Tuesday, April 13, 1920. THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE SEVEN I LEGAL NOTICES j t t APPLICATION' FOR JUDGMENT FORCLOSIXG TAX LIENS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County. Morrow County, Oregon, a Public Corporation, Plaintiff. VS. W. C. Becktell, M. B. Evans, E. J. Keller, Archer Rice, W. H. Macom ber, The Paryin Company, a cor poration, George E. Quiggle, H. C. Robertson, G. I. Robinson, Iva G. Sellwood, Otis Shepardson, Oliff Shepardson, E. A. Wickline, and Asa L. Young, and any other per . son or persons owning or claiming to own, or having or claiming to have any interest or estate in or to the real property hereinafter described, Defendants. Summons of Notice To W. C. Becktell, M. B. Evans, W H. Macomber, The Parvin Company, a corporation, George E. Quggle, Iva G. Sellwood, Otis Shepardson, Oliff Shepardson, E. A. Wickline and Asa L. Young, and any other person or persons owning or claiming to own or having or claiming to have, any Interest or estate in or to the real property hereinafter described, De fendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You and each of you are hereby notified that the above named Plaintiff, a Public Corpora tion, is the purchaser, owner and holder of certificates of delinquency Mumhnrerl filS R2K 844. fiRS. 660 661, 662, 673 and 676, Numbers 612 and 625 thereof being Issued on the 19th day of May, 1915, and Numbers 644, 653, 660, 661, 662, 673 and 676 thereof being issued on the 20th day of May, 1915, by the Sheriff and Col lector of Delinquent Taxes for Mor row County, Oregon, and filed by said Sheriff and Collector of Delin quent Taxes in the office of the County Clerk of Morrow County, Ore gon, pn the dates of issuance thereof, respectively, for taxes due and de linquent, together with penalty, in terest and costs thereon, upon real property situate in Morrow County, Oregon, . You (ire further notified that the amount for which s-aid certificate is Issued is set opposite and following the description of the tract or parcel of land Urelnafter set out, t'ne same being the amount then due and de linquent, for the taxes for the year 1912, together with penalty, interest and costs thereon, upon real property situate In Morrow County, Oregon, and particularly bounded and des cribed as hereinafter Bet forth; said tract or parcel of land being assessed for the year 1912 to the first person whose name Immediately precedes description thereof, and Is followed by the name of the person appearing to be the owner (hereof, as appears on the tax roll of Morrow County, Oregon, now la the hands of the Sheriff of said county for collection, at the date of the first publication of this summons and notice, which date is the 17th day of February, 1920. CertlflcU No. (12, W. C. Becktell and W. C. Becktell, North half of Nertheaat quarter (N NBK) Sec tion Sixteen (IS), Township Three (3) North. Rams Twenty-six (2) East of Willamette Meridian, 13.(5. Certificate No. 25, M. B. Evans and M. B. Evans, Lots 1 aad 2, Block 6 of the town of Castle Rock, Oregon, SO. 85. Certificate No. C44 W. H. Macomber and W. H. Macomber, South half of Southwest quarter (S4 SW.i) of f-3ectlcn Twenty-sovon (27). Town ship Two (2) North. Range Twenty three (23) East of Willamette Meri dian. 12.30. Certificate No. (53 The Patvln Com. pany. a corporation, and the Tarvln Company, a corporation, and George E. Quiggle, South half of the North east quarter (3 4 NEVi). and South half of the Soulhraitt quarter of the Northwest quarter (S4 SEH NWU) of Section Sixteen (16). Township Three (3) North, Range Twenty-six (26) East of Willamette Meridian, 14.40. Certificate No. 160. Iva O. Bell wood and Iva G. Sellwood. lota 1 and 2, block 4 of the town of Cattle Rock. Oregon, I1) 85. Certificate No. MI, Otis Shepard- ...... . n .1 nil- CI,iDr.Uin Vi.rlh half "U IIN PII'YBiHWIli ........ jt Northeast quarter (N4 NEVi). .-touthenut mianer of Northeat quar ter (SEU NE'4). ! Northeast quarter of Southeast quarter (NEU PE. Section Nine (). Towohlp SIX () South. Range Twnty-elht (21) East of Willamette Meridian. 112.90. Certificate No. M2. Oliff flhepard son and Oliff Shepsrdwin. North half of NorthweM quarter (N4 NW4), Southwest quarter of NorthweM quarter (SW'U NW4), and North west quatter of Southwest quarter (NW SWV,). Section Ten (10). Township Six ) Houth. lUnae Twcnty eialt (28) Est of WitUm H Merldisn. 112 Q. Certificate No. 873. E. A. Wick line and E. A. Wickline, West half of West half of Southwest quarter of Southeast quarter (W W4 SW SE), and West half of Southwest quarter of Northwest quarter of Southeast quarter (W SW NW14 SE14), of Section Seventeen (17), Township Three (3) North, Range Twenty-four (24) East of Willamette Meridian, $1.05. Certificate No. 676, Asa L. Young and Asa L. Young, all of Section Six teen (16), Township Six (6) South, Range Twenty-seven (27) East of Willamette Meridian; all of Sec tion Sixteen (16). Township Six (6) South, Range Twenty-eight (28) East of Willamette Meridian; and all of Section Sixteen (16), Township six (6) South, Range Twenty-nine (29) East of Willamette Meridian, $146.95. The said amounts bear interest as follows: The taxes aforesaid bear in terest from the date of the filing of said certificates of delinquency, res pectively, at the rate of 15 per cent, per annum until paid, the dates of Tiling of said certificates of delin quency being the dates hereinbefore set forth. And you and each of you are here by summoned to appear within sixty days after the date of the first publi cation of this summons, exclusive of Oregon, did, on the 7th day of Janu ary, 1918, file in this office swrtrn statement and application. No. 018826, to purchase the NW SW!i Section 13. Township 4 South, Range 27 East, Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the pro visions of the act of June 3, ,1878, and acts amendatory, known as the "Timber and Stone Law," at such value as might be fixed by appraise ment, and that, pursuant to such ap plication, the land and timber there on have been appraised, at $130.00, the timber estimated 80 M board feet at $1.00 per M, and the land $50.00; that said applicant will offer final proof in support of his application and sworn statement on the 5 th day of May, 1920, before TJ. S. Commis sioner, C. C. Patterson, at Heppner, Oregon. Any person is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or initi ate a contest at any time before pat ent issues, by filing a corroborated affidavit in this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry. C. S. DUNN, Register. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Ol .XTY C LKRK To the Republican voters of Mor row County: 1 hereby announce that I will be a candidate for the Repub lican nomination for County Clerk at the primary election to be held on the 21st day of May, 1920. Pd Adv. J. A. WATERS, Incumbent. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, TJ. S. Land office at T.n Ovnnrtn nresrin the day of first publication thereof, i February 14tn- 19,0 iu-wii; reuiufcuy 1, lsu, auu ue- fend this suit in the Court aforesaid, or pay the amount' due as shown Notice is 'hereby given, that HERBERT E. INSTONE, above against said tracts or parcels, of Lena, Oregon, who, on February of land, respectively, above described, i 15th, 1915, made Homestead Entry of which you are the owner, or in 'No. 014313, for S NE, SEi, which you have, or claim to have, Section 4: and E NE, Section 9, any interest or estate, together with Township 2 South, Range 29 East, interest anil costs accrued in this suit Willamette Meridian, has filed notice thereon. Service of a cony of your of intention to make three-year proof, answer or other process may be made to establish claim to the land above upon the undersigned attorney for described, before J. A. Waters, Clerk plaintiff, at ihe place specified be- 'of County Court, of Heppner, Oregon, low as his address, and in case of on the 14th day of April, 1920. your failure so to do, judgment and Claimant names as wittnesses: decree will be entered against you' Phil Hi'rl, of Lena, Oregon; Fran and each of .you, foreclosing said tax .els McCabe, of Lena, Oregon; Ed. liens for the amount set opposite and Doherty, of Lena, Oregon; Phil Hig following the description of said tract gins, of Lena, Oregon, or parcel of land above set forth, to- i C. S. DUNN, gether with interest and costs there- Register, .... ...... 1- 1 land and said tracts or parcels of land COUNTY SHERIFF I hereby announce to the Demo cratic voters of Morrow County that I will be a candidate for the nomina tion for the office of Sheriff of Mor row County at the primary electfon to De neld May 21, 1920. If nomina ted and elected I expect to enforce the laws of the State of Oregon, to the best of my ability and without fear or favor. CHAS. B. SPERRY, Pd Adv. lone, Oregon. COUNTY SHERIFF I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Sheriff of Mor row County, subject to the will of the republican voters at the coming pri mary election to be held in May, 1920. pd adv. GEO. McDUFFEE, COUNTY TREASURER I hereby announce to the republi can voters of Morrow county that will be a candidate for the republican nomination for County Treasurer at the primary election to be held on the 21st day of May, 1920. pd adv. KATIE MINERT. will be sold to satisfy said judgment and decree obtained in this suit. You are hereby further notified that the plaintiff will apply to the Circuit Court aforesaid for judgment and decree foreclosing said tax liens against said property, hereinbefore described. This summons is published once NOTICE In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Morrow. In the matter of the Estate of JOHN F. LENTZY, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned, Mrs. Mary L. Fairfield, ad mlnistratrix of the Estate of John F each week for sixty consecutive days Lentzy, deceased, has filed her final in the Heppner Herald, a newspaper account in the County Court of the of general circulation in Morrow County, Oregon, published weekly at Heppner in said County, the date of first publication thereof being Febru ary 17, 1920, said publication being made In pursuance of an order there- State of Oregon, for the County of Morrow and that the 15th day of May, 1920, at the hour of 10:00 A. M., of said day at the Court House at Heppner, Oregon, In said County and State, has been appointed as the for made by the Honorable Gilbert time and place for the hearing of ob jections to the said final account and settlement thereof. Date of first publication April 13, 1920. 1 Date of last publication May 11, 1920. MRS. MARY L. FAIRFIELD, ' Administratrix, j ARTHUR M. GEARY, Attorney. 60-65 Care of WoodHon & Sweek. W. Phelps, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County, said order having been made and entered on the 6th day of February, 1920. MORROW COUNTY, STATE OF OREGON, By Samuel E. No toon, District At torney for Morrow County, Oregon, and Attorney for Flalntlff; whose address is Heppner, Oregon. 42-61 DISTRICT ATTORNEY To the republican voters of Mor row County: I am a candidate for the nomination for the office of Dis trict Attorney at the ensuing primary election. pd adv. S. E. NOTSON. Forty years In the District of Co lumbia without having set font on the streets! Such was the record of sev eral of the sisters of the Visitation convent, formerly located at Connecti cut nvenue and L street Northwest I am told on nuthorltv. For fortv years these sisters lived in the school, taking their exercise In the spacious grounds back of the building, sur rounded by a high wall. As you go past the building now you see It al most razed to the ground by wreckers the building and site having been sold recently for a big price. So the eood sisters at last came forth from their cells and trod ngnln the streets of the national capital for the first time in forty years. Washington Ktnr. GRACE NOTICE Ail legal voters should register. If you have changed your precinct In last two years, or are not registered, you should attend to this matter at once. Important matters are to bo voted on at the primary election and it is your duty to register and then vote. Registration books close April 21st. J. A. WATERS, 48-51 County Clerk. SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT I hereby announce to the republi can voters of Morrow County, that I am a candidate for the nomination for the office of County School Sup erintendent, at the primary election, May 21, 1920. LENA SNELL SHURTE, pd adv. Co. School Supt. P. POLK fxfy-& ' h "y k 1 Iff WT For all the local and county news you should read the Herald, only $2.00 for a futl year. V- Mrs. Grace Porterfleld Polk, eminent composer, who ha established In Greenwood, Ind., the "Greenwood Com munlty House," where the struggling unknown composers may occasionally meet and exchange Ideas with the vet erans and successful members of tho profession. An Oregon family of four had $100 a month to get along on in 1913, but had grown into a family of ten with only $45 a month income in 1920, how in the world would it live? Tjat Is the Case' With The State University, the Agricultural College, and the Oregon Normal. In 1913 they had 2250 students; now they have 5400. And $1 in 1913 is only as good as 4 5 cents today, in purchasing power. If You Yourself Were Responsible could you carry on the work of the College, University and Normal on the same state support as in 1913? Ton Could Not Neither can the State University, the Agricultural College, and the Normal School do it. Will you not help these three institutions to continue their useful and productive work for Ore gon by voting on May 21 for the Higher Educational relief measure? Paid advertisement inserted by Colin Dyment in behalf of the Joint Relief Committee for Higher Education In Oregon, 514 Pittock Block, Portland. NOTICE FOR PUBUCATIOX Department of the Interior U. S. Land office, at La Grande, Oregon, January 31st, 1320. Notice Is hereby given that KATHERINE HIGGINS NOTK'K FOR ITHI.K'ATIOX Department of the Interior, U. S. Land office at The Dalles, Oregon, March 19th. 1920. Notice Is hereby given that JAMES C. WAID, of Stanficld, Oregon, who, on Febru- whose post office address Is Lena, ary 16th. 1917, made Homestead En- Oregon, did, on the 24th day of Oc tober, 1918, file in this office sworn statement and application No. 019392, to purchase the NEVi 8E4, 3H NEVi. Section 6. and NWA4 SW4, Section 4. Township 4 South, Range 2'J East, Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provision of the art of June 3, 1878, anil arts amendatory, known as the Timber and Stone Law," at such value as mlclit be fixed by appraise ment, and that, pursuant to mrh ap plication, the land and timber there in luve been appraised at 1538.00, the timber estimated 424 M board feet at 7 3" per M. and the land 1220 04; that said applicant wilt or dr f.nal proof In support of his ap plication sn l sworn statement on the 4th day of May. 1920, before l S. Commissioner, C. C. Patterson, at Heppner, Oron. Any petson Is at liberty to protest this purrha before entry, or Initiate context at any time before patent liim). by Mint" a rorroborsted affi davit In this ofrire, alleflnx farts which mould defeat the entry. C. fl. DUNN. Rlter. vti : nii 11 iiur.uiox Iwpartmenl of the Interior V. R. Land office at La Grande, Oreon, January 1M, 1)20. Notlie Is hereby Riven thst CHARLES n. DYKSTHA. shoe post offk addrea Is lepnr, try, No. 0184 42. for W'H EH. Sec tion 9. Township 1 North, Range 26 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed 1 notlre of Intention to make final 1 three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before J. I A. Waters, Clerk of the Circuit Court, j at Heppner, Oregon, on tho 25th day' of May, 19 20. j Claimant names as wlttnessea: j Editar L. Ditty, of Erlut, Oregon; , Shiiiui'I J. Klrhie, of Lexington, ne- iton; David C, !i"vnll. ft '.x'n"ton, Orev-on; Carl I.' Mu v or ;,i x-, Inxton, Oteson. 1 II. FRANK WOODCOCK. Register. wrtiJir mm !i":"rt.T.' House Cleaning Time Here is F. A. McMENAMIN LAW V HI Roberts Uldg. Heppner, Ore. Office I'hone Msln (43 Residence Phone Main MS ROY V.WHITEIS it iiano: IIEAI, I'.NTArK, im, Heppner OiRon DR. CLYDE R. WALKER I IIVHK IW AMI HI M rtxoe cnne1tts lone, Oregon SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTOH:YATI.JtW. H'ppaer Oeo Our stock is complete in this line. Soap. Washing Powder, Water and plenty of muscle mi ul s oiiii; i:or.ti, to thih ki: iii: ron making m FitYTiiixi miiw;. 111 t vor r.w 111.1m 1: the mi su.k work at m:st m:-iiam' IF YOI' K THE SOAI'H AMI WAHHIMi m'lil:lt WE 1 1. UK III I'.K. Why not order now and cut your work in half House Cleaning Needs Are Here Phelps Grocery Co.