Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, March 23, 1920, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Tuesday, March 23, 1Q20.
t t
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for Morrow County.
Morrow County, Oregon, a Public
Corporation, Plaintiff.
V. C. Becktell, M. B. Evans, E. J.
Keller, Archer Rice, W. H. Macom
ber, The Parvin Company, a cor
poration, George E. Quiggle, H. C.
'IRk Robertson, G. I. Robinson, Iva G.
Sel,wooa- Otis Shepardson, Oliff
Shepardson, E. A. Wickline, and
Asa L. Young, and any other per
son or persons owning or claiming
to own, or having or claiming to
have any interest or estate in
or to the real property hereinafter
described, Defendants.
line and E. A. Wickline, West half of
West half of Southwest quarter of
Southeast quarter (W W SWi
SE), and West half of Southwest
quartc- of Northwest quarter of
Southeast quarter SW4 NWVi
SE14), of Section Seventeen (17),
lownsfnip Three (3) North, Range
Twenty-four (24) East of Willamette
Meridian, $1.05.
Certificate No. 676, Asa L. Young
and Asa L. Young, all of Section Six
teen (16), Township 'Six (6) South,
Range Twenty-seven (27) East of
Willamette Meridian; all of Sec
tion Sixteen (16). Township Six
(G) South, Range twenty-eight (28)
East of Willamette Meridian; and all
Waters, Clerk of County Court, at
Heppner, Oregon, on the 12th day of
April, 1920.
Claimant names as wittnesses:
Phil Higgins, of Lena, Oregon;
John Keesran, of Lena, Oregon; Frank
McCabe, of Lena, Oregon; Geo. Vin
cent, of Lena, Oregon.
Summons of Notice
To W. C. Becktell, M. B. Evans, W.
H. Macomber, The Parvin Company,
a corporation, George E. Qugglo, Iva
G. Sellwood, Otis Shepardson, Oliff
Shepardson, E. A. Wickline and Asa set forth.
L. Young, and any other person or
persons owning or claiming to own,
or having or claiming to 'have, any
interest or estate in or to the real
property hereinafter described, De
r2F OREGON: You and each of you
f . f'l'e hereby notified that the above
Jfcamed Plaintiff, a Public Corpora
tion, Is the purchaser, owner and
holder of certificates of delinquency
Numbered 612, 625, 644, 653, 660,
661, 662, 673 and 676, Numbers 612
and 625 thereof being 4ssued on the
19th day of May, 1915, and Numbers
644, 653, 660, 661, 662, 673 and 676
thereof being issued on the 20th day
of May, 1915, by the Sheriff and Col
lector of Delinquent Taxes for Mor
row County, Oregon, and filed by
said Sheriff and Collector of Delin
quent Taxes in the office of the
County Clerk of Morrow County, Ore
gon, on the dales of Issuance thereof,
respectively, for taxes due and de
linquent, together with penalty, in
terest and costs thereon, upon real
property situate in Morrow County,
You are further notified that the
amount for which said certificate is
issued is set opposite and following
the description of the tract or parcel
of land lerelnafter set out, the same
being the amount then due and de
linquent, for the taxes for the year
1912, together with penalty, interest
and coals thereon, upon real property
situate in Morrow County, Oregon,
and particularly bounded and des
cribed as hereinafter set forth; said
tract or parcel of land being assessed
for the year 1912 io the first person
whose name Immediately precedes
description thereof, and is followed
by the name of the person appearing
to be the owner thereof, as appears
on the tax roll of. Morrow County,
Oregon, now In the hands of the
Sheriff of said county for collection,
at the data of the first publication of
this summons and notice, which date
Is the 17th day of February, 1920.
Certlflcte No. 12, W. C. Becktell
and W. C. Becktell. North half of
Northeast quarter (N NE) Sec
tion Sixteen (16), Township Three
(3) North, Range Twenty-six (26)
East of Willamette Meridian. $3.65.
Certificate No. 623. M. B. Evans
and M. B. Erans, Lots 1 and 2, Block
5 of the town of Castle Rock, Oregon,
JO 80.
f Certificate No. 64 4 W. H. Macomber
'f)'and W. H. Macomber, South half of
Southwest quarter (3V4 SWli) of
Section Twenty-Hoven (27), Town
ship Two (2) North, Range Twenty
three (23) East of Willamette Meri
dian. 12.30.
Certificate No. 653 The Patvin Com
pany, a corporation, and the Parvin
Company, a corporation, and George
K. Qulgcle, South hulf of the North
east quarter 3Vi NEH). nd South
half of the Southeast quarter of the
Northwest quarter CM, SK; NW-4)
of Section Sixteen (16). Township
Three (3) North. Ran Twenty-sU
(25) EjhI of Willamette Meridian,
14 40.
Certificate No. 660. Iva G. SMI
wo Ad and Iva G. Sellwood. !ot 1 and
S. block 4 of the town of Caxtla Rock.
Oregon, 10 15.
Certificate No- Otis snepara
nn and Olla Shepardson. North half
of Northeast quarter (NH NE4).
Southeast iiarler of Northeast quar
ter 8Ei NE-ile and Northeast
quarter of Southeast quarter (NE
RE'i). Section Nine (J). Township
tftx (6) South. Rang Twenty-eight
() East of Wlllamatu Meridian,
112 90.
Certificate No 66:. Oliff Shepsrd
"son and Oliff Hhepard0. North half
of N"fh"t quarter (NH NW",),
Rn.itkweirt uuarter of Northwest
quarter (.W NW,). and North
went quarter of Sutnwt quarter
(VW S-x-tton Teo (10),
n an Pouth. Range
T r,ty-i!.t !') ', W1!"
et!r Mrld,B. II!'"1
r.,.wir.. V :J. F. A Wirla-
Department of the Interior U. S.
Land office, at La Grande, Oregon,
January 31st, 1920. ,
Notice is hereby given that
of Section Sixteen (16), Township : whose post office address is Lena,
six (6) South, Range Twenty-nine ; Oregon, did, on the 24th day of Oc
(29) East of Willamette Meridian, ; tober, 1918, file in this office sworn
$146.95. " 'statement and application No.
The said amounts bear interest as 019392, to purchase the NE SEVi,
follows: The taxes aforesaid bear in- S NEi. Section 5, and NW
terest from the date of the filing of SWVi, Section 4, Township 4 South,
said certificates of delinquency, res- Range 29 East, Willamette Meridian,
pectively, at the rate of 15 per cent, and the timber thereon, under the
per annum until paid, the dates of provisions of the act of June 3, 1878,
i'iling of said certificates of delin- and acts amendatory, known as the
quency being the dates hereinbefore "Timber and Stone Law," at such
value as might be fixed by appraise-
And you and each of you are here- ment, and that, pursuant to such ap
by summoned to appear within sixty Plication, the land and timber there
days after the date of the first .publi- on have been appraised at $538.00,
cation of this summons? exclusive of the timber estimated 424 M board
the day of irst publication thereof, feet at 75c per M, and the land
to-wit: February 17,1920, and de- $220.00; that said applicant will of
fend this suit in the Court aforesaid, fer final proof in support of his ap
or pay the amount due as shown plication and sworn statement on the
above against said tracts or parrels 4th day of May, 1920, before U. S.
of land, respectively, above described, Commissioner, C. C. Patterson, at
of which you are the owner, or in Heppner, Oregon,
which you have, or claim to have, Any person is at liberty to protest
any interest or estate, together with this purchase before entry, or initiate
interest and costs accrued in this suit a contest at any time before patent
thereon. Service of a copy of your issuts, by filing a corroborated affi
answer or ether process may be made davit in this office, alleging facts
uunn the undersigned attorney for which would defeat the entry.
plaintiff, at ihe place specified be
low as his address, and in case of
your failure so to do, judgment and
decree will be entered against you
and each of you, foreclosing said tax
lions for the amount set opposite and ' Department of the Interior U. S.
following the description of said tract Land office at La Grande, Oregon,
or parcel of land above set forth, to- January 31st, 1920.
gether with interest and costs there- Notice Is hereby given that
on, against said tracts or parcels of CHARLES S. DYKSTRA,
land and said tracts or parcels of land whose post office address is Heppner,
will be sold to satisfy said judgment Oregon, did, on the 7th day of Janu-
and decree obtained In this suit.
ary, 1918, file in this office swdrn
you are nereby lurtner notiued gtatement and application, No.
that the plaintiff will apply to the 018826, to purchase the NW SW&
Circuit Court aforesaid for judgment Section 13". Township 4 South, Range
and decree foreclosing said tax liens 27 East, Willamette Meridian, and
against said property, hereinbefore the timber thereon, under the pro
described, visions of the act of June 3, 1878,
This summons- Is published once and a(.ts amendatory, known as the
each week for sixty consecutive days -Timber and Stone Law," nt sucn
In the Heppner Herald, a newspaper vaiue a8 mKnl be fixed by appraise
of general circulation in Morrow ment, and that, pursuant to such ap
Counly, Oregon, published weekly at plication, the land and timber there-
i.yii, ... . un.,, ni.j u ui on nave ueen appiaisea, at iuu.uu,
first publication thereof being Febru- the timber estimated SO M board feet !
ary 17, 1920, said publication being nt $1.00 per M, and the land $50.00;
made in pursuance of an order there- that said applicant will offer final i
for made by the Honorable Gilbert proof In support of his application
V . Phelps, Judge of the Circuit and sworn statement on the 5th day
Court of the State of Oregon, for of Mav. 1920. hefore II. S. Commls-
Morrow County, said order having Bloner, C. C. Patterson, at Heppner.
been made and entered on the 6th Oregon.
day of February, 1920. I Any person Is at liberty to protest
MORROW COUNTY, STATE OF this purchase befoie entry, or Inlti-
OREGON, ate a contest at anv time before nat-
Ey Samuel E. Notson, District At- Cnt Issues, by filing a corroborated
torney for Morrow County, Oregon, affidavit in this office, alleging facts
and Attorney for Plaintiff; whose which would defeat the entry.
(By William Unmack. Pacific Sports
Strange as it may sound, dislike
of a player's ability when he was on
an opposing team brought about his
purchase by a rival club in the Ma
jors. Col. Ruppert, part owner of the
New York Yankees, had an actual dis
like for "Babe" Ruth when this play
er was a member of the Boston Red
Sox. Ruppert is a dyed in the wool
tan, and he cannot sit still when his
team is losing, and it so happens that
Ruth was the big factor that got
Ruppert's "goal" on many occasions.
When Ruth would come to bat
Ruppert used to get such an attack
of nerves that lie would cover his
eyes with his hands and ret use to
watch the "fence buster" slaughter
the Yankee pitchers.
"D it, 'here comes that animal,"
Ruppert would say, every time Ruth
came to the plate. "Oh, how I hate
that animal!" and he would immedi
ately settle down in his seat and pro
ceed to cover up his eyes until the
next man was up.
"What did the animal do?" he
would ask his friends sitting with
him, "Is it fair or foul?" If his
friends told him it was a foul ball,
the ball magnate would breath a sigh
of relief, but if "Babe" would knock
the cover off the ball, or hit a homer,
he would weep and moan until Ruth
came up again.
When Frazee offered to sell Ruth,
Ruppert did not lose any time in ne
gotiating for the purchase of the
"animal," but the fans are wondering
if Ruth does not hit a homer every
time he comes to bat this Beason If
Ruppert will consider he has been
Tacoma, Wash., March 22. Bobby
Vaughan, manager of the Tacoma
team In the Pacific International
league, intends to put one of the best
teams on the diamond that has ever
represented Tacoma. He Is at pres
ent In California negotiating with
several high class men for his team.
The International league opens May
hunting deer out of season. District
Deputy Game Warden E. S. Hawker,
raided a camp at Upper Soda above
Cascadia and found freshlv killed
deer and five hams and other meat
being smoked. Keeney was arrested
and convicted, and has now appealed
to the circuit court.
Del Monte, Cal., March20. Ar
rangements have been completed here
for a monster sports carnival to be
held from Monday, May 17, to Sunday
May 23. The program will include
trap shooting, swimming, tennis and
golf. All the best men and cham
pions in each sport will be invited
from all points of the Pacific coast
to compete in the various sports.
Florida Has Big Alligator Trade.
Florida's trade in silligatnrs amounts
to nearly $1.ts)0.tNiO a year, according
to liurcs of men who know. Museums
md wealthy families provide a steady
lemund for live baby alligators, aiul
the demand for skins never lessens.
The alligator's upkeep Is not costly,
or he eats during only five month? of
the year.
Wine and the Romans.
Nenrly fifty kln'ds of wine were
known to the ancient Romans, includ
itiil several varieties used for medici
nal purposes. Falernian was a home
wine, resembling the modern Madeira,
ml was not commonly used until it
ns ten years old.
San Francisco, Cal., March 2 2.
Robert Dodd, president of the Pacific
association of the Amateur Athletic
Union, has definitely announced that
tiials for selecting the American
Olympic team will be held in this city
in May, Morris Dunn of Portland, and
Bob Weaver of Los Angeles, are the
other A. A. U. men on the Pacific
Coast Amateur Olympic committee
with Dodd.
Fresno, Cal., March 18. The Am
erican Legion in this section has de
cided to organize a boxing circuit and
control boxing hereabouts. The towns
n the circuit are Sacraments, Stock
ton, Modesto, Madera, Merced, Coal-
inga, Porterville, Bakersfield, Taft
and this city.
Albany, Oregon, March 21. Henry
Keeney, a resident of Philomath, has
been convicted in the state court of
"We paid more to undergraduates
of O. A. C. last summer than you
now offer or teachers," writes Barr
& Cunningham, engineers of Port
land, to the head of hydraulic engin
eering who had asked the well known
firm for information on hiring an, In
structor. The teacher was offered
$125 a month, whereas the student
got more money and all expenses
paid. Even the green hand with
neither training nor experience was
paid $5 for an eight-hour day $13,0
a month.
A Kansas newspaper told a sad tale
of a woman who advertised some fine
Plymouth Rock hens for stale. She
made the advertisement sound so
good that the 'hens were stolen the
next night. A rival county-seat paper
said the thief should be easy to ap
prebend that the paper In which
the advertisement appeared did not
have much of a circulation. Argou
The story is told of a woman who
as marrying her sixth or seventh
usband, having been divorced from
Ul the others. She thought it would
e unique to invite the- former Has-
Becns to act as ushers at the wedding
And the organist thought it only ap
propriate to play something unique.
lso. So he chose a modern thin.
Hail! Hail! The Gang's All Here."
Heppner Catholic Monthly.
Office in Court Houe
Heppner Oregon
Main Street lone, Oregon
Heppner, Oregon,
Permanently Located Odd Fellows
Office Phone 70ii Residence 823
Permanently located in Oddfellow's
Heppner, Oregon
Telephone 122
Office Patterson's Drug Store
Heppner Oregon
Heppner Oregon
address Is Heppner, Oregon.
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land office at La Grande, Oregon, Land ofrice at La Grande, Oregon,
February 25. 1S20. .February 14th. 1920.
Notice Is 'hereby given that
of Lena, Oregon, who, on February
15th, 1915, made Homestead Entry
No. 014313. for S'fe NEVi. SE',i.
Section 4: and E '4 NEK. Section 9,
Township 2 South, Range 29 East,
Willamette Meridian, has filed notico
of Intention to make three-year proof,
to oMubllsh claim to the land above
described, before J. A. Waters, Clerk
of County Court, of Heppner, Oregon,
on the 14th day of April, 1920.
Claimant names as wlttnettses:
,1'hll Hlrl, of Lena. Oregon; Fran
cis McCabe, of Lena, Oregon; Ed.
Doherty, of Lena. Oregon; Phil Mu
cins, of Lena, Oregon.
C. 9. DUNN.
Notice Is hereby given that
of Lexington, Oregon, who, on Decem
ber 23rd. 1916. made Homestond I
':ntry. No. 016877. for S I, HV V4 .
$ SEV. Section 32, Township 1
North. Ratine 28 East, Willamette
Meridian, and Lot 4, SW'4 NW14,
WV4 SW4. Section 4. Township
1 South. Range 28 East. Willamette
and on February 2. 1920. made ad.
II. E., 016980, for Lot 1, SEK NE4.
SiTtion 4, Township 1 South, Range
28 East, Willamette Meridian, has
filed notice of Intention to make final
three-year proof to establish claim to
the land above described, before J.
A. Waters, Clerk of County Court, at
his office at Heppner, Oregon, on the
10th day of April, 1920.
Claimant names as witnesses:
J. T. Ayers. Frank Ayera, F. W.
Coxen and Harvey O. Coten, all of
Echo, OreRon.
C. 8. DUNN.
s Grocery Co.
notio: tm rnu.irATiox
Department of the Interior, t. 8.
Land offle at I.a Grande, Oregon.
February 14th. 1920.
Notice la hereby glten that
of Lena. Oregon, who, on March 13th,
115, made Hometed Entry No
014417. for 84j NE', KE'i. "'
UV'i. flection 22. TonMp 1 Smith,
t!atie 2 Fsf. Willamette Meridian.
hS f.t'-d notlre of intention to make
three fer proof to e.t,Mh rtalm to
the land ab'ire dwrlted, before J. A.
ItobarU Bldg. Heppner, Or.
Of flea rhon Mala 14
Residence Phona Main fit
Heppner Otegon
rHvumx ami hi iw. mi i
ffcon Conner ln lone, Oregon
H'Ppatr Oregoi
THAN A MONETARY SAVING. It brings a saving in health
and strength as well as added values in energy.
Purity is the watchword of this store. All the food stuffs we
handle must measure up to our hijjh standard of quality or they do
not reach our shelves.
Evaporated Fruits
This week we are featuring as fine a line of Dried and Kvanoratrd
Kruits as has ever been offered in Ileiijiner. At this time these
Fruits are seasonable, at all times they arc nutritious and appetiz
ing and in these days of high costs they are economical.
Our line of Evaporated Fruits include the following:
Look In Our Show Windows
Phelps Grocery Co