PAGE SIX THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, March a, 1920. Ipillirsilfl I Seven and JvMR.1 Sale starts at 1 0 o'clock A. M. sharp. The following described property will be sold at Public Auction: 2 Wagons, 3 and one-fourth size wide tires I Wag-on, 3 and one-half size wide tires l Set of Narrow Tired Wheels for 3 and one" half Bain Wagon. 1 Sis teen-foot Wheat Rack 2 Twelve-foot Trail Racks with Brakes. 1 New Racine Buggy 1 Superior lloe Drill 1 Superior Disc Drill 1 Twenty-sixr-foot Wooden Harrow l Tweuty-lwo-foot Steel Harrow 1 Double Action Disc j Single Discs J Dutchman Hows (dang) 1 Side Hill How 1 Walking flow f J;;k's Wei'dfi- 1 Twelve-foot Kiir.hall Weeder 1 Kighl-fool (Independent) ('.rain Binder l KighM'ool Steel ('.rain Roller Sio.oo AND UNDER. CASH. BALANCE 6 MONTHS ON APPROVED BANKABLE NOTES. BANKABLE NOTES MEAN NOTES SIGNED BY TWO PARTIES AND ACCEPT EI) AS GOOD BY A MORROW COUNTY BANK. TWO PER CENT DIS COUNT FOR CASH. EIGHT PERCENT INTEREST ON AP PROVED NOTES. PREE W n alter P. II. Brown, one-half miles Southwest of lieppner at the head of Clarks Canyon ERIV15 01 UNCSi Clerk VI (u)o - -fa I Fourteen-foot McCormick Header (4 boxes) 1 Deering Combine with Kngine. This Com bine is Brand Xew and Never Has Been Run 1 Blacksmith Outfit Complete in Every Way 15 Sets of Harness and Miscellaneous Bridl es, Collars, Halters Complete Camp Outfit 2-3-4-Horse Double Trees, Single Trees, Clevices, Kmery Wheels, Well Pumps, Pipes, Cylinders and a large amount of Tools, such as Shovels and Picks, too numerous to mention; also some House hold Furniture. 1 Two-yearold Heifer, will be fresh , this spring I Crey Registered Percheron Stallion 30 Head of Good Work Horses jo Head of Draft Colts, Yearlings to Three Years Old SALE: AT NOON GodL Owner F. A. McMenamin, Auct. HEPPNER OREGON ONE-PIECE EFFEC1 New Blouse Fitted Around Hips, Colors Matching Skirt Recently Designed Model Fills Long Felt Need in Discriminating Woman's Wardrobe. Overblouses are growing In favoi since designers have brought out new models that have some distinction anc Individuality to them. The old Rus sian type of blouse was not very popu lar and the Inter mode with straight panel down the front had the appear ance of a negligee. The newer over blouses are fitted around the hips and may be obtained In colors matching the skirt of the suit, thus giving the effect of a one-pleeo dress. The buyer in the blouse department of a largo mid-Western store has de signed a Mouse of this type that is particularly attractive. It is tight-fitting thro'jgn the shoulders and has a panel that Is fastened straight across the chest In front and slopes off to the underarm seams with a slight full ness at the waistline. At the hips It in finished with a narrow fringe that covers the break between the blouse and skirt. The style is most becom ing to stout women particularly. The overblouse seemed to fill a long felt need In the discriminating wom an's wardrobe. While the regulation blouse has been a thing of beauty In the Inst five years. It was kept from being a joy forever simply because of the fact that when worn with a skirt It did not look like a complete cos tume. Therefore, the overblouse was hailed with delight, since it gave be coming lines to the wearer and pre served the appearance of a dress as well. But even the long overblouse did not retain Its popularity for a lng time, for It hid the top of the skirt. The obvious solution to the prob lem Is the short, loose overblouse that reaches only to the hip or above It. One New York manufacturer of waists Is showing a number of the hip-length overblouses, designed by his wife. One of these Is made of beige georgette, cut In one-piece, but terfly fashion, says Dally Garment News. The V neck and short sleeves are piped with narrow shaded ombre rib bon that ties In a bow at the bottom buttoned back. The front of the blouse Is decorated with a large spreading sunburst de sign embroidered In cut steel and Jet bugle beads. Tiny loops and buttons fasten the small slits at the sides of the waist. BLOUSE OF WHITE CHIFFON This la a charming blouse of white Chiffon with fringe and white silk braid. It is designed with "V" nock and tight-fitting cuffs. FITTINGS IN NEW HANDBAGS So Complete Is Equipment That Cock tail Set, Cigaretto and Match Cases Art Provided. Much Importance I attached tn hand fins and their titling. So com plete ore some of thi-p fittlne In the new bite, a motion picture actrc could carry nliout a coinp.t rli-!ii nmk.-np within lt (.hallow depth. Tbl full equipment Include mir ror. pLwd.-r box. Hp nick, mill file. Imtton h.Mik. 11.!. I cre-am box, m-i-tit bottle, nuin.irun.tiitn pn.l nn. peii.-ll. One ultra unnrt model Include n com pact CiMktull !. four Sllll.ll bottler a Me. iiiher hnv cliiiirctt and match r:ie. 1 FASHIONS IN BRIEF f'Met liic-t wilt iinid iM'nin to ! clltm. Nuiln lrlm y mnny afiernoon ln4 of coiic.n o,. Xtrlpp J velvet Is on of tin. tienpst li.sterlals In I'nrls. Kurs u-. for lid's ar bnty lamb. taiiH, mm. -ill and inHen. Hhsl and tulo c.llsre ar prornl eerit for Thejr ar lon;i 0f fur. Tt h.i trm of eilitis is to. if! imtler iyn (h ninlie alon nr tl!l. !rii!ljr omntiieMnl, New Idnek tetvet tifi ,vr Jtieir .ni: ir Iii1.1l with tl! fur. and tuuiy ii..rt tun tmrrow -!.-- s of jr.! f nr. T- f. . f ih'nj in f .' : .ti f.i-? he b.-n.i ln-. It-us. . 1 .t; of l,i!:n -er of f !!'' . ill ft l,9 Tom Sawyer Grown Up. Somewhat reminiscent of the meth ods of one Tom Sawyer, who did not enjoy whitewashing the picket fence, was ' the means adopted by an in g'enlous official at the school field meet on Belle Isle Friday. This individual had charge of the large man-power clock, mounted atop a high platform, which required his attendance at five- minute Intervals to advance, the! hands. He noted tlint several pho-j tographers were looking longingly at the stepladder he used in mounting to the clock, and whenever one of them approached to borrow the ladder ha would anticipate the request with a statement that they could take it for five minutes if they would first go up and move the clock hands for him, ceremony which he directed from shady position on the ground. Detroit Free Press. MISS CARITA SPENCER Miss Carita Spencer, New York so ciety woman and chairman of tfie Food for France fund, who is reclaiming an abandoned 200-year-old f.m at Web ster lake, near Franklin, N. H., and dresoes In doughboy garb. HEADS GERMAN DEMOCRATS Th! l IhM-ior IVtTeu of Until ! Imrit. pre. ,.,t f ih,. t,- ,i,.,ii.K-railc 1 rrty of r.ertuatiy. F. A. McMENAMIN I.AWVHI R--beitu I!ld2 Hepparr. Ora, Offlr r:ioe Mala (41 Rei,j,nr Ih..ti Mala C(S u X , :,,v-" - -' H J.-!; I . , '1 m - ROYV.WHITEIS, trAri , i nw. DU. CLYDE H. WALKER I Vi MS tt m ;(. fV -mm