7 VOLUME 6 HEPPNER, OREGON; TUESDAY, APRIL 13, 1920. NUMBER 50 T7 mJm l PNER IIS REGULAR SESSION BILLS ALLOWED, ROAD MATTERS CONSIDERED WILL KEEP POPCORN WAGON MOVING location of Heppier-Irrigon-Board-man Road to Be Asked of Highway Commission County court met in regular ses sion last Wednesday continuing in session for two days. Many bills' were audited and al lowed and road matters were consid ered. Dr. M. M. Johnson was appointed county veterinarian at Thursday's session. The road petition of F. D. Cox et al, was continued for the term as was the petition of E. Bergstrom ht al. for the vacation of. a county road. The road committee appointed at the Alpine road meeting some time ago to take up the matter of the pro posed road between Heppner and the north end of the county was present and considerable discussion of this important matter was had. The committee presented the fol lowing resolution to the court: There was a meeting of the special Farm Bureau road committee at the court house on Tuesday, and passed the fololwing resolutions: 1st. Moved by W. H. Stewart and duly seconded that the north Morrow county road committee ask the Coun fy Court of Morrow county to secure a reconnaissance survey for a mar ket road from a point upon the Col umbia River Highway between Boardman and Irrigon to Heppner by way of Lexington, taking into consid eration the interests of the neighbor hoods of Alpine, Irrigon, Boardman, Wells Springs and Lexington, and that this survey be made before Jan uary 1st, 1921. 2nd. Moved by Amos Straight and seconded by W. H. Stewart that this committe request the County count to appropriate the market road money for 1921 upon the road above designated, beginning at or near Lex Ington and constructing the road as far as the funds will permit. ' 3rd. Moved by Amos Straight and seconded by C. E. Glasgow thnt this committee does agree to remain Intact for the purpose of its appoint ment and hereby tenders its services to the County Court to assist In working out any road problems in the northern part of Morrow county. Dated and signed at Heppner, Ore iron, this 6th day of April, 1920, by An ordinance was passed at a council meeting last Wednesday evening providing as follows: "An ordinance to 11 cense persons, firms or corporations selling goods, ware's or merchandise or other commodities upon the public streets or places within the corpor ate limits of the city of Heppner, unless such persons, firms or corpor ations are permanently located with in a buildiDg, and prohibiting such persons, firms, or corporations so li censed from remaining upon any one block in said city for a longer period than 30 minutes in any two succeed ing hours, and providing a penalty for violation thereof." This ordinance will have the effect of putting the electrical popcorn wagon out of business or on the per petual jump. LEGION WILL PERFECT WILL ENTERTAIN GUILD EPISCOPAL Ladies of the Episcopal Guild will be entertained at a card party in I. O. O. F. hall Thursday, April 22nd, at 2:00 P. M. Hostesses of the occasion will be Mesdames Fred Lucas, Em mett Cochran, Guy Boyer and Arthur McAtee. All members of the guild are expected to be present. CHARTER EXPECTED TO ARRIVE BY THAT DATE Thirty-Three Members Are Already Signed. Much Interest Manifested E HIGH WINS BY ONE POINT MARGIN FINE WHEAT RANCH FOR SALE 480 acres, 4 miles west of Heppner county seat. No better wheat land Morrow county, Oregon, $20, ,000. $5,000 cash, balance on better terms than some fathers would give to his EGG CITY TEAM HOLDS EASY son, if you can show me that you are LEAD School Teams Plan ti.isy Season Town Team is Getting in Shape ELKS RUN A SPECIAL TRAIN TO I0NE DANCE RILL BOYS the following duly appointed committee: J. PERRY CONDER, Chairman, DAN McDEVITT by AMOS STRAIGHT, S. J. DEVINE, CHAS. E. GIASGOW, S. H. BDARDMAN by W. H. STEWART. The court advised the committee that It is not in accordance with the present procedure of the state high way commission to order a survey of any road until money is available to at least start construction and for this reason a complete survey is hard ly advisable at this time. However It Is "nderstood that the commission will be asked to make a general loca tlon of the route to be followed by the road leaving the actual locat'on until such time as some funds are available for construction. The request of the committee for the county court to set aside the market rond money next year with which to start construction on the road was favorably considered. It Is to be hoped thut the way will open for the early completion of this road as It Is a much needed factor for the proper development ofnorth orn Morrow county as well as for the business and commercial welfare of Heppner, the county seat. Ex-service men of Heppner and vicinity are expecting the charter for their new American Legion Post to arrive before next Sunday when an other meeting will be held in the council chamber at which it is ex pected a permanent organization will be perfected. Much interest is being shown In the proposed organization by the ex service men, realizing as they do that the Legion will prove of inestimable advantage to them In the years to come. Those who have already signed the application for membership in the post are: Marshall Phelps, Lester Doollttle, Glen Jones, Clarence Bauman, Clar ence Hesseltine, Glenn McFerrin, Walter Hayes, Ray Rogers, Harold Conn, Henry Cohn, Harvey Bauman, Berl Gurdane, Stephen Irwin, Cecil Lleuallen, Harry Hurley, R. E. Crego, Spencer Crawford, F. R. Greenba, Walter E. Moore, Paul M. Gemmell, Arthur Henry Smith, Albert LeRoy Stamp, Elmer Lee Matteson, Loren Mikesell, Vane Jones, Earl E. Gil liam, G. W. Corbett, John B. Calmus, W. W. Ewing, Lynn Hale, Chester Austin, Royal Wakefield and James Edgar Copenhaver. not a crook. Plenty of live water in two places. 300 acres enclosed hog I tight. Old farmers have said, "On this farm I have seen the best wheat I have ever seen grow." On spring plowing, seeded the 20th of April. I In by far the fastest base ball game have bagged 27 bushels of wheat to of the interscholastic season lone Hi the acre. The First National bank of triumphed over Heppner Hi for the Heppner can close a deal for me ac first time in two years. cording to their instructions which Coach Burlingame's sandlotters you can see by calling on them in showed lack of experience in baserun, person; but don't write to them, but ning and fielding, but hit hard in the there is no restriction to you writing pinches. plenty to me, The Egg City boys played better y. S. McKIMMEY, in every department of the game and 50-lt Salem, Oregon. much credit must be given to David son, their shortstop, who made some TO MAKE HEPPNER A CLEAN wonderful catches and whose hitting I CITY featured. For Heppner Irwin easily I Co-operating with the Women's starred, hitting two 2-baggers and a I Civic club the P. T. association and single in four times up. Reasoner all citizens who want to live in also 6howed well for Heppner. I clean town, the city council has de- lone I elded to furnish free transportation Lynn I to all rubbish, garbage, trash, etc T. Make to (he city dump pile during the week Warfleld beginning April 19. Property own ers are expected to clean up their premises and place the refuse in boxes, barrels, or other convenient form for loading on the truck. This Is a good chance to get a pub lie service free so better get busy HI with that rake during the next few at days. TAKE EGG STORM CITY BY Heppner Orr c Young P Boyd 1-b Irwin 2-b Ferguson 3-b Peterson ss Reasoner rf McDuffee cf Humphries If Devln Craig Davidson Wilson Balsinger K. Blake Friday, April 16th, Heppner meets Moro Hi, its old enemy interscholastic "DRUGLESS MEDICINE" AND "BLOODLESS SURGERY" y r::w ...... i 0 i EPISCOPAL GUILD ENTERTAINED Members of the Episcopal guild were pleasantly entertained at the i home of Mrs. D. C. Wells last Thurs day afternoon the hostesses being Mrs. Wells, Mrs. Sam E. Van Vactor, Mrs. W. S. Pruyn and Mr. S. A. Pat tison. Bridge was the form of enter tainment following which dainty re freshments were served. Guests In cluded Mrs. Ralph Crego, Mrs. C. C. Patterson, Mrs. Goodman, Sr., Mrs. D. T. Goodman, Mrs. Hanson Hughes, Mrs. S. W. Spencer, Mrs. A. L. Ayers, Mrs. Dick Wells, Mrs. Chester Darbee, Mrs. Joseph Nys, Mrs. Emmett Coch ran, Mrs. J. W. Beymer. Mrs. J. F. Lucas, Mrs. Paul Gommell, Mrs. C. L. Sweek. Mrs. W. P. Mah Phlll Cohn. Mrs. M. D. ClarTc. Mrs. F. Vaughn, r. George Thomson, Mrs. J. O. Rnsmus, Mrs. Robert Thompson, Mrs. W. R. Irwin. Mrs. II. F. Butler. Mrs. P. A. Anderson, Mis. C. C. Gilliam, Mrs. L. E. Illsbee, Mrs. W. E. Pruyn, Mrs. S. A. Paltlson, Mis Clyde Wells. Mrs. S. E. Van Vnrtor, and the Misses Mary Ffirnsworth and Jenny Black. High honors fell to MIhs Mary Farnsworth and Mrs. BIs-bee. HeoDner and Saturday, April 17tn, T-i.t imivnevs to Heppner to cross bats with the local hi school. Standings of the league: Club lone Heppner 1 Lexington 0 MUCH ACTIVITY IN IRRIGON W .. 2 L 0 1 2 Per ct. 1000 500 000 County Agent Hunt visited Irrigon Saturday evening when an interest ing and well attended meeting of the local Farm Bureau was held Mr. Hunt says the rapid growth in population and development of that The town team worked out Sunday gection of the county i(j truly murvel and promising material Vv 0U8 amj new peo,,ie ave COniing in everything looks like a granu all tne tme for the club. I At the meeting Saturday evening 115 were nresent and much Interest . 1 .. II.. urhnl Mrs. Mary Hayes ana iwhuj, "mwrs shown. . llinH laet mil Ifl I rrt . . . .. removea to i-eniuciuu -- . c. uiusgow was noniinntea for side, have returned to rieppnei mm rMgatlon district director for the re located in the Floreon property West Kxlt,nHon r)strjct to take the at May and Court streets. n- place of J. H. Camp, who has an Hayes' hefiiih is not good, the lady nonnced his resignation being conf.". I to her bed most oi me The proposed new school building Despite Short Notice and Bad Weath er Benefit Ball is a Great Success lone Elks who are members of neppner longe mo. 368, staged a Benefit Dance for lust Friday evening the proceeds to be used for some part of the furnishing of the new Elks' home in Heppner. They didn't fig ure on such miserable weather as old Jupe saw fit to spill on Morrow coun ty all of last week and by Thursday evening the roads were In such con dition as would make travel by auto to the Egg City one continual round of grief. It was then that Vee Gentry and Hen Cohn, two as live wires as ever wore an Elks' emblem, jumped into the bleach and chartered a special train to carry the Heppner crowd to lone. The boys' were required to guarantee the payment of $216 for the special but they weregame and the train was ordered pronto. Tick ets were put on sale Friday morning and they went like hot cakes, enough being sold to load the special to the guards and make the venture a finan cial success. The dance was one of the best ever given In Morrow county, everybody present having the time of their lives. Financially the affair was also a howling success, netting the manage ment something li'ke $300. In order to comply with the re quirements of the federal statute gov erning hours of labor for train, men the special could not leave on the re turn trip until 5:00 A., M., but no body cared about late hours because such dances do not come alonog every week. time. CHI-XAMKL DKMOXSTKATIOX MIfh Adklns, a demonstrator of Chl-Namcl, the wonderful paint, or varnish or something, Is at Gilllnm Mectlon will be h.-lrl April 2 to nu was discussed and Mr. Hunt under stands that the deal was closed Sun day for the purchase of several acres of well located property as a site for the school. The people luivc already voted to build a new school anil an AXD TIIK.VKK ln 'KH SACK HEI'PXEK A Blsbee's today and tomorrow show ing customer what wonderful results may be obtained from the use of that product. Miss Adklns Is an attract Ive Instructor and while generally the ladies of the community are supposed to be Interested In such deninnstra- tlons, Frank Gilllnm remarked that many Heppner men are taking the Chl-Namel lessons snylng they will pass the information along to their wive at their leisure. tnorlze a bond Iscue for the purpose. An Interesting game of ball win played Sunday afternoon between the Irrigon and Umatilla teams In which L'matlllu won in a close game of 6 to 7. In the last half of the game not n score was tallli-d by either team. San Francisco, April 10. Thous ands of sack of potatoes are hoarded In Cujlfornla warehouxes, according to a report made following an Investi gation by the officers of District At torney Matthew Brady. In Stockton warehouses there are approximately 200.000 sucks of pota to, th report snlil. In on ware house th Investigator tepoited cm- ploi had told hi in only 2o sacks ! of eillbl potutoes could b secured I I' MHH. ISKIGGH OF T II K l-TRY YARD Members of the senior class will ptegent a three-act comedy tinder the above title at th lilnh school audi torium next Friday evening and those In th know aver that th entertain-1 ment will be worth several times Hi pile of admission. Pom of the play. r Iheiiisi'lvi-s admit thl fact and out of a lot cf 1C00 sacks. Out of an- I ' I"""I' only other lot of 1600 sacks, ot.lv ,fpfl i "'n hy the play and the company ei fit for human consumption, the! !:: MATF.RXITV IIOMK I have urranKcd to take a limited number of maternity casi's nt my home In east ld'ppner and assure the M iy best attention and cute to l!I patients For full Information wilt or phone, MRS. GKOItfli: AIKKN, Phone 30 f. Box 14 2 47tf Ili pi ner, Ou-gun : : : : : : : FARMF.RS AND STOCKGROWKKS ENDORSE RELIEF BILL Pomona grangeB In Lincoln, Polk and Multnomah counties have endors ed the relief bill for higher educa tion, which will appear on the ballot on May 21 as the Higher Educational Tax Act. Tho Eastern Oregon Cattle Feeders' Convention, the Oregon Dairy Council, and various other groups of farmers and stockmen have endorsed the bill. Endorsements- are beginning to be announced from Am erican Legion posts. The president of the State Federal ion of Labor has IsHUed a Irlter to till labor unions, urging endorsement. These approv als, toKetlier with the numerous ones from chambers of commerce, civic bodies ,and women's clubs, show the widespread Interest in preserving the freedom and equality of higher education. T'lltsT XATIOXAL DOl'ltl.FS SAFE TY IM I'OMT FACILITIES The First National bank hits dou bled the rapacity of thejr safety de- noslt vault by adding 2S new boiefl for th uhi or patrons of th bank. Th cost of the ii' W Instillation was In excess of $12110.00. The biisliii'HM of the Flist National has gtown so rapidly during Hie past two or three yearn that the deiouml for safe bom's for the use of patrons tins for M'M'inI mon! lis i in i il. d the supply and It was to him t this In-i-MiisliiK d'Mnalid that tli" nw loi- ..n. added. report said, potato In the ware house hive been rotting for three months, the Investigator ld. Why not go to "hoidlng" these pud profltwr In tile. qult cell In th penitentiary for awhlla and let them do ionic rotting? Ml. J I'K.RRY niMH It AM OXK. tV MM I'W.H OF "IMm...hh M IU. MIY" Wltb thorough ntomlr knol1f tber if to limit to hl you ra erompltsb. Ilr I ra id polot. but oely on of antsy. It It tot ric, bat th ruH of rortirtl vorkiei kDOvltdi of applied tottomy which mtkw dlagaoait poMit! atd brio tbottt rtt la lb trtmPt of th rat. Dr. CDdr It tow lrUe run rblc b bfflH lb 9rltJ!U of ID btl rWiH la. tn4ti rttwf apoo '! Uatr. al lb Katturtaoi br la Rppat. muou i -a mp: orr ahead When Mayor YatiKhan tturnd from IUkr (h other evening he found a big plursid on Ms Cout trt tldnr offering th proper ty for ! t th niodei.t prlr of 1101)0. Th low pilr riplained by th tatmnt that th mayor hd lft loo uhll financially pinharra d and that hi condition would ri"t prohtblf b lmpord by a k' ojouta In tikr. Th mayor also found, roralld on hi ftont porrb a Rilld'trH ahp hlrh h lout bo lima about tablet; lo bta ranch and puttini la a f plara Th mtftr fl that h I larky lo b ali aia that hi fnad dida't all Mm out of a bom tad k I aa prrtly tood old bt! of Ik ia nave not nan a son night run on Broadway I that they hv not yet taken Ih ihow to New Yoik. FOOD HALE Ladl of th Kplsco(al Guild will hold a food l In th show window of th Blar Thtr Saturday, Apill 17, 1920. beginning at 10:30 A. M Drop In and get something nu for lunch or dlnnrr. Nolle F. If there I any on In Oregon that hold any arrount again m by not or aerount In any form, present th am nd It III b promptly til and I how Indebtrd lo m will tak nolle that thy must ettl by not or othrvl or coat lll b addd It II. r. FWA'J'JA HT Dance Saturday, April 1 7 At Fair Pavilion Harris Jazz Orchestra of Spokane Tickets $1 .50 ric r, Dance starts DromDtlv at 9:30 - I Ml hUUK K I hat for rvlr at 1 'Orb a Jr Dull. Mrv II 10. OlIllStM HtllH