PAGE SIX THE HEPPNER HERALD. HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, April 20, 1920 SIMMONS In th? "r .:t ConCrt of the State ' In .ion, tor Morrow County. V. .1. Malioney. Surviving Trustee . f i.- Trust Estate of J. P. Rhea, an Insolvent U'-btor. Plaintiff. vs. J. P. Ithea. Paul Keitrnan, D. H. Vv'ilsay, Kd Ci'Jlf, John Hughes, Mrs. Howard. Osrar Korg and Anna :i .1;, Kxecutor and Kuxerutrix of the UihI Will nf P. O. liorg, deceased; Ma"y R. Hulvorsen, E. L. Padberg, Lyiia E. Ray. Louis J. Padberg, W. H . 1'idber'. and J. H. Padbtrg. heirs :. Inv of Henry Padberg, deceased; 'h-U L'Tillier, E. L. Padberg, M. .! '. Thompson and Ralph Thomp (:.. heirs at law of ,T. A. Thompson, ismI; Geo! ire V. Smith, W. W. The Kiist National Hank of . :kt. Oregon, a corporation, '. t .:n Quail. Ralph Swinburne, :t law of 10. R. Swinburne, de- d; W. T. Mrabb. James N. Eu-1- . r!. C. Mollis, .Mary D. McHaley, e tor the Iienel ieiaries under :i, L ist Will of J. TI. Mclialey, de ; Fanny Rood, heir at law of V. 1 'I'Mid, defeased; Nicholas Jonas, A. Markhani, K. F. Hughes, M. S. ('..ngall, J. li. Natter, Jeff Evans, !! ' " l,e l.ande, Eva Magrunn and C. A I' :,i.a, Defendants. I). 11. Wilsay, Eydia K. Ray, ',. -i.t l.eTeliiei-, George V. Smith, W. W. Smith, Ralph Swinburne, R. C Morris, Nicholas Jonas, Jeff Kvaun, and Belle Le Lande, of the !(' inland; above named. l: THE NAME OF THE STATE Ct' ijltlCGON: You, and each of you ate hereby required to apnear and an. wit the complaint filed against you in the. above entitled suit on or behi ;( six weeks from the 2 3 I'd day of March, 1920, to-wit: On or be fn (he nth day or May, 1920, and if von fail to so appear and answer Hi ' plaintiff will apply to the Court !(. I he relief demanded in his com ;,1 . .li, herein, namely: The object of this suit is to obtain a decree authorizing the Trnsee of 1!i Trust set forth in the complaint hc:e n lo sell, mortgage, lease, ex i liiiif;1, improve or otherwise deal wil i Hie properly embraced in said t ni. I. in accordance with the prayer of .cud complaint, and more particu la ' as follows: The ratification and confirmation of lb" acls of William Hughes, K. I). R in'' and the plaintiff herein, as co- !m'm cs of the trust estate of the ! : ! .la-it, .1. P. Rhea, and of the plv'ilhf herein as surviving trustor . f : 'i l l-ii 't e.-,vale, and for authority to carry out the terms of a certain contract heretofore ente'ej into be tween the said co-trustees and one Nettie Mason for the sale of the fol lowing described lands, belonging to the said trust estate, to-wit: The West half of the Northwest quarter, the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter, and the South half of Section Two, (2); the South west quarter of Section One (1); the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter and the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section Nine (9).; The Northeast quarter, tht Southwest quarter and the South half of the Northwest quarter Of Sec tion Ten (10) ; the North half of Sec tion Eleven (11); the Northwest quarter of Section Twelve (12); the North half and the Southeast quarter of Section Sixteen (16); in Township Two (2), South Range Twenty-four (21), East Willamette Meridian, con taining 2040 acres, all in Morrow County, Oregon. For the confirmation of the ssle o fthe following described lands to one Lee Slocum, to-wit: Beginning at the Northwest corner of Southwest quarter of Southwest quarter of Section Twenty-six (26), in Township Two, (2), South Range Twenty-six (26), East Willamette Meridian, running thence South six teen (16) rods, thence East ten (10) rods, thence North sixteen (16) rods, thence West ten (10) rods to the place of beginning ,in Johnson's Ad dition to the Town of Hnppner, con taining one acre, and North half of Southwest quarter, South half of Northwest quarter, North half of Nortfnvosl quarter of Section Twenty six (26), Township Two (2), South Range Twenty-six (26), East Wil lamette Meridian, containing 240 acres, nil in Morrow County, Oregon. For authority to sell the tsecurlties to be taken on said sale to said Net tle Mason. For decree of the court fixing and determining the amounts due the res. pctive claimants and the said judg ment creditors, and the amount to be paid each thereof pro rata, and fixing and allowing reasonable at torney's fees for the handling of said trust estate and for the bringing of this suit, and for the payment of the costs of this suit, and further de creeing the distribution of the mon eys then remaining in plaintiff's hands as such trustee to the respect ive creditors according to the respect ive amounts found due them, and fur Iher decreeing that said trust estale be closed iipd settled and the plain tiff disi barged as trustee ther. oi', and for such other and further or ders as r.iay be necessary and proper herein. This summons is served upon you by publication hereof once a week for a period of six weeks, in the Heppner Herald, a weekly newspaper of gen eral circulation in Morrow County. uregon, puonsnea at Heppner, under and by virtue of an order duly made and entered in this cause, by the Honorable Gilbert W. Phelps, Circuit Judge of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County, and the date of the first publication of this summons is March 23rd, 1920, and the date of the last publication hereof will be May 4th, 1920. SAM E. VAN VACTOR, Attorney for Plaintiff, Post Office, Heppner, Oregon. SIMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County. T. J. Mahoney, Surviving Trustee of the Trust Estate of C. A. Rhea, an Insolvent Debtor, Plaintirf. vs. C. A. Rhea, T. J. Matlock, Emma Welch, Chris LeTellier, Hanry Black man, James Fitz, Oscar Borg and Anna Borg, Executor and Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of P. O. Borg, deceased; The First Na tional Bank of Heppner, Oregon, a corporation, Sarah F. Wall, heir at law of W- F. Wall, deceased; Mabie Hughes, M. S. Corrigall, John Mar mou, Sybil McSwords, Nicholas Jonas, Ralph Thompson and M. Belle Thompson, heirs at law of J. A. Thompson, deceased; E. F. Day, Fan ny Rood, heir at law of Ed Rood, deceased; H. D. Wood, Mary D. McHaley, Trustee for the Beneficiar ies under the Last Will of J. K. McHaley, deceased; E. W. Rhea, J. Q. Natter, John Hugbjes, Jeff Evans, A. M. Markham, K. F. Hughes, Paul ine Quakl, Ralph Swinburne, sole heir at law of E. R. Swinburne, de ceased; Belle Le Lande, George W. Smith, Eva Magrunn, Jack Marnett and J. P. Rhea, Defendants. To Emma Welch, Chris Le Tellier, Henry Tilackman, John Marmon, Sybil McSwords, Nicholas Jonas, II. D. Wood, Jeff Evans, Ralph Swln bourne, Belle Le Lande, George W. Smith and Jack Marnett, of the De fendants above named. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You, and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before six weeks from the 23rd dav Gilliam & li if I'.! Can cut down your high cost of liv ing by selling you A Sharpless or a Primrose Cream Separator that will save a!l the Cream A Surehatcii Incubator that will Hatch the Chickens while the lien Lays the Eggs An Elect ric or a Hand Power Washing Ma chine that keeps the Laundry bills at home A Perfection Oil Cook Stove that lessens the fuel expense A Torrington Electric Sweeper that makes House Cleaning a Pleasure Come in and sec these machines. All sold on a positive guarantee. Your mancy refunded if not satisfied Gilliam & Bisbcc of March. 1920, to-wit: on or before the 5th day of May, 1020. and if you fail to so appear and answer the plaintiff will appiy to the Court for the relief demanded in his complaint herein, namely: The object of tirs suit is to obtain a decree authorizing the Trustee of the Trust set forth in the complaint herein to sell, mortgage, lease, ex change, improve or otherwise deal with the property embraced in said trust, in accordance with the prayer of said complaint, and more particu larly as follows: The ratification and confirmation of the acts of William Hughes, E. D. Rood and the plaintiff herein, as co trustees of the trust estate of the de fendant, C. A. Rhea, and for the judg ment creditors of the said defendant, C. A. Rhea, and of the plaintiff here in as surviving trustee of said trust estate, and for authority to carry out the terms of a certain contract here tofore entered into between the said co-trustees and one W. H. Padberg for the sale of the following describ ed lands, belonging to the said trust estate, to-wit: The East half of the Southeast quarter, the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section Four teen (14); The Southeast quarter of Section Twenty-two (22), the South lu'lf of the Northeast quarter, the l-.rjr of the Southwest quarter, the Northwest quarter of the South west quarter, the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter, th'e North west quarter of the Northwest quar ter, Southeast quarter of the North west quarter and the Northwest quar ter of the Southeast quarter of Sec tion Twenty-four (24) ; the West half and the West half of the Southeast quarter and the Northeast quarter of the Noitheast quarter of Section Twenty-five (25); ail in Township Two (2), South of Range Twenty four (2!), the North half of the Northwest quarter, the Northeast quarter, the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter, the South half of the Southeast quarter, the North half of ill ' Southwest quarter, the South eat?, quarter of the Southwest quar ter, Lot Two (2) ; the Southeast quar ter of the Northwest quarter, the No-thwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section Thirty (30); the East h.-.lf of the NorthweU quarter, the Northeast quarter, the North halt of the Southeast quarter of Section Thirty-one (31), in Township Two (2), South P.ange Twenty-five (25), I East Wi!!".rneUe Meridian, hi Morrow j ; County, Oregon. I j For authority to sell and convey : 'for the be-t s-.ini or sums obtainable ! the following dene ibe.l hinds belong- 1 iv. e, ti F.iid trust estate, to-wit: ' The F.a.-t half of the East half , of Section Tv.-en;y-eir.-ht (2S). the j Southeast quarter r.f the Southwest t quarter of Section Twenty-eight (28), I the West half of the Northwest quae- ler, the Noith.-ast quarter of the i Northwest quarter of Section Thirty- ; three (33), in Township Four (t),j , South o:' Range Twenty-eight (28),; all East of the Willamette Meridian, in Morrow County, Oregon; alsy the. South six feet of the North half of' Lot Ten (H) and the South half of ;l.ot Ten (10) in n'.ocl: Seven (7), . all of Lots Eleven (ll) and Twelve! I (12) In Block Seven (7). the South i si xfeet of the North half and the South half of Lot Thirteen (13) In jsald Block Seven (7). and Lot One j (1) In Block Fourteen (14) of the! original Town of Heppner, Morrow, County, Ort'Ron; alio L.ot Eleven! i(U), Twelve (12). Thirteen (13),, Fourteen (14), Fifteen (15). and, Sixteen (If.). In Block Two (2), In, the Town v( lone, Morrow County.' Orii?oti. For authority to sell Hie tt-rurUivt to he taken on Bald ffile. For decree nf the Court fixing and j determ'.n'iiK the amount due the re . peril w cl.ii:r.ulit and fie mild Jildu n. --eil!;n-c. and the unmiint lo tie nit! each thereof pro tat ami fix- In: : and allowing team noalde attorn ey',) (ee-i f ir the In ndl-nir of mid lni:t estate ar 1 f ir the h-lntilng of tin' ault. rnd for fie r-.''m -nt of the ci.nlii of thei nut. an. I further decree- f int the dletrlbuti.-n cf t'i inon'-yn then -i rcTi'iti In ph-ltitlff'K har.dii n inl- ll t' l- tee t the li''i'i";lp ct"dlt- I'M HciutditiR t ttn r-,.,i.-it,e , niiiouti'ii fotii'.. dec there, rr.d fit'- ther decreeing thai nlil t-ilt , !) el. ie.l h nil tiled and It." plain-j i lift iI m hni i-c't a miMe thereof, and j , for t-.ii h o'hir n l fu-t'n-t i-r-lei n j inv ! neie.Mt y and i-uq-cr her. ui, j Ti le run , in- tl ' Wi l.pi-n )oi by publ c.uiin hereof on- a tor I i piMml of n woekn. in the llt-i-pniT 1 ilei aid, a weekly tii i p. i per of i!- nr- n li'iti-uUllon In Muttow Coui ty. lion. p'i!''d ct H"l I-ner. ur. t'-r and by virtue of nn otder duly mad aa-1 T'.-nd In t!l rati"-, by th Hetuir. abl Clltieil W Ih t;. fltruit Ju.fS" -f tl. S;. i f (ttron for M"f r .'o iti'y. anl lh 'ai of lb lift fib. ' -iMtutn of ti uti-nii on u M..rrh lint f:-. an I th Ut of t' - I ' u;Mlratii-n hf-'-of will t.p Mi) 4"i i:i. fAM E. VA VVTOH. Attorn'T fr Plaint;!'. TVM Offlc. Hrr',cf r NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOVXT Notice is hereby given that K. A. Noyes, executor of the Last Will and Testament of Millie Whitten Berwick, deceased, has filed his final account with the Clerk of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County, and that said Court has set as the time and place for the hearing of objections to and the settlement of said account, Monday, the third day of May, 1920, at the hour of two o'clock P. M., of said day, at the Court room of the said Court in Heppner, Oregon. This notice is published by order of the said Court made and entered on the 30th day of March, 1920. 47-51 H. A. NOYES, Executor. DR. HAROLD C. BEAN I'HYSICIAX nnd SUBGEOX Heppner, Oregon, Permanently Located Odd Fellows Euildins Office Phone 702 Residence 523 FOU SALE Fifteen head of good registered Jacks. Will take mule colts from these Jacks at $100 each in part or full payment for these Jacks. B. F. SWAGGART, Lexing ton, Oregon. 41tf F. H, ROBINSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Main Street lone, Oregon VAUGHAN & BUTLER DENTIST Permanently located in Oddfellow'B Bunlding Heppner, Oregon DR. A. D. McMURDO PHYSICIAN & SlIUiEOX Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store Heppner Oregon WOODSON & SWEEK ATTOKXEYS-AT-LAW Heppner Oregon I BEST IN THE WORLD 1 i THE BU HOI 1 McAtee & Aiken Just Where and How Is the Money to be Spent? t'1 n . lP I!) A businesslike Answer to a businesslike Question THIRTY denominations cooperating in the Ir.ter church World Movement have budgeted .their needs. No business could have done it more scientifi cally. They have united to prevent the possibility of duplica tion or waste. At least a million dollars will be saved by the fact that thirty individual campaigns are joined in one united effort. Each denomination has arranged its budget under six main heads: Iron TH CHURCH'S WOIX A T HOM IK. A cor ( ttm Mn ttadw tiitt h4. ton Alder FlM mnA haU mijiaa 9opm in L)nnd Sta' ennolvn rd antf Wrtta tht Knghsh liiifUHf. Whii to carry forward thla VBtwerhf Amctcaaisu tf u church doaa uotf 2ro ho rr Axa and homks. women wtiaiuly t) art tut nd a war from Church toi:a'a bi tut of lack of room Tl ocht ilrm i hamaa fa ratnpal'ed lo turri away mora iitldran inn thej caa iaot. FOR HIGHER kDU"ATtON. OY O 4V),j Atrrcin at ant In Intttluituna cf l-' grat-', on-li.'-f - ia .lCn Lvn d and auppon 1 v - tt'i'l M Many f ir miu'ier ,o had rg oat tnduwntit caoraig', but Urtt Da a- t it p'tni at ts nH'a cf la-fcr t'i -::r and ym av on' ta r-t J t'f Mt r-i olum f tr.d t'Mtifia iomiiuriilut f tt ttr t-&ntntuttvt lo Attttrtca. 4 rem titjorousTRAiKino.At leaal UM.OQOchkMrvo aad roao 9 pi ondor 25 vor of ago aa on tortng Amorhron lite wttfeoot any rolkjlottatrotKiac at ail. Itmrmbtr lug ti.o flth of Wohlntoa and Lincoln, do you think that Araorlca coot in at to pnduco Wathtng tone and Lincoln a it Utth dloa out f tho hoartaof It roata 5 FOR THR CHUBCtrS WORK ABROAD. loQutnta camo nrtt Iram tbo Ortnt thtny yoara ag: nar'.y alt plsgooc arc Orttntal ptagura. So long aa China t only ona phyticlan tovoryWi)Orooop)c tt.o Ortont will conitnut to bo a ironoca. So g aa ono third of a ttbt af Ind a dio benfo thtir aoo ord year vut own habira art not -o. A Cr'tt-tn Coclnr or loochtf oont abroad It worhtrg tnt Amenta at truly .a I fx. ugh tt werkod at boa. 6PFF.ACHtir RALARtrs. Tha prHChr I .14 t o "Htrgiltva rrn.H trd w I ho ntay b. HuM ot of tn p'-:ior arc ai4 lata tl.aa Uu wotal Fach dencmination has its own detailed buet, and will aJmini:tT iti own funds. Your pastor bus copies of the budget: examine thmi for yoursrtf. In the wek of Apnl 25th-May 2nd you wtil be g.ven your opponunity tohrlp. You can doit with the full satisfaction cf know ing that every !J'r cf your gift has its post asaigntd to it in advance. Ei'-ry dollar for bttr Amtricm nd better world. When your church caUs on you g;ve mnd gtvs with your fceiirt as well as your pocket-book. Ont4 Cdiat C Apnl :Sik 10 NORMAN'S f GH INTERCHURCH World Movement of Dforth America rw fmkmm y Ik. Wm,