PAGE THREE Tuesday, April 13, 1920. THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON C'HAMEBR OF COM.MT.IUCE OF EXTKKPKISK, OIMXiOX. Al PROVES BOTH MEASURES At the Chamber of Commerce ban quet held at Enterprise last Satur day evening .March 10, at which there were present one hundred and fifty of the leading citizens of that city, a resolution was passed unani mously favoring the millage tax in support of the elementary schools, also the measure in support of the higher educational institutions. WHO WILL TEACH YOUR BOYS AND GIRLS XEXT YEAR? Let Your a r Clothes Express YOU! XO TWO MEX ARE ALIKE IX FORM OR PERSONALITY. THAT'S WHY YOUR CLOTHES SHOULD RE MADE TO YOUR MEASURE. j YOU WILL GET TAILORED DISTLVCnVEXESS IX" ' ' Heppner Tailoring &. Cleaning Shop iS77- THEN, TOO. YOU GET EXCLUSIVE FABRICS THAT ARE ALL WOOL, SHAPFl PERMAXEXT, T A IL,QRI$G THAT'S EXACTLY CORRECT,' GARMENTS THAT ARE CHEAP EST BECAUSE THEY DEFY HARD SERVICE. mOV IX AND BE MEASURED NOW A republican form of government is founded upon the principle that all of the people are intelligent. Schools are established to educate the child ren of all the people so that they may carry on the government efficiently That the schools may perform this function as they .should it is absolute ly necessary that the teaching staff be kept up to the highest possible standard. A dangerous crisis faces the schools at the present time many or our teachers are securing various kinds of woi'k for the summer at salaries of $100.00 per month or more. At the end of the summer vacation a number of these teachers will glance at the $75-?90 salary out there, in the country school, district, with all the inconveniences of boarding in the country and decide to stay with her more lucrative' position. -"This will help to cause a greater shortage of teachers. Therefore, it behooves us to sup port the elementary educational bill which will provide additional funds for every public school, in the state. SPRING The poppies bloom on verdant hills; The meadowlark in rapture thrills; The pessimist forgets his ills; While women folk get out their frills; 'Tis Spring! Each boy demands a baseball bat; Each girl requests an Easter hat; And mother starts to clean the flat Exiling father and the cat; 'Tis Spring! ... - "i The young mans fancy turns to love; With candied sweets and dainty glqve He woos his own, his turtle dove, Whose eyes are tlige the stars above 'Tis Spring! The cattle move thru pasture bars; The housewife buys more mason jars; And all things grow 'neath sun and stars, Including wild appeals for cars;- ' . 'Tis Spring! V . -S. P. Bulletin. The Eastern Hide and Junk Company WE HAVE MADE ARRANGEMENTS WITH MR. GEO. M. SCHEMPP, OF HEPPNER, WHEREBY HE WILL BUY FOR US HIDES, PELTS AND PULLED WOOL AS WELL- AS ALL KINDS OF SCRAP IROX, RUBBER, COPPER, BRASS AND RAGS. I YOU MAY REST ASSURED THAT MR. SCHEMPP TREAT YOU RIGHT IX ALL BUSINESS RELATIONS MAY HAVE WITH HIM. WILL YOU ADDRESS: Geo. M. Schempp HEPPNER, OREGON, OR CALL PHONE f35 i i I I n ft i n THE HEPPNER HERALD, ONLY $2.00 A YEAR NOTICE OF PETITION TO VACATE A PORTION OF COURT STREET I G. FRANZEN - j "PERMANENT AS THE PYRAMIDS" Concrete Pipe Company Manufacturers v " Sewer and Water Pipe Irrigation Pipe Culvert Pipe Hollow Silo Blocks Notice is hereby given, that the un dersigned, will on the 3rd day of May, ia20, present to the Common Council of the City of Heppner, Ore gon, a petition, requesting the vaca tion of the following described por tion of Court Street in the City of Heppner, Oregon, to-wit: Commenc ing at the Southwest corner of Block Two (2) of Jones' Addition to the City of Heppner, Oregon, running thence North along the w'est Boun dary line of said Block Two (2) to the Northwest corner of said Block, thence West 39 feet, thence South on a line r parallel with the West Boundary Line of said Block, 110 feet, '.hence in a Southeasterly direc tion on a EtralGht line to the place of beginning. EMMETT COCHRAN, H. F. TASH, 40-51 . '. AARON PETERSON? . T : " M1 I 1003 North 10lh St Phore 4S7 vVa!ia Walla, Wash. iia, vfasn. jj lii RESOLUTIONS ADOPTFD BY THE ; UN IOX .COUNTY AD CLUB AT LA GRANDE, MARCH 2ii Roy ' V. Whileis ,,;: o, the ;:;t Toc2i ;:.v' ix mokuow (ouv tv or (: .' i'i:s. i i xv mi:, ivcs, ;ooi fences and A .U :. OF WATER, AT A BARGAIN. , i a:;.Ai ix a iaiod ; ;;::at ranc h of iooii ACil, ( i.O;; TO TOWS. W'TH ON E-TiiiID CROP, ON F V Tl.UMS II' TAKEN AT ONCE. H WE ()VK GOOD MtAYLIl AND P.Aki: FOR SALE CHEAP. REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND FARM LOANS Roy V. Whiteis . WHEREAS, The increased cont of conducting the elementary schools of the state of Oregen hafa occasioned unequal burdens on the local school districts, due to the present plan of meeting the in'-reined. coats by the local districts alone. THEREFORE, lie it resolved that thu Union County Ad Cub dons here-; by ro on record as;; the pro posed bill lor levyhr; a two mill tax on a';l the taxihle iiroperty Oi" the slate for the mi?i'-: t of the- public elementary s'.-hools of the mate. MISTAKES Morrow Heights Addition $2000 Improvement Requirement FRANKNESS COMPELS ME TO SAY THAT I AM UNABLE TO DIS TINGUISH ANY CONSIDERABLE DIFFERENCE EITHER IX VALUE OR LOCATION' OF THE LOTS GENERALLY IX MORHOW HEIGHTS 'ADDITION', AND THEREFORE, IX THE INTEREST OF ALL CONCERN ED, THE CONTRACTS OF SALE WILL PROVIDE THAT THE IM PROVEMENTS SHALL COST NOT LESS THAN TWO THOUSAND POL LARS. THIS WORKS NO HARDSHIP ON ANY ONE, TO THE CON TRARY, IT ASSURES THE PURCHASER THAT THE HIGH CLASS CHARACTEI1 OF THE ADDITION WILL HE MAINTAINED,. AND IF YOU WILL STOP TO CONSIDER FOR A MOMENT, BELIEVE YOU WILL AGREE WITH ME THAT REASONABLE PROTECTION JUSTI FIES SUCH A RESTRICTION. IN,' COO P E RATION T H E R E 1 S STRENGTH, AND IF WE WILL WORK TOGETHER WE WILL GIVE TO THIS ADDITION AN INDIVIDUALITY WHICH WILL NOf ONLY ENHANCE VAt.UES BUT MAKE OF IT A MOKE DLSMUHLK flJACK TO LIVE. .- ".'I. .' y!i IT W ILL HE BUT A SHORT TIME NOW TILL THESE LOTS ARE OX THE MARKET AND I WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAKE THE PRICE AND TERMS SO REASONABLE THAT YOU WILL HE ANXIOUS TO BUY. J. W. MORROW j "Here's An Eye-Opener" says the Good Judge The man who used to chew the old kinds will tell you that It costs him less to use the Real Tobacco Chew. The rich tobacco taste lasts so much longer. Smaller chews, and you don't need a fresh chew no often. Any man w ho uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell yvu that. Put Up In Two Styles RIGHT CUT Is a hort-cu tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco Wl:m a plumber makes r. n.l.-filif, 'i rhur'tis t ice for it. Wiieu a lawyer i --ik-.', a i,iKt3': H is ju.Ht what he wuiH.hI; Ii . c:rn- he ha:, a cl'.nc- to u Ihi- ca:e all nw-r Win-:) a (Mii.ea'e- i.n l-'-r, u ielM-1; . It's just v hat in- xp'- I' d. When ! 'tor ual:i h a mUl: ke, If linn-." H. When a .'ui e niuh'K a m'ftal:". 'I biroiiK!) the l-:w the lrinil. i V.'nrn a prearht-r Iiih1:i a lnMake, noVxIy knuviii the Wl n r.n rlictriiiiin m ! a ini Cke, he blaiiKH it on Imlii'tlun ; no body known what Hint nn-ims. li lt whi n nil ulllor nni!(s a ml hMc tixi nitrl'l! "Panti l e .int i .Ire." LOOM CROP PHOsl'l CIS .!. lt.i' hi-- it !n !:! 1 U'.g wht. l .-.;. tit i nM'! i L-Mnei',.1 i.n 1 Ir.i; - 1 Mi't m :' t- ! tm ' by Slim- ilav nl.M hi- i "if :'"! 1 - t 1 1 1 - . ll.n- I ly Iluv.ill. wmild hi:Vi- flnit-li'-'l plow-! Ing 2nin arn-n with tln-lr ll'"l timt- ' or ulnce r-Tilvlnif the uimlilne on, Febrimry 13. j It's dollars to doughnuts- no man ever smoked a better cigarette at any price! MiHJJ iMP.I . mi1itv. and their expert blend -c R-l 'iVi'O I t T.L-k-Vi unA rhoir.e Domestic L witeftSfrAA tobaccos hand you a cigarette that will sat--vU-tt. fj-yl ip&t&k isty every smoke desire you ever expressed. V--- .7 ' ' v-''ii You will prefer this Camel blend to euner r"y-lTr---. V-,,' ?! (J kind smoked straight I P'.'v'; 1' CV-.' "'''17V Camtlr, r.ullow inildn.-s-. wi k'--'Jf'4 ff s , - 'V' appeal u you. Tlv.- "body" i:; l ;i 1 1 : will certainly i.ll tin-re, nntl f thut rn ) or ,i!tm. ss It's a dc'u.;ht! G.) the limit w it:i Cai..i Is! Tliey will not fire V')Ul- t r.U . Af.d. tii7 leave no unpleas tint ri-.,;.i"tty nitt.i ta'.te nor unple; ciga rttty ikIo. I ' ytvsr i onipare ComcN with any c;'4a- TIIE REAL UOMMWPI R i "I nnl'-t ton nl Lmnli r"in iimnil ! Komi .ilnry." j i -.Nu, ho 'inly tn- It. Mr. I., j N. VoiV). Ill I Pit I MIM lj. (! r ! 1 1 ) II a " vl.ikr fm a (pan t'i ii ' tin '.k'l It!" nl'ini . ;., v. t y ! ' I "'l i ii i i. -i r-"!' ii-' WM- " -IM1.I III It 111. I Mil V, l, ! th-.'t p" "y t.'.ai.l. r j l.l i'Ii r ! l.tio li " ti.ifUf " " - J i'U-- II V fiftm ti. (. i; '.inT'i. t'i pnii, n rt r1ti'f In't"", "" la' town Tuilr ! WHnUr 'ttkftfr o-r . f''l-fnilt1t rk Itw nmn'y rmiil. 2 1 P I ' '-VZ , f 7! ' V Just , ompare Cotrwh with any cia U IT",, i ' ' ',) s-V- J ret to in the world ut any price! t -: , I: A jr V- Org if '' -"'2 t '7 I I il.M.W1WUrilU.WlHM.i.N C. M M -' ',w.x: ' '. -V'.. V