PAGE FOUR THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON TuesdayMarch 30, 1920. THE HEPPNER HERALD S. A. PATTISON, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER An Independent Newspaper Entered at the Heppner. Oregon, Postofflce as second-class Matter One Year TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION . ...$2.00 Six Months , Three Months t .SO .$1.00 REE AI ERTISING SPACE FOR THE (GOVERNMENT The Herald has given hundreds of dollars worth of free advertising space to the government within the !at three years without much com plaint but when a "publicity direct or" gets to rubbing it in as is done in the following letter it strikes the Herald as a pretty good time to quit the giime. The matter offered for "free" publication In payment for other free publication of advertising matter, it may be said, is also public ity matter for the sale of thrift stamps and should be paid for. Following is the letter referred to together with the Herald's reply: San Francisco, March 23, 1920. To the Editor: "Attached is a column of 'half humorous' comment which we thot might fill a need and which we will try to supply to you regularly every wefk il' you want it, free of charge. Frankly, it is an attempt to compen sate you for the publication of gov ernment thrift copy. "It will be supplied to you exclus ively in your cily or town if you want it. We do not want to waste our time, your patience, and paper if you find it unavailable. Won't you therefore, let us have a post card in dicating your wishes? "As you know, the large city dail ies are nearly all paying fancy prices for similar columns and find it re munerative. While this is only a humble thing in comparison with Arthur Brisbane of the Hearst pa pers and B. L. T. of the Chicago Tribune syndicate, yet it is designed to fill the same hole for the weeklies in the twelfth federal reserve district which those incomparable paragraph ers fill for the great dailies. Natur ally, it won't get up to their standard, but it will be as good as we can make it. We hope that you can see fit to make it a regular feature, employing it as a column rather than as filler, and letting it run in full. "Won't you let us know immediate ly if you want it? "Faithfully, "FRANK J. CARMODY, "Publicity Director, Gov't. Savings Orgfanization." 1920. March 27, Mr. Frank J. Carmody, Public Director flov't. Savings Organization, San Francisco, Calf. Dear Sir: Referring to yours of 23rd Inst, which had enclosure of copy for col- ft, I I 'i The Eastern Hide and Junk Company ' WE HAVE MADE AHRANUEMKN ITS WITH Sill. (iEO. M. SCIIEMPP, OF HEPPNER, WHEREBY HE WILL BUY FOR VS HIDES, PELTS AM PULLED WOOL AS WE EE AS A EE KINKS OF SCRAP IRON, RUBBER, COPPER, BRASS AXD i HAGS. YOU MAY REST ASSURED THAT MR. TREAT YOir RIGHT IV ALL BUSINESS MAY HAVE WITH HI. VI. ADDRESS: SCHEMPP WILL RELATIONS YOU umn of "half humorous" comment which you "thought might fill a need." in this office and which you are good enough to suggest that we make a regular feature, '.'employing it as a column rather than as a filler, and letting it run in full." we wish to express such appreciation as may oe appropriate. We also wish to express our grati tude that you will try to supply this service regularly and that you will aiso try to supply it free of charee. It would indeed be unfortunate for the country newspaper publisher, when we consider the present high price of print paper and labor, sugar and other tood stuffs, not to mention income and other forms of war tax. if the War Loan Organization should decide to charge regular space rates for the copy furnished for the free advertising they desire to have pub lished. Frankly, we tremble at the prospect; it forbodes disaster not' to say ruin. In contemplating your generous of fer, which you frankly say is an at tempt to compensate us for the pub lication of Government Thrift copy we are almost overcome with emo tion. Compensation by the govern ment for any sort of service rendered by the country newspapers Is such an unheard of thing as to be almost un believable; too great an innovation to be accepted without due and care ful consideration. In fact, to accept compensation such as you offer we fear would reflect on our patriotism if not on our sanity, If you will permit us to also specie frankly, we will say thtvt, to us this is about the most feeble effort at "comr-onpation" that has yet come to eiir attention. It is not unlike offer !n? to "compensate" a farmer for the U".n of Mr horse, borrowed to cprry i. b-n of ccn to the mill, bv going bi"k r-nd tis'kin? to borrow his team, mmvc, and hnvvpclt with which to nut up the borrower'1 harvest. If tv" may s-vv it. Tr. C"Ttinfl". u seem to rlint to the old-fcRh- ioned idea, prevalent in bnckwood country communities Rome forty yeirs ago that the greatest need of-, the country publisher in for "something to f'll un his paper with." That idea, today, is ermniou. if you et what we mean. The chief con""n of the ordinary intelligent pnh'ishor today is to side-step free smce crabbers, whether thev be oi- the Fove-pment, patent medicine. oil ftock variety, while eivin most of his attention to publishing the local news and selling enough advertis ing "icp to legitimate, broad-minded business men as will enable him to keen ahead of his payroll Saturday nights and pay his rather exhorbi tant paoer bills. Speaking of paper shortage and consequent hM prices, did it ever occur to you that the government is and haR been since 1917, perhaps the SURYEY REGARDING MENTAL DELINQUENCY REQUESTED Geo. M. Schempo HEPPNER, ORE(rON, OR CALL PHONE 735 V;) ly'vrv." h V f uu oeuais to2 If vW. 1 0 mm FEELER' THE 201? CENTURY WORK SHOE.. Several prominent citizens of Heppner who are known to be in touch with local civic needs have re ceived letters this week asking them to represent the University of Ore gon in their locality. They will se cure data for the records of the state wide survey as to mental defect, de linquency, and dependency which the legislature requested at its last ses sion when it passed a concurrent resolution asking for this information so as to be able to have accurate fig ures on the subject as a basis for in telligent legislation in the future. At the request of the Extensioa Division of the University, the U. S. Public Health Service is co-operating with the state and has sent Dr. Chester L. Carlisle from Washington, D. C, to Oregon to take charge of the work as director. The headquarters of the survey is the office of the Extension Division of the University of Oregon at Eugene, to which all correspond ence should be addressed. The citizens of Heppner who have received letters requesting their as sistance in this importanat subject are: Mayor R. J. Vaughan, Rev, Father Cantwell, Judge Wm. T. Campbell,.. Mrs. Lulu Johnson, Dr. C. C. Chick, Dr. A. D. McMurdo, Mrs. Lena Snell Shurte, S. A. Pattison, Vawter Crawford, Spencer Crawofrd. Anyone having information con cerning such cases should communi cate with someone mentioned above, preferably with the headquarters of fice at Eugene as most of the local people above mentioned have some sort of troubles of their own and a saving cf time and postage can be ef fected by addressing headquarters. DELIVERING PIPE FOR WATER SYSTEM Harn- Selby, proprietor of the Selby Truck Line, started delivering pipe along the right of way for the new municipal water system last Thursday, the first truck loads ag gregating more than six thousand pounds, The pipe la manufactured at the new plant of the Concrete Pipe Co., near the depot and looks like It should last for several thousand years. Mr. Selby has the contract most flagrant waster of paper in these for delivering all of the pipe and says he will be able to handle his part of the business in record time. THE DEST SHOE FOR ALL ROUND WEAR MADE ON THE ARMY MUNSON LAST AT YOUR MONEY BACK AND A NEW PAIR OF SHOES FREE TO THE WEARER WHO FINDS PA PER IN THE HEELS, SOLES OR COUNTERS OF A PAIR OF PETERS SHOES E. N. Gonty Shoe Store CERTAINLY, WE DO REPAIRING United States? Did it ever occur to you that news- paper publishers are the only class of , business men who were asked and ' during war days, practically required to contribute to the common good of their rtcck in trade without re compense? Did it ever occur to you that in every other line of industry ships, spruce, airplanes, foodstuffs, munl t'onn. "vices were allowed to soar k"w,ud a"d money was literally h'nwn at the birds while the pub Mphera wore expected to contribute of their space freely and without ques tion? Did It ever occur to you that with out, the aid of the press of the nation th't the selective draft would have been " !i',,Thty hud nut to crack and hat. the Liberty Loan and Red Cross drive, would have had hard sledding and Mint the newspapers put every one of these vital thing across with out money and without price so far as the United States government was concerned ? Is It not about time for the offic ials of the War Loan Organization. In common with all other government officials who may be In a position to recognize these conditions and to un derstand them In a memruro, to rec ommend to their superior that a measure of Justice be accorded to the newspaper people of the country and that steps be at once taken to adopt a policy of recompensing them for their rtoek In trade aa all other lines of bUHineas are compensated? Attain referring to your offer for FREE copy we must respectfully de cline Its uae. Youth very truly, HKPPNEIl HKIIALD. Hy 8. A. Pattison. Publisher. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS COUNTY CLERK To the Republican voters of Mor row County: I hereby announce that I will be o. candidate for the Repub lican nomination for County Clerk at the primary election to be held on the 21st day of May, 1920. Pd Adv. J. A. WATERS, Incumbent. COUNTY SHERIFF I hereby announce to the Demo cratic voters of Morrow County that will be a candidate for the nomina tion for the office of Sheriff of Mor row County at the primary electlcn to be held May 21, 1920. If nomina ted and elected I expect to enforce the lawt of the State of Oregon, to the best of my ability and without fear or favor: CHAS. B. SPERRY, Pd Adv. lone, Oregon. I'RMSPECTS GOOD FOR III MP! R CROP S J. Ritchie, h farms In a big way out north of LexltiRion. wun In !'in Wedm-day. Mr. Ullclilo nnd Itariy Pin all are the men ho tire 'Ut nir-; over f.O arte of land fiery - I heu mi lit tl.elr rate. pillar tmrt r ;.:! I ei,:l'.-l)oitiitn trans plow nnd I lie) lire , II Kevpin': n i:ouiit u.iy iiid ti'chl. Tin v are f.itii.lnc n'mul :.iimi r.i'n-K ,. Ian,! in and need .i k.i-p Heir equipment biify Mr i::ti-ruc ha be. n tnrniin in thin rm.tiiy fur )mii and Inst year he derided t,i nut h! land (o Mr Huvall and ntlte He didn't Ilk londns, heweirr. and a 1ml later he rented another bit" ti art and he and Mr. l'Mvall h.uiclil the tractor i in! went nl It tlfcht. Mr Itllrhl -,i)s (he pn,mt eie ni'HT bellet tei a I in i-r i-rop In hi m-iiiun and tiiaib fruity, ttnln Inner and M-ii.'Uii tux l. r of I'ine. wrll an i n iil.iti Die detniK-fatlr tlimil i tial i n for ftiei If of the futility n i in t"n M-imlay look in c happy an. I ri.iu.nnil l'1eiun thrr nerr no n-ti thin a potitlm and vWc ti"i He mii rietithin i uiIy m I i tmilial.d and that uprin U ; i'!' r.itl v the; d s A P E T Y & s E R V I C E FOOD DRAFTS WE NOW HAVE A SUPPLY OF AMERICAN RELIEF ADMINISTRATION FOOD DRAFTS FOR THE ACCOM MODATIOX OF THOSE WHO WISH TO GIVE PERSON AL ASSISTANCE TO RELATIVES AND FRIENDS IN 1 '"ASTERN AND CENTRAL EUROPE. WE WILL BE GLAD TO EXPLAIN THE VALUE OF THESE DRAFTS TO THOSE WHO ARE INTERESTED I.N SENDING HELP TO THIS 1 A R T OF EUROPE. PROFITS, IF ANY ACCRUE WILL BE TURNED OVER TO THE EUROPEAN' CHILDREN'S FUND. First National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON COUNTY SHERIFF I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Sheriff of Mor row County, aubject to the will of the republican votera at the coming pri mary election to be held in May, 1920. pd adv. GEO. McDl'FFEE. THE HEPPNER HERALD, ONLY $2.00 A YEAR COUNTY TREASURER I hereby announce to the republi cs votera of Morrow county that I will be a candidate for the republican nomination for County Treasurer at the primary election to be held on t'.ie 21st day of May. 1920. pd adv. KATIK MINEIIT. DIMItKT ATTOR FY To the republican voteri of Mor row County: I cm a candidate for the nomination for the office of Dis trict Attorney at the ennuing primary election. pd adv. 8. E. NOTSON. CORRECT ENGLISH. IT HOW TO I'SK A monthly uniKHJlne. Trice 12 50 the year. Heml in centa for namplr copy to Correct Epitluh rubtlahinc Co.. KvanMllle. Illmola. 4( 41 Let Your Clothes Express YOU! NO TWO MEN ARK ALIKE IX FORM OR PERSONALITY. THAT'S WHY YOUR CUTHES SHOULD DE MDE TO YOUR MEASURE. YOU WILL GET TAILORED DISTINCTIVENESS IX Heppner Tailoring & Cleaning Shop THEX. TOO, YOU GET EXCLUSIVE FABRICS THAT ARE ALL WOOL. KHAPK PERMANENT. TAILORING THAT'S EXACTLY CORRECT, GARMENTS THAT ARK CHEAP. EST HECAl SE THEY DEFY HA RD SERVICE. KROP IX AND I IE MEASURED NOW G. FRANZEN S. E. NOTSON ATTOItM Y-AT LAW Office In mrt Hon Heppner Oreffot i F. H. ROBINSON ATTORNEY AT MW Main Hlrert I one. Oregon "PERMANENT AS THE PYRAMIDS" Concrete Pipe Company Manufacturers Sewer and Water Pipe Irrigation Pipe Culvert Pipe Hollow Silo Blocks Cement Products 1003 North 10th St Walla Walla, Wash. Phone 467 t if !