c j PAGE EIGHT THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, March 16, 1920. . i.cm i. m:vs items Alva Junus and his bride, nee Miss Hannah Wilson, have returned from Portland where they were re cently married. 1 ASHION.Mil.i: dkkssmakim; Remodeling and Ladies Tailoring. Mrs. Curren, Church street. 37tf Gay M. Anderson and Roy Coch ran and their families motored to lone Sunday. WANTED Respectable woman as housekeeper and cook on small ranch. Call or address this office. 4Jtf Walter Hell made a record truck trip from Portland to Heppner last week by driving a Ford truc'k from 'he Rose City to Heppner in one day. The truck belonging to Ciias. H. Lat ourel! of the Ford agency. Milton Wakefied, of Newton, Illi nois, is here visiting his son, Sher man Wakefield, and will remain for several weeks. Mr. Wakefield cele brated his 75th birthday a few days after his arrival here the occasioon being celebrated with a big family dinner party at the Wakefield home on Baltimore street. :;(;S I'dlt IIATCIIIXi. From Standard Ilred Single Comb Red Rhode Isand Red, Bred to Lay, Bred to Win and Ilred to Pay, f 2.00 per 1",, postage paid. 10 per cent off for in cubator sellings of 100 or more. Wril' or phone 4-1F1-2. A. W. Gammell. Lexington, Ore. 41tf Prof. M. B. Signs .superintendent of the Boardman schools, was here Saturday attending the conference of Hchool principals and school direct ors. Besides having charge of the schools at Boardman, Mr. Signs i:t also secretary of the Commercial club and the Farm Bureau besides put ting in his spare time as an all round hoost(;r for the town and project. Mrs. A. K. Binns made a business trip to Portland last week. KOK SAl'K White Plymouth Rock Cockerels. Phone 44F3 or address- John Pieper, Lexington, Ore gon. 4o-47pd An entertainment will be given by pupils of the Pine City school next Friday evening which will be follow ed by a basket social. The proceeds will be used for the purchase of an organ for the school. l-'Oll S A LIC Fifteen head of good registered Jacks. Will take mule colts from these Jacks at $100 each in nart or full payment for these Jacks. B. F. SWAGGART, Lexing ton, Oregon. 41tf Mr. and Mrs. V. T. Wigiesworth returned the first of the week from a pleasant trip to Victoria, B. C. Mr Wigiesworth went over to Beverly yesterday to look after his sheep bands in that section. Ellensburg, (Wash.) Evening Record. Mrs. E. E. Sahng, of Estacada came the latter part of last week to spend a few days with her mother, Mrs. Mary Bartholomew, and other relatives in and near Heppner. Mrs. Saling came in the car with Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox, who drove over to visit lor a lew days. .1. II. Cox, who recently sold his resilience property to Jack McCul lough, expecting to remove to Pen dleton, has reconsidered the tmatter and decided that Heppner is a mighty good town to remain in. He recently bought a residence property trom M. L. Case in the same part of town. Mrs. Lena Snell Shurte received a telegram Monday morning appris ing her of the death of her niece, Miss Agnes Snell, of Arlington, which occurred Sunday night. Shiwas 16 years old and the daughter of Mrs. W. 11. Snell of Arlington. Mrs. Shurte left for Arlington on the Monday morning train. h w1 L 1 Charter Number 11771 Reserve District No. 12 REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HEPPNER At Heppner, I" the Htate of Oregon, nt the close if business on February l!8, 19110. BESOUBOTS Ioiins anil ilisnjiints, Iinliiillnn rediscount!) (ex cepl those shown In l and c) $1,1G7,972.19 Total loans 1,107,117:! 19 DEDUCT! Notes and lulls ri'dlsrcunlej (other lhan imuik nc- ei-plHni'i-H soldi Isee lu-itl ".a) (Ivenliulls, nnseeuri'tl V. S. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES OWNED ! Iioposlled to xe'iire clnulalloii H'. S. bonds par uilin-l Pledged lo Heelin: postal suvlngs depoHltH (pur VHlUt Owto-tl unil uiiplfili;t'il Win- Savlims ( Yi t it'lralrs nnil Thrift Stumps ac t Ulllly owned Total P. S. t !o t-i Mini ill sei'iirities OTHER BONDS, SECURITIES, ETC.: 290,r,41.fi S77.327.fi3 1.075. M l.nnn.Aii IIII.IMIII. no 824.00 Serin il ie slinks atlier Ihiill I' S lionds l not llliindin u ne-l atnt iiiil'li- It;, it Shirk of l-V. ler.il I - IV ISatlk t"''l pel ll of MUllMi MU I. II I Vul if l.aiilum- lo. in..', owiiiil anil iinliu uinliei I'd I 'm nit in e an. I . .wtiii i- Ural ,.t nulled oilier III. ill l.llilillm house .... I.IIUlill I '' I'll "' Willi I i-.lel.ll lir-.Hr ll.il.lt t lo.li in :iull and liel it ii-its due li.uii tiatlmlal halm- N,a juii.iiuIm due Inmi I i'.Ki, l.ai.Uel -. and lliivt. r..li alio - 111 III.- I 1. 1-.. I .-late- i..l,er Ihan .0 . 111. I. .1 III II.-IIW I ', I .1, , I' 1 I I t'he k" on "111. I' I'alik- III He '.line eil ul' tow It lis I .-pi.l 1 1 In; l.lnU i.-lli.t' than llelo I . I T.ual oi li,-n. I !. I I. 1".. .l and IT .... I In . ks .a. I. ink- I... ale. I ...us .I.. ..f .-it v or town of I " " i . I I III'.: I'. ink ant llui . ash ii.-iiim It. den. I l. II fund wil'i I S. Tl.uMlt.t and due I I ..in 1' . S Ti . t-.ui. r i . Illlensl rallied ..it 1. .1 .'.ill.-, led M .li . Ituu I e -on tril.-s and lel.s I r r la'.'e InU last due Tatal r.li,N24.00 27, OKI. 1 la"."" no i.i.iiini.u.i T.iiiiil nil 1.17a "0 Ml.. '.'1 1.09 9:., 7U.1 5.1 lei.r.s'.i.li. lsv III l.ll'.ltl II 1.2.iii."0 K nit so 1.:i.i.:it2.7" LIABILITIES pa'.l t'.ll I ll si. 'I '. 1 . 1 I I III Sail. I..-, f. t.. . ... I ndu ul- .1 1.1..: i's 1.. ss r M . . .-.. I. si a!.. I I . Vi.i.'.liil I I - d f I I ll" I' ue. I 11 . i. ul an n. ' r s ..a . - . u.l 11 S la .1 e la N ,' , '. I I' Hik N.I , III ' - ,1 r la 1. 1 1. I . Ilk. I .11. , t 1 lt I , ,- I l.e I -. I .1 :: .!.-. ' "I l.'le "M . ..nines . I !,rl ... ! ,,l l'i It' I"" "'" '" ' I .-I I ., .1 ..' I. - .. I -I .1 .1 .1 , I , .... .. . , I . ., .. " I- " k O'.ts- ii, iC I .' ,, . " 'I. an. I : t . . lirwAin ti:pihit vi .r ti.n-i bint; lUy.mi'nt uiiject Tt nr . 1:11 v: id- -a.ua iaj4ti:o Wltllll .tn .Ul' 1 ' .1 I .1 I .' . I .1. nwr nr ioitn nunjrrT "o imrift (i'r v.' tit to dva. or aiitii. t to Ji) or iiuit itu'lr. am it ;otitl nvliuall 1. ..::! IT I I..'''.' '' I 1 il.l.n.lil 00 r. '. 1 :u t v ; ti :. t .171 ..'. I ...( :-t ; IIS l.i 7 I T'i 1 I , I I . . I .. I f .1... .' .1 it 1 ; 11 1 1 . 1 ..- 1 I ml ' t .r iii..t..'v f 1 tit t. r( ll't ; s . t '"ii". '11 .1 SI.,'. . f ll : n t- p. ,. it , . t- ,, t ii.. 1 '-I ' "1. k'.-a r.' n. ,,,f W I- V Ul 'M V. Cn.l.i. -- I 11 S - .. vi I 'UN I, .1.-1 I ! ', t 'U I . . ' ' ' 1 v ' '" I'l l 1 1! I, V. ,.. 1 V l These new Suits have the appear ance, the fit the comfort and the style of the highest grade custom tailoring, with the added conven ience of being all ready-to-wear. The new ideas in style, in fabrics, in colors and patterns afford ample choice for the most critical dressers. in f to In fact whatever men wear is here in dependable qualities at reason able prices MINOR h CO. 1. 91 WA.NTKI) Work during the after noon at 50 cents an hour. Address Mrs. Lizzie Nelson, Heppner. Thone 735. 46-47 Dennis McXnmoe .who recently purchnniid the Wilson hotel, reports j Ktat he Is busy Riving the place n I thorough renovating nnd that busi ness 1h very good. Mr. McNamee ex jpects to remodel the house, utilizing the rooms fonndy occupioil its liv ,inn rooms by the Wilson family, ns , ."dilitiona! bed clumber it. This will iKivo hi, 11 nt least ten adtlitional beds v. Mich his growing business already demands. I.. N. Traver, who is building the new Klks temple nnd Heppner hotel, and who, by the way, Is some hustl ing building man, reports indications for continued building activity In Heppner throug'.tout the rotrlng mtm ,mer ate growing brighter every tlay and he rather experts to make Hepp ner bis heiidtiuat tern for some time to come. Mr. Traver has recently pur ! chased n new car la which to rhase the elusive Jack rablt and otherwise aniline himself outside of but inns hums. 1'. S. Ackcrinun, able editor nnd publisher of tin- lone Independent. was a caller in Heppner last Tuesday r.ftc' noon coming up to keep tab on t'i" untie of one Charles Spetry, who is a candidate fur the nomination for sheriff otl the democratic ticket. Cliai He we.tts a mighty pleasant smile a nil f.is thlnes nie ruining his way In r.it load lot. Ackernuin Is so nd dieteil to the printing 'habit that he had to take a biitci-r while In town by folding M-vci.il hundred rnpi-r in the Hctltld ntflce "Just to keep from ret t'tlg lonesome," he Kill it, ! v - : ! ! n'itii jaw .j. ' i I I Mr sn.l Mts. Wltiel and family eic r.ilb d to S ib m Tin nd.iy even ing en account of the death of Mr C.etttinn. aiandfather ef llessle and In.lial,' Wit. el Mi I'liolittie of Hepiaei. In wotk in : iit i: l-tii.i-.I i-n th. lr few lioue Ceil M.-Corit Uk. of lone. Is wotk ! l'i- for Mt Cat I. Ctav. I'r. .1 l lv. out meteltrinl. rnl to ll.St.net HjiiitiLiy. The pttpils of tie Momn mhool ( t'l.tnted an iittlv (,t:.1-n. 1 M . t. t. .i!f. mtt 1. .1. her, sp'-nt the . k n.l In II. t-ner. 1 I'r.-I Will's r,t to C.omebeliy ,Iji ?'tnil .t !' W illis and .Uml trt. Noiina p. rt M "ii.lsv in I me. tmvln imiii j J J J J J J J J J. HKill SCHOOL XOTI-:S . .J. J. .J. .J. .T. ,J. Jt. .J. .J. .J. The students are delighted to see the interest that the parents and r.ii-iidn of the school are taking in ilicir welfare. greatest nei, ai present Ib the playground apparatus. "A ' certainly appreciate your hearty S '.I . iport. The tennis season will soon be here V: are hoping to 'have a permanent t.-nnis court before the year Is over, but in the meantime we are going to pl.iy on the old court ncross from the hospital. The girls are glad to see that the volley ball and net are here. The gills are gradually buying equipment' to help them In their" gymnasium work. They are going to help pay for such equipment from the pro ceeds of a program to be given the latter part of April. The Student Body play, "Six Miles From a Lemon,' will be presented on March 20, In the high school auditor ium. A mutinee will he given in the afternoon at 2:30 o'clock for child ren only, admission 35 and 50 cts. The final presentation of the play will be given in the evening of March 20, at 8:00 o'clock, admission 35 and 50 cents. If you want to have a hearty laugh, come and see It. It will be worth your while, and will be a great help to the students. One-third of the proceeds is to be given to athletics and the rest will be applied on the new clock system which hasieen re cently Installed. We are very glad to Bee Ruth Hud dlcston and Erad Frad back at school again. However, word has Just been received that Erad Frad Is now suf fering from a relapse of the flu. The senior play Is being put under way which will be given in the near future. Andrew Baldwin of the class of '23 has recently left school on the ac count of Illness. ANNOUNCEMENT Morrow Heights Addition 1 have long since believed that one of th first and most neressary re quisite for the upbuilding of a community Is good wholesome water. Now that Heppner proposes to supply this fartor, and having often been it-quested to sell building sites out of m East Side property, 1 have con cluded to put it on the market for sale In lots and blocks, and the plat is now noiuing completion under the supervision of Mr. S. C. Martin, a civil engineer of wlile experience. The tract Is easily accessible, has a fine view r.nd Its auhdlvlsiiin makes It desirable as home site. One of these days jrnu will want a home In Heppner. Why not buy a lot now when It can be bad at a reason able price, on very easy terms and In what Is surely destined to be a most beautiful ti-sldentlnl district. If you have never walked up on the hill, do so now. You will bn snt prised at the beauty of the location with a view scarcely anticipated, Mt. Hood being cleat ly outlined In the distance. Candidly, I ant sur prised and much gratified at the easy grades possible to reach the ptoperty s worked out by Mr. Martin, who Is on the (round, and who will be pleua rd to give any Infot motion concerning the plat. Perhaps It Is not entirely out of place to say that in platting this piopetty 1 am as much Interested In making It a beautiful home t an I nm In the ptofit that may be tealli-d. but I do not want any one to buy unless they fwl It 111 be profitable to do so. Nevertheless, I have no hesitancy" in saying that In my opinion, before you have made your lat payment, under the liberal term I propose to offer, th lots will hav gieatty rn.iance.l in value. WATCH Till.' SPACE FOH StTKQt'KNT INFORMATION. J. W. MORROW I 7 . nul .i k don.-. r