Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, March 23, 1920, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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A surprise dinner parly was given
atthe home of Mis. Frank Turner on
March 17 in hi. nor of Jiiss Ruth Htid
tileston. Mis. Turner treated the
class- with a sumptous chicken dinner
which was serve by Snd'e Huddles
ton and Iris Winnard. After this
f-'anies- were played and the Ouija
board foretold many startling things
about their future. The class pre
sented Miss Huddlcston with a beau
tiful piece of ivory. Those present
were: Everett Paltison, Alma De
vin, Elizabeth Phelps, Eernice Gith
ens, Edyth J3oyd, Mae French, Odile
GroKhens, Cyrene Lteuullen and Vio
let Corrigal.
Peg "If girls are termed flowers
what are boys?"
Ellis, rufully "They are the Bak
ing Powder, I guess, they always
raise the dough."
Elina Moore, a member of the so
phomore class, has quit school on ac
count of her health.
The boys are practicing baseball.
Watch these columns for their base
ball schedule which will soon be
ready for publication..
HEMHtl.Y l!l YS HOY Kit KA.( If
Win. Hcndrix closed a deal with
Glenn Boyer Friday for the purchase
of Mr. Boyer's stock ranch on tipper
Rhea creek known generally as the
Belingbrook place. The ranch con
tains 720 acres ,with 35 acres of al
falfa land under the ditch. The con
sideration was $20,000.
Xotice is hereby given that on or
about October 1, 1919, I took up the
following described cattle and that
the same will be sold at public auc
tion at my place on the Jim Hayes
ranch, 12 miles South of Heppner,
at 2:00 o'clock P. M. on Saturday,
April 3, 1920, unless redeemed on or
before that date by their owner or
owners or their representatives.
One three-year-old red cow, both
cars spilt, no brands dlHCerniible.
One red yearling heller, both eos
split, no brands.
One roan yearling heller, tinderbit
on both ears, no visible brands.
Heppner, C.EOllGE E. SPERRY,
Ore., March 9, 1920. 45-48
In the Circuit CouOM of the State
if Oregon, for Morrow County.
T. J. Mahoney, Surviving Trustee
of the Trust Estati) of J. P. Ithea, an
Insolvent Debtor, Plaintiff.
J. P. Rhea, Paul Reitmail, 1). H.
Wilsay, Ed t"lu If. John Hughes, Mrs.
E. Howard, Oscar Ilorg and Anna
liotg. Executor and Eaxeciitrlx of the
Last Will of P. O. liotg, deceased;
Mary It. Ilalvmaon. E. I,. Padberg,
Lydia 10. Itay. I.ouls J. Padbcrg, W.
II. Padlierg, and J. II. Padheig. heirs
I't law of Henry Padheig, deceased; I
hii i I.eT. Ilic: , E. I.. Padlierg, M. !
llelle Thompson
' on, 1 1 1 1 1 s at law
deceased ; Cecil g
Smith. The I'ns
and Ralph Thomp- i
of .1. A, 'I'liempKon, !
i' V. Sir it h. W. V. I
I Na'lon.il Hank of I
Heppner, Orctoii, a rut potation,
Pauline qtiaid. lialpli Sw inhume,
lu ll at law of E It. S ii.h'it lie. de
i eased; V. T. McNahli, .lames N. I.u
I"", IS. C. Monls, Mary D. Mi Haley,
'I'm ti e for the Relief trial icx under
tile .al Will of J. II. Mcllalev, de
ceascd; Fanny ISo.mI. heir at law of
I d Hood, deccuhed , Nil hulas Julia".
A. M M iiUh. in, K. I' tlit :!-. i. M S
Contrail. .1 It Nail,. i, j.-tr Cutti',
la lie l.i L..iiiIc, l,a M.ii'iitiiii and C.
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tween the said co-trustees and one
Nettie Mason for the sale of the fol
lowing described lands, belonging to
the said trust estate, to-wit:
The West half of the Northwest
quarter, the Southeast quarter of the
Northwest quarter, and the South
half of Section Two, (2); the South
west quarter of Section One (1); the
Southeast quarter of the Northeast
quarter and the Northeast quarter of
the Southeast quarter of Section Nine
(9); The Northeast quarter, the
Southwest quarter and the South
half of the Northwest quarter of Sec
tion Ten (10 ) ; the North half of Sec
tion Eleven (11); the Northwest
quarter of Section Twelve (12); the
North half and the Southeast quarter
of Section Sixteen (16); in Township
Two (2), South Range Twenty-four
(24), East Willamette Meridian, con
taining 2040 acres, all in Morrow
County, Oregon.
For the confirmation, of the sale
o fthe following described lands to
one Lee Slocum, to-wit:
Beginning at the Northwest corner
of Southwest quarter of Southwest
quarter of Section Twenty-six (26),
in Township Two, (2), South Range
Twenty-six (26), East Willamette
Meridian, running thence South six
teen (16) rods, thence East ten (10)
rods, thence North sixteen (16) rods,
thence West ten (10) rods to the
place of beginning ,ln Johnson's Ad
dition to the Town of Heppner, con
taining one acre, and North half of
Southwest quarter, South half of
Northwest quarter, North half of
Northwest quarter of Section Twenty
six (26), Township Two (2), South
Range Twenty-six (26), East Wil
lamette Meridian, containing 240
acres, all in Morrow County, Oregon.
For authority to sell the tsecurities
to be taken on said sale to said Net
tle Mason.
For decree of the court fixing and
determining the amounts due the res
pective claimants and the said judg
ment creditors, and the amount to
be paid each thereof pro rata, and
fixing and allowing reasonable at
torney's fees for the handling of said
trust estate and for the bringing of
this suit, and for the payment of the
costs of this suit, and further de
creeing the distribution of the mon
eys then remaining In plaintiff's
hands an such trustee to the respect
ive creditors according to the respect
ive amounts found due them, and fur
ther decreeing that said trust estate
be closed and settled and the plain
tiff discharged as trustee thereof,
and for bucIi other and further or
ders as may be necessury and proper
This summons Is Berved upon you
by publication hereof once a week for
u period or six weeks, In the Heppner
Herald, a weekly newspaper of gen
eral circulation In Morrow County,
Oregon, published at Heppner, under
and by virtue of an order duly made
and entered In this cause, by the
Honorable Gilbert W. Phelps, Circuit
Judge of the State of Oregon, for
Morrow County, and the date of the
first publication of ibis summons is
Match 2 3rd. 1920, and
t!i dale of
list publication hereof will be
v 4th. td'-'O.
Attorney for Plaintiff,
l'twt Office, ll.'ppner, Oil-gull.
- the Cltriiii Cum t of the State
nre:;o!i. tor Morrow County.
'. J. .Malimiev, Surviving Trustee
he Ti it-1 la tale of C. . lihca, nn
! IP. inlit u-, I'Uillillif.
A illua, T. J. Matlock,
'r h. Cht is l.c'IYIHer. H.inry
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plaintiff will apply to the Court for
the relief demanded In hlr roinplalnt
herein, namely:
The object of this suit Is to obtain
a deciee authorizing the Trustee of
the Trust set forth In the complaint
herein to sell, mortgage, lease, ex
change, Improve or otherwise deal
Willi t!n property embraced in said
trust, in accordance with the prayer
I of said complaint, and more partlcu-
i ia, iy ai, follows:
The ratification and conrii niatlon
of the nets of William Hughes. E. D.
lined and the plaintiff herein, as co
trustees of the triiKt estate of the de
fendant, C. A. Rhea, and for the Judg
ment creditors of the said defendant,
C. A. Iltiea, and of the plalntitf here
in as surviving trustee of said trtf.t
estate, and for unthorlty to carry out
the terms of a certain contract here
tofore entered Into between the said
co-ti iintcc mill one W. H. PadberE
ijfor the sale of the following descrlb
jcil l mds, belonging to the t-.ild trust
Ei.niui i..it..ti to-wit:
I'.la.k-I The Taut half of the S.ititlieiist
i H J eu.iili r. Hie S'Ut!ieast quintet of the
tlillx o:the,.t quarter of Section Kour
!lt of leetl (11)! Th" SoutlliVlBt quatter of
t Nn-.Section Tweni two (22). the South
'. " half of the Nuitheast quarter, tin1
li hi V. . i I, If 1 1 f t1l ' Il W fill 1HI II till'
lite ,,H!iet "lll.lMcr of till- SllUtll-
,,. i(...,r the Smith eel quarter
,,f !). ithne..t quarfer. the North-
( , .ner of the Nulthwcrt miat-
tet, Suiitle.i t iUiiiter uf he Noitlf
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t tier and the Nurtluaft qtiai ter of
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Two CI, Smith of li.ink-e Tenty-
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Only a short time till Easter and it is a
good time to select your spring shoes
Make Your Selection Now
Shoes, Ties, Pumps
SHOESLouis heel, high top,
brown, gray, black - -10.00,
11.00, 12.00, 13.00, 14.00
SHOES Cuban, Military or
English heel in black or
brown or gray - 6.75 to 14.00'
TIES new two-hole ties, ox
fords, Louis heel, black or
brown - 9.00, 1 0.00, 1 1 .00
PUMPS-Colonials, brown or
black, Louis or Military
heels, black kid or patent
leather, brown kid 5.00 to 1 1 .00
Silk Hose to match shoes
1.00,1.75, 2.00, 2.25 to 4.00
ing to said trust estate, to-wit:
The East half of the East half
of Section Twenty-eight (28), the
Southeast quarter of the Southwest
quarter or Section Twenty-eight (28),
the West half of the Northwest quar
ter, the Northeast quarter of the
Northwest quarter of Section Thirty
throe (33), in Township Four (4),
South of ISaiiKe Twenty-eight (28),
all Hart of the Willamette Meridian,
in Morrow County, Oregon; also the
South six feet of the North hair of
Lot Ten (10) and the South half of
Lot Ten (10) In P.'m k Seven (7),
ail of Lots Kl vi n (11) ami Twelve
(12) in HlocTt Seven (7), the South
si xfeet of the North half and the
South heir or Lot Thirteen (13) In
uiid P.lock Seven (7). nnd Lot One
(I) In Iilock Fourteen (14) 0r the
original Town of Heppner, Morrow
County, Oregon; ulso I,ot Eleven
(II) . Twelve (12). Thirteen (13),
Fourteen (14). Fifteen (15). and
SUteen (1C). In Block Two (2). In
the Town of lone, Moirow County,
For authority to ll the m cuiitle
to be taken on said sale.
For deciee of the Court fixing and
detci mining the tinuunt due the res
pective i-J.ilitiantH and the said Judg
ment ctedltots, an I the Amount to
it" paid each tbeieuf pro inta, and fix
ing and allowing te;tonr.ih!' attorn
ey' fee for tb" handling of mild
t:nt cHtato and for the hi inning of
lhl milt, nnd fur the payment of the
i'usIh of thin milt, nnd fiitlher decree
ing the dlti ihutlun r the money
then lemaitiiiig in pl.iintll f'n hnnd n
nurii trustee to the lei-peolive credit
ifs according to the reipectivc
imuiintii found due ttu'in, nnd fur
ther decreeing that Mill trust ratal
lie cloM-d and etted nnd tin plain
tiff dlM-hargeil a ttulr thereuf. and
for mit h other and fuither order an
may be nei-eoat) and ptopcr heirln.
Tb! iiunion I M'twd upen you
by iiililirntiun ln-reuf once a vr tor
,1 pellud of "IX teek. In the H- ppnct
I!, l.lld. ! 'klv lit pll.tt of genet-
t let 1 1 ul.illen in X.ne Cuiinly. Ote
tun, upihu . at It. ppi -i r. under nnd
hy itil'ie uf nn otd'T duly m.ule
i-.t.'inl li I ' riii-e. i t!i, Huliur.
,itt- :!'-I W P'ult. t'iTUlt .ftf;e
if I'e M i'e ii, IIifChu fie, M.uti.
Coil nt. on. I the .late e' ttie f:il p.ib
llrall.ll uf tli nil "if, I'tti i Mjr.'i
!3r.. 1 Ol. and t'i" !ale uf I f n.i
pllblif-Blien lieii.if ,, ,e 4 1 I,
AttotfifV fur I'laintiff.
rut orrir. Ili-pi'tier. (Tei;un
To the Republican voters of Mor
row County: I hereby announce that
I will be a candidate for the Uepub
lican nomination for County Clerk at
the primary election to be held on the
21st day of May, 1920.
Pd Adv. J. A. U'ATEIW, Incumbent.
I hereby announce to the Demo
cratic voters of Morrow County that
I will be a candidate for the nomina
tion for the office of Sheriff of Mor
row County at the primary election
to be held May 21, 1920. If nomina
ted and elected I expect to enforce the
laws of the Slate of Oregon, to the
beet of my ability and without fear
or favor.
ciiAS. n. sPErsrtY.
!'l Adv. lone, Oregon.
I heieby announce myself a candi
date for the orrice of Sheriff of Mor
row County, mibject to the will of the
republican voteit4ut the coming pri
mary election to be held In May,
P'l H'lv. CEO. MrDl FFEF..
rot vrv Tisi: w ism
lu rehy a-nnmince to the republl
voter of Murtow county that I
will be a candidate for the republican
nomination for County Treaurer at
the primary election to be htdd on Ote
Jlt day of May. 1320.
iivritHT ,ttiim:y
To the republican inter fit Morton-
County: I nm a candidate for
the noinlniitli.n fur the office of Dl
It Id Attorney at the rnuing primary
rte, tlen.
roniSMT I IM.
HV TO I m:
A n.entt.ly n ai-muie Ftire J T,n
the )!. S.nd H rent for nample
rupy ! Or fwt Ernli.h I'uld .etilrtar
Co .
I'mum III-, lilinoi 4 4
Ike Humard. rl known lone
mnrhrr and member uf the county
fair buanl. ai a buinr tiitor
hete Saturday.
TuesdayMarch 23,1920.
(Continued from Page 1)
bo the symbol of freedom and liberty.
Justice and right.
Above the dags of all nations
Our beautiful banner floats high;
Us stars like the stars of heaven.
Hi blue lilte the blue of the sky.
Long may It wave in Its beauty
The syftbol of freedom and light;
Not a star be lost from Its azure.
Not a spot stain Its itpotless white.
At the conclusion of her remarks
Mrs. Olllman presented each newly
made citizen with a nniall United
Statea flag and also with a printed
copy of the Oregon Flag Law.
The exercises were beautiful and
Impressive throughout and could not
fail to make a deep ond lasting Im
pression on the newly-made cltlzena
as well a upon the high school stud
ents, court attaches- and citizen pres
ent It Is expected that herearter each
das of applicants ror cltlzens'nlp will
lecelve the helpful attention and con
sideration of Mr. Oillman and her
co-workei In their patriotic woik.
llir.HLIt i:il '.Tlo t nvrn AUK
i.ouKvr i oi:im
Agrli-'iltiiinl education In tlx of
tho United Slate, not counting O. A.
C. which I tun-end In point of at
tendance, I firi a year per student.
Should the people of Oiegun approve
the inlllaire tax bill for levying ll.2
on each lintio ..e,i,od valuation for
the rlti-ge, univerittty and normal
ehon o. a. S.' ifhare would fall 7o
hoit of providing $3n a )ar for
It pident.
Enartment uf the nieaure will
provide 1324 per student annually.
again! the tlf.
Tho rullece in nuw tta'.ninc pre-
Cle!y (-. he nuu bbet provided for
In !!', and b une.firievnlh inure
mure nmriry to do it iih.
Auii nun in H
Mend lh rip.
And patch the h.,e,
IlillM tip the htola
And save your side.
nowr.u jihoe Piior.
Mam Kt . I.-ppnr, Ore.