0 I PAGE SIX THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, April 13, 1920 SIMMONS In the Circuit CouCrt of the State ( f Oregon, for Morrow County. ')'. J. Mahoney, Surviving Trustee f the Trust Kstate of J. P. Rhea, an Insolvent Debtor, Plaintiff. vs. J. P. Rhea, Paul Keitman, D. H. Wilsay, Ed Cluff, John Hughes, Mrs. E. Howard, Oscar Borg and Anna ilnr;j, Executor and Eaxecutrix of the Last Will of P. O. Borg, deceased; Mary R. Halvorsen, E. L. Padberg, Lydia E. Ray, Louis J. Padberg, W. H. Padberg, and J. H. Padberg, heirs at I.mw of' Henry Padberg, deceased; Chris LeTellier, E. L. Padberg, M. Bella Thompson and 'Ralph Thomp son, heirs at law of J. A. Thompson, deceased; George V. Smith, W. V. Smith, The First National Bank of Heppner, Oregon, a corporation, Pauline Quaid, Ralph Swinburne, hair at law of E. R. Swinburne, de cerned; W. T. McN'abb, James N. Lu-ji.-t , It. C. Morris, Mary D. Mcllaley, Trustee for the Beneficiaries under the Last Will of J. H. McHaley, de ceased; Fanny Rood, heir at law of Ed Hood, deceased; Nicholas Jonas, A. M. Markham, K. F. Hughes, M. S. Corngall, J. li. Natter, Jeff Evans, Belli! I,e Lande, Eva Magrunn and C. A. Rhea, Defendants. To I). H. Wilsay, Lydia E. Ray, CIiriH LeTellier, George W. Smith, W. VV. Smith, Ralph Swinburne, R. C. Morris. Nicholas Jonas, Jeff F, van, :nd Belle Le Lande, of the defendants above named. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oil EGON: You, and each of you are hereby required to appear and an:;wer the complaint filed againHt you in the above entitled suit on or beime six weeks from the 23rd day or March, 1 ! j 2 0 , to-wit: On or be fore the Oth day of May, 1920, and if you fail to so appear and answer the plaintiff will apply to the Court for I he relief demanded In his com pl iiiU herein, namely: The object of this Buit is to obtain a decree authorizing the Trusee of the Trust set forth in the complaint h t"iii to sell, mortgage, lease, ex change, improve or otherwise deal with tiie property embraced in said trust , In accordance with the prayer of said complaint, and more particu larly as follows: The ratification and confirmation of the ai ts of William Hughes, E. D. Rood and the plaintiff herein, ns co tnr iees of the trust estato of the d -I -udtint, J. P. Rhea, and of the pliiiililf herein as surviving trustee of mid Mint estate, and for authority Gilliam Can cut down your high cost of liv ing by selling you A Sliarpless or a Primrose Cream Separator . that will save al! the Cream A Surehatch Incubator that will Hatch the Chickens while the Hen Lays the Eggs An Electric or a Hand Power. Washing Ma chine that keeps the Laundry bills at home A Perfection Oil Cook Stove that lessens the fuel expense A Torrington Electric Sweeper that makes Mouse Cleaning a Pleasure Come in and sec these machines. All sold on a positive guarantee. Your money refunded if not satisfied Gilliam & Bisbee to carry out the terms of a certain and for such other and further or contract heretofore, entered into be-' ders as may be necessary and proper tween the said co-trustees and one Nettie Mason for the sale of the fol- j lowing described lands, belonging to the said trust estate, to-wit: The West half of the Northwest quarter, the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter, and ' the South half of Section Two, (2) ; the South west quarter of Section One (1); the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter and the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section Nine (9); The Northeast quarter, the Southwest quarter and the South half of the Northwest quarter of Sec tion Ten (10) ; the North half of Sec tion Eleven (11); the Northwest quarter of Section Twelve (12); the North half and the Southeast quarter of Section Sixteen (16); in Township Two (2), South Range Twenty-four (2-1), East Willamette Meridian, con taining 2040 acres, all in Morrow County, Oregon. For the confirmation of the sale o fthe following described lands to one Lee Slocuni, to-vlt: Beginning at the Northwest corner of Southwest quarter of Southwest quarter of Section Twenty-six (26), in Township Two, (2), South Range Twenty-six (26), East Willamette Meridian, running thence South six teen (16) rods, thence East ten (10) rods, thence North sixteen (16) rods, thence West ten (10) rods to the place of beginning ,in Johnson's Ad dition to the Town of Heppncr, con taining one acre, and North half of Southwest quarter, South half of Northwest quarter, North half of Northwest quarter of Section Twenty- six (20), Township Two (2), South Range Twenty-six (26), East Wil lamette Meridian, containing 240 acres, all in Morrow County, Oregon For authority to sell the tsecurities to be taken on said sale to said Net tie Mason. For decree of the court fixing and determining the amounts due the res pective claimants and the said judg ment creditors, and the amount to bo paid each thereof pro rata, and fixing and allowing reasonable at torney's fees for the handling of said trust estato and for the bringing of this Hiiit, and for the payment of the costs of this suit, and further de creeing the distribution of the mon eys then remaining in plaintiff's hands as such trustee to the respect ive creditors according to the respect ive amounts found due them, and fur ther decreeing that said trust estate be closed and Bottled and the plain- tiff discharged as trustee thereof, herein. This summons is served upon you by publication hereof once a week for a period of six weeks, in the Heppner Herald, a weekly newspaper of gen eral circulation in Morrow County, Oregon, published at Heppner, under and by virtue of an order duly made and entered in this cause, by the Honorable Gilbert W. Phelps, Circuit Judge of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County, and the date of the first publication of this summons is March 23rd, 1920, and the date of the last publication hereof will be May 4th, 1920. SAM E. VAN VACTOR, Attorney for Plaintiff, Post Office, Heppner, Oregon. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County. T. J. Mahoney, Surviving Trustee of the Trust Estate of C. A.' Rhea, an Insolvent Debtor, Plaintiff. vs. C. A. Rhea, T. J. Matlock, Emma Welch, Chris LeTellier, Hanry Black man, James Fitz, Oscar Borg and Anna Borg, Executor and Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of P. O. Borg, deceased; The First Na tional Bank of Heppner, Oregon, a corporation, Sarah F. Wall, heir at law of W. F. Wall, deceased; Mable Hughes, M. S. Corrigall, John Mar nion, Sybil McSwords, Nicholas Jonas, Ralph Thompson and M. Belle Thompson, heirs at law of J. A. Thompson, deceased; E. F. Day, Fan ny Rood, heir at law of Ed Rood, deceased; H. D. Wood, Mary D. McHaley, Trustee for the Beneficiar ies under the Last Will of J. H. McHaley, deceased; E. W. Rhea, J. B. Natter, John Hughes, Jeff Evans, A. M. Markham, K. F. Hughes, Paul ine Quaid, Ralph Swinburne, sole heir at law of E. R. Swinburne, de ceased; Belle Le Lande, George W. Smith, Eva Magrunn, Jack Marnott and J. P. Rhea, Defendants. To Emma Welch, Chris Le Tellier, Henry Blackman, John Marmon, Sybil McSwords, Nicholas Jonas, H. D. Wood, Jeff Evans, Ralph Swin- bourne, Belle Le Lande, George W. Smith and Jack Marnett, of the De fendants above named. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You, and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before six weeks from the 23rd day sbee of March, 1920, to-wit: on or before the 5th day of May, 1920, and if you fail to so appear and answer the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in his complaint herein, namely: Tha object of this suit is to obtain a decree authorizing the Trustee of the Trust set forth in the complaint herein to sell, mortgage, lease, ex change, Improve or otherwise deal with the property embraced in said trust, in accordance with the prayer of said complaint, and more particu larly as follows: The ratification and confirmation of the acts of William Hughes, E. D. Rood and the plaintiff herein, as co trustees of the trust estate of the de fendant, C. A. Rhea, and for the judg ment creditors of the said defendant, C. A. Rhea, and of the plaintiff here in as surviving trustee of said trust estate, and for authority to carry out the terms of a certain contract here tofore entered into between the said co-trustees and one W. H. Padberg for the sale of the following describ ed lauds, belonging to the said trust estate, to-wit: The East half of the Southeast quarter, the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section Four teen (14); The Southeast quarter of Section Twenty-two (22), the South half of the Northeast quarter, the East half of the Southwest quarter, the Northwest quarter of the South went quarter,, the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter, the North west quarter of the Northwest quar ter, Southeast quarter of the North west quarter nd the Northwest quar ter of the Southeast quarter of Sec tion Twenty-four (24) ; the West half and the West half of the Southeast quarter and the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section Twenty-five (25); all in Township Two (2), South of Range Twenty four (2 1), the North half of the Northwest quarter, the Northeast j quarter, the Northeast quarter of the SoMtheast quarter, the South half of the Southeast quarter, the North half of the Southwest quarter, the South eats (luarior of the Southwest quar ter, Lot Two (2) ; the Southeast quar ter of the Northwest quarter, the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section Thirty (30); the East half of the Northwest quarter, the Northeast quarter, the North halt of the Southeast quarter of Section Thirty-one (31), In Township Two (2). South Range Twenty-five (25), East Willamette Meridian, in Morrow County, Oregon. For authority to sell and convey for the best sum or sums obtainable 3'i tne following described lands belong- ing to said trust estate, to-wit: ; The East half of the East half of Section Twenty-eight (28), the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section Twenty-eight (28), the West half of the Northwest quar ter, the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section Thirty three (33), in Township Four (4), ! South of Range Twenty-eight (28), all East or the Willamette Meridian, (In Morrow County, Oregon: also the South 3ix feet or the North half of Lot Ten (10) and the South half of Lot Ten (10) In Block Seven (7), all of Lots Eleven (11) and Twelve (12) In BloeTc Seven (7), the South si xfeet of the North half and the South half of Lot Thirteen (13) In raid Block Seven (7), and Lot One (I) in Block Fourteen (14) of the original Town of Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon; also Lots Eleven (II) , Twelve (12), Thirteen (13). Fourteen (14), Fifteen (15). and (sixteen (16), In Block Two (2), In j the Town of lone. Morrow County, Oregon. For authority to aell the securities to be taken on said sale. I For derree of the Court fixing and j determining the amount due the rea pertlve claimant and the said judg ment ctedltots. and the amount to be paid earn thereof pro ruta, and fix ing and allow In." reanonnuble attorn ey's fee for the handling or nald tru.it estate and for the brlmtlng of till null, and (or the payment of the enst of thin milt, and further decree ing the dlHtrlbutlun of the money then remaining In plaintiff hand a such trustee to the respective credit or according to the respective umnunl found due them, and fur- ther decreeing thnt said truM ratal he el. sel ami .. tiled and the tiluln .iff A .rr... tr,.i. ih.,r..f !,,! . . . , , . ,,,r " " nny be ti.H-e.-ary and proper net -In. T!,l MiMimon Is wrve.1 upon "U by publication hereof onre a - for period of ll week. In the II. pncr 1 It. -laid, a weekly new. paper of gener la Irlrrulatton In Morrow County. I're i gun, published at lieppner. under and j by virtue of an order duly made and (.-titrd In thl. cause, by the .n.4 I able I'.'.It.rtt V. I'hrlpa. Oltcuit Judge the St.te of Oregon lor Morrow I County, and the .'ate nl the first pub. luatl m of thl summon. I Mrrh . !Jtd. anl the date of th l.it (..li. Mention heteof will be My 4th JAM E. VAN VACTOR. Attorney for Plaintiff. rot Offlre, Heppner. tires, a NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT ! Notice ts hereby given that H. A. Noyes, executor cf the Last Will and Testament of Millie Whitten Berwick, deceased, has filed his final account with the Clerk of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County, and that said Court has set as the time and place for the hearing of objections to and the settlement of said account, Monday, the third day of May, 1920, at the hour of two o'clock P. M., of said day, at the Court room of the said Court in Heppner, Oregon. , This notice is published by order of the said Court made and entered on the 30th day of March, 1920. 47-51 , H. A. NOYES, Executor. FOR SALE) Fifteen head of good registered Jacks. Will take mule colts from these Jacks at $100 each in part or full payment for these Jacks. B. F. SWAGGART, Lexing ton, Oregon. 41tf F. H, ROBINSON ATTORNEY AT LAW .Main Street lone, Oregon VAUGHAN & BUTLER DENTIST Permanentlj located in Oddfellow's Bunlding Heppner, Oregon DR A. D. McMURDO PHYSICIAN H SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store Heppner Oregon WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORN KYS-AT-LAW Heppner Oregon MAKES FOR BEAUTIFUL CITY That Citizens Take Interest In Hortl. culture Is Always an Asset to the Community. When the publisher of a newspaper In any town Is Interested in horticul ture the people are encouraged to make their homes attractive, and the result is a beautiful city, remarks the New York Times. A newspaper of that kind Is n valuable asset to uuy community. In the Allentown (Pa.) Leader, a re port Is given or the bulb plunting In the city purks, where next spring there will be eleven tulip beds, which have just been planted with thousands of bulbs. Charles Ziegenfus, a leading busi ness mini, bus planted more than C.OOU tulip bulbs. Last spring his show of tulips was worth going miles to see and next year the beds will be more gorgeous than ever. Mr. Ziegenfus has planted this season the rarest olid most hnnuttful varieties obtainable. U. J. Hut?., president of the National hunk, hns made extensive bulb plant ings. So also has Col. Young and Mrs. Koch. Edward A. Kristmnn, who has won many prizes with hi duhllns, will plant more than 4.000 tubers early next spring. Flower lovers who motor through Allentown will And the tulip beds a sight worth seeing anil in the autumn the dahlia bed of Mr. Krlstman will make a wonderful show. The efforts of Oeorge Roth, pub lisher of the Leader, to make hi town show plnce aro appreciated by the citizen, n shown by their co-opera tlon. PECAN TREES ALONG ROADS Georgia Landowners' Association Agrees to Furnish Them, If Proptr Cart It Guaranteed. The attention of the department of agrlrnlture officials Im been attracted by the offer of the Oeoi-gin Landown ers' association to furnlh pecan tree for plnntlng on both side of one mile of pcrtnuiiciit ban! surface road In the first county In the Mate Hint agree to take rare of the tree. Thl I somewhat In Hue with the .-cforeMn tlon ami good road movement In ! the southern state recently started. "It l hoped," any F. II Abbott i mnnnger of the Georgia association. In : a coiniiiiiitlciitlon received here, "tlinl j thl suggestion will result !n border- lite rvory mile of ix-nwuicnt highway In (leorgln with tree Ihnt will I' Use- j fill a well a ornNtii.-iitiil. I believe - "" sample of the first county ! 111 q'ib-kly be followed by other com tie, mi.) see no renson why a (Inillur I'hin h..uld li..t be adopted In other .,, Tlle ?lir ,,,.,,,.,(, ,,. : e;,.rgln road will be f.ut l bed the .., Utl.m t.y J. Jl. Wright of Cairo, .in., one of the Irtrge.t peeun grower In the Xouth and a member of the board of control of tlie .irs mlatlon When Pruning Trte. Pt.ad tr.H nmy be priin"l anv time be'uivn th full nf tl.n l.n.- nti.l eerlv pr!iij l-fi.ri. growth begh. !.!. I. -r ami luiiple It.-., are iipt In "t.lt--r" If f rmie.l iif;-r the lnt of I'ebrunry. IM In. t teive l.ilig .nil.. yt rut rl.iw a'H.te a .Me hnin.h wh.-n pruning Urge llml . Try to avl. l.- ;i,g up. T M tori. i r rri.i.-iir whi. h r apt .pill apart and Inbire nr ru'n h If inter, Li-fig. '.r..!,.f t,r'i-tw .ii.mM be Hi.r'eiMil, If tt 'j ru a DR. HAROLD C. BEAN PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Heppner, Oregon, Permanently Located Odd Fellows Building Office Phone 762 Residence 523 WE HANDLE 1 NOUS ICE BEST IN THE WORLD IT NOT TAKE A BUCKET HOME? McAtee & Aiken to encourage greater stiffness and re sistance to wind and the weight of wet snow. Of course, the natural charac teristics of the tree should be taken Into account In pruning and no attempt be made to greatly alter the natural form of the tree. Evergreens are sel dom pruned but appear best when permitted to retain their lower branch es close to the ground. B. O. Long year, Colorado Agricultural College, Fort Collins, Colo. Resolve to Set Out a Tree. A tree. If properly tended and pro tected, will live for many years. It will even outlast some man-mnde mon uments. What can be more Inspiring than the thought that a century hence that tree planted yesterday will he noted by the American people visiting this city, bearing Its appropriate tnb let? If in every city In this country such a tree were planted now, genera tions to come, numbering million upon millions, would note, observe and appreciate the sentiment And mean while the tree Itself will be a thing of beauty and afford shnde and comfort. Let there be more tree planting In the name of America's heroes ! Beautify the Playgrounds, Money spent In ornamental planting of trees nml shrubs about the country ehool I money well spent. The re sults of the eurly training the hoys and girls receive In practical and or nnmental values of planting of shrub and tree will be shown In the homes of the children. Later on more of rhe homes or those -who remain In the community will be benefited In being tnore beautiful places In which to -?e nnJ the VHlue of the reul estate will. he materially Increased. Captain of Industry at Three Little Kdwnrd I Jut 3 years old. but "going on 4." lie Is very fond Ills griindinothcr's home and oft a young visitor. Ills Inst cull was last Sunday afternoon. C.randinother, who had been taking a nap, was a bit late coming downtnlr to greet her fa vorite giiet. She found lilin cuddled Up 111 the hlg easy rliHlr In front of the llrepln.e. Edward smiled a she stooped to kl him, but. boyllke, thnt nil about the only sign of affection from him. "lift up. ilenr," urged Edward's mother, "thtif grandmother's chnlr. "No. It Isn't." acrtcd the young tiipn. "I bent her to It." Potslblt Rett-alnt "There Is a great deal of ilnnger In all thl oclnlltic literature." "I u..v .i." repHe, the mnn who Is exnwmtlngly trontill. "And yet if a inn n would Hike the trouble to re.ui tn.i unoeritnnd nil Unit hu been written about ..wlull.-i .fore 1 etulmrkliig In bulne . ! -, be entirely too old to pnnMpnte Id I any acthe ilwLioimratlon." I Do Away With tna Billboard. K..'iilK.nril. more Itiuu eer art be coming a iiuiMiiee on .-., um of their lncr-aHig .lie nnd number. iurr... !iV nre lx.ar.le.1 up with grent sight If. f!nliv color. Ju.t -y, u traveler al'-i g r-edn). r.-n I.e. a -,:- -,(. i flim U w I. exp.-et.-l a glaring sign completely ..h.tnicts the Mew. It la eiapeniting to have a merchant In trude and fnrr-e attention to hi hul- De on an ttniirMunl at time ami plu-e where It It nt wanted. No good i--rnan oii'iiiett nlmlf In this mao nee . Kaihar.ga, ,r 0 i old. ,- -v. nd ofr--vH en lJ