l '"'ill . .!..- r" ""St. Tuesday, March 16. 1Q20 ' trtwjti. ag, v n.N t . Ii; ... r- . , . ...... . .J (lf - LEGAL NOTICI APPLICATION vo Jll(;MLXT FOIU !.OSI(; TAX l.iK.SS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County. Morrow County, Oregon, a Public Corporation, Plaintiff. VS. W. C. Becktell, M. B. Evans, E. J. Keller, Archer Rice, W. H. Macom ber, The Parvin Company, a cor poration, George E. Quiggle, H. C. Robertson, G. I. Robinson, Iva G. Sellwood, Otis Shepardson, Oliff Shepardson, E. A. Wickline, and Asa L. Young, and any other per son or persons owning or claiming to own, or having or claiming to have any interest or estate in or to the real property hereinafter described, Defendants. Summons of Notice To W. C. Becktell, M. B. Evans, W. H. Macomber, The Parvin Company, a corporation, George E. Quggle, Iva G. Sellwood, Otis Shepardson, Oliff Shepardson, E. A. Wickline and Asa L. Young, and any other person or persons owning or claiming to own, or having or claiming to "nave, any interest or estate in or to the real property hereinafter described, De fendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You and each of you are hereby notified that the above named Plaintiff, a Public Corpora k tion, is the purchaser, owner and "Jf holder of certificates of delinquency Numbered 612, 625, 644, 653, 660, 661, 662, 673 and 676, Numbers 612 and 625 thereof being Issued on the 19th day of May, 1915, and Numbers 644, 653, 660, 661, 662, 673 and 676 thereof being issued on the 20th day of May, 1915, by the Sheriff and Col lector of Delinquent Taxes for Mor row County, Oregon, and filed by said Sheriff and Collector of Delin quent Taxes in the office of the County Clerk of Morrow County, Ore gon, on the dates of Issuance thereof, respectively, for taxes duo and de linquent, together with penalty, in terest and costs thereon, upon real property situate in Morrow County, Oregon,. You are further notified that the amount for which said certificate is issued Is set opposite and following the description of the tract or parcel of land Icreinafter set out, the same being the amount then due and de linquent, for the taxes for the year 1912, together with penalty, interest and costs thereon, upon real property situate in Morrow County, Oregon, and particularly bounded and des cribed as hereinafter set forth; said tract or parcel of land being assessed for the year 1912 to the first person whose name Immediately precedes description thereof, and is followed by the name of the person appearing to be the owner thereof, a3 appears on the tax roll of Morrow County, Oregon, now In the hands of the Sheriff of said county for collection, at the date of the first publication of tbts summons and notice, which date is the 17th day of February, 1920. CertlficU No. 612, W. C. Becktell and W. C. Becktell, North half of Northeast quarter (Ntt NEVi) Sec tion Sixteen (16). Township Three (3) North, Range Twenty-six (26) East of Willamette Meridian, $3.65. Certificate No. 625, M. B. Evans and M. II. Evans, Lots 1 and 2. Block 5 of the town of Castle Rock, Oregon, 19. S5. Certificate No. 64 4 W. H. Mueomber and V. H. Macomber, .South half of uthwest quarter (S'-i SW'i) of rtion Twenty-seven (27), Town- 4yr 'flilp Two (2) North. Runne Twen'.y- three (23) Kant of Wlllan.itte Meri dian, J2.U0. Certificate No. 653 The Paivin C ni p.iny, a corporation, and the l'urvln Company, a corporation, and GeotKe E. QuIkkIp. South half of the North east quarter (f4 NEU). n4 fouth half of the tfoiitheimt quarter of the NotthwiKt quarter (SW SEU NW'i ) of Section Sixteen (16). Townchlp Three (3) Notth. I!ane Twenty.Hix (20) I'.uH of Willamette M.'ildi;m. 14.40. Certificate Nn. CfiO, Iva 0. Kell woi'l and v f. Sellwood, lot 1 and 2. block 4 of the tow n of Cn'tle ; k. Oniron. $) k5. Certificate No. CI I. Otis Shepard 'til oni' f,,: !lieprilon. North half 'r NoMheant qunrter (N' NKlt). outheant iarter of Northeast quar ter (SEW NEW). Northiw.t qurtr of 8ootbet quarter NK4 SEU). " Tonhlp tftt (I) South. IUom TwBty-iht (21) fUat of WllUmctU Meridian. 12 50- Cert'.fieal. No. l. Oliff Shepard on nd Oliff Shepardimn. North half of Northwest quarter (N'4 NW). Southweet quarter of N"rtht quarter (SWVi NWV,). nd North et quarter of utht quarter (NWV fWi). fo-Uon T-n (10). Town.hip m () ". R" Twtity :ht ! of w,llam (! :erid;e. Ill Certi!rat N. t'i. E. A. Wick 2S i hVest nalf of Southwest quarter of I Heppner. Oregon, on the 12th day of i r t'nc emu r. .a. u hi i t. esi mill i) i i arers. i er : nr I p.miity I m n ht i i line and E. A. Wickline, West half of West half of Southwest quarter of Southeast quarter Y SW'U SEV4), and West half of Southwest quarter of Northwest quarter of Southeast quarter (WH SWVi NWVi SEVi), of Section Seventeen (17), Township Three (3) North. Range Twenty-four (24) East of Willamette Meridian, $1.0 5. Certificate No. 67G, Asa L. Young and Asa L. Y'oung, all of Section Six teen (16), Township Six (6) South, Range Twenty-seven (27) East of Willamette Meridian; all of Sec tion Sixteen (16). Township Six (6) South, Range Twenty-eight (28) East of Willamette Meridian; and all of Section Sixteen (16), Township six (6) South, Range Twenty-nine (29) East of Willamette Meridian, 5146.95. The said amounts bear interest as follows: The taxes aforesaid bear in-;S terest from the date of the filing of said certificates of delinquency, res pectively, at the rate of 15 per cent, per annum until paid, the dates of filing of said certificates of delin quency being the dates hereinbefore set forth. And you and each of you are here by summoned to appear within sixty days after the date of the first publi cation of this summons, exclusive of the day of first publication thereof, to-wit: February 17, 1920, and de fend this suit in the Court aforesaid, or pay the amount due as shown above against said tracts or parcels , 4th day of May, 1920, before XL S. of land, respectively, above described, i Commissioner, C. C. Patterson, at of which you are the owner, or in Heppner, Oregon, which you have, or claim to have, I Any person is at liberty to protest any intert-st or estate, together with this purchase before entry, or initiate Interest and costs accrued in this suit a contest at any time before patent thereon. Service of a copy of your issuts, by filing a corroborated affl answer or ether process may be made davit in this office, alleging facts upon the undersigned attorney for which would defeat the entry. plaintiff, at ihe place specified be low as his address, and in case of your failure so to do, judgment and decree will be entered against you and each of you, foreclosing said tax liens for tho amount set opposite and following the description o said tract Land office at La Grande, Oregon, or parcel of land above set forth, to- January 31st, 1920. gether with interest and costs there- . Notice ig h'et.eby given that on, against said tracts or parcels of ' CHARLES S. DYKSTRA land and said tracts or parcels of land whose post ofnce addres8 ls Heppner, will be sold to satisfy said judgment Oregon, did, on the 7th day of Janu and decree obtained in this suit. ary, 1918i file in thia office Bwdl.n You are hereby further notified statement and application, No. that the plaintiff will apply to the 018826. to purchase the NW'i SW Circuit Court aforesaid for judgment .urn ue..iee loreciosing sam tax liens 27 East, Willamette Meridian, and against said property, hereinbefore the timber thereon, under the pro described, visions of the act of June 3, 1878, This summons is published once and acta amendatory, known as the each week for sixty consecutive days "Timber and Stone Law," at sucn in the Heppner Herald, a newspaper vuiue as might be fixed bv annraise- of general circulation In Morrow County, Oregon, published weekly at Heppner in said County, the date of first publication thereof being Febru- ary 17, 1920, said publication being 111 I'uihuauee oi un oruer mere- for made by the Honorable Gilbert vv. rneips, judge ot tne Circu t Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County, said order having been made and entered on the 6th day of February, 1920. MORROW COUNTY, STATE OF OREGON. By Samuel E. Notson, District At torney for Morrow County, Oregon, and Attorney for Plaintiff; whose aauress ls Heppner, Oregon, 42-51 NOTICE FOU PVIlMCATIOX Department of the Interior, U. S. Land office at La Grande, Oregon, February 25, 1920. Notice Is hereby given that HARVEY McROIIERTS, of Lexington, Oreuon. who, on Decem ber 23rd. 1916, mnde Homestead "in ; y. N. 01fiS77. for Sj SW'. S'i SK'l Seitlon 32, Town, hip 1 North, Itani Meildinn. and W' sv4. 28 East. WHlamitte Lot 4 SW'i NW4 Section ' 4. Township I .oiilh. It:in:e 28 F.oxt, Willamette and on February 2, 1920, made nd. II K.. eK,!iMl. for Lot 1. SEU NE'4. SiHtlon 4. Township 1 Smith, Ranee 28 Kant. Willamette Meridian, ha filed notice nf Intention to make final three year ptoof lo etlabllKh claim to the i:nd abif dencl Hied. Iielore J. A. Watern. Clerk of County Omit, at bin oltlre nt Heppner, Oregon, on the loth d.iy of April, 1920. 'li'lt:..:lit name nn wilneim.it J. T. .ei.i. Frank Ayem. F. W. Coten nod Harvey G. Own, all of frbo. Orison. C. 8. DUNN. , Register. NOT UK Hill rt'lU.ICATlOX fptimnt ef th Interior, I'. 8. Ijind offlr at I. Grind', Oregon. r-hrvnf 14th. I!"). Notlr In hereby given that MATISII COI RTNEY. of Lens. Orei,n. who, on Msrrh 13th, IMS. made Jlnoie.tnid F.ntry No M44I7. for 84 NE'i. PE4. h Wi. (Wtlnn 22. Townnhlp 1 8'.yih. Hut) 21 !:. Willamette Meridian, hus Med ftotir of intention lo ttlke thte yr proof to elibl.h rllm Ui tht llld ibo deo-rlbed, befor J A. TUP UrDDMFD UfDAT n T-TT? U UMT7D rr-rr ntr iiioiiLij rnun iiuixfiLii, iiui i UKP,liU nArn nntir.it Waters, Clerl: of County Court, at Heppner. Oregon, on the 12th day of April, 1920. Claimant names as wittnefses: Phil Hiptiins, of Lena, Oregon; John Keegan, of Lena, Oregon; Frank McCabe, of Lena, Oregon; Geo. Vin cent, of Lena, Oregon. C. S. DUNN, Register. NOTICE I'OIl lTBI.lCATIOX Department of the Interior U. S. Land office, at La Grande, Oregon, January 31st, 1920. Notice is hereby given that KATHERINE HIGGINS whose post office address is Lena, Oregon, did, on the 24th day of Oc tober, 1918, file in this office sworn statement and application No. 019392, to purchase the NE SE. NE, Section 5, and NWVi ,SW, Section 4, Township 4 South, Range 29 East, Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provisions of the act of June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, known as the "Timber and Stone Law," at such value as might be fixed by appraise ment, and that, pursuant to such ap plication, the land and timber there on have been appraised at 1538.00, the timber estimated 424 M board feet at 75c per M, and the land 220. 00; that said applicant will or fer final proof In support of his ap plication and sworn statement on the C. S. DUNN, Register. NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION Department of the Interior IT. S. Section 13. Township 4 South, Range ment, and that, pursuant to such ap- plication, the land and timber there-; on have been appiaised, at $130.00,1 the timber estimated 80 M board feet ! at $1.00 per M, and the land $50.00; j that said applicant will offer final pi0of in support of his application n,i .i.i. emcnt on the 5th day of May, 1920, before U. S. Commis sioner, C. C. Patterson, at Heppner, Oregon. Any person Is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or Initi ate a contest at any time before pat ent issues, by filing a corroborated affidavit in this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry. C. S. DUNN, Register. NOTICE Foil PI HI.ICATIOY Department of the Interior. U. 8. j Land office at La Grande, Oregon, February 14th, 1920. j Notice Isliereby given that j HERBERT E. INSTONE, of Lena, Orcron, who, on February 13th, 1915, made Homestead Entry No. 014313. tor N E , SE, Section 4: and E'j NE'i. Section 9, , '"""""" 4 ''"" will'"tt" Meridian, has filed notice "f ,",,-nll'" " 1 ''' ' Vr!. io eniiuniMi ri.nm io me i;imi nnove deKi rlln d. before .1. A. Wilier, f'b tk of County Court, of lli-ppner, Oregon. on the 14th dny of April, l'i20. Claimant mime as wlunerix's: I'lill lilil, of t.i nu, Oieenn; Fran cis Mefjhi., t,f i.enn. Ori'i'on; Ed Doherty, of LetM, (Innun; I'hll llltt gin, of Lena, OrKin. C. 8. DUNN. Rei;lnler. F. A. McMENAMIN MWYF.Il Robert Bldg. Heppner, Ore. Office Phone Main (41 Renldenre Phone Mala Ctl ROY V. WHITEIS ItF.AI, F.NTA TK, lMH. Heppner OiegoB DR. CLYDE R. WALKER I'lHMMIA AMI M IU.U1 rti'iOe CVmnerrme Ion. Oregon SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTOIINKV-AT-IJIW. H'ppBr Oregon Out of the I 7 ir AKMY MITIGATES P.KAL TRAGEDY LIFE The story of an Oregon family, bravely fighting adversity to win the father free from the charge of mur der; the story of a daughter's su preme sacrifice in the family's battle against odds made overwhelming by the influenza scourge; the story of a Salvation Army lassie's work of mercy through the long drear days of fever when a mother and seven children fought for life in cramped quarters; has come to light at Eu gene, Oregon. The death of the girl and the funeral, the gripping pathos of the stricken, accused father, alone of all the family of nine, torn by great sobs as he stood at the foot of the little grave, brought the case to the public attention. The Salvation Army has been taking care of the family for days, then. Dr. Charles T. Wheeled, field rep resentative of the Salvation Army Home Service Program for 1920 checked up on the case and it is in his report the real story is revealed. It is a chapter in the famous Charles L. Taylor murder case In whioh Martin Clark was convicted on circumstantial evidence, then granted a new trial. The case held the interest of Oregon ' foweek s. Dr. Wheeler writes from Eugene. "Ensign J. L. Kelso spent an hour and a half today in a cell with a man bein gtried for murder. The Salva helps BUYING YOUR GROCERY NEEDS HERE THAN A MONETARY SAVING. It brings and strength as well as added values in energy. Purity iN the watchword of this store. All handle niuM nn aure up to our high standard not reach our shelves. Evaporated Fruits This week ue ate featuring as fine a line of l)ried and I'.vapoi ated Fruits as has eer het n offered in Heppner. At this time these Fruits are m a-onahle, at all times they are nutritious and anneti- mg and in the Our line of PEACHES PEARS Look Phelps Grocery Co. Melting Pot tion Army officer is his next friend." "Last July two men went hunting up the mountainside together, agreed to separate and meet later. uue man nin noi snow up. The alarm was given, they searched for days and finally found the body of the mis sing hunter with a deer strapped to his back. There was a place a little dinstance away where a man had stood in the bushes and had dropped two empty shells. Twigs cut where he had shot through the bushes. 'Suspicion, of course, fell on Clark, who had gone up the mountain to hunt with. Taylor. He was arrested, found guilty on circumstantial evi dence, given a new" trial and has been in jail all this time, since last July. "The family, his wife and seven children, sold their little place, the auto, the horses, the cattle and furn iture, everything that would bring money and they were in comfort able circumstances, to defent the fa ther. The family made a heroic strug gle to get along. The girl, Edhel. 16, went to work in a telephone office at $14 a week. The boy, 16, drove a truck. Out of the income of these two breadwinners the mother saved $100 during the last two months. Saved It to defend her husband. But the flu came last week and put them all down at the same time. The girl worked on Wednesday, took sick, went bark Thursday, determined not to loose that $14 which would help her father. She was stricken at her work, went home-and Sunday made Grocery Co. ays of high costs they arc economical. l' npor.'i'ed Fruits include tl APPLES RAISINS FIGS In Our Show Windows the supreme sacrifice. Her devotion had caused her death. "Ensign Kelso and Mrs. Kelso, the sheriff and Clark wont from the jail to the little home, where the prison er conversed with the wile who was hot with fever, through a closed win dow. The father was the only one able to go to the cemetery, the others all lying sick. A big, strong moun taineer, he shook from head to foot, and all he could say at the grave was 'poor little girl.' "The Salvation Army is taking care of the sick family. A Salvation Army lassie has been attending their slight est need night and day since the sick ness struck. 'For days she did not have her clothes off. "Today, in the prison cell, sitting along side of the stricken father, is Ensign Kelso, his 'next friend. " Precept and Practice. Many a man who talks about get ling a broad, clear view of the beauti ful world spends most of his days slt ilng behind nn unwashed window. Viishington Star. F. H. ROBINSON ATTOItXEY AT LAW Main Street lone, Oregon DR. HAROLD C. BEAN PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Heppner, Oregon, Permanently Located Odd Fellows Building Office riione 761! Itesidence 523 VAUGHAN & BUTLER DENTIST Permanently located in Oddfellow't Bunlding Heppner, Oregon S. E. NOTSON ATTOUN EY-AT-LAW Office in Oonrt Hou"e Heppner Oregon DR. A. D. McMURDO PHYSICIAN & SUItGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store Heppner Oregon. WOODSON & SWEEK ATTOHNHYS-AT-IiAW Heppner Oregon BRINGS MORE a savinR in health the food st nil's we of itahty or they do c following: PRUNES APRICOTS "TS-T.