PAGE TWO THE HEPPNERHERALD. HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, April 20, i920 . LiMaii umm xsxri niiniT w as. f3 V 1, ... r . .. :" "i o.;;;,; ;;;r V;:M..v:MH.?v: ; w Bread Like Mother Used to MaKe You can have it if you use our famous HITE STA For Your Baking We have just received a car load of Spring Beardless Barley for Seed We pay highest cash prices for Hides, Pelts and Furs Heppner Farmers Elevator Co. nie state measures to :M the May 21 election amendment raUft : Is essential to early he state highway prc .leasure ino:-c---is;i,-., n., nstitutional limit' on state road nd indebtedness frc.m o ,... l"- ' '-CI. . to 4 p..-r cent of the assessed valuation of all property in Oregon. As the assessed value asrirrecates annrr,Tt. j n e!" $1,000,000, adoption of this amendment would enable the legislat (J 10 authorize the issue of a total ; of 40,000,000 of state highway ij bonds, including all that have been ) authorized or icsued to date. Unless jj ,h;s amendment is ratified, the exist (j in-,- 2 pei' cent limitation would hold , the bond is-uca down to ?20,000,000, ii aI1 of either has been issued or jj: 1:KS boea contracted ior in state high Ij.way vtort: to be completed during J ' 10 20. Ji Th- a'-ternative to authorize this ) increase to a nr.r oni t ... , J - t'- 13 LU let com- ! pletion of the state's main highways crag along after 1920 as they can be unproved from annual revenues, ds. : -allure to adopt this amendment is tair, to visit a heavy pt naity on the uties. It is ;Jn that ir ,):e ;t,lt llas in?uffi. l funds witii xvhloh to connect up "',Kln such a clamor will IP in many loealHies that the i:i-3 wi'! be forced to vote direct "MPS to construct rt In this event, the county ry vr.uI-J h:.-,- to carry the bur. li'-.t V.'OUM he hnvno .. by the a-to owner under the pending amendment. x0 one who has observ ed the tiend of sentiment in favor of completing these state highways but what is aware that it cannot be re strained, it the auto owners ere not permitted to have their own nor-ev used to build the roads at an early date, they will unite in support of anv direct tax thai mav be m means of getting the roads finished, j As a saleguard to protect property! from inevitable heavy taxation for' state roads, farsighted (, . i , , - aic giving this 4 per cent bonding amend ment their earnest support. Oregon has been sinenhivi,, fn,t nate in that the cost of state high-' ways has been held down bv an ex-1 ceptionally able and honest state j highway commission. Pa vino. lar line of sport are averse tc their favorite pastime exploited or abused is weli shown in a recent at tempt to stage a freal: gclf match. A wideawake press agent, in order tc get publicity for his golf course, ad vertised a tournament in which it was permissible for the gallery to shout, ring cow-bells and do anything save actuall ytoueh the players in physi cal contact. The game of golf calls for the best consideration of one's opponent while he is making a shot and no evert act is tolerated by the etiquette of the game. The ethics of golf are consid ered, by its devotees, as one of its principal charms. That the deliber ate infraction ot the rules did not .find favor with golfers was shown in , the fact that less than a dozen per jsons figured in the competition. Goiirrj who have the best inter ests rf the game at heart, by and large, resent exploitation of the sport by means of farce comedy and the press agent is likely to find more than good will come of the effort. AVOID THAT COLD Ttlend the rips And patch the holes, Build up the heels And save your soles. BOWERS SHOE SHOP, 44tf Main St., Heppner, Ore. Sam Hughes if. When your Plumbing goes Wrong Phone Us "HW'&tt ! 1 fewK-l'U'i, l ;' i; !,..," , " Vl lo "'fci cun.nnssion. Paving of Mate . j; xute a heavy direct slate tax on prop- j roads in Oregon has cost from 20 pe. (jerty such as has been nronnoerl for cent tn r,n ,,,. i i the iSovember election. The direct j tax proposeal is for a 5-mill state ! road tax, which would visit such a I heavy additional burde ' 1 erty that its enactment is unthLy ka li . ble c lung as there is anv ofh- r.iethod of financing the state high way program. As against the direct tax proposi tion, the bonding amendment m h. I voted upon May 21 contains distinct j advantages j " 1 1 a t oi tnse auvantages is to cot(i'.-to the state hir.-lnvay p- o- i- wnatsoever is in-; gram :s to im-uro its ea-lv completion voived in its ratification. The an- at a minimum of cost for a maximum nual revenues from the present auto of rtturn for each dollar spent license fees and gasoline tax will 1 1 amply finance both principal and in-: terest of the entire $40,000,000 bonds i that have been and can be issued tin- i der the 4 per cent limitation. No in crease in either of these fees will be lequired, and as said, no property! tax whatsoever. i A table has been compiled by the ' J legislative committee and published in the official state pamphlet, mailed neen proposed for cent to 50 per cent less than in most! other states, and this lower cost has1 been in spite of (he advantages pos- j sessed by most other states in the' : lower cst of load materials. In no ! oths-r state, without exception, has! , Pulic sentiment been able to draft ' into the public seivice highway eom ; milonois of the x calibet, rcputat, : ami ability 0f the men who have serv-' : ed Oregon in this capacity ai:d are new on the commission. To provide this cem,;::-sion with adcninto "1 SN WirJ t 1'ACIFIC COAST SPOUTS mm 7 e and Fancy oceries mi JJ -I to registered voters, showinz the in- It. i ... . auto licenses fees and eas ; 1 or5' 01 tne Parne in that citv. bond "KUie is the more remarkable in that it matched the attendance in V! come t'l-run i tax and also the interest and redemption nnvmenta ttiw Ktl made from year to year until all the ! Francifo bonds have been redeemed. This table reveals thac besides tailing tip interest and principal of nil the bonds the it-venues ficra auto license fees and gasolini' tax will yield an annual surplus, to be used for other state hit'hway purposes. The revenue fig-uri-d upon for bond Interests and re doinption doi-s not include any part If the attendance in the various ! eitiV on the opening dav of the Pacif ic coast baseball league can be taken as a criterion, the indications are that the "xnoetatioti". of - .. - j- " jaii are ikely to be rnnsmi!-!i tp,i s.,.,.. mento, with its 14,nno attendance had the biggest atienthmrp ir, This ccih-' t ob tained. t!i tunity -.f at the e;, i.i. in i-ig go. nioie l"a:i da low. "'he i i a-Iit-?-." do n lat'T In the : woathe- and not ; mi ge'S I'' oiling li.t- pit, (l.i the inouril: men lieg'n li'.eii b. rt woil;, 11 Ir tin 1 1 i k at all for n let of the best of the bitten io maintain an nv ! ,i;m ( f -Inn Mm diririr ;h fii-it i'fi'-r t! al it doesn't in be in id'. -d dnwi; n in "iii!c In M-t 1 a' fLige pitcli- !-. :i tin ,i' ; n hi 2 "iVNIV' m I Wt- iiir'kf a sjifcially of rjuick repair work, keep I ill'. alwaNS I ' i ; i ( ' - (!'! matiM-i-ih- -it,,1 ,-,,,, t'..- ,- """ 8 r the proceidr, ,f the ;!.) license m."h:i t M'- !CC. l", that an-uirm d ev. r ! t, .-coun- I If y-.u h:a.- n-v-.- ,1 at yn- (,, fj,,;,. rrLHM.lH-ptVu' I , , , , ' " -1 - ' ' inii-i t.'i-cil C '" V "!'u ; iolM'.'Mi:. io ivc y,,i! J-cr.Vct v. th u- -tnc! ,!. a-id tin r,,.- i atnl i; .-: not ; i- a ic CVorv panic- " ,"! "!' !- 'I'" I -i!l:!!l:.luriimr money M ZtZnuZ. ZT'l 1 lll.'.lo- il 1 lt,''l. g .iniftoTe ix,,.,- ... ,.,id. This 1 I table ,v h- !i wii! la in the ; mis of Peoples Hardware iSlligl I I uveam fitua two .-.itoiaobiUy I K f.rit 3 souiv. v. d! I..-ahuiidaia to i.ili,. cure I 'LQfsljjJony :ZZZZ?'ZLT1V; M ith.'iit . ay jo i p. i ,y tax lti tlie li ;!it KWaimi''f,'"iWI!WWi(BtB .i'. i .. .th ,!;i,.ii in table, il , lew w lei! i '"- I i-i '-uk o i t.ix'iii m lo la':" I'u-m ioe " ..., , , , , I. t- t,.. ,l l.-- Of '!,...,t .-tl ' i.irt- ". - i. . i v . , :, i f,.w K.i !,. in, s(. (' l'i Ij ' - ! ...a.- -id- tmii'h ai uii.M'nn.' i ,l Jk A " Cti LlX .., ,. ,,,,,, ... (.sn ,,..,,,..,,, ...... , fl 7.-..--.-. ..rr jjl .- '. ' r.-:., ... ' -...!. ,11 mil,.;.,:.,;. It , 1 ' ' ' ' ! , h. , . ,. ,. " v:; ,' ( '. ii wi- jj ,..,,,.-,,,.,, , , ,., -i .-, .-. 'i . i , i n .M .,h.-r it !" ' ! ' '".' '. KN-'WN . k ',.f I ;!' ' " ""- 11- .l. o !... I.M .'oi. ... .1. .. h, lb. ,,,v , h.. I, m, (,.,,. j ': ..!!.... tl V.. f ,hl !" o.u : ''. io .!'. ,.! I he sn 1 of .to..!, ni.ibl,. ... !.i 11 V i., t.M, , , ,i ( ' II th- ! Io .o ln.ihiric Of l! . ti 1 .in. ' .ii pi up.'! i i .hi, t!,ii: v ,1! ' '' '' '"' ' :'. e,: Ib.-ti ,. i,., I ...n- !.oi f.c hiK!m;i., (. M It ft ill .1.111,1 , H let .i! I" fll-lM. ...I f.M t!,.. pi, ,tu. II 1,1 -''' ' 1 ! 1 .-..I-. IIi-i tmluf. of al' i'-e .. .-lit atui t '.e.l.iiy '" ' ''' '.'' - ' . .e 4 ,,j,. t,,li. Jj t.f II a,. I. , . . Ii III !.!.' ..'1 I . !... ,! t Oi!,.( ( I " O C ii 1 1 ' ''' '-.',11 e: I rarniprc V fnrktTrnt'cf? n. . i t.i-,,1.' I m. wiuwn,i .e . , III I I I'll t' ,..?;. f . 1 0 1 !! 1 national L'ani j ;;;; ; ' .! I iii'Mtikirn rtuis., I i ii ! t " jjjj "' yu 'n In the case of San Fran cisco, however, it may be said that 14.000 persons is the capacity or Re creation Park. v. hat the attendance might have been had there been fur ther accommodations will remain unanswered. Reports from Silt Lake Citv and of. All kinds Fresh fruits and Vege tables in season. Garden Seeds, Onion Sets, American Wonder and Burbank Seed Fa.atoes. ties Dam Hug i Los Angeles tell t.(. pnnie story banner crowds. The usual cm. , les consisting of parades .flag rais ings and participation by .-t.ti.. or city official also w. re a part of the various programs, For t ie net few 'vi . k,.., ;i; rt.0. ' '' r (!(. ! noiin-; l,.i' !(: v-'d h ive ;- n opnor al'i n i r t p tl-.-ir av. .agi ;i ii.-.- of I !m rilc'n.f", ti n go. i' . ' :!) : s'art for l!ie ' (ii. i' a c ii';. ly to fi,l n lo'- thV. is that th i so t into form until , 'son. H f.. still cold i' at in sun ; ir.g arms tl Be', in Farmers and Stockmen it's Like This If you are ir-I'ncd to - ,i, ,..,..... at n , . ,,,e wlun ..viybod, .ans to buy- K yn w..nt f. ii;e and take' things ;1-a while, take aih. i.tag,. f the pnvent con- dnions and 1 t.-t your h.r.d with me al once. Let the other fel low or the younger n,.-n do the work and make the money fr n wo!!.-. ill give yu ,,,. luh 1( . viKorous entliusiastic grip upon life again. A I I III MiVKHAI. MOM lis on AKKI l . H!T, I II 1VK SI I UI D A I 1ST OK l ISlDIi It I V K I S W H f MILL V.K UI KK wmiiv THL liT KAVS To I OOK AT Vol 11 I.AM). co:i; IV AMI LlsT Now. E. M. SHUTT The R?al Estate Man Up-stairs in Court House for I hey do 1;. i i d.-w tl th ' t !ie . av:i. a : i t. , ' pi:, .. k i (' or all 11.1 ...1 . ti .ft ,p,l La III. d nt n ! out an itii.-i minabl.' ler.Kth . I luilhiiiK lueie d-tioralix- II I i ".' p- m! - I , , !. t ,r mil tlt.t t ..- .,( futi.U ilH hith t.i u..( h t..i!r a iliit . ill tl l. tllrj lh, ,J U't f or. ) en il I Ml tl, ' t'l - t pi i i ti a P'f.M pi tlu.-.-l and !hn llIK to the lii"i.i!c of both pla.'i and H'im t.iioK a ti e iKltt f in audi.-n'-e brKlnntnit to file out of Ihe Krminil tipfotv the play ( xct. While th pl.lVen tun I cntrlluiH' it Kt to f,lt and cflsppy pl iy, in the nalyl. II l up to the UMiplira In nr to It that H i time i ,itp. lirttl a t. fm bow r.. th. n 'ul. fn a lnr.ii ay to belt, i ink (! "( ronditi-'tia ! In tii e t'l' t of tle!,i me the s.m.f ; '- pn one p!..T ran tin -oup i.i te..k ' . I ! . n k .1 1 .. it th, n n p ti t . t hu talo-n la an riern ty ! m4 I im li up b'f i pitching rfr ) bull If rluna jtlt j to plraw their (.i!!..n it ul.t tie a ! thine f..r !, i iati isef to j a littl conti.!niial rhat mlth Ma hlttlria a tol lilipH the infot matioo thai tapij flir Ihr ordff of h Thit thf fwlloarii of any paitini V . I I' V .iv.ti. ,:-s- 0 i' lit W3 . 7 l ft 'z. ctjv Choice. Cuts of the Best Meats EVERY HOUSEWIFE WANTS TOSERVE THE best in Meats to her family.. She can be assured she r iioi K ii mu- mns inr .Mcau at hop which is conducted in conformity with modern methods of .sanitary marketing;. Central Market McNAMER 4 SORENSON, Props.