PAGE TWO THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON - Tuesday, March 23,1920. p JOY'S COMING $J By MILDRED WHITE. 2ntr?I U1 a Dread LiKe Mother Used to MaKe You can have it if you use our famous White Star Flour For Your Baking We have just received a car load of Spring Beardless Barley for Seed , We pay highest cash prices for Hides, Pelts and Furs Heppner Farmers Elevator Co. , w 1 When your Plumbing goes Wrong Phone Us LJ mm: Mi j.r-t; i imp Wo make a s n-cialt y of quick repair work, keep ing always ready (lie materials and men for im mediate service. If jmi have new work that you wish us to figure on we will lie very glad to submit ju ices. Our work is uuaranteed to give you perfect satis faction and if you are not pleased in every partic ular we will spare neither time nor money to make it right. Peoples Hardware Company We Keep a Record For You oi: 01 1111 i m v.i m um; nun M ( o I I III I Ml I II - I I lit 1 It N . HON f.l ( o;li t u llll IUMIKS III' llll'. llM i nwi 1 iim 1 11 tin it i ui r is i:n. uiui 10 u mi mm v iiwi (iiisiiMi. slid 1:1 i oitu i 1 1 - ll;.i o' i.HI l' U I I. Illln IIWK Wll I III I I I s 111 IIWI U II IIWMM. I I MM si. Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank in:iM'Ni:ioKM:coN. v jc jt utTCruC (Copyright. Wits. Western Newspaper Union) j Big Tom stood gazing absently! through the window of his crude office . in the wood, .ills mother had dlstlti j guished him by this name, from the j frail Tom, who was his father. Now ; that both were gone, the faithful sou I awakened bitterly to a sense of h!& , own loneliness. With the cheer) j mother awaiting him each evening In . the neat cottage home, this busy life : among rough lumbermen had seemed j neither profitless nor dull. Big Tom urenueu poignantly his evenings. He wondered, if he might not arrange to leave the work here, and go to a more companionable field in the city. But whom could he trust to curry on his great Interests, which had, grown to remarkable success? Xo, the life which lie had been obliged to take up when .his fathers declining health made j w-ork no longer possible, must still be j the life which would hold his l'rettitv.: I spirit. And as he gazed with somber ! eyes through the opening between the ! trees, he beheld an unbelievable tliinrr: a girl's figure advancing rapidly to ward him. The girl, dropping her suit case be fore the office door, and sounding n tentative knock answered the question To Tom's astonished stare, she gave a wistful smile. "If you please." asked the wonder-girl, "will you direct me to a hotel or boarding house?" she added at his evident glamv o,' dismay. "I left the train at the Isixt stop, and have walked, searching upon ni.v way. The place is less p ipulated thin; I thought." "Come in," said Big Tom, cordially. Before this girl's diffidence his self consciousness vanished. "Why did you come?" Tom asked abruptly. The girl's crystal clear eyes met his frankly. "I came to hide away from a man," she replied, "and I left the train at the most Isolated spot I could find. I hoped," Impatiently she brushed the tears from her fringed lids, "to find work here. Stenogra phy perhaps, nnd support myself." HIg Tom whistled. "Yon know your own business of course," he said, "but don't you think you'd better go buck. Surely there Is some other way ." "This Is the only way," the girl an swered decidedly. "If It's the ouly way," he suid brisk-! ly. "and you are determined in It. why. you may become my typist, this mln- ute, I'll he almighty relieved to find j one. Kven In this wilderness I'm a Jiusy ! man. And there's my mother's cot- j tage, nil ready for yon 'to keep house In. It will be pleasant to think of j you there, sort of keeping things go ing." "And you?" asked the girl breath lessly, "where will you be?" "Why, right here," Mr. Tom replied. "I bunk here now half the time." So the plan worked out like a happy fairy tale, and the new arrangement of 11 (Tali's ran smoothly, as affairs were wimi 10 run. with lilg Tom's planning. Tin1 girl hade him call her "Joy:" "He cniii' -die had put her sorrows behind her." she said. Ills love f ir her grew to n sort of fi I'lvnre. In !"', was piTsonilied nil E&stcr ii A classy new Tie will add much to your ap pearance when you dress up for Easter. Select a few from our fine assort ment for your spring, needs II We handle the famous Hat and can assure you sat isfaction in Style, Color and Price in Your New Easter Lid. Come in. Sam Hughes Co UNEVEN PAINT COATINGS BAD be Great Care Should Always Be Taken to Have Them of Equal Mois ture Resistance. Routings of equal moisture resist ance should be applied to all surfaces of a wood product which would give dissatisfaction If It were to warp In service. Tests at the forest product laboratory, Madison, Wis., have ishown nily and truth suid purity of i lnilt t,Ven when wood Is properly kiln the bonk women whom Tom hud wor "hipped; almost the only women that he had can d to know. And ev ery day. little .ley, singing about her neat cottage, or over the books In the cabin olllce. grew more and more Into the very spirit of her name. It whs dried, no coating entirely prevents It from picking up or giving off mois ture nnd. consequently, from swelling and shrinking under the Influence of varying atmospheric conditions. Varnish, shellac, and other moisture-resistant finishes merely decrease then that Haw lings or the city end o. j rate ut wlilcli the moisture changes the business came out- to the forests, . ,V()(lll ocl.ur. 'r,e higher the grade to consult personally with Tom llere-j mll ,, )nore c(m,,, applied, the slower ford. And when Itawllngs faced Tom' wlt t)l, t, mB1P0 tnanges. little stenographer he stammered In j rnenual coatings on opposite stir what he wa salng ami led the room, f,,,.,,, f wooden nmole cause tin patently perturbed. Ill Tom's I w, rlM f ,,j,ng.' in moisture con troubled even noted Joy's sudden pal- j ., , ,n(.P unequal shrinkage on lor. ami lien Uiillng had gone she vo sMt,9 ,lf tllo pw.,,. T1(. r(.. cnioe tn I1I111 nit), a gesture of reslg- m,i, M tm,t the wood tends to cup or nalbm. "I will hae M leave ou. Big twB, ,mt ,,f st,np,.. Tom." ! suid wini-lly. j III "ItawlliiL's Is not the man you are hiding fioin?" he asked sharply. j .ley sh.M.k lor hei'd. "He will send' the other nam to tin I me." she told ; him. j Suddenly. s. whm ,il.,ng. "Yon ih'ii'l understand. Tom dear," I he rrii d "tl,e tiuiii 1 run aay from, j was tn pi 1 -. -i I husband." ' 1 1: ; 11 ii ! I h s u:iis ri'b asi'd her. Be-j Cl.!h.' h's i.'.is held u-. , "l.isti-u," the gn Wint nil. "t ll fur eurs sritiiiiiy to a uiulihv nm an whn hn i-d and Iriisti d tne. Before he d'fil, !e bi u'i'd tin' to marry her oiilt sun. Unit I ii 1 1 tit guard her for tune nod iniitiri li'in from re-kle-nes , uisdii.ii. ngieiil. only when I lloutht that be Invi-d Inc. lie n Hlniilngly uttnn tle In n young girl's ) II ft I I Ills i thnli.-hl - Oh! Tulll I eer hne llhiilght -tbut r h m : m iiuiifil hef ire il wr mill Im' liHirl.t how (iilil I intnl fur tiitllisses tl Ii t U III l-i tv nre II .tut t quili liii litll of tll t 'Oi I tn ner ii I e reptnevil thr ii t wiit nnd hiM i. ..I . u i d tn i. fr...- I"'SI 'I il ii'n- ;i- i-d T.' ii'nnt tn tn I ih's. Veil lint ' .n r", I. i iliui ; I) 1 1 ,i i iui rsn 1 ii. .1 ,.lr.n.l !. 'i ui.- hu liinib i.!'.- .!. ! fc 1 1 I- , "l I Ii fr i; ' ...! h, Planting Memorial Treet l'lalititlg of lives In honor iH licim- who giixe their liis in the In: war l heroiiiliig u fn in Me nietbod nf per IxMitalllig the tiieiiinry of ihesv men. In I'loehind. ii.. Muv :ui. Mi'inorlnl dn ill be nuiile UM tiiiirable In' the disll intlon nf Liberty row. w lib Ii will ex lend for nine miles nnd v, III contain r,t. I iivik i :n h planted In n i i iorv of II gold star hern of ('le eland. The trees will he fit ll d Virion onk and em h will contain it tablet bearing the liaiiie of a soldier. iiikI the iluti nnd ptiue of bis dealli. Um for Helgoland. The Km nl HiH'Ictjr for the Protee- tloti of Bird. In Ktiglind ninl the I'er liiiiiu'iit Wild t.lfe l'miii-tle h'and of the t'ultcd State Join In miu'getlli tlml llelgnliilul he liunle n recritllon for the bird that migrate along the 'ot of l'tirnM The Isliiml I. Ir than onelittli of mile quare. but It la dimity in the path of tuigrutor) .r, iiii'l when llernillliy tun re tool i-l It..- fortitl. ntlnti. nml othi r llii I II HM tnblislillietit. the bit'! will .tob ibl) Use It. Buy Wheat Land and Prosper I now have a fine list of choice Wheat and Stock Ranches to select from, but they arc going fast. Now is the time to buy and get ready for summer fallowing Easy Terms and Pair Treatment E. M. SHUTT The Real Estate Man Up-stairs in Court House Why I grin Are Dif ieithmg. An niiih 'r t ttr huti ll e dim nu l oll In number of hote In the lui (.,.. Iillin nf tiore prhe. kertilnt i.iH t vi'h ttie if:i'i of v ent. corn. I r V. . twi f ninl iinitioi. mi l i...ii ,',,t lie fftin-1 ii-s.i! iiii;it( .,r so'iii'iltii.i noTe (iriiti'iilile. f.ul wlmt nre e oln in ! for murk toi l, i',e or leu (fun fiom imi J he . Choice Cuts of the Best Meats EVERY HOUSEWIFE WANTS TO sppw Ttir- best in Meats to her family.. She can be assured she Mu- i,u. inr Ah-at, at this sut which in cnnf.irmuy with i,i...Krn nn-ili...l-.f i timnej so ii i Ci'lldlH ttil .".inilarv market mir. Central Market McNAMEK & SORENSON, Props. i.xi hi