PAGE FOUR THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER. OREGON Tuesday, March 16, 1920. whirlwind drive to !ei.l co. fair stock (Continued from Page 1) V V V . fS IONE XEWS THE HEPPNER HERALD S. A. PATTISON, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER An Independent Newspaper Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, Postofflce as second-class Matter TERMS OF SUB.-CKIPTIOX One Year ...2.C-9 Six Months Thr?- Months ...J1.00 I .50 "MX MJI.KS KlldM A I.KMOX" Is the title of the bvst osr.-dy of the season which be lven at the high school audUorluri .Saturday, March 20. If you want to enjoy many hearty laughs do not niiss seeing this fun niest of all funny plays. It wilt drive away dull care and ciake you feel 2 years younger. A special matinee, for children will he given at 2:3'.' P. M. and the f:ca! performance will be given at 8-90 o'clock. Admission at both p. 3 5 and 5 cents. Good music will be a both performance-?. Better go early as there will r r-.- ! seats. You will eet more thin norm. reatur- at no r.-oney's worth and iua: l.'.Ui( that tae s-asaf-ou will 1 n,ent uii. h. Uueh. NOTICE OF TAKING UP CATTLE ESUJAY S'otlne is herehy ?iven that about October 1, 1 1 r . I took hliwiB? describe'! cattle acd trie .tsiLne will be sold at pub'u -:R or p the auc- t'ca at my place on the Jim Hayes ranrh. 12 miles South of Heppner, at Z.i o'clock P. M. on Saturday, April :;. 1320, unless redeemed on or before that date by their owner or owners or their representatives. One three-y -a'-old red cow. both e.,rs split, no brands discernable. One r"i yearling heifer, both ears split, no brands. One roan yearling heifer, underbit on both ears, no visible brands-. Heppner, GEORGE E. SPERRY. Ore.. March 9, 1920. 45-4S Australian Foresight. A hand of youni'-itHt- with a pack of timnsri-N run a rib!. It into a lo? -:i a bi'-al reserve the other day. An tirei'nu-nt eniiiwl as to nhut vn to fie (!'fic with tii- r:i!.hit. The zenlu of the parry reason-! thus: "tt 'lin go. 7h Ml, bits the more fun f.r us." TJiii' -.t Ir find the rabbit was io Ftm.. man's Journal. a c.ood motto The motto adopt;-:: by the Heppner Titholic Monthly, which is ably edit ed by Rev. Father Cantfell, -Cooperation, to do Good for the Parish and the Community," is one which cisfat be adopted by every individual business firm and religious or fra ternal organization in town with profit to Heppner and Morrow county Hi-dxan Union met called school bulldin?. Hi Eh for bids School dis for a new Mc.V ne?' fror.t ne--s adjo John. C. Doherty was in from Lena Sifirday rer.ortir.? that the sheep are doin? w-11. His band of 1200 ewes are now lambing and making better than a 100 per cent shoving. Aiken are having a fine put :n their place of busi ning the new Elks building. Wcrk is progressing rapidly on the vi-er p::e line ditch above town. Al ready more than 60 00 feet, or about one and one-quarter imiles has been cmpleted. The ditch is 2 feet 10 inches deep giving a two foot cover to the pipe when it is laid. N. E. (Pat) Cro-s- is here from Portland representing the Associated Engineering Corporation who are manufacturing the Radio Pipele-ss Furnace for heating all classes of buildinzs. An announcement on an other page of this paper will tell you considerable about this furnace. Mr. Crow will several furnaces in Heppner and will then rro to Portland I Keithley ?hap? before the soil dries out. Oth erwise, the cost, of grading and prop er rolling the track to put in fit condition for September racing -would be enormous. A letter from A. H. Lea, secretary of the Oregon State Fair association was read regarding the proposed or ganization and particularly regarding the matter of entering the North Pa cific Racing association. Mr. Lea (stated that the week of Septembber 13 to IS is still open for Heppner in the racing association's program and jit was agreed that these dates be ac j cepted. Mr. Lea further stated that by tak ing those dates, which are just one week ahead of the state fair, that he can guarantee the attendance at Heppner of practically all of the rac ing stock that will be at the state fair as well as a large amount of the show stock and other general exhib its. This would insure Heppner a racing program that has perhaps never been approached in Eastern Oregon and would attract big crowds from within a radius of 100 miles or more. Those present at the meeting Sat urday evening were A. Henriksen. chairman. Cecil; Fred Ely, Morgan; Ed Reitman. Wells Springs; M. D. Clark. John Wightman, Heppner; M. E. Si".-. Eoardman; Ed Rugg. Rhea Creek: A. J. Merrill, Hardman; Charlie Spervy, lone, started to the meeting but had car trouble and sent his re grets. The following gentlement who wore recommended as directors of the fair association at a previous meet ing were designated to have charge of the stock subscription drive in their various localities: Gooseberry, Frank Ycung; Rhea creek. Ed Rugg; Eig"atmile, Oscar Liberty, Theodore Ander- to take the position of general sales son; Hardman, Fred Ashbaugh; manager for the corporation for the entire northwest. Never Drink Water. A large number of the smaller kinds nf desert mammals never drink water. 'T. Hushes, W. W. Smead, Jeff Jones, They live and thrive on dry seeds and m. d. Clark; Lexington, W. G. Scott. :raps i if wiMaunti in plhces where "he heat and aridity are excessive Parkers Mill, Tilden Williams; Lena. Percy Hughes, J. H. Hayes; Pine City, Chas. Bartholomew; Alpine. C. Melville; Wells Springs, Ed Reit man; Heppner, John wigatman. Matt itfhiiur ev-n touching their Hps to at-r. and it t::is been found impossi ble fi 't-U'-h .', e nf th-'tn to take wa t n i pri j r v. Appurviirly they never n.--,'- tttirt r thf deli.'ht of qui'b. b- Joe Devine; lone, Chas. Irwin, Chas. Sperry; Morgan, Fred Ely; Cecil. A. Henriksen, Jack Hynd; Social Ridsre, Poy Car.:pbell; Eoardman, Chas. D.l labaugh. W. O. King; Blackhorse. E M. Hulden; Irrigon. C. E. Glasgow, Hugh Grir.n. The High S uioel The Students of Heppner High School will present the play: Play "Six a I m o n from 99 Ml A Three-act Comedy, to be given in the High School Auditorium on rda 20, 192 Matinee for children 2:00 p. m. Evening performance 8:00 p m. ADMISSION -Children 35c---Adults 50c Cast of Characters Ma 0 Mhs Minnie Allen, who Is teach ing ichool in the J. A. Troedson dis trict, spent Saturday and Sunday with her friends, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. McXamer. George Ritchie came Saturday eve. on the local fror.i Arlington and spent Sunday with his family. Mr. Ritchie has a position with the meat market of that place. He returned Monday mornine. ; Wc- are sorry to learn of Mrs. Mary Hall being ill. Her daughter, Mrs. I Walter Cason, of Heppner, came Sat urday and will assist in caring for j her. j The C. E. Convention that was held i Sunday, March 14, at Lexington, was a grand success. Several car load3 I from this place attended. The lone ; society carried home the banner by : having the largest attendance of out ! side societies. The next convention i will be held in lone and the date will j be decided later. j Earl Wilson returned Saturday ' morning to Portland to resume his I studies at the Behnke-Walker college, j Mrs. Holmes Holeman and daugh- ; ter, Marjory, visited a few days last week in Heppner with relatives j They returned home Friday. Mrs. Belknap left Saturday morn- i ing for Kood River where she will ' spend a few days with her friends-, . Mr. and Mrs. Brown. Mrs. Belknap will also visit a short time at Port-' land before returning home. i ?Irs. Allison is here from Seattle and is enjoying a visit at the home of her son .A. C. Allison, who lives a mile west of lone. Louis Padberg of Portland, i3 in lone attending to business matters. Mrs. Flossie Bennett and child are visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Fred Ritchie. Louis Balsiger and family, who have been living near Portland, came last week. Mr. Balsiger has bought a Willow creek ranch situated about 1 tj rni'.ss east of lone. This place has been badly neglected for some time but will make a nice place with a little eitr-i work. Mr. Balsiger and family are now located in their new home. Mrs. Eros Ford is here visiting her sister. Mrs. Rufus Farrens. Pete Eiuernfeind of Cecil, was in I tee Fridiy shaking hands with his friend: and attending to some busi ness matters. E. J. ?.: v.- local merchant, ae compr.nid by his family, spent Sat urday in H-ppner. While th're Mr. Brlstow attended the school board's convention. ' ;y W-.-.-er, "ashler rf the Bank '' lor e. left Saturday for Hubbard to v;sit wl'.h his p3.rf-nfs for a few OKJ'.F.CT KXGI.ISH-HOW TO VSK IT A rr.ont.hiy magazine. Price $2.50 the year. Send 10 cents for sample opy to Correct Eselish Publishing Co.. EvanjviHe, Illinois. 4 4-4 3 AVOID THAT COLD 44tf Mnd the rips And -patch the holn. Build up the heels And sare your soles. EOWEP.S SHOE SHOP, Main St.. Ore, POLITICAL SiUENTS ol VTY ( I.U'.K To the !;.-p-:hl.cjr. :i of Mur-r'..-. County: I i,r-hy ar.nour.-e thit I will h- a - r. . . 1 a 1 k ,. r; !: --n ni!.r,.f.' tf-r rn?,'7 ".. rk cl.e pr.-.ary ., : .n h ;--M rc th :; '. . .' m i t , P Adv J. A V.'aTK":.-'. Ir.r-, :.t n: . ; ; "a . :-A v::t 1 -; t . 't ",i. "-:', ; i , ! ;,lf.:i ,s :,'' h t t, . I.i W. - -V. ., , .. : . v i i - : - '. ; v t : ; ,-. : ". ;in v . v . A l-n - - ?.'.'. pi, ' '.!-: '- . . Y :- , i -i ! ', T-! :-i : 3 is- ' : 1 i.l NT V Mil Hill' I hrr-by r.r.--..r.'- t 'he t"i. t : r of M r -a i". ,r v f tt : I .11 b a i.d i'r t r. ' r. J tioo f.r th tff;c of Sh-s'f o? Mir-1 ts. row Coufl'y f the pr,-. 4'y -r,n ' )'J ;o x.iy I ir eorn:c-; 'M ti an ! k.M-rd I r i;N-t to -n'- th ! j?' !, of It- . r' ":f-n, to V H-'j bt of my fc.i;!y and .fhoa fr i '-i or fvor. " . ( i chas. n !:::. y. I'd Air I-.r.. Or-.-- n ( l NT Y .HHUI I I r,e-?-y r,aoun- tr.y-lf a r-.1l-da fr t-. r.ff.c of .r.-i'f rf Mar row Cw4S. abj.-t in th ill of it -piib'.i-sn nt: it th ft.,R pr',. t r jr !. ..r tj b in My, Hi' pi ! C.KO V. '. I t t't.Y. i ol NT V Ti: V.t II ,1 i. '-ft i V ' w r r.'r tl )t t ! .11 a (" for ! rEy!.-,a ra" n i - t'. .r,) T- :' ' ::t -lit f t. ; : ?I ! katik visrnT s A P E T v & Safes':- s c R V I c E Eveay-day Help NOT OXLV DO WE TP.Y TO SERVE OCR CUSTOM EES WITH PROMPT, ACCURATE AND RELIABLE SERVICE, BCT WHEN VOC COME HERE, WE TRY TO MAKE E"ERY TRANSACTION, BOTH A PLEAS rRE AXD A PROFIT TO Y OU. COME 1SIT US. MEET OUR OFTICEPvS IX A FRIEXDLY TALK THEY AP.E READY TO TALK WITH YOU ABOUT YOUR PERSON AL BUSINESS AX D FIN ANCIAL INTERESTS. WE ARE AT YOUR SERVICE ALWAYS. First National Bank HEPPNER, OP.EGON ! P This IS a Bargain 40 ACRE WHEAT RAXC'H NORTH OK LEXINGTON IX. CLUDING CROP AND MACHIX ERY. PI.EXTT OF WATER. 22.) ACRES SUMMER FALLOW; 40 ACRES WITH WATER Rlf.HT. FKICE IXd.UDING STOCK AXD M.CHIXERY iJ.Ort PER ACRE. AliM) HAVE TWO Oil THREE HOUSES IX TOWX TO KENT. Roy V. Whiteis REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND FARM LOANS "PERMANENT AS THE PYRAMIDS" Concrete Pipe Company Manufacturers Sewer and Water Pipe Irrigation Pipe Culvert Pipe Hollow Silo Blocks Cement Products 1003 Vth 10th St ffi