Tuesday, April 27, 1920. THE HEPPNER HERALD. HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE SEVEN rv F. R. BROWN agent for GUARANTEED LOW COST LIFE INSURANCE; FIRE, HAIL, ACCI DENT AND HEALTH INSURANCE TWO GOOD RESIDENCES IN. HEPPNER FOR SALE. PRICED RIGHT. A LIMITED AMOUNT OF PRIVATE MONEY TO IX)AX. Office Upstairs in Roberts Building I Phone 643 Heppner, Oregon 'BILL TO SAVE SOL DIERS HOMESTEADS' as in case of commutation: Provided. that no such patent shall issue prior to the survey of the laud." J. B. CALMUS Blacksmithing and Horseshoeing OXY-ACETYLE.VE WELDING . ALL WORK GUARANTEED THERE'S NOTHING WE CAN'T FIX ASHBAUG H STAND HEPPNER OREGON "PERMANENT AS THE PYRAMIDS" Concrete Pipe Company Manufacturers Sewer and Water Pipe Irrigation Pipe Culvert Pipe Hollow Silo Blocks Cement Products Phone 467 1003 North 10th St Walla Walla, Wash 4 Boardman Lands Irrigated Tracts I HAVE ON MY LIST A NORM-::. OF EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD BUYS IN IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED TRACTS IN THE BOARDMAN DISTRICT HANGING IN SIZE FROM 20 TO 120 ACRES. IRRIGATED LANDS ARE FUTURE WINNERS FOR A LIMITED TI.ME 1 CAN OFFER MOST REASONABLE PRICES AND ATTRACTIVE TERMS ON THESE TRACTS . REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE . AND FARM LOANS Roy V. Whiteis In an effort to save the homesteads of crippled soldier boys Representa tive Nick Sinnott of Oregon made a legislative speed record this week. On April 12 th Secretary of the Interior Payne told Sinnott he would favor legislation which "the gentleman from Oregon" had suggested to the department allowing ex-service men of the world war who had initiated homestead entries prior to enlistment and as a result of their service had become physically incapacitated so they could not return to their claims to acquire title to the lands by com mutation on payment of price by law without further residence or cultiva tion Under the law as it stands at pres ent soldiers are allowed to count the time they served up to two years of the three years residence required on a homestead; but there is no way by which any official or department can relieve them from the necessity of livtne one year on the land. But many of the soldiers became bo crip pled or incapacitated in the war that they cannot go back to their home steads. Congressman Sinnott introduced a bill to remedy this situation on April 13th. The committee on public lands of which Sinnott is chairman met on April 14th. The in'k was hardly dry on the bills which had been printed A single copy was brought by special messenger to the committee meeting. Sinnott explained the emergency to the committee; that unless something was done quickly wounded and all veterans of the late war who had sac rificed most for the country might lose the homes they had started to acquire before being called to the colors. He asked the committee if they would suspend regular business and act upon this bill. They agreed and in a few moments authorized Sinnott to report the bill favorably to the house. The speed record was completed when Sinnott filed his fa vorable report the same afternoon Following is the text of the Sinnott bill "That any settler or entryman un der the homestead laws of the United States, who .after settlement, appli cation, or entry and prior to Novem ber 11, 1918, enlisted or was actually engaged in the United States army, navy or marine corps during the war with Germany, who has been honor ably discharged and because of phys ical incapacities due to service is unable to return to the land, may make proof .without further rest dence or cultivation, at such time and place as may be authorized by the sec retary of the Interior, and receive patent to the land by him so entered or settled upon by making payment Mrs. Mary Bartholomew is spend ing the week end with her son. Char ley and family, of near Echo. Mrs. Bartholomew is accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Saling, and two sons, of Estacada, who are here visiting at the Bartholomew home. V V ' V V MATERNITY HOME The Eastern Hide and Junk Company we have Made arrangements with mr. ;eo. m. schempp, of heppner, whereby he will buy for . us hides, pelts and pulled wool as well as all kinds of scrap iron, rubber, copper, rrass and RAGS. I have arranged to take a limited number of maternity cases at my home in east Heppner and assure the very best attention and care to all patients For full information write or phone, MRS. GEORGE AlfcEN, Phone 395 Box 142 47tf Heppner, Oregon . .J. .J. .j. .J. , i YOU MAY REST ASSURED THAT MR. SCHEMPP TREAT YOU RIGHT IX ALL RUSI NESS RELATIONS MAY HAVE WITH HIM. ADDRESS: . Geo. M. Schempp HEPPNER, OREGON, OR CAL, PHONE 735 WILL YOU i I I i I THE HEPPNER HERALD, ONLY $2.00 A YEAR Morrow Heights Addition Lots Priced at From $200 to $400 BEGINNING MAY 5TH AND FOR THIRTY DAYS ONLY THERE AFTER, THE FOLIXjWING PRIC ES AND TERMS WILL PREVAIL: SOUTH OF COURT W AY INSIDE LOTS $200.00 CORNER LOTS . . 800.00 BETWEEN COURT WAY AND MILL WAY INSIDE IA)TS $250.00 CORNER LOTS . 850.00 NORTH OF MILL WAY inside lots Hmoo.oo corner ix)ts 400.00 if two lots are purchased by the same person, a re duction of fifty ($50) dollars will he al. iowed, provid ed the purchaser intends both i-ots for the use of his or her individual family. the ioint 1 make is. that 1 will not sell at these prices for speculative purposes. you may buy one ix)t or more by the payment of one fourth in cash and the remainder in equal annual pay ments, covering a period of four years with interest at six per cent per annum. or if you desire to pay al-l cash then a discount of five per cent will be made. i will endeavor to bk at the office of ham e. van vactor for a few days on and after the opening date. in the meantime, i will presently send to heppner a few prints of the plat from which you can readily locate such lots as you may be interested in. J. W. MORROW for the land at the price fixed by law THE HEPPNER HERALD, ONLY $2.00 A YEAR "It Will Surprise You" says the Good Judge When you learn how long a little of the Real Tobacco Chew lasts. How long it holds its rich tobacco taste. The real satisfaction. The money saved. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put Up In Two Style RIGHT CUT is short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is long fine-cut tobacco !' Minim i 1 .n $$ j Qiisdtenj J it In preparation for this week we searched the market to assure the best Ginghams to be found. And we are sure you will agree that we have been successful. In their crispfreshness,their wonder ful colorings and their attractive pat terns they offer unnumbered sugges tions for charming summer dresses. They arc all fast colors so you may tub them as often as you please and know that they will retain their orig inal freshness. A. F. C. and Toile du Nord Ginghams - - 40c Fabric Cloth and Renfrew Cloth 50c Thomson Bros. 3..; c