PAGE TWO THE HEPPNER HERALD. HEPPNER. OREGON Tuesday, April 13, 1920 Bread LiKe Mother Used to MaKe You can have it if you use our famous White Star For Your Baking We have just received a car load of Spring Beardless Barley for Seed We pay highest cash prices for Hides, Pelts and Furs Heppner Farmers Elevator Co. laaiHszEBimi&HiBi I When your Plumbing goes Wrong snWiniS Phone UJiUf us . 9 mMgm' mm - ir t 1 , we mane a specially i ing always ready I lit materials and iikmi fur ini nu'dial c m rvkv. If you liave new work tkat you wish r.s to fi:,r,uv on u' will he eiy :;hul to su'mii; prii-cs. liir work is ai'tecil In y-: you 1 n-r fori .'-all.'-'-laa'lioii and if ymi are m( plea t ! In ter- parlie we will spare iivi; her ! line ra r uionev l-i make it risjit. Peoples Hardware N Company ' ' 1 ' ! 1 . -i . ' 1 ' ' ' I'l 01 'd' 1- !n tu ... o I.- i-t Of MOM. I I.I Mil 111.' I I ( I-.. : :i ; , I . i v Fanners & 1 . (iiicK repair work, keep it t ,1.1 HI '. ; I 1 '. M .-in ' :- 't ! II i:. 1 I o, ... 11 .1, It . . .-. !,. t l;( ,,f .... V .. -'I V, V, 'l o. l..nt . o, ,:. .,, .,,,.,( j,, . 1 , . ) .1. . . It V I t, -. s, I Sicdaowers 111 DUD HOE FDR AVERAGE FAMILY HI Seven-Room House Has Attrac tive Features. !S MOST POPULAR DESIGN Colonial House Is Suitable for Small Lot, but Has Good Exterior and Rooma Are Conveniently Arranged. By WILLIAM A. RADFORD. Mr. WiUium A. Radford win annwer questions am give advice FREE OP tofai oil all subjects pertainins to tt, ZTnlr1 & bU,ld" to.T '"de?3 of th l P?PD cco":,t 0( wide experience fS &V.A.,mh?r aS' Manufacturer. I,e n 1 h doubt, the highest authority J" T,;V, u"-Ect?- "uurRs' ail inquir y to William A. Rauioru, No. 1S27 Prairie avenue-. Chicago. Hi., and only endoso two-cem stamp 'or reply. It Is fast approaching the time when those thousands who will erect homes this year will see the contractors he gin work. Then will follow rapidly the erection of the house and tiie de sire for a ''home of my own" will soon be realized. However, there lire ninny other thousands who Intend to erect homes that have put off I he selection of the plans from which they will huild. To these a word of warning: Don't delay too long. Contractors are going to In taxed to the limit to huild the homes that will he wanted this year; building materials are in not such a large sup ply that It will he an easy matter to get Ihem quickly. Those who have planned in advance and who have made arrangements for the materials for their new homes are not going to be disappointed; those that put off contracting for their houses may find themselves still without a home of their own next winter. These words are not written with the Idea of discouraging iwy of the home builders. They are meant to emphasize the fact that preparedness is as essential in home building as in war. Tiie home shown In tills issue Is of the colonial type of architecture. The colonial is one of the most popular of homes. Its exterior It beautiful, if a superlative term may he used, while it ,!rj, 1 -a i 1 . j- 1 in ami eciiiKm.ii al u-e of I In Ui'.crl.-r puie- Tlns h"tuo li ,s a l':-tni:iL'e if feet mid is ''.'! f.-i-i dei-,. It contains seven rooms. Imir tl.c I r-.! tic.-r and tlin-e on tin' sicuiid. tiiitwanlly this colonial boii-e u'iVi-s a vlroiig luipr--ioii of S.o'pilidll.v. In u.-'-nl w'de with the i-r.loi lal columns: ii d,,nn-r pro jection ami l.ab-oay s, t l;t,i n,.- front 'ti the - ad lioor; li iTiiliu- room bay window, and Its gcni'inl appear ance all cotu'ili e to gie the pas-erby the that 'here is a real hoc:e." 1 . e f.ior plans vjinw tl:n slcs niid ..r pi it 1 of the ivclu-. '1 l.e en- n s (. 1 fir.t Kloer P'jn, :T lb.. . ii b, v,,i, !, o i t. of l. . I , 11 11, I '.. o M of w i-i,i . t : , 1 . I ,0 nal to, '.. ll.. this H f..t :: '(..I i'.. f. ct .ll- I ' ' i rs , , ,' " ' Is !!,, lu'Hi; t i . . i.i h, s. '!'..- ! '" I i- 1 i. I ' i "' 1 ' I n" id hall, around which are grouped the three bedrooms and the bathroom. Ail of the bedrooms are much larger than are usually found In a house of this size ami are so located that there is an abundance of ventilation. It will be noted that there is Indi cated on the first floor plan the place for the register of a pipeless furnace. This type of heating plant has come Into great popularity during the last few years. It will heat a medium sized house economically and efficient ly, if the single register is properly located. For this house the proper lo cation is as Indicated. The heat from the central part of the register rises, hits the ceiling and spreads through out the house. As it cools it falls to the lioor and is drawn back to the fur nace, where it is heated again. The furnace Is located in the base ment directly underneath the register. The basement extends under the whole of the house and is large enough to provide for modern laundry equip ment ; storage space for fruits and 1 1 j ll? y. CL j Jj to&ft fL I ! 1 1 I ' 1 Second Floor Flc:n. vcsi.-ts;!i!es and for the other things that ordinarily are kept there. This home is the kind that those who have cot a large amount of money to expend can secure. It is good to look at, and provides an uKn-dnte, comfortable and convenient place for the family of average size. There never was a time when home owning was more profitable than now. Itents. especially in the cities and towns, are all out of proportion to the cost of building. It is n case of "pay what I ask, or go without." The man who owns his home Is Independent of landlords; after his home is paid for he has an asset, that Is worth more to him than the money It cost ; his family has a real home, and he has the re spect that is paid every one who owns property. Now is the time to prepare to build. The first move, of course. Is the seleo Una o. ilic plan- ,n- tin' Home, for thi'-.e must be s, cured In fore It can be ileloriiihii"! bow lain h the house will cost, r.ankt-i-s alv.ajs are ready to help linance lnui.e biiildcis, as there Is no better security ,,r loans than u limne and no holier hornmer than the man who will save for a home. In One of O. Henry'i Moodt. A gr nt iiiany yini-K ago I enter-; tallied I'.ill Toner, not knowing that I was harboring the mini who was later . t be known us o. Henry. I win not quite certain ii'.oiit It until I read Al 1 .lentiliigM ih-ci tint of porter' lite. In ! which be dcscii'iiil him on iiilimlelv J could lint help but recognize hill) tilers from. i In one of l'ortcr's moods ho came to i'l.- with tiar In b's evc ninl gave ni h's watch as 1 1". v. o. be van mi. -,1'V':-V. 7' r'.'r' ,,,M,,r,! o!.l l,,.v-v. d. r, I a'ito It far luoie . Hi o :,. .ri-i- of i! ... board !,!. I '! i.i .-r f ir.,-t li it,, -n eiil.nn'.vr. wr.i. i-' laS. In. !.., a . of l.iivlni? siieiil . v n w -i s-i in ' , ! w nil oii' n diction- j :e" r -a. I. i.j. li-nt ! fouu-l It i'a ! H ! ,-,t i,,-ril-lv iii.-ou- Nvfl Rl'fumatic ""Cure." I A r. illy quaint euro for "imiMos" j li- 1 ll I now ti utiil.-r the naiiie of the j-iiit.. . n-v." w I.I. li Is mud In tin v leu frii-il Iii Ai,!r;.:.i. With nhiit Stic i-s tt ::.N to , I,,...,. r,,l,, ...I . , . i".i hi ii . hi. ii ;, on. ri'snri uiii I tin r... a iii'.. oiiie nee. iiiiiioiiiiteil pn hi-ats, ni l would wal I 'l ii hull. .-nv'-t. Tin ll I! . nr.." (.. ... I The w I w ... I(H..... boh i ii- it, i, I ' l-oitl t .. ri I Tfiil Hi' . I'. u.-il ! - . t i to "ad' if p-i'.-tlt. i'i" "r'tiiinj" nil.-. '. ...r'v .f it. i ! i" .an ; Imi '. t I. ...t in.,',,. . i ii ' ! Yr - .-. I ,- -i. !, -r- ,.t-, I I- I !, ii.'...,. 1 . ... i ,.,-)., - r .., ' ; M Ml'" I 'II ! ',. I ' I , t I .- ! . rr . r : .. . - . : -ol fn. i .- , Tin. I n !i l.i 'I'll- .. : I .,. u,- ! i ..ii-iit !o ... up l, ff an ! tour in n ti I on . iri .jB ..v m,t I.,,, lc'. i-U .. I l. I l-i Jf. Aimotr. STOI! LOOK! L1STLX! Look Out For Truck! Help us clean up the back yards. The city, at no small expense, is go .ug to have the city truck gather your rubbish, garbage, etc., on Clean Up Days. They will haul all your rubbish gratis, but do not expect them to clean up for you. - Do your part, and put all rubbish in boxes, barrels, sacks and have in easy place for the truck to get at. Heppner is rising, like' the Phoenix bird, from her ashes. We have the assurance of an adequate water supply. Let us get ll ma Staple and Fancy Groceries All kinds Fresh fruits and Vege tables in season. Garden Seeds, Onion Sets, American Wonder and Burbank Seed Potatoes. Sam Hughes Co. 1 KWffiraeS9RiSERBK farmers and Stockmen It's Like This If --u nre I-rl'rcri ... ;.- :- when eveiybo ly .n!:, t.' things easier for a while, tr.!:c dltlons and list your land v.'iih !ov or the young -r men do the n wmio. 1 ne clialtRO w ill s:vo yon r."w pe; and a more vigorous enthusiastic grip upon life ugaln. Al II U S!) Lit l, MONTHS O!-' CAr.Li'l L llidilT. I IIAVR ki:m a i..i:t;i: list ;.' ofT-ni-: it v x v. n s v n o mill in-: iii:i:k withiv til, m xt (It) DAYS TO LOOK AT YOLK LAND. COMK IX A v!) LIST NOW. E. M. SHUTT The Real Esfate Man Up-stairs in Court House 'sb I Choice Cuts of the Best Meats CVKRY HOUSEWIFE WANTS TO SERVE THE best in Meets to her family.. She can be assured she is .I.. in- s.i she lms iur Mr.;? at tin, !,,, Vshich is vi.u.k.uie.l hi c, nl'.rir.iiy v.ith ir,.!,rii iiiethiu!, c. .anitary markdir. Central Market McNAMER & busy and be ready for it. Sanitation Committee, Civic Club-Parent Teachers' Ass'n. AVOID THAT COLD Mend he rips And patch the holes, Build up the heels And save your soles. BOWERS SHOE SHOP, ' Main St., Heppner, Ore. 44tf S.E.NOTSON ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW Office in court Houe Heppner Oregon : .- : : ; :. :-, v. o r.n :.! c'l, tioiv is the time, ' want to Hti't- and take a:-.'- re of tiie present con- at ( iic-c. Let the other fel k ami make the moncv for ,0 SORENSON, Props. It V n c I ! 2 4 m i C