For the confirmation, of the sale
o fthe following described lands to
one Lee Sloeuni, to-wit:
Beginning at the Northwest corner
of Southwest quarter of Southwest
quarter of Section Twenty-six (26),
in Township Two, (2), South Range
Twenty-six (26), East Willamette
Meridian, running thence South six
teen (1G) rods, thence East ten (10)
rods, '.hence North sixteen. (16) rods,
thence West ten (10) rods to the
place of beginning ,in Johnson's Ad
anion to the town ot Heppner, con
taining one acre, and North half of
Southwest quarter. South half of
Northwest quarter, North half of
Northwest quarter of Section Twenty
six (26), Township Two (2), South
Range Twenty-six (26), East Wil
lamette Meridian, containing 240
acres, all in Morrow County, Oregon.
For authority to sell the tsecurities
to be taken on said sale to said Net
tie Mason.
For decree of the court fixing and
determining the amounts due the res
pective claimants and the said judg
ment creditors, and the amount to
be paid each thereof pro rata, and
fixing and allowing reasonable at
torney's fees for the handling of said
trust estate and for the bringing of
this suit, and for the payment of the
costs of this suit, and further de
creeing the distribution of the mon
eys then remaining in plaintiff';?
hands as such trustee to the respect
ive creditors according to the respect
ive amount" found due them, and fur
ther decreeing that said trust estate
be closed and settled end the plafn-
1, 1
I trust estate, and for authority j tiff discharged as trustee thereof.
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon, for Morrow County.
T. J. Mahoney, Surviving Trustee
of the Trust Estate of C. A. Rhea, an
Insolvent Debtor, Plaintiff.
C. A. Rhea, T. J. Matlock, Emma
Welch, Chris LeTellier, Hanry Black
man, James Fitz, Oscar Borg and
Anna Borg, Executor and Executrix
of the Last Will and Testament of
P. O. Borg, deceased; The First Na
tional Bank of Heppner, Oregon, a
corporation, Sarah F. Wall, heir at
law of W. F. Wall, deceased; Mable
Hughes, M. S. Corrigall, John Mar
111011, Sybil McSwords, Nicholas Jonas,
Ralph Thompson and M. Belle
Thompson, heirs at law of J. A.
Thompson, deceased; E. F. Day, Fan-i
ny Rood, heir at law of Ed Rood,
deceased; H. D. Wood, Mary D.
MeHaley, Trustee for (he Beneficiar
ies under the Last Will of J. H.
MeHaley, deceased; E. W. Rhea, J.
B. Natter, John Hughes, Jeff Evans,
A. M. Markham, K. F. Hughes, Paul
ino Quaid, Ralph Swinburne, sole
heir at law of E. R. Swinburne, de
ceased; Belle Le Lande, George W.
Smith, Eva Magrunn, Jack Marnett
and J. P. Rhea, Defendants.
To Emma Welch, Chris Lo Tellier.
Henry Blacknian, John Marmon,
Sybil McSwords, Nicholas Jonas, H.
D. Wood, Jefr Evans, Ralph Swin
bourne, Belle Le Lande, George W.
Smith and Jack Marnett, of the De
fendants above named.
OF OREGON: You, and each of you
are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled suit on or
before six veek.i from the 23rd day
1 1
Can cut down your high cost of liv
ing by selling you
A Sharpless or a Primrose Cream Separator
that will save all the Cream
A Surehatch Incubator that will Hatch the
Chickens while the Men Lays the Eggs
An Clcctric or a Hand Power Washing Ma
chine that keeps the Laundry bills at home
A Per lection Oil Cook Stove that lessens the
fuel expense
A Torrington Electric Sweeper that makes
Hiwse Cleaning a Pleasure
Come in and see these machines. All sold on
a positive guarantee. Your money refunded
if not satisfied
of March, 1920, to-wit: on or before
the 5th day of May, 1920, and If you
fail to bo appear and answer the
plaintiff will apply to the Court for
the relief demanded in his complaint
herein, namely:
The object of this suit is to obtain
a decree authorizing the Trustee of
the Trust set forth in the complaint
herein to sell, mortgage, lease, ex
change, improve or r-thenvise deal
with the property embraced in said
trust, in accordance with the prayer
of said complaint, and more particu
larly as follows:
The ratification and confirmation
of the acts of William Hughes, E. D.
Rood and the plaintiff herein, as co
trustees of the trust estate of the de
fendant, C. A. Rhea, and for the judg
ment creditors of the said defendant,
C. A. Rhea, and of the plaintiff here
in as surviving trustee of said trust
estate, and for authority to carry out
the terms of a certain contract here
tofore entered into between the said
co-trustees and one W. H. Padberg
for Hie sale of the following describ
ed lr..r.ds, belonging to the said trust
estate, to-wit:
The East half of the Southeast
quarter, the Southeast quarter of the
Northeast quarter of Section Four
teen (14); The Southeast quarter of
Section Twenty-two (22), the South
half of the Northeast quarter, the
East half of the Southwest quarter,
the Northwest quarter of the South
west quarter, the Southwest quarter
of the Northwest quarter, the North
west quarter of the Northwest quar
ter, Southeast quarter of the North
west quarter and the Northwest quar
ter of the Southeast quarter of Sec
tion Twenty-four (24) ; the West half
and the West half of the Southeast
quarter and the Northeast quarter of
the No:th"ast quarter of Section
Twenty-five- (25); all in Township
Two (2), South of Range Twenty
four (24), the North half of the
Northwest quarter, the Northeast
quarter, the Northeast quarter of the
Southeast quarter, the South half of
the Southoarit quarter, the North half
of the Southwest quarter, the South
eats quarter of the Southwest quar
ter, Lot Two (2) ; the Southeast quar
ter of the Northwest quarter, the
Northwest quarter of the Southeast
quarter of Section Thirty (30); the
East half cf the Northwest quarter,
the Northeast quarter, the North half
of the Southeast quarter of Section
Thirty-r:i? (31), in Township Two
(2)-, South Range Twenty-five (25),
East Willamette Meridian, in Morrow
I County, Oregon.
For authority to sell and convey
' for the best sum or sums obtainable
the following described lands belong
ing to said trust estate, to-wit:
! The East half of the East half
'of Section Twenty-eight (28), the
Southeast quarter . of the Southwest
quarter of Section Twenty-eight (28),
the West half of the Northwest quar
ter, the Northeast quarter of the
Northwest quarter of Section Thirty
three (33), In Township Four (1),
South of Range Twenty-eight (28),
all East of the Willamette Meridian,
in Morrow County, Oregon; also the
South six feet of the North half of
Lot Ten (10) and the South half of
Lot Ten (10) in Block Seven (7),
all of Loiii Eleven (11) and Twelve
(12) In Block Seven (7), the South
i si xfeet of the North half and the
South half of Lot Thirteen (13) in
said Block Seven (7), and Lot One
(1) in Block Fourteen (14) of the
i original Town of Heppner, Morrow
County, Oregon; also Lota Eleven i
(11). Twelve (12), Thirteen (13).
Fourteen ( 14 ), Fifteen (15), and I
Sixteen (16), In Block Two (!), in
the Town of lone, Morrow County, '
For uuthorlty to sell the securities
to be taken on said sale.
Fur decree of the Court flxlns; and j
determining the amount due the res
pective claimants and the said judg
ment creditors, and the amount to
be paid each thereof pro rata, and fix
ing and allowing resisnnonble attorn
ey's fee for the handling of ssld
trust estate und for the bringing of
thl suit, nnd for the payment of the
routs of ttil suit, and further decree- i
Inu the distribution of the moneys j
then tcai.ilriiT'.i In philiilllf's hand as
such Ituntre to the tcipoctlve credit
ors according lo Ihe respective '
.minimis fmind due them, and fur
ther decreeing that said trust estate
bo closed and settled snd the plain
tiff dlw hutccd s trustee thereof, and
for such other and fuilher orders as
;iu y le int'i-ssarjr and ptopcr herein.
"I l ls Mi"imr is n-'e.1 upn yi'U
'.y i I'b! i ite n In r ..nee a tor
i peie'd nt m ck, in ti e ll i pii'-r
He:, tld. . wiiKly n" 'p.ipor of M nor-
Irrt iiLiMen ill Mo' tow C U!it . 'Otc
son. piiMiho. at H : pri- r. un br and
Miti.e e tilt h'i'" d-ily i le H! l
. d In !!.! ri t- t'.o 1 1 ii. -r -,.!.
i;.!!.-tl W I'b. Ipi. Ottu't Ju l."
of i',o i.it. nf tiK'ton fr Morrow
! ..utitv. anl tho i if of the fstst r"'.
Motortrucks Given Passageway
Carrying Coal and Various
Other Supplies.
In nn effort to keep all lines of sup
ply open for uninterrupted traffic dur
ing the winter months, and to thus aid
in minimizing the discomforts of the
public, nn appeal Is going out to high
ways authorities throughout the coun
try where snowfall is heavy,' to keep
the rouds cleilr of snow.
Emphnsis Is placed upon the fact
that the transportation of coal and
other fuel is more Important in win
ter than In summer, and that It is
equally as important tn keep rural
if fiiS W 4?, . it
Sealed 'bids will be received until
the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., the 15th
day of May, 1920, and immediately
thereafter publicly opened by the
County Court of Morrow County, Ore
gon, at the office of said Court in the
County Court House in the City of
Heppner, Oregon, for the purchase of
bonds ot said County, issued for the
building of permanent roads therein
in the sum of $20,000, same being
in denominations of $1000 each, num
bered 181 to 200 inclusive, said bondf
to bear date November 1, 1919, an
to mature absolutely without optio
of prior redemption November 1,
1929, said bonds to bear interest at
not to exceed 5 per cent per an
num, payable semi-annually on May
and November first, principal and in
terest payable in United States gold
coin at the office of the County Treas
urer or at the Fiscal Agency of the
State of Oregon in New York City.
Said bids must be accompanied by
a certified chock for 5 per cent of
the face value of the bonds bid for
and must be unconditional.
The approving legal opinion of Mes
sers. Teal, Minor &. Winfree of Port
land, Oregon, will be furnished the
successful bidder. .
The Court reserves the right to re
ject any or all bids. The assessed
valuation of the taxable property of
the County is $14,046,730.54.
51-54 Clerk.
Road Cleared for Passage of Motor,
mall routes and main market romU
free from snow as it Is to keep rnil
roud tracks clear.
Officials connected with highway
work anticipate u prompt response to
this appeal. They report n derided
Increase in the Interest of the public
on this matter of prompt removal of
snow from highways, not only to meet
the necessity of keeping all "source
of supply and coniinuiiiciition In ef
fective operation, but as a nivalis of
protecting the public's Investment In
If there were little or nn demand
for tntllic during snow wenther, hlgb
wuy authorities state the cost of snow
removal would bo Justified. Snow
melting on the roadbeds tends to soft
en the subgrude and loosens the base
under the wearing surface. Evi
dences of these damages may be seen
after heavy snows In the late winter
and early spring.
When snow Is not removed on trunk
highways, traffic gradually breaks Its
way through when thaw begins. The
trntlic will create one or two sets ot
ruts or tracks. The constant track
ing In the same rut produces disas
trous results to the road surface, mak
ing repairs difficult and expensive.
Notice is hereby given that H. A.
Noyes, executor of the Last Will and
Testament of Millie Whitten Berwick,
deceased, has filed his final account
with the Clerk of the County Court
of the State of Oregon, for Morrow
County, and that said Court has set
as the time and place for the hearing
of objections to and the settlement of
said account, Monday, the third day
of May, 1920, at the hour of two
o clock P. M., of said day, at the
Court room of the said Court in
Heppner, Oregon.
This notice is published by order
of the said Court made and entered
on the 30th day of March, 1920.
47-51 H. A. NOYES, Executor.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, Administrator of the Es
tate of Nancy Ellen Ayers, deceased,
has filed his Final Account in the
County Court of Morrow County,
Oregon, and that Wednesday, the
19th day or May, 1920, at the hour
of 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said
day, and the County Court Room in
the County Court Hou3e at Heppner,
Morrow County, Oregon, Is the time
and place set for the proving of said
account and the hearing of objections
thereto, and the settlement thereof.
Administrator of the Estate of Nancy
Ellen Ayers, Deceased. 61-53
Up to July 1. 1919, Stats Bonds Aggrs
gating $224,800,000, Had Besn
Heppner, Oregon,
Permanently Located Odd Fellows
Office Phone 704 Residence 528
Aside from money to be used co-operatively
under the federal aid rond
net. aggregating nonrly ?0S0.OOO.0OO.
some states will expend large siiuis.
nnd their several subdivisions will
provide lnrve additional amounts.
"It Is Interesting to note Hint up to
July 1. IMfl." snys the secretary of
agriculture In his imniiiil report,
"state Imml Usui's segre'.-ntlng ,.,24..
Sno.iHHl hiul boon authorized and ap
proved by popular vole iiml that pro
vision lias been ituido fur voting next
jour on proposal for tbo I -".nance of
adt:tloiial state rend bunds in the ex- 1
lout of approximately I'll I ism issi.
j I Hiring the preswit nnd the next flscnl
I veiir Ibore will be luiido available for
1 r-Mid Improvement nt l. iisi . i m m i .
1 (. Certainly few Inns, If nnv. bnv
I produced creator results, either In
I terms nf oxpeiidnnio for a k.miiI pur
pose or In terms of holi fu! b-cllnllin ,
I und iniicMiiory ttiiin the federal nld
! rd net. It "M-ems clear. In the clr
1 rumstnnrr. Hint the prln. lpiil limit- i
i In." factor In the I'.r.ii pr..;rniii will .
! ho ihoe of mil tmtip rintloii for,
nnd production of. sni'iibto r-n ma,. '
totl ils. tin- i oii'rnct.ir"' ot; uiintlons ,
available, nnd the lntr 1 : s I ' "
AdHtMi of This Tjp Claim Ds
ftcts Ar Closed by Poor Cen-
trttt Fouidstion,
If 01 II
, ..!. n of
:-!. i1:"
:nib' i i n
!',: CT llion" I ' M'i 'l
, r I Cn' d,.to ' i'ii' I.' i
. r .-..f :! ..- M i " .
At'orsi-r for rUmtiff.
t Office. Hl'urt, Or 1
tH- t' tt " In't r-Mip!c of ), nr thor
r. ..-i-n n tMiii'j iMinot.t f.-r n-n.
Sru- !! f t H. av. i r M-
li:v',i'ii ft uti't'it'' n. T!i s Iborrnts
of !''! I;! 'Inl-o lb.it ! .if th
d-f -f l! o t'rl k ! -si . 11 ,.-t-, ar
ca-i '! " d.-foft in tt. n!i,-rt
futol i'.'-n. Tin ) claim lint the til
ruw't'ous b iuibt i n. or i- ri !.rnl
McAtee & Aiken