PAGE TWO THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, March 30, 1920. J Bread LiKe Mother Used to MaKe You can have it if you use our famous White Star Flour For Your Baking We have just received a car load of Spring Beardless Barley for Seed We pay highest cash prices for Hides, Pelts and Furs Heppner Farmers Ele vator Co. Phone Us :k-u l.-l. .(V j-wi- - 1.4- f vranwmn to v )r r: o . u r, j . -1 W,, 4f. ff mbaf 1mm i ' " Vt nuke a specialty of quick repair work, keep ing always ready the materials and men for im mediate service. If you haw new work that you wish us to figure on we will he very glad to submit prices. )ur work is guaranteed to give you perfect satis faction and if you are not pleaded in every partic ular we will spare neither lime nor money to make it right. Peop!cs Hardware Company LC AT. K 1 11 b L M The Moral Risl V 't Ho t .- .1 1 . .. i.i ,vi, 1 1, 1, ,,,rk K.iril t.. i,nu imi .10 ii.,t . . 1 1 hvk. TiKil wlifo (!, 1 1 1 r 1 ti.iriiil vomer. III Viiil )mi r.m'1 e t.ililin'i rrnlil o ei tin;!,! K.illier. II '1.1 iiiiilln i'f Iii'.'iiuiiih; KNoV al niii bunk, nf 1 iii!i!ilnn I'niii uli'iii-f li) the t;i in ml.iili mi h )HIII tliTHIIIII. I 1 K'l l I" I'f I 111 HIllKtltlt h,l III )i'l,l i :illl. it. .ii,iini.l lints Hie Hint Hutu. Then dew-lop ai .it.iini .in. t- inin li u n..l i. It i.,n,l ),.i in ili mini id. id In 11 Hi.. time -in i t. lii iurtiilii'f I'U iiU.i. 1! ,i ili. L.iDU elf.: y,ni , r.iin l. I. tmnk I It .' ii'hur Farmers & StocVgrowers National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON. When your Plumbing goes Wrong J- CKCIIi NEWS 4. :- (Too late for last week) J. H. Franklin and Harmon Mont gomery of Rhea, were doing business in Cecil during the week. J. H. Miller of Boardless Barn, is a busy man these days drilling wells. J. J. McEntire of Ewing, autoed to Arlington on Saturday to" meet a party of young men from his native town in Ireland. After the glowing discription Johnnie gave his friends of Morrow county and Cecil especial ly we are sure they will all decide to settle in our midst and hope they will all prosper in their new homes. Geo. H. Marks, one of the state highway engineers who has been working with the surveying crew at Cecil, has been transferred to Minam, Wallace county, and left on Friday Mr. Marks has made many friends while in Cecil and their good wishes go with him. We hear there is to be a big dance in Cecil hall on March 27th. Arling ton band will supply the music. Mrs. T. H. Lowe will serve supper at mid night. Every one welcome. Ralph Winters, of Four Mile, made a business trip to Arlington Friday. , W. E. Ahalt left on Saturday for Heppner with a fine bunch of ewes and lambs belonging to Minor and Matlock. Another bunch left about the middle of the week for Heppner in charge of Ed Comiskey. Geo. D. Anderson arrived at But tevby Flats on Friday from Hynd Bros, ranch, Rose Lawn, Sand Hol low. Mrs. and Miss Ellen McFadden of Eight Mile, were calling on their Cecil friends on Sunday. Claude L. Murray of Ellis Minor ranch, lone, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Barnes at Poplar Grove. M. U. Logan and sister, Miss Olive, arrived in Cecil on Monday from Portland and will spend some time visiting their friends before return ing home. G. A. Miller, of High View, and R. E. Duncan of Busy Bee ranch, were calling on Leno Logan of Four Mile during the week. T. W. Lowe left on Monday for Sand Hollow where he will resume his duties on W. B. Barratt's ranch. Mrs. J. H. Franklin of Rhea, visit ed with Mrs. T. W. Taylor on thel Curtis ranch on Wedrfesday. I Mrs. Davis, who has been visiting around Cecil left for Spokane on last Wednesday. Mr. Peterson of The Willows, nc companlod by Hugh Van Scholck of t'uiatillii, were callers at Cecil on last Sunday. W. lteymer who has born winter ing his sheep -at Karl Kiirnsworth'B, lelt with his bund for John Day on Friday iiinrnlnK. Mr. ami Mrs. l'liil Brady nutoed to Arlington on Wednesday to meet Mr. mid Mrs;. A. Minor. The coiin y roiid men, aftr wnrT; Ini; on the Cei'll in;i(l-i for u eouplo of wei-Hs. left fur li ; iron on Monday am! will oomiiiriiiv wcnk I here. Wiine Spi'iiy of l'in Is now wmkliiK with the t.l;,lo hinhway en Hineeirt around IVril. Mr. and Mis. A. K. lints of The IluiiK-.iliiw, left on the lneal Tor Hepp ner on Wednesday. MIkh Hazel Winters of Shady Dell, who him been vlltin friends In lone rejm tied home Thursday. Mrs. Itiynnt, who him hern visitltlR hi nmul Cecil rel'imi'd to her home In North Yiiklnia Wednesday. I'. I.. Vinton, st, ile engineer, took In Hie St. Patrick's dunce In Heppner WeiltH"l:v and detliii til lie had the lime i f his Hie. Mr .ind Mrs V Hem Ikseti of Wll linv rie.k tiitnli. ! i.ililtiK on i i Iiel i'. i i! i r! n.W m Ki iilay. fi Dress Up lor Easter A classy new Tie will add much to your ap pearance when you dress up for Easter. Select a few from our fine assort ment for your spring needs liii IS it! II We handle the famous Hardeman Hat and can assure you sat isfaction in Style, Color and Price in Your New Easter Lid. Come in. Scim Hughes Co UIIV MM" Mlol I l VMTI' Mill T I ('It fore the people on May 21. Multnomah County Pomona Grange at a recent all-day session, not only endorsed the relief bill for higher education in Oregon, but requested lis nine subordinate granges to go out in their communities and work for the bill. The Orc.uon Dairy Coun cil has also ."trongly endorsed the bill which is to lie v"ted upon M;iy 21, j ami which provides 1.26 mills to pro tect the work of Hie Agricultural Col lege, the .Mute I'r.i verity and the .Vuimal School. The Stale I'niversity, the Airvlcult t.tal College uml (lie Oregon Normal School now hi.vo 5400 fulltliiie stud en's. The number does not Include iitiy of the thousands of short course, ciirifspondcnt-study, or uniiiier school rludents. The Income from the state for these three Institutions has Increased only three and eight-tenths per cent in seven years, althouch their attendance has Increased 150 per cent. The Api irultui ul College and the Stale University will have to close Unir doors to at It nut lliuo Miidents and pel luii s to twice that number un !. h lellef Is vot 'd In Hie May elec tli n. II. 'Hi institutions nip In ttrcat need of elusxroimis n tut laliorutnries. In I mem l. 1 ' I Oiei'ii Aki (.-nit I' ll ttiiv.' fe".-:i...l Tin- Ollr t" li 'l I'll" .IV Hi ll.helS of I'll' I'nllete f.uuttv I" .' n .! Uife of .1 ,T,- l;.llf ll;l. Will I l IKK III I irv I'M IS I I K.W l!i ii ti.itii n ill Hie I liHeislty tune lo lie it nuinei ens M.tny of llie.i- nun men- technical peclallsl III In .inches of null iiltilie, hoin the t'iite run l!l lilfniil In lose, us new men tiitiiinl limn Hie sl.ile In a year or Iso I'liui.-i r!i.iiit of Hie SKilrlilt Hist li'lli l'e, Hir St.itr I'niMlsMV nd Hie Ni'tnuU Siliml In Hits lrlnlt). lisie )iil if. i lif l s tmi'klrl rvplsln (Hi: Hie ri at I he Hm Itist H uilons Tie (...iiVlil !nii Hut Hie number f uiii.(. hii a! Hie i i it nil til at Col I. !. : . I III .. r retil. nd m ii ruixi-i'v IM per ceni. in mm li y.its. tuil Iht Income fnrni Hie h.' til M'.isrd le than l"T t i cut In n.l.titinn Ih buy ing p. "Sir i'f Hf inner tu ilwlininl!j ,n. IM1 A. a iull. Ih H'lr Hi. I lul'ion ' I1:P In Main tn nnt eti llf Hmip. a many sliul run on id imjlni of ! than niir tult i), iiKiinm, and rannnl "niak rnd li rrl " Th ai !" of Hi tranti. fur Hi hlhr duca lienl nl 'I b '.l that i lu cim b- T!ic p.mitsHon coiiunlttee of Hi rale club reiiuisls ptihllcntlon of lite following oidlnnnre: OnllniiOi . 117 Section 1. Any person, or persons who shall throw .cost. haul, or de posit, or any prson or persons who shall prnilt lhlr axnia or m ployra or any pran undr thlr control to throw, cast, haul or de posit any slops, pnprr, boxes, barrels, tiinniir. wood, tiash, scraps, refine rubbish, offal or filth n any airt or alley, or on any lot. pier ot parscl of land within Hi rorpoial limit. of the Cliy of Heppner. shall t diem ed tiillly of a misdemeanor and upn rnlclioa Ihereiif shall b punUlurt b fin of not than fit didlata. oi mot than fifty dnllat.. or by tin prixmnirnt In Hi city Jail net than (wo days, nor mor than tsrniy- fl days. llrppnt' tirw hlr la lookliif Hi, it I k hotel ty day. Th turro finish Is golnc on th front and thmts ar hginraini rlcht dnan lh Una. and Prosper I now have a fine list of choice Wheat and Stock Ranches to select from, but they are going fast. Now is the time to buy and get ready for summer fallowing Easy Terms and Fair Treatment E. M. SHUTT The Real Estate Man Up-stairs in Court House Choice Cuts of the Best Meats EVERY HOUSEWIFE WANTS TO SERVE THE best in Meats to her family.. She can be assured she is dumg m if she buys lu-r Meats at this .sK.p which i conducted in conformity with modern methods of sanitary marketing. Central Market McNAMER & SORENSON, Propt.