THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE FIVE NEWS of ALL MO: W COUN i I ; - CECIL XEWS UOARDMAX NEWS IOXE XEWS APRIL 2o, 1920. SJDtl TY Q., Ti rord son Tractor Demonstration INS (1 of dies 1 fn- COill .mlt. a if now ulng egon ity cge ?al oney at in It Ix when as it t all 25 a tit prcs-ll-te. else te lo 1 roof it the give . th-y I Hie JIMIIV II nrr Colin ilellcf on In tUnd. Today and Tomorrow Tuesday and Wednesday On Lawson Ranch South of Heppner Two new Fordsons will be in operation dem onstrating their practicability at plowing. If you are interested in modern farming methods come out and see this demonstration of what the Fordson is capable of doing on a hillside ranch. Chas. El. Latoureli Authorized Dealer Slar 3 Thursday, April 22 Bewitching Mae Murray in "The Scarlet Shadow" Life waa drab and sear for Elena until a romantic college boy came into her life. He climbed over the hedge that made her a prisoner, persuaded her to sneak out for a movie show that night, and then when after a gor geous evening he was helping her back Into her room, the ogre aunt dis covered them. Friday, April 23 "The Mayor of Filbert" Ho wandered Into Filbert elad In the rpga of a beggar, but the mighty arm of politics M niched forth to touch him and he became the mayor of the city. Corinne Griffith Saturday, April 24 in hm Ice' This ' (try of a young woman's fight for love nnd honor against Ircinc: dous odds rlw the talentid and beautllul Yitmtr.'iph tar imp of her best roles. The human Interest is strong . with n tr.wtcry !. mint well min tained, and tln te ate many scene of great dtumatlc Intensity. Also Larry Seman Comedy TLL BE D--" Sunday, April 25 WILLIAM FAVERSHAM IN "The Silver King" A Paramount-Artcraft Special l.i.4 A A 1 A A A Miss Georgia Summers of the Last Camp, spent the week end with Miss Bernice Franklin of Rhea. Mr. and Mrs. Claude L. Murray of lone, spent Sunday and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Barnes of Poplar Grove. Misses Violet Hynd and Lizzie Bahlm of Butterby Flats, were call ing in Cecil on Sunday. Martin Bauernfiend and friends of lone, made a hurried call in Cecil Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Jim Hardesty and family of Morgan, were trying out the Cecil Scenic Highway on Sunday with their Doit car. Mr. Gorton accompanied them. They spent a short time visit ing with J. V. Osborn. Mesdames A. and G. Henriksen of Willow creek ranch, were calling on Mrs. Clarence Winters- of Shady Dell on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Springer anad family of Heppner, arrived on Saturday and are staying at the Lookout. We understand the 0. W. R. & N railway is contemplating extending their siding at Ewing. We hear that John Nash is now busy grading the ground for that purpose. Otto Lindstrom of Morgan, was a business man in Cecil on Thursday, John H. Miller of Boardless Barn, who has been busy drilling a well for ! ! ! ? ! ! V V V V i r T t Mrs. Holmes Holman and her dau ghter, Marjory, who have been spend ing the past month with her sister, Mrs. G. B. Reese and other relatives, of Yakima, returned home Saturday. She was accompanied home by her sister who spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. John Cochran. She re turned home Monday. Mrs. Joe Bezley of Portland, is a. guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. Robert Sperry of this city, Mrs. Roy Cochran and little dau ghter came down from Heppner on Sunday and will visit a few days with relatives. Mrs. Gus Read and two children left Saturday morning for the home at Corvallis after spending several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. There was a lively meeting of the Boardman Farm Bureau on the even ing of the 16th, at which time reso lutions were passed favoring the ap propriation of money from the dis trict funds of d'strict No. 2 for a reconnaissance survey of the Board-man-Irrigon-Lexi'igton road. It was fj-iher resolved that the support of the organization be given the college niillage tax bill, the public school v iiilage tax bill and the state road -1 per cent bond im;t bill. A committee consisting of S. II. Boardman, A. L. L.irsen and W. H. Stewart was appointed to complete arrangements for a John Day Bo :.ter Buibecue to be held on the project some time in Jvnu just before the first, cutting of al a!"a. M-t. W. H. Stewart was elected W. T. Nabb. They were accompanied soc'al leader of the bureau and ( lie j home by her father who will visit at monthly meeting will in addition to the Read home. the business se.-;.iou be assured of E. J. Keller arrived Thursday even some social Ceat'ires regularly. ing from Milwaukee and at present Miss Bertha Davis of the home is visiting at the home of his mother, economics department of O. A. C. I Mrs. Alice Keller. Mr. Keller ex visited our schools and community on pects to make his home in lone and last Thursday. She was very favor- j will move his family as soon aa ably impressed and compliments I school closes at that place. Eastern Oregon in general on its up- I John Land, who has been visiting to-date buildings and progressive, his mother, Mrs. R. C. Land, at Twin spirit. With the election of Maude E Latnson, of Cove, Oregon, as home some weeks at last has struck a good ; economics teacher the faculty of the flow of water for J. J. McEntlre of Boardman schools is complete for the Killarney, on his hill ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Logan and family of Fairview ranch, Mr. Leon Logan and family of Four Mile, and sister, Miss Olive, of Portland, Mrs. Peter Nash, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Miller of Tighview, Mrs. Jim Hard esty and family of Morgan, also Mr. Gorton, spent Sunday visiting with J. W. Osborn and Mrs. Weltha Corn best at Cecil. Ernest Hartman arrived from Port- coming year. The other teachers are Naomi Runner and Blanche Sherman of Falls City, C. C. Johnson of Pull man, Wash., Miss Daisy Lee of Mil ton, Mrs. W. H. Stewart of Board man, Miss Myrtle McNeil, of Board man, M. B. Signs of Boardman as principal. rians have been completed for cafateria servjee in the school for the remaining weeks of the term. It is however, to be considerable of a land Sunday and Is now busy working problem and It Is rather amusing to with the surveyors around Cecil. j look over the school menu of a few Mr. and Mrs. Claud C. Clark of years back when quite an elaborate Arlington, accompanied by Mr. and ; iunch might be served for three cents. Mrs. Blackburn, made a short stay I The industrial club work is prog ln Cecil on Sunday. j vessing. There are standard clubs in Walter Pope left on Monday for ' m,wng I and II; poultry, I; cookery, Walla Walla where he will visit for pKi j. several individuals are also some time. I working on corn, sheep, pig II, etc. Mr. and Mrs. John Nash of Ewing. Aa goorl ils the seeds arrive garden and Mrs. Peter Nash of Cecil, were w(Mk wm )e started. All this will business callers In lone on Tuesday, j ,,, t0 the local and county fairs Jack Hynd of Butterby Flats, and A. Henriksen and son, Clifford, who have been missing front Cecil for the past few days, returned to their res pective homes on Wednesday, wiser i but sadder men. Mrs. Ben Barnes of Poplar Grove, next rail. The Grange has' appoint ed a fair committee, the farm bureau will do so and in cooperation with the school a fine showing will be made. Wilier will begin to run In the irri gation ditches at once. The town and spent Wednesday calling on her Cecil ! (ne ari,ool district are constructing friends. Mr. Lang of Spokane, represcnta- I tive of the Cleveland Tractor Com pany, was doing business around Cecil on Monday and Tuesday. M. O. Bennett, state highway en gineer and friend, Mr. Oliver, of Port land were surveying the new roads In the Cecil district on Thursday and Friday. NOTICE TO HOLD HONIr SAM . ff 11... o , a permanent water way iunn m- -. coiner of the school forty, R. Rands is doing the work. Falls, Idaho, for the past eight weeks returned home last Wednesday. B. A. Amy of The Dalles, came on Wednesday and spent a few days in our city on business. W. R. Cochran made a business trip to Hermiston Saturday returning Sunday evening. Miss Eva Lundell of rendleton,, came last week and will visit with relatives and friends. Mrs. John Wilt came home Friday after spending a few days in Portland and Moro. Mrs. Mary Ball left Friday for Fen dleton where she will spend several weeks with her son who Is there for the benefit of his health. Mrs. R. W. Brown came Saturday from Walla Walla and will visit for a few days with her husband and son Mrs. Brown has been spending the winter in Walla Walla keeping house for her daughter while they attend I ed school. Miss Margaret Cook of Bend, who has been visiting the. past month at the home of her sister, Mrs. Kennlth Blake, returned home Tuesday. Mrs. Blake accompanied her as far as Arlington, returning on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Painter and lit tle daughter, Miss Edwlna, of Walla Walla, who have been spending the past winter In California, touring the, state by auto, came Sunday lo visit with their friends Mr. and Mrs. It. W. Brown. They returned homo on Monday morning. PLANT l'OOIW IMTOltTANT Sealed bids will be received until the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., the 15th !day of May, 1020, and Immediately i then-after publicly opened by the l County Court of Morrow County, Ore. 'ogn, ut the office of said Court in the ! County Court House In Ihe City of Heppner. Oregon, for the purchase of bonds ol said County, Issued for the building of pet m i it 1 1 1 1 1 1 roads then-in ( In the sum of 12". ""0, same being In denominations of ti11"" ai li, num bered II tn Jim Inil'l iie, en id builds to bear date .Sown. her 1, 1'M'i, mi l to nintuie iiliMilnii ly without option of prior ri ,i n,,tii,n Now n.bor 1. I'i2't. said boinh to In ar liitcicrt ut not lo er...., -v p. r nut per an num, payable t einl arum . 1 1 y on May and Nou n, 1, 1. 1 (ii t, piirnipil and In ten-si payable la 1 ImI.-iI .-laie. rold coin t tin ill To ill t lie ( 'i.'in' Ti a Uier or l the I i i a I Al-eriiy or tin State of flngon in N'i Y"'k City Said bids run ' be in-e.,n pained b cerllflid rhwk f'.r T, 'i nut ol the f,ie value of tin- Iminli bid lor 4nl nur-t be urn oii'l 'ion.,1 Tin- i prov :fif e-,-al i pmi-n of M wm. Teal. M i... i K V. ,1,'!.. i, laH'1, On I'oh. II In- t 'I'll I'd I ' HM-' fill I'i'i'l. The Court I. i Mi !' Plants depend fo rsoil food chiefly upon ten soil elements-. Five of these are always present in cultivated soils, but five others are likely to be ex hausted by continued cropping. These limited five are nitrogen, phosphorus potaslum, calcium and sulfur. Soil surveys of Oregon counties to determ ine soil content and condition are un der way by O. A. C. and the 1'. S. 1). A. The flri.t publication of findings "The Soils of Jai-Vsoon County", has lust been bsued by the experiment station. O. A. C, Coivnllls. Copies are free. .!. to ; ) t any ' v .. i i j : ' . ri i ,liir' ('i.ui.i , 1 1 i .1 A V ... , I All I '!! Mil On" HI,; II on" 4 l ol. ' food rornl ', Kri'im-f Co h - ,'. Oregon ! i i i i. I I U-t .1 ' . i It M " If' I P 41tf ANNO! N T.MIAT In. f. II. liean announces that In ttill have Heppner about April 22 having enter ed Into n par lirer r lilp with rr. Selling, of Portland. lr II. . Hi wi-in s to i-xpii-SH bin iippi -rela tion 'if the splendid treiitnn ril lie has iii-elved fiom the people of Morrow rounly during Ills residence In'le. i would ah" appreciate bsving rill H, on. Ind. blid lo him to call and rnaktt settlement by or note b. lore the dale of bin departure, fiO f,l NOTICE All b t'iil voters should register. If v ..ii l, .iv (liuni'ed your W'limt In I.I I to e.HS, Or H'l' ll'd regltlereil fh'iuld ii'i'ii'l to 11.1s matter a' ,.nt,. In o.nlarit rniitler n to !" on I'.e pilri'Hry i-lmn.ri mid t! i'v to f i-1 t' r n fid linn ; 'ration books i lo. A pi tl Oil f l;. 2l- H M A W.MEP Colli!' 1 I lull sl I. ( III M' . , i-i. ' . -I l'i 1 1 In ion i ill in?oi ii.i'.' Ion lii'i'iii" 'o Wul'-l ll'i"'!. II' I'pfie L. P. Davidson, well known farmer of Eigbtmile and lone, announces bin candidacy for the Republican nomina tion for county commissioner In thin Issue of the Herald. It was announc ed a few days ago by the lone Inde pendent that Mr. Pailberg, present commissioner, has declined to run for the position this year. ti '. in fit or r. Ore. Cotf Appreciation. Thou bust tiiinle me known to friends whom 1 knew not. Thou hast given me scuts In homes; not toy own. Thou In hi brought the distant nerir inn! minli. it brother of the si ranger. When one l.nnus ihee, then alien there Is none, rhen no door Is shut. Oil riioit me my pincr Hint I may never Inst- Ilic lilies of til.' touch of the "lie, li Hie t.lav of tin' rniiriv. Tugore. E.Kjcr for Information. It'.l'i ll V.MS l il.ilof 'll, -lull. 'V llll'l 'lie tiU.-'t Inici. -ii"l him. inn. dnv In. tl.'ti' to Ml his Mimil brother -nine f.nt- Pointing to n vein in hi In Int. I Id : " I In- "tuff In Hint vein I i ci'S riic In art g.ilng; do ou know v.nis in if" "So," nut brothers 'lulck r.plv. "I don't know; what It Ii, oil or g i ?" The Old R'imtin Hou'hold, In'llie tas of old Itoiiin the culinary c piii ' ini-lil of no eli'giiiil c lnlill li merit l'..ii-'i.'l .'iris lln, , y.1'1, sIIht nrnl pulls of iirloiis ilost rliiloiis rich Iv Irdril'l 'I In re vi-re ,.gf frnm" tlmt v.o n, I io.,! twenty fi-i'H nt nine, irml I hi ' c v mo!. I t . 1 1 I like Wieiis, nrnl an'i' iis-ortiin ot of grldiroiis. frv ing l' ni '. gruters nn l tnrr ilhln . Tit Ocupationjl. An I'.fit'tt -li iii m ,ii(.i r s'icL'e' fin, ii'-ii ofe.rnrif r -n,,.s f'.r li"'i.-b"l'l liel., ii", f"r It. ' '. e ' I'lilnier" pai-lor In il'l, " It iii v" f'.r pi tieriil. "Mi nll" f"r . -ii', i mal l, rind so on A'l Mr f'. .ijt - In Hm first tfi.e ilnre ..ere tl,r,i. pnrlor rniihls. "fill II I ' t s r . 1 1 1 , il.iin us 'pit I in," piilrni r" nitd "Prilrrilst I'.nst.tri Trnri.i rl t,