PAGE FOUR THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, April 13, 1920 i $ f LOCAL XEW9 ITEMS 2 i I I 111 ii I'll lit PLAY The Senior Class of the Heppner High School will present the laughable three act comedy At the High School Auditorium 16 Curtain 8:00 P. M. Admission 35c and 50c If you want to enjoy a good hearty laugh clors't miss this play I. 's w 1 m. "i a j 1 mwr if il1 t 1 Rupert Julian Crer.tor or "THE KAISER the Bract of Berlin," in un amazing p!cturi7.u tlon of Win. J. Neldig's- great Satur day Evening Post Story rr nre "The .lingers" Tho story that made a Nation lose llsxleep. See llii , aaiazliit, ir.clnr lilm d from Win. J. Neldig's wonderful Saturday livening 1'ont Hlnry that created a sensation. If you've read the story ...ill".! l,e t ti .-t tl .! by Hum great plitu.e play. If you haven't read it you'll ,. J.-y it j'ui the anie. ll'n :re:.t! See It! Thursday, April 15 Olive Thomas in 4 The Follies Girl' A d irinj dancer defies dignity Friday, April 1 6 Vivian Martin in Jane Goes A-Wooing A stenographer vho (hews gum, hut is spunky and high spirited Saturday, April 1 7 Sunday, April 18 Concession f wlix ft Prices 30c and 50c 1 Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Anderson drove to Pendleton Saturday afternoon re turning Sunday evening. Pete Farley was in town from his ranch Monday looking well pleased with the fine growing weather. WANTED Respectable woman as housekeeper and coolc on small ranch. Call or address this office. 41tf Jim Farely was up from Willows where he is running his sheep, spend ing the week end with his family. Frank Cramer and Mr. Myers were over from Boardman Saturday on road business with the county court. FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKING Remodeling and Ladies Tailoring. Mrs. Curren, Church street. 37tf Dr. B. F. Butler left for Portland this morning on a business trip which may keep him in the city for somt time. Mayor and Mrs. R. J. Vaughan re turned from Baker Sunday evening where they spent the Easter holidays with relatives. Harvey McRoberts of near Lexing ton, was in town Saturday making final proff on his homestead before County Clerk Waters. " WANTED A Good Second-hand Bed, Springs, Mattress; also One Good Rug and Dresser. Inquire at the Herald office. 48tf Van Marter's shearing crew left this morning for Alderdale, Wash., where they will start shearing tomor row. The crew expected to open the season March 1st but inclement weather held them back for six full weeks. FOR SALE Thoroughbred S. C. Rhode Island Red eggs for hatching. $1.50 per setting of 15 eggs. Call Main 92. Mrs. Roy Whiteis.. 47-50 Morrow county soil is soaked to bedrock farmers tell us and the pros pects for a bumper crop were never better. During the storm last night 66-100 inches of rain rell and indi cations are that more showers are in store. W. H. Stewart, of Boardman, was here during the week representing his community before the county court while thatbody was considering the proposed road to connect the north end of the county with the county seat. The sidewalk builders are making a big change In the appearance of upper Mai street. New walks are al- upper Main st-eet. New walks are al most co.npletod to the power house In front o:' the McNamee lot at Main ! and May streets. , Dan Stalter, who has b"en visiting !iin dauirhtor at Payette, Idaho, for some time, returned to Heppner on ! Wednesday evening. Mr. Stalter says j tho Idaho country is booming, os I pecially the city of Nampa which is rapidly becoming a business rival of Boise. Jot-pph F.skelson was in town last Wednesday arranging some business affairs before leaving with Mrs. Es kelson fnr an extended visit at Ta eoni.i where the critical Illness of a relative calls them. Mr. and Mrs. Es TclMon are also planning an extended trip east a little later In the searon. Oscar Borg went to Portland Sun day where he will Join Mrs. Bor who has been visiting In the Rose City for some time and together they will 'enjoy a pleasant trip to San Francls I co and other California points where ' they will remain for a couple of j weeks. The plate glass front is being placed i In the notth room of the new Elks' I building today by workmen sent out .by the W. P. Fuller Co.. of Portlund. The room will bo occupied by M. L. I'm ran as a Millard parlor. A new (date was alo put In the GUllum A 1 Ithdiee front replacing one broken i while being set li'M winter. I It Slufliee, lleppner's movie iiianejie. went to Portland Sunday on bultns runri'Tted with the furn- I - h n t ami opening of his new theiite In He Elks' building which nu-pli lou ev. nl In local flluidom will lake about June lt, This new theatre will be sivoml to none In a town of Ue In the notthwrM wln-n opened nml Mr. Slither, durlns hi runnerllon with the Star, as local mattiiKer. has prut en l!.t he i' to not only rite r 'i entrttaln tnent but nlu to tfat the public tlrht whlih Is woith something Mrs Ed t'uiran ,f Vancouver, Vehir,l!tiin, BdiimpanSetl by her iliun lit-r, Mis Alice I'tutan. were hete fir a few ijt duilnis the week ti iirf Mrs t'litian's m other. Mis M .k, and her s's'rr. Mrs. W. V '. m r. at ti e l.i'te: 's home heje l..--t Sin.t,i ,n Mrs. Me. k's M(i Mt!l ,a) and l! tisppt n . ;. '.i,.ii-d tit r f a ii, it y (I t i."r ..t ii - rtitnrr ti.. hi. ii Mi . k ! ii-i ..'' r s ' lit l.if a w Minn of l,i r .. us and frlilmiiil t'r il.iy ('nti ,,t) l.y In fhrl'ln ir-i . ,i.-. ai I o O V I a!1 in I'n inii'ii n. att-l m the ifinsims t t si'kirt In ti e emit"t n l .i.'k i M CittBti a: 'S ilttis'tir . ,' f.n I. nine ".!.!'..) : "r ic (fcL --rrrrr-r- A I E V E Cultivate Your Money WHEN YOU PLANT GRAIN OR GARDEN TRUCK YOU NEVER KNOW WHETHER YOU WILL GET A GOOD CTtOP OK A POOR ONE. WHEN YOU PLANT YOUR DOLLARS, NICKELS Oil DIMES AND QUARTERS IN THIS STRONG SAFE HANK YOU CAN BE SURE THAT IT WILL BRING HACK A NORMAL CROP OF INTEREST Y.EAR AFTER YEAR AND WITH NEVER A WORRY. HAVE YOU SEEN OUR NEW LOT OF SAFE DEPOSIT HOXES. WE WILL BE PLEASED TO SHOW THEM TO YOU. First National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON Heppner high school ball team went to lone Saturday where they a game to the lone school team in a score of 14 to 15. Never before has there been so much moisture in the ground in that ".ei'tion as Rt present, Mr. Ritchie wys and the prospects for a bum per crop for the wheal country north of Lexington are good. Mrs. Ada Woodward who formerly resided on Butter creek in this coun ty, was here from Hermlston Monday on business. Mrs. Woodward purchas ed irrigated alfalfa ranch on the Honiilston project last year and Is well pleased with her new location. The alfalfa Is making a fine growth now, Mrs. Woodward Bays and the county looks very promising. ft i i 1 LLTfl i IiU .. . ' ' m l"-s ill .''-i.i. t, C, f ..'i.T 1 J 19 rf m a il 44 A Housewives' dream" m -realized U XJONFTI.Y JLX vaatrd a cvccper that "cleaned deep' and yet required no "conncc-iions","pluj3"crothcrtini3-consumirii annoyances? It's licri now and it's surprisingly low ir ri b nil SHE in mrrn rr n mt mn U tlOt On fliVtnC Vet it five vm: ' :mn2 cuciion to lift up the du.t. airt, oml ravcllinf.j which nre oo r.t (1 nn! awept tip ty tho rtvnlvlnj tri.H-,1.' Lnmh. Like inost g.Kxt thin!s. it is omazlndy aimple ami $n fris (mm cmpliratioa anJ bulky "iiiuchiiury" that a chil l can ocrute It On dcmontratl'i nmr!fVy onltwt Case Furniture Company fi i S v