Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, May 04, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    Tuesday, May 4, 1Q20. .
) 9
J 4 4 ! 4 4 4 4 !
Jack Hynd of Butterby Flats, ac
companied by Geo. W. Wilson .spent
Sunday at Boardman.
Martin Bauernfiend and friends
made a short call In Cecil on Sun
day while on their way to lone after
taking in the ball game at Arlington.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Minor left the
Last Camp on Sunday for their home
in Portland.
Mr.-and Mrs. Claude L. Murray of
the Ellis Minor ranch near lone,
Sam Hughes
Staple and Fancy
All kinds Fresh fruits and Vege
tables in season. Garden Seeds,
Onion Sets, American Wonder and
Burbank Seed Patatoes.
Sam Hughes Co.
Wednesday, May 5
2k- and iWc
Star-; Theatre!
Thursday, May 6
From the Novel of same Name by Mr. Wilson Wood row
20r rid ilOc
' Friday, May 7
lll( 111 I.I, HA I IT In
you never knew that "BUI' could be bashful beau did )ou?
St anil Hth-
Saturday, May 8
"Silk Husbands and Calico
V ami IKtc
Sunday, May 9
Ml lak tba eaab fou take tat girl queer proposition for
barclar 10 niaka to bit pal. Com aed im bow II aaded.
toe a ad Oc
Star Theatre
spent the week end with Mr. and
Mrs. Ben. Barnes at Poplar Grove.
R. E. Duncan and daughter. Miss
Mildred ,of Busy Bee ranch, were
looking up their Cecil friends Sun
day. W. G. Palmateer of Windy Nook,
and J. E. Crabtree of Dotheboys Hill,
were callers In Cecil oa Sunday.
Miss Hazel Winters, who is assist
ing Mrs. A. Henriksen at the Willow
Creek ranch, made a short call at
Shady Dell on Sunday.
David Wilson of Heppner, was try
ing out the Cecil Scenic Highway on
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Krebs, Mrs.
Viva Diver and Miss Georgia Sum
mers all of the Last Camp, spent Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Barnes of
Poplar Grove.
Mrs. O'Hare and daughter, Miss
Nellie, who have been cooking for
the Oskar Huber camp at Cecil, left
for Corvallis on Monday. Mrs. J. W.
McFadden and daughter, Miss Ellen,
bf Elghtmile, are now doing the cook
ing for the camp.
F. Gillette, who works the tractor
for Everett Logan on. the Fair.view
ranch, left on Wednesday for a short
visit with friends in Pendleton.
Leon Logan of Fourmile was a
business man in lone on Thursday.
Mrs. Bird of lone, was doing bus
iness in Cecil on Tuesday.
J. H. Franklin of Rhea ,also Har
mon Montgomery from the Wilson
place, were business men in Cecil on
Frank Turner and his shearing
I crew, who have been busy shearing on
Lower Willow Creek for some time,
passed through Cecil on their way to
Butter Creek on Wednesday.
Hat Pearson and his shearing crew
have sheared for J. J. McEntire at
Klllarney and are now busy shearing
for Jack Hynd on Butterby Flats be
for leaving for Sand Hollow to shear
for Hynd Bros, at Rose Lawn.
Mr. Harold Cohn of Heppner, deliv
ered a Studebaker car to Mr. Phil
Brady on Monday.
Mrs. Geo. Krebs and Mrs. Viva
Driver of the Last Camp, are very
busy collecting funds for the Salva
tion Army Home Service. Any one
wishing to donate to the good cause
can leave donations at Cecil store or
at Hlghvlew, the residence of Mr,
Geo. Miller, or to the ladies men
tioned above who will alt give official
receipts and buttons.
J W. Osborn and Clare Calkins
autoed to Heppner qn Tuesday.
Ed Brlntow, a prominent mor
chanat of lone, accompanied by his
wife and family, made a call In Cecil
on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Houseman and son
who have been working on the Brady
ranch, left on the local for Heppnei
on Sunday.
Messrs. McMillan and Loach of
, Lexington, were In Cecil on a busi
ness trip on Monday.
I W. G. Hynd of Rose Lawn, Sand
I Hollow, spent Thursday with hl:i
I hrnther. "The Mayor" of Cecil, at
! Butterby F'ats.
I "Hlghvlew i ho ranch owned by
(;o. A. M'U-i neir Cecil, has b n
Msltod by a Urge number of people
! during the wel:. On making Inqu'r
I l-s as to what was the attraction we
I found out Mr. Ulller wbs working
'his land with a tractor. Mr. Miller
I purchased the Cletrac tank type
tractor from L. H. Lowe of Cecil, who
! is agent for Morrow county. Mr
! Miller Is much pleased with the woik
the Cletrac Is doing and we hear h
is advising all hla friends to Invest
In the Cletrac.
Many of the local sheepmen are
loath to give up the wool sale here,
and It will be held again this year
nt the Interior Warehouse. June 3
has V-vn Ft as U.. tentative dite,
bu if iv v,eaher c..t alti its are not
favorable rnd the wool is not in by
that tiv.i", thi sdato can be changed.
A seciuc. i-ale will :;iso be held later
in thj jc.v-cn.
j' 'ins wool sale here was
the best in the state, and there is
a senti::u'r.'t agains shipping he
wool without taking advantage of the
opportunity of disposing of it in
Condon before any charges have ac
cumulated against it. Those who
do not receive a satisfactory price
here feel that they can still ship, but
they like o take their choice in the
That the sale wil lbe a success
goes without saying. A. B. Robert
son, proprietor of the Interior Ware
house, states that at least a million
and a half pounds of wool will be
handled here his year, and that all
of the buyers attending last year's
sale have already signified their in
tention of returning. Also that they
favor holding a sale here, and have
urged him to keep the annual event
The matter of whether the wool
is sold here or in Portland is some
thing which will adjust itself in a
few years. If the sale here is a ben
efit tothewoolgrowers.ltwillcon- cmfw
efit to the woolgrowers, it will con
tinue; ir it is- definitely proved that
better prices can be obtained by ship
ping, this wil lbe done. Condon
-h -: -J.
' .J.
4. .J-
Mrs. Mary Norton, who has been
quite sick for the past week, is now
Mr. Belknap, local barber, left Sun
day for Moro where he has accepted
a position in a barber shop. He will
be joined by his family as soon as
school closes here.
Mrs. Everet Zink and little daugh
ter, accompanied by her sister, Miss
Beca Foster, left Sunday morning.
Edward Doherty arrived Sunday
from Portland where he has been
attending the Adcock tractor school
for the past four months.
Miss Alta Mason of Milton, is a
guest atthe home of Mr. and Mrs.
Herb Olden of Rhea creek.
Mr. and Mrs. Kennith Blake are
now located in the FranTc Akers resi
dence on Second street.
Mrs. C. T. Waiker of this city spent
the past week visiting with friends,
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Olden.
Bob Thomson of Heppner, was a
business visitor In lone last Tuesday.
11. A. Amy of The Dalles, came
Saturday and will spend a few days
In our city on business.
Mrs. Mayne Moore and daughter,
Winifred, returned last Wednesday,
from Missouri where they have been
spending the past four months. While
away they visited relatives aud
friends at Joplln and Diamond, Mo
the latter place being Mrs. Moore's
old home.
(Continued from Page 1)
lone, 1; Klages, Boardman, 2; Mer
rill, Hardman, 3.
50-yard race (girls) B Devins,
lone, 1; Sigsbee, Heppner, 2; Bleak
man, Hardman, 3.
50-yard race (girls)' A Brown,
Heppner, 1; Reitman, lone, 2; Pack
ard, Boardman, 3.
100-yards C Samples, lone, 1;
Slocum, Lexington, 2; Lundcll, lone.
IPO-yards B Boyd Heppner, 1;
McMillan, Lexington, 2: Page, lone,
100-yards ,A Pattison, Heppner,
1; Peterson, Heppner, 2; Hill, Lex-
ngton, 3.
Pole vault ,C Lundell, lone, 1;
BaUiger, lone, 2; Tucker, Lexing
ton 3.
Pole vault B Boyd, Heppner, 1 ;
Channing, , 2; Lexington, and
The home of Adam Blahm, some,
three miles below town, on Willow
creek, was tota'.ly destroyed by fire
last Friday Ml of the contents also
being wiped out.
The blaze evidently started on the
roof and was driven Into the attic by
the high wind which prevailed that
day. . The first warning the family
received was when the flames burst
down the stairway Into the lower
rooms. The loss is estimated at sonvj
$4000 and was partly covered by In
lone tied for 3rd.
Pole vault A Pattison, Heppner,
1; Hill, Lexington, 2; Ward, Lexing
ton, 3.
Putting shot Burchell, Lexington,
1; Chidsey, Heppner, 2; Blake, lone.
220-yard relay lone, 1; Heppner,
Boardman, 3.
Discus Blake, lone, 1 ; Burchell,
Lexington, 2; Fisk, Lexington, 3.
Base ball throw, C Hughes, Hepp
ner, l; Yount, lone, i xueiieri.
They also visited a short Boardman, 3.
time at Saline, Kansas. They report Base ball throw, B Heppner, If
a delightful trip. lone, 2; Hardman, 3.
Word has been received from Mr. I Base ball throw, A Reitman,
and Mrs. Chester Sappington of Bend, i0no, 1; Packard, Boardman, 2; Cum
0 fthe arriavl of an 8 pound daughter I ns, Boardman, 3.
born May 2, 1920. Mrs. Sappington 220-yard dash Pattison, Heppner,
was Miss Loretta Cook and is well - Blake, lone, 2; Teterson and
known here, having attended the lone chidsey, Heppner, tied for third,
high school a few years ago. Basket ball throw C Thomson,
Mr. Earl Murray, while plowing on Heppner, 1; Taylor, lone, 2; Smith,
his ranch last Wednesday, had the Heppner, 3.
misfortune to break his leg. He trip- Basket ball throw B Lundell,
ped and fell and the plow wheel run inei j. jutchie, Heppner, 2; Shlnn,
over his leg, breaking It In two places I Lexington, 3.
I below the knee. Mr. Murray was I Basket ball throw A Balslger,
brought to his home In lone where he I ionei ; Parkard, Boardman, 2 ;
received medical attention. Last re-rjrown, Heppner, 3.
ports he is getting along nicely. Indian club race, C Hardman, 1;
E. It. Lundell, manager of the In- jonei 2; Heppner, 3.
dependent Garage, loft Sunday for Indian club race, B lone, 1;
Portland where he will spend a few Heppner, 2; Boardman, 3.
days on business and on returning Indian rlub race, A Boardman, 1;
will bring back a new Ueo car.
. W. H. Hayes, 65 years old, Is held
In the county jail In default of $2000
bond on a statutory charge in which
nis is-year-om aaopieu u.ugnwr j Tne annua, meetlnK of tne Pfttron
alleged to have been mistreated at . aw,oclatlon will be held at
Repp" ; lone, 3.
44f. . ..d dash ChldBey, Heppner,
lj Hynd, Heppner, 2; Blake, Ion, J.
Running broad Jump, C Samples,
1 lone 1; Ritchie, Lexington, 2; Lane,
Lexington, 5.
Running broad jump, B Hatch,
Roardman, 1; Leathers, Hardman, 2;
various times during the past year. I thfl hmM Tllomlayi Mny
Hayes ana sis son nave oeen ofr- .v.. .I..,,-. nf .ffi-,,, .111 h hpld .
1 - 1 ruyiui, unit', a
and other business of Importance will 1 nunning broad Jump, A reterson.
be attended to. I Heppner, 1: Ward, Lexington, 2;
Airs. niiNally's class will lavor I Blake, lone, 3.
with a musical number, Mr. Durlln-1 ,Iaif nl r,.lay Heppner, 1; Lex-
gamo will give a reading and MIms I nKton. 2; lone, 3
Dafoe will sing a solo. 1 I no-ysrll difirtr; A Word, Lexlng-
All members and those who should 1 (on, 1; Warfh Id, lone, 2; Hynd
become members, are expected to '' I n,.ppnir 3.
present at this meeting
ating a wheat ranch In the Blackhorse
district although Hayes and his wife
and the adopted daughter have been
living a part of the time at Echo.
A track and field meet of students
from Morrow, Gillam, Sherman and
Wheeler counties, will be held at Fos
sil next Saturday when a niimbber of
our high school athletes will attend.
Tim boys aro counting on a good time
at Fossil whether they bring home,
any medals or not. It's the bloom on
their cheeks and the (winkle In their
eyes, say the Heppner boys when they
Kpeak or think of Fox Ml.
Members of Willow Lodge, No. 86,
I. O, O. F., held fitting celebration
of the 1 0 1 at anniversary of that great Jones would be as fair and tmpsrllal
Owen F. Jones of Baker will op
pose N. J. Hlnnutt for election as rep
resentative In congress from this dis
trict. We have no Idea of what ef
fect this will have on political rlrrle,
but among voters of the district the
announcement has not caused any
noticeable excitement. DonMl.'M Mr.
Half mile race CliUlsey, Heppner,
1: Hill. Lexington, 2; Hatch. Itoard-
iiian, 3.
High Jump C-llalslger and Relt-
niiin. lone, lien lor IHl pmce; r.vunn.
Notice 1s hereby given that all I Heppner, 2.
county warrants of Morrow County, I High Jump, II Iteasoner, Hepp-
Orcgon. registered up to and Incliid-1 ner, 1; Goodwin, Hunt dmun, 2; Nich
ing April 30, 1920, will he paid tiponlols. Lexington, 3.
presentation at my office on and af-1 High Jump, A - Illnke, lone, 1;
ter Mhv IS. 1920. Interest ceancs I Bulxluer. lone. 2 : Flfk. Lexington, 3.
after that date.
T. J. IH MI'HUIES, I Subscribe for lbe Herald only $2
1-2 County Treasurer. I for a full year.
fraternal order In their lodge room
last Wednesday evening.
He. Edward nutinnt. of Port
land, waa Ihe f - nclpal rpr:ir. the
enjoyment of the program being
greatly augmented by delightful
musical numbers rendered boy Men.
, dame Kiank Turner and E. E. Haney
and Miss Flltabeth rhelpa.
A large crowd waa In attendance.
in Ms riUtrlbutlon of (he garden seeds
.1 Mr. Slnnott. Condon Globe-Time
One stray mule plrd up In my
ipaitvra about Nevember first. He It
j about 4 year eld, bay wrth Indlstinrf
I brand on right shoulder. OtiT tan
have tarn by paying all ipene.
il-1-pd Lena, Oregna
1 na 1 1 i 1 1 i rn,
I Do yo kow tkal tb taxieai Mtmav
j exneea were very snurfe leina'ed la
I Jewtryt Thf eVt that a reT rp
, rMte4 tha t'a4 Mart; Mf-fwlra.
Jptt; diamnod, Har aa ever
114. Yeasja; ameinfat. Mar?,
j Chad r pr eo,tH tba aa aaarW
I ilea ra. Baa n Pea.
Members of the local lode Degree
of Honor, are pleawd with the ei- '
txdltion with which Ihe death benefit '
' lalm waa paid In the rate of the Uie
Ura J. J.. Yeager. Within ten dan j
after lb papera were filed lbe rlalm
or II040 had bees paid 14 Mr. Yea-'
er. Tha gre of Honor lodge !
in a very prosperous ronditlon In
Heppner, members tar.
That Condon learn la going I'lin
thla year tad If lleppaer etpw-u la
tM team tocHher to pul anything
over oa tha Wheat City boy we will
bav to gt busy. Condna bt ben
cleaning up oa oal orraaionally
tne Iba aaaoa started and tt gun
lay I hey rlead up oa ArMnaina P
V Aflderwaa lok a rar load of Iwal
oa over t aee tba gam li ua-.
A Problem
If a new pair of shoes rot 9 00 and
wear !i0 days, and ran be repaired for
11 00 so a In wear 9l dy more,
how much d' the wearer save by
having Hie dimes repaired?
The Answer
) 00 divided by Q equals
eost of New Hhoes, per
day 1 eta,
II 00 divided by 9 equal
rout of Repaired Shorn,
per day S 1-2 fa
Cost per day. New Shoe ,., r)
Cost per day. Repaired ahoea .01 1-1
Saved pr day OD Repaired ,. ,
BhOe . - ,0 M
t9 Hrt.e .00 2 I equals amouot
saved Repaired Hho M OO
plo the comfort.
TIKE 1 HE joll 0 Ml OW!
Bowers Shoe Shop