J THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, March 30, i92QL PAGE SIX a ') 5 1 I I 3 1 ?-" '! ! II is.; I.I t SUMMONS And they are the kind of Hat Styles Men like. Not extreme, yet they present the newest ideas in Spring Headwear It is useless for us to attempt to describe the various styles and materialsbut we do invite you, most cordially, to stop in and see them. In the Circuit CouCrt of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County. T. J. Mahoney, Surviving Trustee of the Trust Estate of J. P. Rhea, an Insolvent Debtor, Plaintiff. vs. J. P. Rhea, Paul Reitman, D. H. Wilsay, Ed Clifr'f, John Hughes, Mrs. E. Howard, Oscar Borg and Anna Borg, Executor and Eaxecutrix of the Last Will of P. O. Borg, deceased; Mary R. Halvorsen, E. L. Padberg, Lydia E. Ray, Louis J. Padberg, W. H. Padijerg, and J. H. Padberg, heirs at law of Henry Padberg, deceased Chris LeTellier, E. L. Padberg, M. Belle Thompson and Ralph Thomp son, heirs at law of J. A. Thompson, deceased; Ceorge W. Smith, W. W. Smith, The' First National Bank of Heppner, Oregon, a corporation, Paulino Quaid, Ralph Swinburne, heir at law of E. R. Swinburne, de ceased; W. T. McNabb, James N. Lu per, R. C. Morris, Mary D. McHaloy, Trustee for the Beneficiaries under the Last Will of J. H. McHaley, de ceased; Fanny Rood, heir at law of Ed Rood, deceased; Nicholas Jonas, A. M. Marliham, K. F. Hughes, M. S. Corrigall, J. B. Natter, Jeff Evans, Belle Le Lande, Eva Magrunn and C. A. Rhea, Defendants. To D. H. Wilsay, Lydia E. Ray, Chrin LcTollier, George W. Smith, W. W. Smith, Ralph Swinburne, R. C. Morris, Nicholas Jonas, Jeff Evans, and Belle Le Lande, of the defendants above named. ders as may be necessary and proper herein. This summons is served upon you by publication hereof once a week for a period of six weeks, in the Heppner Herald, a weekly newspaper of gen eral circulation in Morrow County, Oregon, published at Heppner, under and by virtue of an order duly made and entered in this cause, by the Honorable Gilbert W. Phelps, Circuit Judge of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County, and the date ef the first publication of this summons is March 23rd, 1920, and the date of the last publication hereof will be May 4th, 1920. SAM E. VAN VACTOR, Attorney for Plaintiff, Post Office, Heppner, Oregon. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County. T. J. Mahoney, Surviving Trustee of the Trust Estate of C. A. Rhea, an Insolvent Debtor, Plaintiff. vs. C. A. Rhea, T. J. Matlock, Emma Welch, Chris LeTellier, Hanry Black man, James Fitz, Oscar Borg and Anna Borg, Executor and Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of P. O. Borg, deceased; The First Na tional Bank of Heppner, Oregon, a corporation, Sarah F. Wall, heir at law of W. F. Wall, deceased; Mable Hughes, M. S. Corrigall, John Mar mon, Sybil McSwords, Nicholas JonaB, Ralph Thompson and M. Belle IN THE NAME OF. THE STATE j Thompson, heirs at law of J. A. OK OREGON: You, and each of you j Thompson, deceased; E. F. Day, Fan are hereby required to appear and ny Rood, heir at law of Ed Rood, answer the complaint filed against deceased; H. D. Wood, Mary D. Thomson Bros, n you in the above entitled suit on or before six weeks from the 23rd day of March, 1920, to-wit: On or be fore the Cth day of May, 1920, and if you fail to so appear and answer the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in his com plaint herein, namely: The object of this suit is to obtain a decree authorizing the Trugfce of the Trust set forth in the complaint herein to soil, mortgage, lease, ex change, improve or otherwise deal with the property embraced in. said trust, in accordance with the prayer of said complaint, and more particu larly as follows: The ratification and confirmation of the acts of William Hughes, E. D. Rood and the plaintiff herein, as co- McHaley, Trustee for the Beneficiar ies under the Last Will of J. H. McHaley, deceased; E. W. Rhea, J. B. Natter, John Hughes, Jeff Evans, A. M. Markham, K. F. Hughes, Paul ine Quaid, Ralph Swinburne, sole heir at law of E. R. Swinburne, de ceased; Belle Le Lande, George W. Smith, Eva Magrunn, Jack Marnett and J. P. Rhea, Defendants. To Emma Welch, Chris Le Tellier, Henry Blackman, John Marraon, Sybil McSwordB, Nicholas Jonas, H. D. Wood, Jeff Evans, Ralph Swin bourne, Belle Le Lande, George W. Smith and Jack Marnett, of the De fendants above named. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You, and each of you are hereby required to appear and j trustees of the trust estate of the answer the complaint filed against defendant, J. P. Rhea, and of the plaintiff herein as surviving trustee of said trur.t ostate, and for authority to carry out the trsrms of a certain contract heretofore entered into be- you in the above entitled suit on or before six weeks from the 23rd day of March, 1920, to-wit: on or before the 5th day of May, 1920, and if you fail to so appear and annwer the ing to said trust estate, to-wit: , The East half of the East hair of Section Twenty-eight (28), the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section Twenty-eight (28), the West half of the Northwest quar ter, the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section Thirty three (33), in Township Four (4), South of Range Twenty-eight (28), all East of the Willamette Meridian, in Morrow County, Oregon; also the South six feet of the North half of Lot Ten (10) and the South half of Lot Ten (10) in Block Seven (7), all of Lots Eleven (11) and Twelve (12) in Block Seven (7), the South si xfeet of the North .half and the South half of Lot Thirteen (13) in said Block Seven (7), and Lot One (I) in Block Fourteen (14) of the original Town of Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon; also Lots Eleven (II) , Twelve (12), Thirteen (13), Fourteen (14), Fifteen (15), and Sixteen (16), in Block Two (2), in the Town of lone, Morrow County, Oregon. For authority to sell the securities to be taken on said sale. For decree of the Court fixing and determining the amount due the res pective claimants and the said judg ment creditors, and the amount to be paid each thereof pro rata, and fix ing and allowing reasonoable attorn ey's fees for the handling of said trust estate and for the bringing of this suit, and for the payment of the costs of this suit, and further decree ing the distribution of the moneys then remaining in plaintiff's hands as such trustee to the respective credit ors according to the respective amounts found due them, and fur ther decreeing that said trust estate be closed and settled and the plain tiff discharged as trustee thereof, and for such other and further orders as may be necessary and proper herein. This summons is served upon you by publication hereof once a vbo lor a period of six weeks, in the Heppner Herald, a weekly newspaper of gener a lcirculation in Morrow County, Ore gon, published at Heppner, under and by virtue of an order duly made and entered in this cause, by the Honor able Gilbert W. Phelps, Circuit Judge of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, and the date of the first pub lication of this summons is March 23rd, 1920, and the date of the last publication hereof will be May 4th, 1920. SAM E. VAN VACTOR, Attorney for Plaintiff, Post Office, Heppner, Oregon. Gillian 1 & Disoee Can cut down your high cost of liv ing by selling you A Sharpless or a Primrose Cream Separator that will save all the Cream A Surehatch Incubator that will Hatch the Chickens while the Hen Lays the Eggs An Electric or a Hand Power Washing Ma chine that keeps the Laundry bills at home A Perfection Oil Cook Stove that lessens the fuel expense A Torrington Electric Sweeper that makes House Cleaning a Pleasure Come in and sec these machines. All sold on a positive guarantee. Your mancy refunded if not satisfied !J: tween the sMd co-trnr,toes and one plaintiff will apply to the Court for l Nellie Varon for the snlo of thr fol- tho valinf ilnnn,! i-io r.,ni.,;nf lowing described lands, belonging to herein, namely: the said trust estate, to-wit: i The object of this suit is to obtain a decree authorizing the Truatee of the Trust set forth in the complaint herein to sell, mortgage, lease, ex change, improve or otherwise deal with the property embraced in said trust, in accordance with the prayer i The West halt of the Northwest quarter, the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter, and the South I half of Section Two, (2); the South west quarter of Section One (1); the j Southeast quarter of the Northeast ; quarter and the Northeast quarter of of said complaint, and more paitlcu ' (he Southeast quarter of Section Nine larly as follows: !('.)); The Northeast quarter, the ; Southwest quarter and the South 1 half of the Northwest quarter of Soc 1 tlon Ten ( 10) ; the North half of Sec tion Eleven (11); the Northwest quarter of Section Twelve (12); the The ratification and confirmation of the acts of William Hughes, E. D. Rood and the plaintiff herein, as co trustees of the trust estate of the de fendant, C. A. Rhea, and for the Judg ment creditors of the said defendant, j North half and the Southeast quarter C. A. Rhea, and of the plaintiff here of Section Sixteen (16); In Township In as surviving trustee of said trust Two (2). South Range Twenty-four estate, and for authority to carry out ' (2 4). East Willamette Meridian, con- the terms of a certain contract here (talnlng 2040 acres, all In Morrow tofore entered Into between the said j County, Oregon. co-trustees and one W. H. Padberg For Iho confirmation, of the fain for the sale of the following describ , o ftho following described lands to id lands, belonging to the said trust i one Ioe Slocum, to-wlt: estate, to-wit: 1 Ri winning at the Northwest corner The East half of o" Southwest quarter of Southwest quarter of Section Twenty-six (26). in T'wnrhlp Two, (2), South Range Twenty-six (26), East Willamette Meridian, running thence South ni-x-r. (!6) rod:i. the-iee Ennt ten (10) toilt, thence North sixteen (16) rod. th-ni-e Wet ten (10) rods I" the place of bei'lnnlng .In Johnscn's Ad il l!i-n to the Town of Hopnr.rr, ron Ulnlr.i; one acre, ami North half -f rioiMliwt'Ht quarter, South haK ol N'i-tliwont quirt "r. North hr.l' f N.;t!iwoM nirirter of Section Twenty, si (?'). Township Two (2), South l.'.nae Twen:y-six (2). K..itt V.'ll '. iinetto Meridian, containing 240 i'l'-en, i ll In Morrow County. Oreron. Kor authority to sell the tserurltles to be taken on said sale to said Net tle Mrn. 'nr decree of the court flxlns; Gilliam & Bisbec the Southeast quarter, the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section Four teen (14); The Southeast quarter of Section Twenty-two (22), the South half of the Northeast quarter, the East half of the Southwest quarter, the Northwest quaiter of the South went q-iarter, the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter, the North went quarter of the Northwest qurr ter. Southeast quarter of the North went quarter and the Northwest quar ter of the Southeast qi:.i;cr of S "r- j tlon Twenty-four (21); the Went half and the Vcl half of the Southca: t j quarter nnd th Northeast quarlr of j the Northeast quarter of Sit lion ! Twenty-five (25): till In Township To (). South of Ranee Twenty four (24), the North half of the ', Northwest quarter, the Northeast ! quarter, the Northeast quarter of the IE HIS ICE GH BEST IN THE WORLD WHY HOT TAKE A II! HcAtee & Aiken determining the amounts due the rei. Southeast quarter, the South half of .ei li claimants and the said Jmlsr- the Southeast quarter, the North half went creditor, and the amount to 'of the Southwest quarter, the South he paid ench thereof pro rata, and 'eat quarter of the SouthweU quar (.xlng and allowlnn reasonable at- tor, l,ot Two (2) ; the Southeast quar torney' fee for the hnniMIn of said Her of the Northwest quarter, the Northwest quarter or the (.ouilieasl quarter of Section Thirty 00); Ills Kast half of the Northwest quarter, the Northeast quarter, the Ninth h it' of the Southeast quarter of Snellen Thirty-one (31). In Township Two (2). Soith Ranee Twenty -rue (25). Ist Willamette Metldlan, In Morro trust etale nnd for the DrtnsniK i this suit, and fur the payment t'f the e... l or litis suit, and further h-ei-t-:ne the I'M'-iliution of the no n-,-v then tr'iann In pl.ilr.'Iff'r. hi. fid i r such ti ll-lee l i t- .ep. . t le rt"i!i!'' ' "' 'l" lo the r- " t m n .hour's ini'vl ijue I hem. :irl f-it- I! i-r u eri:i; thai said lnl ct.tie : County. Oregon. ..., t l;.l rellled md the pl.'lt ,1 , I a i l, -.i":e l'n 'rt. ',;- ' ff.et rt' fl--rt Kor author lly to sell and convoy t'r the het sum or sums eMail-h DR. HAROLD C. DEAN I'HYSICIAX mi,) SlH(iKO Heppner, Oregon, Permanently Located Odd Fellowi Building Office Phone TU2 Kesldenre 52.1 VAUGHAN & BUTLER Permanently located in Oddfellow'i Bunldlng Heppner, Oregon DRA. D.McMURDO I'll V Mil. M hi IH.l.OX Telephone 12 Orflce PattBison1 Dru 8tor Heppner Oregon WOODSON & SWEEK ATTOim YS..T-I.AV Hoppner Ofgon 9 IP-C i he fn'.'i v init ! icnlinl l:.'i liti