THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER. OREGON PAGE FIVE NEWS of ALL MORROW COUNTY Tuesday, April 13, 1920. ) I I -! ' 4. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES .S. 4 The students have been practicing for the coming track meet to be held at Lexington the first of May. All the students are anxious to see Heppner high take off the honors again this year. The girls of the athletic association are busy selling tlclcets for the base ball games. The athletic association has offered prizes to the girls selling the most tickets. The Student Body voted a fifty dol lar liberty bond into the treasury of the athletic association. This is one of the .-bonds bought by the Hehisch fund. This money is to be used in buying new apparatus for gym work, both for the girls and the boys. Mrs. Brunquist of Parkdale, Ore gon, has been visiting her many friends in Heppner. Bernice Githens entertained the Senior class at her hoifle Tuesday evening. Mrs. Brunquist, the former advisor of the class, was guest of hon or. Many plans were laid thru the course of the evening for the future activities of the class. The ouija board class also caused much merri- 1mr mem. ueucious reiresnmenis 01 ice t -ream and cake were served. Herbert I VjHynd rendered a saxiphone solo; I Bernice Githens a violin solo and i Miss Selling a vocal solo. The Sophomore class had their class party Friday evening, April 9, 1920. The class had a "hard time" party and the person who was dressed the most ridiculous received a prize. The refreshments were cake, ice cream, sandwiches and chocolate. The class spent a jolly good time playing games.,4.4.4,,. 4 4. CECIL NEWS 4. t 4., "The Caterpillar Crawled" off well at the Cecil dance two weeks ago, but don't miss the "Gasoline Pump," the latest on Cecil Scenic Highway." Arlington music, five pieces. Supper served at midnight by Mrs. T. H. Lowe, April 17. Don't forget the date. Come and have a good time. Miss Georgia Summers of the Last Camp, entertained all her young friends at an Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday afternoon. Every one thor oughly enjoyed themselves and report a fine time. Mrs. Harry Linsey and infant, who have been visiting with Mrs. J. E. Crabtree of Dotheboys Hill, left on Sunday for her home in Wasco. J. W. May of Lone Star ranch, was looking up his Cecil friends Sunday. J. H. Franklin of Rhea, left on the local for Pendleton on Sunday where he will visit for some time. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Palmateer and daughter, Miss Cleta, of Windy Nook, spent Sunday with Mrs. J. M. Melton at the Lookout. Frank Laughridge of Condon, was visiting his Cecil friends on Friday. Bob Thompson of the Shepherd's Rest, shipped several cars of ewes and lambs from Cecil on Saturday to his Heppner ranch. We notice Bob is driving a fine new Nash car and trying out the Cecil Scenic Highway. Mrs. Peter Nash spent the week end visiting at Ewing with her son, John, and his family. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Duncan and daughter, Miss Mildred, of Busy Bee ranch, also Mrs. E. Schull and sons, who are visiting at Busy Bee, were doing business in Cecil on Friday. Joe White of the Willows, made a I newlyweds, passed through Cecil on tsesi wisnes rrom all old short stay In Cecil on Saturday on his way home from lone. Galen Falkner, who has been work ing at Morgan, made a call in Cecil on Sunday before going on to Rhea. Jack Hynd, "The Mayor" and Wal ter Pope, "The Marshall" autoed into the Sand Hollow country on Wednes day. Jack was so pleased with the fine feed on Hynd Bros, ranch. Rose Lawn, that he has Bent a large bunch of fine ewes and lambs to graze there for a few weeks. Miss Hazel Winter of Shady Dell, visited with Mrs. Geo. Krebs of the Last Camp on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Miller of Highview, were visiting In Arlington Tuesday. Mrs. Mona Miller, teacher at the Cecil school, was called to Portland on Sunday through the sudden illness of her daughter. Miss Annie Troes don has charge of the school during the absence of Mrs. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Minor, who have been spending a day or two around Cecil, left for their Portland home Saturday returning to Cecil on Thurso day en route for Heppner. Mrs. Oral Henriksen of the Snug gery, left on Friday for Portland where she will visit for some time. Mrs. Jack Hynd of Butterby Flats, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Entire of Killarney, on Wednesday. Messrs. A. and G. Henriksen and Mrs. A. Henriksen spent Monday evening with Mr. and Mr3. Jack Hynd of Butterby Flats. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Logan of Fairview ranch, visited with Mrs. J. H. Franklin of Rhea on Thursday. M. V. Logan arrived in Cecil on Friday from Condon where he has been visiting for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Claude L. Murray, Friday. friends. E. L. Vinton .the district highway engineer, was the only member of the crew with enough energy left after the hard work of the week to be able to leave Cecil on Friday night for lone to attend the Elks' benefit ball. Mrs. Swene Troesdon left Cecil on Monday for Pocatella, Idaho, after an absence of thirty-one years Mrs. Troesdon intends leaving Pocatella with friends early in May for her native land, Sweden. They will sail by the Stockholm from New York for Gothenburg, Sweden. Our best wishes go with our friend. KKSOLl'TIOXS OK RESPECT I IONE NEWS 4.4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. Fred Pettijohn and family are on SALVATION ARMY ORGANIZES CAMPAIGN Mr. Beaumont was here from Port land during the week organizing the home service program for the army in this county. A meeting was held in the office of Woodson & Sweek Friday afternoon when the following organization was completed: County president Mrs. Lena Snell Shurte. Vice president Thomas Hughes. Secretary Mrs. Hannah Jones. Treasurer W. P. Mahoney. Organization committee S. E. Notson, chairman; M. D. Clark, Gay Anderson, W. P. Mahoney, Thos. Hughes, C. E. Woodson, Sam Hughes, Dr. Vaughan, L. A. Hunt, J. A. Wat ers. Publicity committee Vawter Crawford, S. A. Pattison. WHEREAS The death messen ger has crossed our threshold and re moved from our midst Sister Elva Chapin .and in view of this great loss sustained by our lodge in the demise of our sister, and the still greater loss tne Blck list thls week with the tlue sustained by those who knew her best or KriPPe- and by those who were nearer and Marsh Courtney was in from Lena, dearer to her by family ties, yesterday making final proof on his RESOLVED. That we mourn for homestead. John Keegan and Phil one who in every way was worthy of Hirl were with hlm a witnesses, our respect and esteem. Rev- Johtt Sampels supplied the RESOLVED, That the heartfelt Pulpit Sunday morning and evening svmnathv and fraternal love of this at the Ione Baptist church. lodge be extended to her family in this sad bereavement ,that the char ter of this lodge be draped in mourn ing for thirty days, a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the min utes, a copy be sent to the Pacific Odd Fellow for publication. PEARL WARD, NAOMI WYLAND, GOLDA LEATHERS. REGISTERED HEREFORD BULLS FOB SALE For all the local and county news you should read the Herald, only $2 for a full year. We have at Alderdale Hereford Farm, forty miles west of Heppner, 10 head of Registered yearling and two year old Hereford Bulls for sale, at prices from $200 to $250. These bulls have been bred especially for the range, aro big boned fellows, and in prime condition for service. EDWARDS BROS, 4S-51 Fossil, Oregon. FOR SALE One small dresser, One chiffonnier, one 4-hole oil stove with oven in good condition. Call or address Mrs. Emmet Cochran, Court street, Hepp ner, Oregon. 49tf I I k m V en's m r u . id mm iiwV-, Collegian Brand fm ki 1 inn I ' li .. '," (B W iirtCT imcm nrwinr Ktritr i nTiipp mn pnnuin niTT fy&tft 7 C2 f :!.ltm THEY HAVE A HARD TIME DECIDING JUST WHAT TO M I ' iH $' f Yia get and for that very reason many men have come to depend 1 I I M upon this store to make their choice for them. ufl I ' $ I If you have never enjoyed that service, come here now and find lWyl! I ' . 'iyf.l i'!'v! ?tf a out for yourself how convenient it is. Of course we do not tell jrsM. ':-Ml-Vjir ill it "A them what to buy, but we have selected from the country's fore- e Vill tt;. fvft'h W'P,8i''l most lines the Best Suits, Hats and Furnishings offered and then 1SVY x-Jt - (' ' tJif we arranged them here for quick and convenient selection. ) Ys 3, I HlpflM 1 fill e wou'd ''ke to how you the New Togs today. Will you spare n rvvS vf s I Ir ; a short time to see them? There will be no insistence that you cVNXtvs SrkJI 4 ' I f,' , 1 buv iust because vou come to look. v 1 m. V! pi IS V V W Suits Hats Shirts WfiM W ih $30-$6 $3-$15 $2-$10 IM liifW TCS Underwear (- kw m 50c-$2 $i.5o.$8.oo m m 'J til 1 I IUI I IOUI I a tM AVI m ' I l 'l nlniulvmrz Harley Sperry while cranking the Fordson tractor on the Friewald ranch last week, suffered a disloca tion of the right wrist which was caused by the crank turning back ward. He was attended by Dr. Walker and is getting along nicely. H. 0. Donovan, a prosperous farmer of the Wells Spring section, who has been visiting at Eugene, re turned Sunday evening. While away Mr. Donovan was united In marriage, to a lady of Eugene and was accom panied home by his bride. We ex tend our hearty congratulations to the happy couple. John Long run a piece of steel in his finger which has caused him a great deal of pain the last few days. Mr. and Mrs. Alt. Weatherford and daughter, who have been making their home in Ione for the past few months, have moved to Arlington. Mr. Weatherford has purchased a garage at that place. Mr. and Mrs. Algott Lundell and two children of Gooseberry, spent Saturday and Sunday with the form er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lundell. J. M. Morrow, agent for the Mar ble Woi'ks at Pendleton, was a busi ness visitor in our city last week. Mrs. Earl Puyear and little daugh ter of Wasco, Wash., are here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Mc Nabb. Miss Mary Van Vactor of Heppner, is enjoying a visit at the home of her sister, Mrs. Ellis Minor, who lives near Ione. C. A. Rhea ,who has been visiting the past week at Salem and Portland arrived Saturday and will spend the summer with his son, C. C. Rhea, of Rhea creek. Mrs. John Wilt left Monday morn ing for Portland to spend a few days on a business and pleasure trip. On returning home Mrs. Wilt expects to visit a few days at Moro at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ray Wake. Mrs. Grant Olden, while raring for her chickens last Saturday Buffered a, severe sprained ankle which was caused from Htepplng In a ditch. Tho Injury was attended by Dr. Walker and Mis. Olden will go on crutches for a short time. Hilly Weatherford of Olex, spent last Wednesday in Ione on business. Miss Grace Hulbert of Clackamas, is enjoying a visit with Misses Mar garet and Catherine Jones. Itl'.SOI.lTlONS OF 'o.imli:nck KATE 4. YOI NG LOUGH NO. i!t), DEGREE r HONOR WHEREAS, With silent tread death 1ms entered our order, and ha removed from our midst our beloved sister, Lcmrettu Yenger, and WHEREAS, We will miss her everywhere, yet In the glory of til" morning's kiss and the mellowing shadows of twilight our hearts will fill with tinder ri'i'olliTtlons of her, RKHOI.VKP, That Ktn J. Young Lodge No. 2't. Id'gn-o of Honor ban lost a Invert 11 lid hutiotrrt member, mid Omtii:h we yield to Him In IIIh oinnlM h n'e, yet we w ill nrlevo fur Hie luriK of mir Klxter w tin In her 'kindly life anil rlieiy 1 1 h iohi t Ion hart Hll lllilelirert liellielr to all wlio knew her HEM'il.Vi;!), Ttml In reverent Mieiiiniy unr Hunter lie limped fur lieiiml nf ?,ii duys, and Unit a rupy of t li 1 f - ,l ' 1 1 IlillH lie hpreiul Upon I lie iiilimief nt the Imlue, ami tllllt H ropy lie m nt In I'll' ll nf I ll Ilelilef neWH- I 1 lul pillilli iltHm. I.I I.I.I i: AIKEN. MATTIK T. HMKAIl. EI..IK A. .sTLVD.V-t. I'I'M II I At II OMMI I I I I' lllltlH GIMlll I'RlM.ftl SS LI I'lmli niiin ' I. uk, llf Hie full M ill il.tinti hiilleltiiiK 1 niimi It n pun eiiCHl (.JUKI 1' III llie Will k 1 lie iiifiniilltee wi tit out fur II dlllllt tiiun vaintil.iy iiliemieiii rnil Hriiin fill II 1 1 1 1 1 ' Klille M'll' iltlil lerlllii mli i 1 .piiniiH Hiii'iuiitiiiK t' mi. in "iilifc nver imiii'i. M' (lii ik 11.1)1 tlm riimnilll' e H 11, e HliK Willi I 111 lillil'eiie,( i n' ll l Uti'l tie ti'lievn lln fjllulil Will tin l.ll... ll 111 II." Il'ppiier llll lllll Wltlllll Hl'ilt tlllie. 'It.e pt'irmy weu'lll-r Of l:it Week Hit' -i till i Willi lulllel I 'ilnpl' tl'.n ( it will ri" Mily In HifMi-r tm iri 'lie iilltljil.f di-t'it4 r . L - c V m r