7 V v A Tuesday, March i6, 1920. THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON PAGE THREE Why man we made this cigarette for you! Ik i V 1 $ ".SMTP MT JflK 2 CAMELS fit your cigarette de sires so completely you'll agree they were made to meet your taste! Unique flavor, fragrance and mellow-mild-body due to Camels qual-' ity and expert blend of choice Turk ish and choice Domestic tobaccos are a revelation! You will prefer the Camel blend to either kind of tobacco smoked straight! With Camels you can go the limit without tiring your taste. They leave no unpleasant cigaretty after taste; no unpleasant cigaretty odor! To get a line on why Camelswin you so completely compare them puff-for-puff with anv cigarette in , ; " "( - j o fx To" 30 "ZT: the world at any price. You'll pre iSn'.' r;; S!5 ter lualy to coupons or premiums ! rhia cation for the home or of fice tupply or when you travel. R- J- REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-alem, N.C. v. Seven Edwards, Kings of England. Seven English kings have borne the nume Edward. The first three belonged to the I'luntngenet family; t'.:e fourth belonged to the house of York, and so did the fifth, the boy murdered In the Tower by his uncle, Itichard II.; the sixth was u Tudor, and the seventh was Edward VII. A "Rattling" Good Car. At the sale of government cars re cently held In London one of the cars was described as a "rattling" good one. It is said that the sale Included a tame squirrel trained to run behind and pick jp the falling nute. Truly English hu mor Is of a more gentle kind than ours. Living Age.' Proper View of Peace. Peace is our proper relation to all men. There is no reason why, as fur as we are concerned, we should not be at peace with everybody. If even they are not at peace with us, we nia., be at peace with them. Letthein look to their own hearts, we have only to do with our own, J. B. Mosley. THi: Sil.lv SHIltT CltAZK So many millions of dollars arc tied up in silk shirts for men that the production of real necessities is hampered by exhaustion of credit re sources, according to a statement is sued from the Pittsburgh office of the Savings Division, United States Treasury. Information given to the treasury department by silk shirt manufacturers indicates that the man who possesses a half dozen of these articles will have to keep them in a safe deposit box in order to be safe In 1821 silk shirts will be so valuable that the owner will keep them with his' Liberty Bonds. Manufacturers say, however, that those who have bought silk shirts in half dozen lots will not hare many Liberty Bonds left by that time. One manufacturer told the govern ment investigators, that his company now had orders for $13,000,000 worth of shirts for this spring and that half of this amount, was for silk shirts. Many of the other grades or dered, 'he said, contained silk stripes. "Never has there been such a craze for silk," this manufacturer said. "Ten years ago we sold practically no silk shirts. The workmen now wear silk shirts but wealthy men do not. They know the cheaper weaves will give better service." According to the government fig ures, raw silk for spring shirts which sold recently for $6.00 a pound has advanced now to $18.30 a pound. The price has increased so rapidly that both manufacturers and retailers in many instances are refusing to nut money into stich merchandise because they do not care to finance such a huge trade at present prices. One manufacturer declared that the coun try was near the limit of credit re sources. The remedy for the high cost o necessities lies with the public, ac-. cording to the treasury department. If the public refuses to buy more than absolute necessit ydemands and con serves the money saved, prices will be reduced. Extravagance not only affects the persons nracticinc it hut injures the entire country according to the treasury department. S. A. ( ITS KKI TAI'K Vsa-T-rirfif M I 1 J Have Your New Suit Tailored for You IT OFFERS YOU THE OPPORTUNITY TO EXPRESS, IN YOUR CLOTHES, YOUR OWN INDIVIDUALITY. FROM CLOTH SELECTED BY YOU, WE CUT AND TAILOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH YOUR INSTRUCTONS, A SUIT TO MEET YOUR NEEDS. OUR SPRNG STOCK OF WOOLENS AWAITS YOUR SELECTON-AND WE INVITE YOU TO CALL TODAY. Our Prices Range From $40.00 Upward WE REPRESENT THREE HIGH-CLASS TAILORING HOUSES WHICH, IN ADDI TION TO OUR OWN HOME-TAILORED SUITS GIVE OUR CUSTOMERS A WIDE RANGE IN PRICE, PATTERN AND FABRIC WHEN MAKING THEIR SELECTIONS. Heppner Tailoring and Pressing Shop G. FRANZ EN, PROP. Wmk eSfiS3L mm 7mm Vital Steo. "I have crossed the rubicund," mur mured the woman who hud just qmtr relcd with her red-faced cook. Brook lyn Eagle. State lines and the inelasticities of the laws of sovereign states- are not permitted to hamper the Salvation Army in its work of service to hu manity. The Salvation Ai-mv hikes care of the man from Oregon, whore ever he is, if he is homeless, friend- ess and in want. C. E. Ehrman of Portland, fell ill on the overland train and was taken off at Willows, California. He was not a resident of Colusa county and could not be sent to the county hos pital, although he was near death. Willows people interetsed themselves in his case and sent him to San Fran cisco. There he was denied entrance to a state institution because he was not a citizen of the California com monwealth. His friends of Willows; bought him a bed in a San Francisco hospital and paid for an operation which saved his life. But it became necessary for him to leave t'he hos pital. No door the friends knew of was open to l.im.. He was weak from illness and his operation. Representatives of the Salvation Army Home Service program for 1920 at this time organized Colusa county advisory board. 'Here's a case" said the board. nd they told about Ehrman. A wire to San Francisco brought the case to the attention of the Sal vation Army there. In three hours he was out of the hospital, in kindly hands, cared for and provided for and has a place in the Salvation Army Industrial Home where he may re main as long as he desires. The serv ice is free because it is a service to a man in need. Nor does his Oregon citizenship bar him from the the ministrations of the. Salvation Army in the California metropolis. Happy Thought. A married man has to be a brilliant liar to keep peace in the family. One of them talked about Mary In bis sleep ;iil night recently, and his wife's name is Sarah. And there was heltupay next morning until he had an idea and explained that he went to see Mary Pickford in a movie drama the night before andehe dreamed about the show all night. And lie got away with it, too. Arkansaw Thomas Cat. Beliefs That Center About Pearls. Many superstitious beliefs prevail in the East concerning pearls, those gems of the ocean deeps. For Instance, it Is a common practice (only among the. rich, needless to say) to powder a pearl and swallow it either as a tonic for i'ailing vigor or to ward off impending disease or ill luck; or a maiden may rub her eyes With a pearl and tlipl-e-nfter, by merely gazing at a man, she in..y make him her slave! Iran IV9 says the Good Judge A little of the Real Tobacco Chv gives more genuine satisfaction than the big chew of the old kind. Saves money, too because this class of tobacco lasts much longer. The rich to bacco taste stays right with it. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put Up In Two Styles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT Is a long fine-cut tobacco V X r fashion-Favored Fabrics For Spring Sewing FROM THE DAY THE FIRST SHIPMENT OF THESE WONDERFUL FABRICS ARRIVED UNTIL THE LAST WAS RECEIVED, WE HAVE BEEN ANXIOUSLY AWAIT ING THE DAY WHEN WE COULD SPREAD THEM BE FORE YOU. Our success in gathering for your approval, in this day when fab rics are so scarce, such a wide range of both patterns and colors, is ample proof of our ability to supply your every need. You will aij-iy planning ur M'uinjj with thi, iI.-ihIhI stork ( t hooM- from. All th- ti.-w ia!,iir.. II.K. YOII.K, OMANDAS. A l;nliiul raru;.- i r,!,i, in WUOI. J I'.RSKYS. Thomson Bros. K i .1