Tuesday, April 20, 1920. THE HEPPNER HERALD. HEPPNER. OREGON PAGE THREE Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Em-nett. who; for several rears by E. L. Maddock, have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. loimerly of Hcppne:-. Enimett Cochrp.n for some time, left Emmcit Cochran drove to Arling i'or Arlington Thursday where Mr. i ton Fiid.iv returnine to lone for ihe Burnett has been appointed as re ceiver for the Hotel Grande. The hotel has been 0-wncd and operated Elks' dance th.it nifsht. Mrs. Coch ran met hir.i at lone : eturning with him in the car. iet sour ironies nxpress WHO ( AX SYMPATHIZE? lor NO TWO MKX AUK ALIKE IX l'ORM OR PERSONALITY". THAT'S WHY VOIR CLOTHES SHOULD BE MADE TO YOlTi MEASURE. YOU WILE GET TAILORED DISTINCTIVENESS IX Heppner Tailoring & Cleaning Shop THEN", TOO, YOU GET EXCLUSIVE FABRICS THAT ARE A IX W OOL, SHAPE PERMANENT, T A I L O R I X G THAT'S EXACTLY CORRECT, GARMENTS THAT ARE CHEAP- EST BECAUSE THEY DEFY HARD SERVICE. WW IX AXD BE MEASURED NOW G. FRANZEN teEaaaiaEaaraEBiaa "PERMANENT AS THE PYRAMIDS" ncrete Pipe Company Manufacturers Sewer and Water Pipe Irrigation Pipe Hollow Silo Blocks Cement Products The following letter wps quoted at a fx-ent corventirm of the Iowa State Retail Merchant?' association by Sen ator George M. Peterson, who is sec retary of the Minnesota association, as one he received from a menibc of the association in excusing his inabil ity to pay his association dues, says the Silverton Appeal. Possibly it may strike a responsive chord la some I other weary mercantile heart. Dear Senator: For the following reasons I am unable to send you the check asked for. I have been held up, held down, sand-bagged, walked on, sat' on, flat tened out and squeezed. First by the United States govern ment for federal war tax, the excels profit law, the Liberty Bond loans, thrift stamps, capital stock, mer chants' license, auto tax and eVery society and organization that the in ventive mind of man can construct to extract what' I may or may not have in my possession. From the Society of St. John,- the Baptist, the Grand Army 6? the Re public, the Woman's Relief, the Navy League,', the Red Cross, the Double Cross, the Childrens' Home, the Dor cas Society, the Young Women's Christian Association, the . Young Men's Christian Association the Boy Scouts, the Jewish Relief, the Bel gian Relief, .and every hospital in town. ' ' The government has so governed my business that I don't 'know who owns it. I am inspected, suspected, examined and re-examined, informed required and commanded, so I don't know who I am, where I am, or why I am here. All I know is that I am fupposKd to be an inexhaustable sup ply of money for every known need, desive or hope of the human race, and because I will not sell all I have and co out and beg. borrow or steal money, money to give away I am cused, discussed, boycotted, talked to, talked about, lied to, lied about, held up, hung up , robbed and nearly ruin ed, and the only reason that I am clinging to life is to see what in hell is coming next. Exchange. ment life insurance, amount to $190. 500.00 making a total business in re instatements and conversions far days of Suliii.oon.oo E. J. Evers, department adjutant and service office or the American Legion at Z-ts Morgan building, Port land, is making every possible effort to acquaint former service men and women with their rights and benefits under the war risk insurance act, and all concerned are urged to call or write to the above address where individual service awaits any claim they maw have against the govern ment to their service or counsel and advice in matters of their government insurance. Information on the above can be also obtained from the war risk officer of any post of the Ameri can Legion in the department of Ore gon by any ex-service man or their relatives interested in the same. WILLIAM FOLLETT, Dept. Com. EDWARD J. ElVERS, Dept. Adjutant. 1003 North 1(Kh St Phone 467 Walla Waila, Wash Boardman Lands Irrigated Tracts I HAVE .N MY LIST A ( Mi'i K OF : : "I lONALLV GOOD lil YS IN IMPROVED AND I NM'EO ED TRACTS IN THE ROAUPMAN I -IsTIHCT RANGING IV SlE FROM JO TO liiil ACRES. IRRIGATED LANDS ARE FUTURE WINNERS IOR A I-IMITI D TIME I CAN OIT'ER Most RE sONAIll.E l'l!ll i:s AND ATTRACTIVE TERMS ON THESE TRACTS REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND FARM LOANS Roy V. Whiteis WAR RISK IXSl'RAXCK The American Legion through the office of Department Adjutant of Ore gon,' 226 Morgan biulding, Portland Is doing an tnormous insuiance bus iness. A steady stream of former fighters of the army ,navy and marine corps are receiving advice ard attention on matters of their war risk Insurance The insurance department in also handling the claims lor additional overseas pay, travel pay, al'.otmer.l liberty bonds, ard a'so compensation matters tint are not sett'ed after (.-ij,!:ii .1 claims have been hied. Tli" records of the Imti'arce bui- m ss f'om the nth of M -rch to fit lilst show a total msine'it c' te-in-statements of iM:1,."iHi mi ; m! tv conv-iviiM to Unit i Stall- , p vern- Subscribe for the Herald only for a full year. The Eastern Elide and Junk Company WE HAVE MADE ARRANGEMENTS WITH MR. (.EO. SI. ( HilMPP, (!' HEPPNER, WHEUEliY HE WILL lil Y I OR I S HIDES, PELTS AND l'l'LLED YVOOL AS WELL AS ALL KiN IDS OF SCRAP IRON, RlP.lli.it, COPPER, Kit ASS AXD rags. i Y (. MAY REST ASSURED TH AT MR. SCHEMPP TREAT YOl RIGHT IN ALL II I 'SIX ESS RELATION'S MAY II AYE WITH HIM. ADDRESS: Geo. M. Scherrspp HEPPMIR, OREGON, WILL YOU OR CALL PHONE THE HEPPNER HERALD, ONLY $2.00 A YEAR !!! us s i! 1 i; vA lit m i! SMI I ft id ",t Hi til orrow Heights Addition Improvement Requirement Reduced to $1500 "RECONSIDERING THE CONTRACT PROVISION AS TO THE COST OF IMPROVEMENTS, AXD APPRECIATING THAT THE PRESENT COST OK HOLDING MAY NOT CO VI I N I E, A N D Til I IKEI'ORE RELI E I NG AS I DO, THAT A RESTRICTION OE $I.VH.M IS AMPLE PROTEC TION, HAVE DECIDED TO INSERT THIS SI SI IN THE CONTRACT IN LIEU OE Iji'JOOO.DO AS HERETOS'OltE ADVERTISER." J. W. MORROW I c?, 7 v .-' " . 1 In 1 'x , yi . . - ' jW "A Word to the Wise" says the Good Judge You want real chewing satisfaction. A little of the Real Tobacco Chew lasts o much longer than the old kind. You dont need a fresh chew nearly as of ton so it costs no more to chew this class of tobacco. Any man w ho uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put Up In Two Styles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-U CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco I V V. I I . -"1 " V In .preparation' for this week we searched ihe market to assure the best Ginghams to be found. And wc arc sure you will agree that we have been successful. In their crisp freshness, their wonder ful colorings and their attractive pat terns they offer unnumbered sugges tions for charming summer dresses. They are all fast colors so you may tub them as often as you please and know that they will retain their orig inal freshness. A. Jr. C. and Toilc du Nord Ginghams - - 40c Fabric Cloth and Renfrew Cloth - - 50c Thomson Bros. c